• Published 28th May 2013
  • 11,321 Views, 852 Comments

The Nautilus Protocol - Knight Breeze

Twilight wakes up to find herself trapped in an alien research facility and must find some way to escape!

  • ...

Chapter IV

Chapter IV

The whole station was in an uproar. Orders were telepathically shouted over the Psytransceivers, captives were all being shepherded back to their cells, and all hands quickly took up battle stations in preparation for what they knew was going to be a major attack on the facility.

There was no other logical explanation for what just happened. Nobody just winked out of existence like that, so there must have been a ship of some sort nearby that had teleported the equine away.

And if there was one ship, there was most definitely more.

Jaleth quickly made her way to the observation deck as thoughts constantly jumped back and forth inside her brain. What happened back there? Was there an fleet nearby? Had the Galactic Alliance finally decided to end this place?

It was a distinct possibility, but that didn't mean that she should blow her cover just yet. I can still make a difference here, and help as a saboteur from the inside, she thought to herself as she entered the observation deck.

But first she needed to know what was happening.

“Give me a status report Gelzok, what's out there?” she asked the male Dridune at the scanner station.

“Completing last sensor sweep... now. All scanners report that there is nothing within range Ma'am,” the technician said, confusion clearly evident in his thoughts.

“...Nothing? Not even from the psychic scanners?”

“No ma'am, nothing at all.”

This was extremely odd. Even if the ship was cloaked, there still would have been some sort of residue, either from their jump drive, or from their plasma engines. They certainly wouldn't have been able to locate the cloaked ship, but still...

“Captain Clysoth, report. What is going on out there?” Qualda demanded through the Psytranceiver.

“Nothing sir, there is literally nothing out there. No cloaking signatures, no jump signatures, no weapon fire, nothing. It's dead out there sir.”

There was a long pause from the Psytransceiver. Jaleth couldn't help but imagine the look of complete confusion on the creepy scientist's face. “Continue scanning. Also check the station scan logs and try to figure out what happened to the specimen. No one simply vanishes into thin air, there must be a logical explanation.”

“Yes sir,” she replied.

“This could not have happened at a worse time... Our yearly inspection is due in a couple of days, and a high ranking Psywarrior is going to be a part of the inspection team. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not have my psyche crushed by his displeasure at losing such a valuable specimen.”

Jaleth felt the bottom drop out of her stomach as a wave of pure terror filled her mind. A Psywarrior? Here?

In retrospect, it seemed obvious that the station that created the Psystones would play host to the Psywarriors from time to time. However, Psywarriors were rare, numbering only in the hundreds. Also, because of the war with the Galactic Alliance, all of them were deployed on the front lines, turning Jaleth's countrymen into slaves of the Dridune.

With these two things in mind, it was no wonder that she was surprised at the appearance of a Psywarrior.

She knew that she had to get off the station before that Psywarrior arrived. If she was probed, the damage that could be done to the Galactic Alliance's spy network would be catastrophic.

True, she had a cyanide 9 tablet in one of her teeth, and she was not afraid to die for her cause.

She would just rather avoid that scenario at all costs.

* * *

Twilight Sparkle was lost.

This was not just any kind of lost either, this was the special kind of lost created when you teleport without any destination in mind.

It wasn't her fault either. The moment that... thing... had psychically informed the room that they were going to vivisect her, she had been understandably freaked out.

Her first pick would have been home. But after hearing that she wasn't even on her own planet anymore, she was unsure if home was even within her safe teleportation range. Sure, she could try, and she might actually succeed. But the chances of her ending up inside out became a certainty after a few thousand miles. If she were to factor in interstellar distances, not to mention the fact that she had no clue which direction home even was, and she would be lucky if she even ended up in the right dimension.

So she had teleported on pure instinct instead. While this had the upside of her not being in danger of facing a live dissection, it had the downside of her not knowing where the heck she was.

From a cursory glance, however, she would have to say that she was in the laundry room, if the smell of soap and the clothes that surrounded her were any indication of that sort of thing.

Specifically, she was probably in one of the dirty clothes hampers.

She was roused from her musings by the mental impressions of the strange telepathy that those monsters used in the place of speech. She froze as soon as she felt those impressions, hoping that the sound of the washing machines had sufficiently masked her appearance.

If those monsters can hear thoughts, then I'm doomed. Oh please Celestia, don't let them hear my thoughts! she silently prayed.

“I can't believe we're on laundry duty again!” she heard one of them say in that peculiar mind-speak of theirs.

It was weird. She was certain that they were not thinking in equestrian, and all she was getting from the squid-like monsters were feelings and pictures, but she could still understand what was being said.

“At least down here we can actually talk to each other,” she heard the other one think. “If we were on guard duty, we would have to stand there in total silence for hours, waiting for-”

The second monster stopped talking as a loud alarm started to sound throughout the room, causing Twilight to flatten her ears against the sides of her head in annoyance.

“Attention! All hands to battle-stations! One of the test subjects has escaped and we have reason to believe that an enemy assault on the station is imminent. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill. Report to your battle commanders immediately and secure all remaining test subjects in their respective wards,” she heard someone shout telepathically.

Silence followed the announcement, and Twilight froze again, not wanting to make the slightest sound that could alert the aliens to her location. Seconds past, but to Twilight they felt more like hours.

“What?” one of them thought to the other in annoyance, finally breaking the uncomfortable silence.

“weren't you just saying how boring it was around here? I took this position to be as far away from the front-lines as possible!” she heard the other one think.

There was the sound of a door sliding somewhere nearby, and she could hear them continue to argue, but she lost the conversation as soon as the door closed.

Twilight's head popped out of the laundry basket as she let out a sigh of relief. “Well, that was fascinating, it seems that they cannot hear thoughts, and that their telepathy can be blocked by certain materials,” she said out loud.

She felt pretty secure in her reasoning. If they could hear thoughts, then they would have found her quite easily (she was having a panic attack in the hamper and was sure they could here every bit of it). She also noticed that while the heavy metal door blocked their conversation, the clothes hamper did nothing to prevent her from hearing what was being thought.

She started to climb out of the clothes hamper, but was slowed down a bit by her awkward position. Eventually she lost her temper and just teleported out of the hamper instead.

“Hmmm....” she said as she looked up at the large metal door. She was in clear danger, with no friends, no information, and no fall-backs. If she wasn't careful, these strange creatures wouldn't hesitate to kill her. After all, they were about to vivisect her, and she was sure that while they would find a dead specimen less than ideal, they would still prefer that over a specimen on the loose.

Summoning her magic, she quickly transmuted some of the clothes in the hamper into a clipboard, quill, and a bottle of ink. While not strictly speaking necessary, she found that having a physical check-list helped her organize her thoughts and come up with plans.

And boy, did she need a plan.

* * *

He liked to break rocks. Breaking rocks was something he was good at. Plus, it kept him from trying to think.

Thinking was too hard.

He felt sad when the caretakers had come and taken the purple horse away. Why would that make him sad though? He frowned at this, trying to figure out the conundrum, but quickly gave up. Figuring things out was simply too hard, and it distracted him from his work.

Hopefully the horse would be back, though. He didn't want to forget it like the others.

Were there others? He wasn't sure... but it felt like there might have been others at one time.

Shrugging slightly to himself, he lifted the pickax to break up the rock in front of him when a ear-piercingly loud alarm filled the yard. He felt words and ideas enter his mind, but they were far too complex for him to even guess at their meaning.

The words and ideas made him feel strange however. He wasn't sure why, but they made him feel... happy... for some reason. But happy wasn't the right word for how he felt, though.

The caretakers apparently knew what the words meant however, and started to move towards the ward-mates at work.

“back to bed," he heard one of them say to him. Obediently, he dropped his pickax and followed the other ward-mates back to his bunk. He felt a bit melancholic that he couldn't continue working on the rocks, but he still felt inexplicably happy for some reason.

The feeling was hard to describe. It wasn't the kind of happy he felt at mealtimes, or after he had broken up a particularly large rock. It wasn't even the kind of happy he felt after a long, hard day's work. He couldn't quite shake the feeling that he had felt this kind of happy before, either.

It intrigued him, and he felt that it should have a name that was different than just plain old 'happy'.

It was also surprisingly easy to hold on to the feeling. For some reason, it continued to stay with him despite the fact that thinking about anything was hard. Why was that, though? Why was this one feeling so easy to hold on to, when everything else just seemed to slip through his fingers?

He continued to wonder about this as he climbed into bed. Eventually, he stopped wondering and just continued to enjoy the feeling.

As sleep started to take him, a word bobbed to the surface of his mind. It was a small word, but it held great meaning. It seemed to carry the weight of the world on it, and it was also inseparably connected to the happy feeling that was surging through his chest.

He lied there for probably an hour while he tried to make sense of this word. When he finally fell asleep, it was only because he had finally figured out what that word meant.


* * *

He woke with a start. Something was... off. He wasn't sure what it was, but something did not feel right.

He looked around the dark ward for a little bit, but couldn't see what had caused him to wake up so suddenly. Shrugging slightly to himself, he rolled over and attempted to go back to sleep.

He was foiled in his attempt, however, when a bright purple flash appeared on his bed. It briefly illuminated the room and left just as quickly, spoiling his night vision and leaving him blind in the darkness of the ward.

Before he could try to comprehend what he had just seen, he became aware of a presence next to him on the bed. He squinted in the darkness in an attempt to see what the presence was, only to have that question answered when a faint purple glow pierced the darkness, allowing him to see.

Lying in bed next to him was the purple horse from earlier. He couldn't understand how it had gotten in here, but he was glad to see it nonetheless. Why was he glad to see it?

Before he could even try to think about this new conundrum, the purple pony lowered its head and gently touched his collar with the tip of its horn. He briefly felt the skin under the collar tingle slightly, but other than that, nothing seemed to happen.

The pony was apparently satisfied with whatever it had done, however, seeing as how it now wore a self-satisfied smirk on its face. It nodded once to itself, then lowered its head once more.

This time its horn lightly touched his forehead, and for a brief moment, nothing seemed to happen.

Then his world exploded.

Lights, sounds, smells, feelings, and tastes all bombarded him, demanding his attention. It was painful. More painful than he could possibly imagine. Yet it was a good kind of pain, similar to the feeling of poison being drawn from a wound.

After what seemed like eternity, but at the same time seemed like only a second, he started to see images flash quickly in front of his eyes. It was like watching a movie played at super-sonic speeds.

It was all so very confusing, but he found that he could still keep up with everything that he saw and heard. The images were alien, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel as if he had seen all of this before... It felt so familiar...

It suddenly occurred to him that he was seeing someone's life flash before his eyes. Just as that thought bubbled to the surface of his mind, he also realized that it was his life that was flashing before his eyes!

Just as quickly as it had started, it all suddenly came to a screeching halt. The pony's horn stopped glowing, and he felt the tip of it remove itself from his forehead.

Groaning slightly to himself, Lieutenant Captain Zachery Hale shook his head to clear it from the last vestiges of the drug that had robbed him of his free will, then looked up at where he thought the strange pony would be. He then said the only thing that seemed appropriate at the time. The only thing that fully conveyed everything that he was feeling right now.

“What the heck?”

Author's Note:

Here's chapter four! sorry it took so long, I blame work and college. please be patient, hopefully I'll be able to update more often now.
Also PLEASE leave comments below. tell me what I'm doing right, but more importantly tell me what I'm doing wrong. I cant improve unless I get some feedback.

EDIT: Not as many errors to fix in this one than the others, but hey, still got to it.