• Published 28th May 2013
  • 11,321 Views, 852 Comments

The Nautilus Protocol - Knight Breeze

Twilight wakes up to find herself trapped in an alien research facility and must find some way to escape!

  • ...

Chapter XXI

Chapter XXI

“What are its weaknesses?” a lieutenant said as he slowly walked around the figment.

“It was both arrogant, and spoiled. It was confused when it realized I hadn’t been stopped by its powers, and tried to test me when it thought that I was no danger to it,” Twilight said as the other ponies slowly walked around the mental construct that she had formed for them. “I had the distinct feeling that it wasn’t using its full power against me, especially when it became irritated by the mental construct I had made to distract it.”

“...Hmm,” Princess Luna hummed as she looked over the alien entity. “I am curious, does it really think of itself in this way?”

The Princess was, of course, referring to how the alien’s mental construct appeared. It looked much like how the Dridune from the Alliance’s illusionary devices appeared, except that it was much taller, had broader shoulders, and seemed to ooze darkness all around it.

“I really don’t think so. It may have made itself look like that in an attempt to frighten me,” Twilight said with a shrug.

“Well, we should-” one of the sergeants started to say, but stopped when the hazy, indistinct plane around them seemed to shimmer and distort.

“Uh, Twilight?” a child’s voice seemed to say from somewhere nearby, yet at the same time it seemed to come from an incredibly long distance. “Your- I mean, someone’s here to see you.”

Twilight shook her head in disbelief. “Can you make her come back later, Spike?” she called out to the mists.

“You know I can’t do that. She’ll just wait outside the door until you come out,” the baby dragon’s voice said, distorting the tranquility of the plane once again.

“She’ll just have to wait, then. I’m trying to-” Twilight started to say, but was interrupted as the plane around the ponies seemed to melt away.

Twilight gasped as her head shot up from the cushion she had been sleeping on, her breath ragged as she remembered where she was. Her eyes quickly swept across the room, taking in the reclining forms of the Dreamguard she had been instructing. “You okay, Twilight?” Spike said, laying a comforting claw on her shoulder.

“She will be fine,” Princess Luna said as she materialized in front of the still rapidly breathing mare. “It is always… disconcerting when one is pulled from the Aetherial plane against one’s will.”

“...Why? We don’t have-” Twilight started to say, but was hushed into silence by the Lunar Princess.

“Twilight, go see your mother.”

“But Princess! I have to make sure that we’re ready when-” Twilight protested as she groggily got to her hooves, but was interrupted again as Luna spoke.

“Do not misunderstand: Your contribution to the cause has been invaluable, and will surely help us in the coming conflict,” the princess said kindly. Her face then morphed into a disapproving frown, however, as she continued to look down at her sister’s student. “However, ever since you got back, you have done nothing but help us prepare. You have been leading the research on runes to block mental intrusion, aiding us in our training, acting as a liaison between the Equestrian and Alliance forces, and have been trying to teach magic to our non-magical allies. You only sleep when we hold these training sessions, and you make absolutely no time for friends or family.”

Twilight shook her head at that. “Princess, I’m working this hard for them! If we do not stop these monsters, then-”

“Twilight, I am well aware of what will happen if we do not stop these invaders, but that does not mean that you have to - or should - dedicate every waking moment to the problem. Your friends and family have done nothing but worry about you the moment you disappeared, but now that they have you back, it is as if you never returned,” Luna reprimanded. “Do you even know how many times Miss Pie has tried to throw you a surprise party in the past three days you have been back?”

“I know, and I’ll make it up to them. I just...” Twilight started to say, but trailed off as she caught the look in Luna’s eyes.

“Twilight. You are not my student, but please learn this lesson from me, before you learn it in a different fashion. You may think that your family are little more than a distraction now, but I promise you, if you give them a chance, you will find that they are your greatest strength,” Luna said pointedly. “Let your family support you, and be there for them in turn. If you continue as you are now, you will burn yourself out before the invaders even get here.”

At that, Twilight's head lowered in surrender. “Okay, Princess. I’ll go see them… After the-”

Luna stamped her hoof at that, causing both Spike and Twilight to jump unexpectedly. “Twilight Sparkle. I will see to the training of my troops. While it is true that you are the only person to face one of these things and survive with your psyche intact, I assure you, I am no stranger to mental assaults,” she said as she raised an eyebrow at the purple unicorn. “Now, go see your mother. I’m sure she’s getting ready to assault the palace guards as we speak, and I really need them for what’s to come.”

Twilight sighed in frustration, then turned to leave. “Come on Spike, let’s go.”

“Right!” the young dragon said as he hopped onto his surrogate mother’s back. As the two turned to leave, the dragon shot a grateful smile back towards Princess Luna, while at the same time mouthing a silent thank you.

The Lunar Princess smiled to herself before vanishing into the aether to join her troops in their training exercise.

* * *

“Ma’am, I’m really sorry, but I can’t let you through!” the tired-looking guard said.

“And I’m telling you that I’m not leaving until I see my daughter!” Twilight Velvet said as she thrust out her lower lip aggressively.

“Ma’am, I don’t want to-” the soldier started to say, but was interrupted as the door behind him opened again, revealing a disheveled, slightly grumpy-looking Twilight Sparkle with a small purple and green dragon riding on her back.

“Mom, I-Oof!” Twilight Sparkle started to say, but was cut off as her mother quickly closed the distance between the two of them, wrapping her hooves around her daughter.

“Have you been eating well? Sleeping? They haven’t been working you too hard, have they?” Twilight Velvet asked in rapid fire succession.

“I’m fine, Mom, really!” her daughter answered.

She was undermined in her statement, however, by the scoffing sound coming from her back. “To answer your questions in order: No, no, and she’s been doing that to herself,” Spike said flatly.


“Thank you, Spike,” Twilight’s mother said sweetly, while she gave her daughter a disapproving stare.


Twilight Velvet didn’t say anything; she just continued to give her daughter that same glare.

“Mom, I’m fine. Really! Besides, it’s more import-Ow!”

Twilight Velvet leaned forward, stood on her tippy hooves, and lightly bit into Twilight Sparkle's ear. She then proceeded to walk away, keeping her daughter’s ear firmly between her teeth.

Twilight was then given a very important decision-Either hold her ground (and possibly lose her ear), or follow her angry mother, all while saying something really embarrassing. While the former seemed like a good idea at first, the moment that her sensitive ear felt her mother’s pull was the moment she lost the will to resist.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,” Twilight said as she quickly followed her mother down the hall.

Spike, of course, found the entire thing absolutely hilarious, and showed his approval by collapsing onto Twilight’s back in a fit of laughter, nearly falling off in the process.

The two guards posted at the door watched impassively as the three turned a corner, not moving a muscle until the baby dragon’s laughter had faded into the distance. Finally, the one on the right breathed out a sigh of relief. “Boy, I’m glad she came out when she did. That mare’s glare could cut stone.

The other one nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I’m just glad she wasn’t like our mother. She would have already been past us, through two hundred of our finest, and had both Princesses out cold before you could even blink.”

“Rule three: Never get between mamma bear and her cubs,” the first said as he straightened up a little bit.

“Amen to that, brother.”

* * *

Donny leaned his back against the tree, a datapad in one hand, and a sandwich in the other. The sandwich wasn’t anything special; just a P.B.J. It was simple fare, but that’s how Donny preferred it. Unlike some other peli he could mention, he actually liked what his race’s new home-world had to offer, especially their cuisine.

He had never seen his ancestral home, never felt the blue grass under his toes, never looked up into the purple sky, and never tasted the food grown from its soil. Few living peli had. Yet there were those that constantly pined for their old home. The closest those scrubs had ever gotten were the old vids that survived the exodus, and even then they had been badly damaged during the power surge that had fried The Journey’s computer.

Donny set down the pad and looked out over the field that his people were using for the Kingfisher. “If’n ever do win this war, I might go back ta see it. But I wouldn’t stay,” he said wistfully to himself. He then took a bite out of his sandwich, chewing thoughtfully as he examined the alien, yet all too familiar world. “First thing’s first, though, gotta save this planet, so they can save us.”

Donny picked up the data pad again, his thoughts focused on the task at hand. “Let’s see, if’n x is the target, then…” he said, but trailed off as his blue fingers danced across the face of the pad, creating line after line of new code to implement into the Kingfisher’s targeting matrix.

As he worked, though, he slowly became aware of the sound of whispered argument. It seemed to be coming from the forest behind him, though the language wasn’t in any tongue that he understood.

That’s not to say he didn’t immediately recognize it, though. It was clearly the same language that the ponies spoke, though until now he had only heard a certain purple unicorn speak it. He sighed in resignation as he reached into his pocket, pulling out his external translator and its earbud, then stuck the earbud into his ear.

Sure, as the chief engineer of a starship, Donny had had plenty of opportunities to augment his body with a translator. He had turned them all down however. It’s not that he had anything against cyber augmentation, it's just that each time he was given that particular offer, he had always found a way to quickly change the conversation before anyone could get to the part where they would put him on a slab and cut his head open.

With the earbud securely in place, Donny pressed the button on the translator, immediately causing his earbud to static out as the darn thing calibrated itself. “...Don’t know, it’s just sittin there,” a young girl said quietly.

“Yeah, it kind of looks friendly! What’s it eating?”

“Probably somepony who got to close to it. That’s probably how they get you: they act all friendly, then whammo! They suddenly sprout tentacles and teeth, and they have a hankering for pony flesh!” a third voice said darkly

“Ya know I can hear ya, right?” Donny said loudly.

This immediately caused the three voices to quiet down, as well as the bushes to Donny’s right to shake uncontrollably. Donny just stood up and brushed himself off. “Look, I know ya won’t believe me, but we’re here ta help. Just don’t stray too close to the work site, okay? We got work ta do, and we can’t do it while ya’ll are underfoot.”

The bushes just shook some more, before becoming still again. Donny knew he wasn't going to coax the children out, nor did he want to: he had far too much work to do, and his break was over anyway.

Sighing slightly to himself, he turned and started off towards the Kingfisher. However, once he reached the halfway point, he couldn’t help but shoot one last glance back towards the forest.

There, standing at the edge of the trees, watching him as he made his way back to his men, were three small pony children. They seemed to be whispering to each other, each of them with a look of pure wonder in their eyes.

Donny couldn’t help it as a smile graced his face, and, for a second, he considered turning back to talk with the skittish children some more. He thought better of it, though, as the memory of why he was here in the first place reared its ugly head.

Donny looked back down at his datapad, new resolve filling him as he looked over the code he had written. “Don’t worry, kids, I got this,” he whispered to himself.

* * *

Queen Chrysalis took a deep, cleansing breath as she looked down at the sprawling city of Canterlot. Last time she had seen it had been months ago, and that had been when she had left the city at high velocity, carried by Shining Armor's love-fueled shield spell.

She wasn't surprised that she held no malice towards the ponies for foiling her selfish plan, though she was surprised to feel a certain amount of melancholy when thinking about what had happened. Had she not been defeated, Equis would not have been prepared for the coming storm, and the destiny of the changeling race would have been frustrated. It was no wonder that the matriarchs had been so against her plan.

“Now do you see why we have tried so hard to strengthen them, rather than break them?” Chrysalis heard them say.

Yes, mothers, I can see that now. I'm sorry for not listening to you when you warned me. It is lucky that I failed in my design,” Chrysalis answered.

“Good, so long as you know this. From here on out, you must remember the duty that has been placed on your shoulders. The Wanderer trusted us with this mission, and by inheritance, you. You cannot betray that trust again,” they warned her.

“I will not,” Chrysalis thought, her resolve firm and unyielding.

“See that you don't. The culmination of all our preparation begins now. You were premature in your attempt to step out into the light during the invasion, but now is your chance. Now is your chance to really show the world what the changeling race has done, what we have given up, all in the name of Freedom,” they said comfortingly.

“My Queen, are you well?” Gath asked, his disguised face revealing his worry.

“I am fine, I was just remembering something that my mother told me,” she answered.

The swarm leader turned to look at the city below. “It is strange, finding out our swarm's true motivations. Why we replace ponies, why we consume love, why we do what we do. It is strange to know that our prey has never been prey, in the real sense of the word. I understand why the matriarchs would keep this hidden, but still...”

“It feels like a betrayal of trust. I felt similarly when I found out, though I was angered more at how we had to stay to the shadows.”

“At any rate, the Princesses and the Star Warriors are waiting for our explanation. How do you think they will take the news?” Gath asked nervously.

“I do not know. I fear that they may be angry with me when they learn that I neglected my duties to prepare them. Despite all that we have put them through, I fear that we may not be ready, and that we will not be able to withstand the Willslayer when his slaves come knocking at our door,” she answered, her disguised shoulders slumping a bit.

“Do not be so pessimistic, Your Majesty. During your reign, we have harvested more love, bewitched more people, and spread out more than any other queen's reign. You have done a magnificent job, despite your one transgression,” he comforted her.

“Yes, but that was all for my own selfish desires. It may have prepared them, yes, but I did not do it for the right reasons. I wonder, if I had put my ambition to better use, would we be ready for the coming storm?” she asked wistfully.

“I prefer not to think about the should haves, and the could have beens. We must focus on the now, and the cards that fate, and our own actions, have dealt us,” Gath said, almost automatically.

Chrysalis straightened up a bit mid-flight. “You're right. There is nothing we can do now but reveal our design and pray for the best.”

Gath nodded, but didn't say anything.

At this point, nothing else needed to be said.

* * *

Celestia was the absolute pinnacle of calm detachment as she held her press conference, though that was only the pony on the surface. Inside, she was a nervous wreck.

She had been very busy as of late, not only because of the numerous war counsels that she had held with Admiral Zelgius and his cabinet, but also with all the petitioners who came to day court, seeking reassurances over the Alliance's appearance. On top of that, the press had been having a field day at her expense with the Alliance's arrival.

She tried hard to relieve her pony's worries, but to be honest, she had very little to give them. What she had given them, though, was enough to cause anypony a heart attack.

Celestia had already released an official declaration, stating that the alien visitors meant no harm, and were here on purely noble reasons. Of course, this did not alleviate the growing fear and panic that was building in the populace in the slightest, especially since those noble reasons were to protect the populace from a much greater alien threat.

They were scared, and Celestia could not blame them. She tried her best to head off panic, but the fact remained that Equestria was about to be invaded. Panic, while not helpful in the slightest, was still entirely called for.

On the plus side, however, recruiting for the Guard was now at an all time high. On top of that, Duke Fancy Pants had already commissioned the construction of several shelters for civilians in an effort to protect the people from the coming carnage.

However, as panicked as her people were getting, as paranoid as many became, she still had a job to do. Some may have thought it folly to announce the reason behind the Alliance's appearance, but this was far too large for her to even think about attempting to cover up. She had to ensure the safety of her people, and pretending that the Dridune were not coming wouldn't help anypony.

“Your Highness, reports say that these so called 'allies' have dropped huge, dome-like devices all over Equestria, and indeed, in many of the lands beyond our borders. Did you know about this development? Or are the alien invaders sneaking things past you?” one of the reporters asked, Juicy Gossip, if Celestia remembered the unicorn mare's name correctly.

“The aliens, as I've stated before in your questioning, are not invading. Rather, they are preparing our world for a much larger threat, as I have already stated in the official declaration. As for the strange, dome-like structures, yes I did know that they were going to start dropping those soon. They may look imposing now, but sometime in the near future, you will look at those devices, look at the alien visitors, and wonder how you could have ever doubted them or me,” Celestia said serenely. “As long as I still draw breath, I will protect Equestria, and this world, from every threat that seeks to invade our borders.”

“Yes, but how would you respond to your detractors? The ones who think you've gone senile, and that you are letting a danger far greater than Discord run amok?” another reporter asked.

“I would ask them if they can name a time, in the past thousand years of my reign, when I have ever led the ponies of Equestria astray. Since I do have such a stellar track record, I would ask for a little bit of faith in me, and in the way that I run things,” she said carefully.

More hooves shot into the air at this, to which Celestia singled out one at random, a rather stocky looking earth pony with a wide-brimmed fedora. “Princess Celestia, we have heard a great deal about the supposed ruin that this 'much larger threat' is bringing, but nothing about them specifically. What, exactly, are we facing?” he asked.

Celestia had been around long enough to recognize instantly when a reporter was trying to 'get the scoop', and when they earnestly were looking for answers.

To her, it was clear that this one was the latter, rather than the former. “What is your name, good stallion?” she asked politely.

“Keen Eye, Your Highness, of the Canterlot Crier,” he said with a bow.

“Well, Keen Eye, I-” she started to say, but was interrupted as one of her Solar Guards leaned in next to her and whispered in her ear.

“Your Highness, they have arrived. They and the Admiral's party are all waiting for you in the gardens near the statue of Discord,” the guard said.

“Thank you, sergeant. Please go alert my sister,” Celestia said as she stood up.

“We already have someone on the way, Your Highness.”

Celestia smiled gratefully at the soldier, then turned to the crowd in front of her. “I apologize, but it seems that something has come up,” Celestia said with some relief. “If you would all like to come back this time tomorrow, I would love to answer any other questions you might have for me. As for your question, Keen Eye, how would you like an exclusive interview with me and my sister, probably around nine tomorrow? But for now, I must consult with Equestria's allies about what the future will hold.”

Celestia then stepped down from her throne, making her way out of the room while her guards shielded her from the throng of ponies, each one shouting for answers and assurances that she could not give.

Author's Note:

Well, after eight months of procrastinating, writing, re-writing, telling myself I'm no good, that this entire thing is nothing but a crap fest that should be scrapped, slamming my head against the table, deleting whole chapters, rewriting half of them, and generally screwing around, I finally said "screw it, I'm releasing what I've got!"

Hope you enjoy my pain, because it took me a really long freaking time to finally get this chapter up to the point where I didn't cringe every time I looked at it.

Still hate its guts though. Hopefully the next chapter will be better.:facehoof: