• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 24,326 Views, 1,579 Comments

As Sweet As Lavender - Draconian Soul

The world sees her as an abomination. They see her as a gift.

  • ...

New Era

“I still don’t understand why you have to get your hooves manicured by the spa twins when you got a husband who is can work magic with his hands!”

Spike followed Rarity, making their towards the Ponyville Day Spa.

“Oh, you mean the same set of hands that are owned by my childish husband who uses them in places he should’t?” she sharply aske.

“Well, it loosened you up, didn’t it?”

“It did, but that’s not the point; for once I would prefer the treatment of professionals who can treat me with the pampering I deserve without playing all the time.”

Spike brought a claw to his mouth and snickered. “Well, look who decided to act all haughty this morning.”

Rarity huffed at Spike’s snarky quip, pointing her nose towards the sky. “What, you don’t think I deserve to be treated like a dignified lady?”

“I never said that, but it wouldn’t kill you to have a little goofy fun every now and then.”

“And it wouldn’t kill you to act your age every now and then,” said Rarity, smiling wryly at him. Spike couldn’t help but smile back.

“Back to what I was saying,” Spike began, “why is it necessary to spend more money on the spa? I mean, you went there just yesterday!”

Rarity turned towards Spike to explain herself. “This isn’t just for me, Spikey. It’s also for you. I had a little extra spending money, so I thought I might give my hubby a little extra care.”

“Well, aren’t you the generous one,” Spike complimented with a huge grin.

“I try to be,” Rarity responded, kissing him on the cheeks. “Besides, Fluttershy is going to be there, and I’m simply dying to catch up with her. It would be lovely if you did the same.”

“So, this is mainly a way for us to stay in contact with an old friend?” Spike asked.

“That… and I really want to get my hooves treated,” Rarity sighed dreamily. “Not to mention how nice it will feel to dip into that warm jacuzzi.” She giggled in bliss, anticipating the manicure.

The couple shared idol conversations, laughing and making soft quips towards each other on their way to the spa. The two entered into the spa to be greeted by the lively twin owners.

“If it isn’t our number one customer, Mrs. Rarity,” Lotus Blossom greeted.

“How can we serve you and Mr. Spike today?” Aloe followed up, smiling brightly at the couple.

“For the time being, we just want to take a relaxing dip in the jacuzzi,” Rarity requested, pulling out a hoof full of bits. “We’ll accommodate for my husband once we get done catching up with a good friend.”

The two sisters collected their pay, and led the two to the spacious spa room. The sisters provided a robe and towel for the two before attending to the other customers.

“Call us when you need to,” Lotus stated.

“And please, do enjoy yourself,” followed Aloe, leaving Spike and Rarity to enjoy themselves.

“Oh, hi,” Fluttershy greeted meekly while submerged into the jacuzzi.

“Hey, Fluttershy,” Spike responded waving.

“Fluttershy, darling!” Rarity smiled widely and grabbed her towel, wrapping it around her head. “Care if we join you?”

“Sure, if you want to.”

With that said, Rarity trotted towards the Jacuzzi and slowly slid herself into the warm waters, sighing in pleasure. Spike didn’t waste anytime jumping into the jacuzzi, splashing water on the outside.

“A-Are things going well for you two?” Fluttershy asked, attempting to start up a conversation.

“Oh, Spike and I are enjoying ourselves immensely,” Rarity replied, wrapping her hooves around Spike and planting a wet kiss around his cheek. “He’s still the sweetheart he was back then, only a tad more sarcastic.

Spike smirked at her response. “It comes with having to deal with an OCD mare who won’t work if a fly is flying in her workspace. How about yourself, Fluttershy? You managing well?”

“Oh, I’m doing fine, Spike,” Fluttershy responded with a soft smile. “It’s always nice to talk to my friends. We don’t do that too often anymore.”

“We still have time to get together, surely,” Rarity stated. “just not as frequent as I’d like.”

“I suppose…” Fluttershy stated. “Still, it would be nice to have the group back together again, but with Rainbow Dash being a member of the Wonderbolts, and with you and Spike being so busy…”

“I understand, Fluttershy. It’s not the same anymore, is it?”

Fluttershy nodded and frowned. “It would be better if Angel was still around to accompany me. But…” Small tears began forming around Fluttershy’s eyes.

The air grew thick and extremely awkward. Spike coughed into his fist in discomfort, thinking of a way to change the subject.

“So, um, how is your babysitting thing going?” he asked. Almost instantly, her ears perked up with slight joy.

“It’s going wonderful,” she replied. “I don’t get too much diversity, but the recurring customers are really nice. The children themselves are also really sweet, even if some are kind of rough with my animals.”

Rarity softly grinned. “I’m just glad you can take care of Lavender whenever Spike and I need to make business trips. I feel absolutely awful for not paying you though; you’ve been very patient with her, and it doesn’t seem right that you aren’t getting paid.”

“Oh, I could never charge a dear friend to watch over their child,” Fluttershy waved off. “You’ve all done so much for me in the past, it’s the least I could do. Speaking of little cuties, how is Lavender doing?

“Much better,” Rarity said with a smile. “She’s actually out with her friend now.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful! What’s her friend’s name?”

“Sugar Snap,” Spike answered. “Sweet child, and quite the flatterer if I do say so myself.” He grinned and stuck his chest out in pride.

“She’s a sweet filly. She’s a really embracive filly too. I’d be surprised if she wasn’t trying to push Lavender into the Cutie Mark Crusaders right now.”

“I wouldn’t doubt that either,” Rarity giggled.

“If she does become a member, hopefully she can make some new friends. Maybe Fizzle will even open up to her.”


“Oh, I’m sorry. I never told you about him. He’s a very sweet colt I have had the pleasure of babysitting every time his parents are away. His parent’s are traveling salesponies, so they are gone from time to time.”

“So, you must babysit him quite often then,” Spike concluded.

“Oh, of course. Sometimes it’s a few days, other times it’s a couple of weeks. He’s really bonded towards me in these past few months. I even heard him call me Mother Fluttershy before.”

“Oh, well isn’t that cute,” Rarity gushed.

“He’s a very adorable kid.” Rarity and Fluttershy shared soft giggles while Spike nearly gagged from the mushy conversation. “Though, I wish he would interact with the other children more. He’s so soft spoken around them; he always distances himself from the other ponies.”

“A shy one, I assume?” Rarity inquired.

“Well, that, and he personally told me why he avoids confrontation with the others.”

“And that is?”

“Well,” Fluttershy began, hesitant to release personal information. “Let’s just say he tries to stay out of trouble. If that means isolating himself, then he will accept it.”


The group of Crusaders began climbing up the ladder, sporting their signature CMC cape. Most of the members looked at Lavender, shocked that she was among their group; however, they didn’t pay her much attention and sat around the clubhouse.

Fizzle took his cape off the shelf and put it on, finding a solitary corner to sit at. Noticing how antisocial he was being, Lavender frowned and walked over to him.

“Um… are you going to sit back here with me?” Fizzle asked, flushing slightly.

“No,” she replied, walking behind him. “You’re going to sit up there with us!”

“W-What?” Lavender nudged his backside with her nose, pushing him towards the rest of the ponies. “B-But I don’t like sitting where ponies will notice me!”

“Too bad; you’re sitting with us.”

“But what if they notice me? If they ask me something and I say something silly…”

“Then you say something silly! Now stop being difficult and move by yourself!”

Fizzle tried to push back, but Lavender proved too strong for him. She scooted the nervous Fizzle towards the middle of the room.

“Please, Lavender. I don’t want to sit in the middle of the room. The ponies… they might stare at me.”

“Stare at you, with a dracony sitting in the middle?” Lavender laughed at that thought. “And even if they did, at least you’ll be sitting by a friend.”

Fizzle’s eyes widened once she said that word. “You… consider me a friend?”

When Lavender nodded her head and smiled widely at him, he felt as if his heart was about to burst out of his chest. He gave a small smile, trying to compose himself.

“Also, if anypony wants to give you trouble, I’ll give them the ol’ one two dragon punch!” Lavender jabbed at the air playfully; the other ponies started giggling as they saw her display.

“Um, I don’t think you have to do all that,” Fizzle stated, “but… if you think I’ll be okay…”

Lavender put her claws on Fizzle’s shoulders. “I don’t think you’ll be okay, I know it.”

Fizzle smiled softly, finally lifting himself up and voluntarily walking towards the center of the room. Taking a small breath, he turned and faced Lavender. “Is it… is it okay if I sit by you?”

Lavender raised an eyebrow at his question. “Why would you need to ask that?”

“I was just… making sure you were okay with it.”

“Of course I’m okay with it! Like I said before, you’re my friend.”

The two sat close to the front. Lavender noticed that Sugar Snap hadn’t taken her seat among the other ponies yet. Not only that, but her cape was golden, much different from the others.

“Hey Fizzle, why does she get the fancy shmancy cape while everypony else is stuck with the normal red one?”

Before she could receive her answer, Sugar Snap stood on top of her podium and coughed loudly to gain attention.

“Attention, Cutie Mark Crusaders!” she exclaimed at the top of her lungs. “I am proud to announce, as the president of this club…”

“Wait… she’s the president?” Lavender sat in shock, listening to her speech.

“...it is my pleasure to introduce a new member to the club. I’m pretty sure that most of you have noticed her by now, so I want you to welcome the newest member, Lavender!”

All the fillies and colts looked at Lavender, who lightly waved at everypony that stared at her.

“Wait, why does she get to be a CMC?” one of the colts pointed out. “She’s not even a pony! Can she even get a cutie mark?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Sugar Snap stated. “Remember that the Cutie Mark Crusaders accepts any filly or colt who is considered a blank flank.”

“But, she’s not either one of those!” Lavender turned towards the cream-tinted pegasus and snarled at him.

“Well, if you don’t like it Brass Bolt, you can just leave. Not like you were much help anyways.”

Brass Bolt grumbled and folded his hooves, glaring at Lavender, who stuck her tongue out at him in disgust.

“Anyways, like I was saying, I want you all to welcome our newest member, Lavender, as she accepts her official Cutie Mark Crusaders cape.”

With that said, Sugar Snap motioned Lavender to meet her at the pedestal. Lavender complied and walked towards the front of it.

“Lavender, do you agree to follow the rules of the club at all times?”

“Um… yeah?” Lavender responded.

“Now, the Cutie Mark Crusaders is about helping others find their potential and get their cutie marks. If somepony ask for help, you give them help. We always lend each other a hoof when they need it, so you must do the same. Are you willing to accept that?”

“Well, I don’t really have a choice. You did drag me here after all,” Lavender taunted.

“Please, just answer with a simple yes…”

“Fine. Then yes.”

“Then I am happy to make you an official member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Now, just put your ho… erm… claw on the sacred first book of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“By putting your hands on this, you’re swearing an oath to the CMC. You break the oath, and we can kick you from the group. So, with that said, what do you say?”

Lavender put her hand in the air and set it on top of the book. After this action was done, Sugar Snap smiled widely and pulled a red cape from behind the podium.

“Congratulations, Lavender! You are now a member of our great Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

With the announcement, the crowd of fillies and colts stomped on the floor, applauding the entrance of their newest member of the group. Lavender turned around and watched with delight, happy that she wasn’t ridiculed by the other Crusaders. The only one who wasn’t stomping was Brass Bolt, who still had his arms folded and continued eyeing Lavender.

“Alright everypony, today’s meeting will be very short. All we are here to do is pick who you want to have in your small groups. We now have fifteen members, so that means we can have… um…” Sugar Snap paused and put her hoof to her head, trying to figure it out.

“Um… five groups of three, maybe?” Fizzle meekly replied, lowering his head and tapping the ground.

“Right! Thanks Fizzle,” Sugar Snap replied. “Anyways, as soon as you find your group, you are free to go. But choose wisely; the pony you choose will be in your group until you find your cutie mark. Alright, now go!”

The Crusaders immediately tried to group up with their closest friends, so they wouldn’t be isolated. Lavender watched as all but Fizzle moved around to locate a group.

“By the way, Lavender, you’re going to be in my group,” Sugar Snap whispered. “Gotta keep an eye on the new one.”

“And just how are you going to do that if you’re constantly darting all over the place?” Lavender asked.

“I have my ways,” Sugar Snap smiled and looked at the Crusaders making forming their groups and laughing as they exited the building. “Okay, now all we have to do is choose one more. I was going to consider Brass Bolt as a partner, but if he’s going to be a jerk to you, I don’t think that would be good.”

“Why Brass Bolt?”

“Because he’s a very helpful pegasus, when he isn’t being a jerk,” Sugar Snap sighed. “But since he seems to have a problem with you, which by the way doesn’t happen often here! We’re all very nice to anything that decides to join. At one point, we offered a griffon to join us!”

“And the reason the griffon didn’t join was?”

“She couldn’t get a cutie mark, so she said no,” Sugar Snap smiled. “But like I was saying, we should get somepony who is beneficial to our team. We need somepony who can communicate well with us; somepony who is always helpful no matter…”

“Hey, Fizzle, come join us!” Lavender shouted out, catching the attention of both Fizzle and Sugar Snap.

“Um, Lavender, why him?” Sugar Snap questioned. “I mean, I don’t have a problem with it, but what does he have to offer us?”

“Nothing,” Lavender said with a smile. “He’s just a friend. Weren’t the original CMC’s friends with each other?

“Well, yeah…”

“So why not do the same thing with our group? It’ll make helping each other much easier because we’ll like each other.”

Sugar Snap considered what she had said, smiling widely. “You know what, you’re right!” She flew behind Lavender and ruffled her hair with her hooves. “Knew there was a reason I wanted you to join!”

Lavender shook her head and turned towards Fizzle again. “Come on, Fizzle. You’re in our group now.”

“Um… well.. okay…” he trotted slowly to the two girls, smiling sheepishly. With the five groups finally decided, the rest of the ponies went off to get to know each other better. While the other fillies and colts trotted off to play and learn ways to get their cutie marks, Lavender, Sugar Snap, and Fizzle stood inside of the treehouse.

“So, you’re the club president, huh?” Lavender asked.

“Yup yup!” Sugar Snap answered, shaking her head rapidly.

“Should have known there was a reason you dragged me here,” Lavender laughed. “Also should have guessed that was the reason why you were so bossy to Fizzle.”

“Well, I have to make sure nopony is slacking off,” Sugar Snap stated. “It’s not easy being in charge of fourteen…”

“Um… fifteen now,” Fizzle corrected, jolting back as soon as Sugar Snap glared at him.

“Yes… fifteen… and that’s a big load sometimes.”

“I bet,” Lavender responded. She trotted towards the window and stared out of it. “It’s a nice day outside. Wanna go out to the pond and just talk for a while?”

“Sure! I’d love to do that!” Sugar Snap replied.

“Well… if you want to, then I’m fine with it,” Fizzle followed up.

“Okay then, let’s go!” Lavender rushed towards the ladder and climbed down swiftly. “Race you both to the pond!”

“You’re on!” Sugar Snap accepted the challenge and flew out the door, sticking her tongue out at both Fizzle and Lavender. “Gee, me racing against an earth pony and a flightless dracony. I wonder who will win?”


“How… in Equestria… did you beat me?”

Sugar Snap panted heavily, trying to keep herself afloat. Both Lavender and Fizzle had beaten her to the pond.

“Just because you have wings, doesn’t mean can outdo us in a legit race,” Lavender taunted, swirling her fingers in the water. “We can’t all be a Rainbow Dash, though it’s a shame you’re barely a Fluttershy.”

“Oh, go jump in a pile of rotten apples!” Sugar Snap retorted. She landed on the ground next to Fizzle, spreading her wings to relax. “You know, I kind of like reserved Lavender better. She’s so much easier to talk to, right Fizzle?”

“Well… she’s not that easy to tal…” Fizzle paused after the realization of what he was about to say. “I… I didn’t mean it that way, Lavender! Really I…”

Lavender giggled at his discomfort. “Calm down, Fizzle. You gotta loosen up, buddy. I’m not mad at you.”

Fizzle nodded at Lavender’s request.

“Though… because you almost let it slip out…” Lavender sunk her claw into the pool and splashed a handful into his face. “You get drenched!”

Sugar Snap and Lavender giggled while Fizzle shook the excess water off of him, frowning afterwards.

“I deserved that…” he replied, causing the laughter eventually turned into awkward silence. “I should really watch what I say. I mean… I could hurt somepony’s feelings…”

Sugar Snap rolled her eyes and looked at Lavender. “Look, I know you’re trying to be friendly, but why does the killjoy have to be in our group?”

Lavender ignored her statement and grabbed Fizzle’s face. “Now Fizzle, why are you acting so depressed?”

“I… well…”

“I don’t want you to act like everything is your fault! You’re no fun when you’re sad and upset!”

Fizzle’s face flushed. “Well, I…”

He paused when Lavender leaned towards his face, staring into his soul. “Listen to me and listen to me good, I like you better when you’re happy… so, for me… could you be happy.”

Although Lavender was staring at him with a stern expression, Fizzle’s exaggerated view saw things differently. The scenery before him practically sparkled as a half lidded Lavender stared him down. A small smile began to form on his face.

“See, we’re making progress already!” Lavender exclaimed. “See, Sugar Snap, there is hope for this one!”

Fizzle’s smile grew slightly wider. Though Lavender was oblivious to his dreamlike trance, Sugar Snap took notice of his expression, smiling softly.

“Besides, you won’t be the only one to get wet! See!” Lavender held her breath and dunked her head under into the water. The loud splash was enough to knock Fizzle out of his trance; he looked at Sugar Snap, who was giving him a devious smile.

“Um… what? Did I do anything?” Fizzle asked.

“Oh, nothing…”

The two sat and watched as Lavender kept her head submerged under water, longer than they thought was possible.

“I… Is she going to be okay?” Fizzle questioned.

“I don’t know…” Sugar Snap responded scratching her head.

Mere minutes after having her head submerged underwater, Lavender lifted herself up and gasped.

“Hey, I think I found something down there!” Lavender shouted out, shaking the excess water off of her and onto her friends.

“W-What did you find, Lavender?” Fizzle asked, shielding his face from the amount of water she shook at him.

“It looked round… and shiny. I kind of want it.”

“But, it’s at the bottom of the pond,” Sugar Snap stated. “How are you going to get it?”

Lavender blew the hair bang that was getting in the way of her eyes. “Easy! Dive in the water and get it. Shouldn’t be too hard.”

“But, you don’t know how deep the…”

Lavender ignored the statement Sugar Snap was about to say and dived into the water. Fizzle and Lavender looked down at the water, waiting for their friend to reemerge.

“Do… do you think she’s going to be alright down there?” Fizzle asked, concerned about the well being of Lavender.

“Hopefully,” Sugar Snap replied, leaning close to the water to see if she could locate Lavender. “If she doesn’t come back up in the next forty seconds, I’m going to dive and see if I she’s okay.” She looked back up at Fizzle and giggled. “But seeing how well she held her breath the first time, she should be fine.”

“Yeah,” Fizzle replied dreamily. “She’s definitely not like anypony I’ve ever seen.”

“HA! I knew it!” Sugar Snap fluttered in the air and pointed at Fizzle. “You like Lavender!”

Fizzle’s entire face turned beat red, causing Sugar Snap to laugh even harder. “N-No I don’t! Really!”

“Well, unless you’re getting sunburn, nopony’s face turns red like that normally. Also, you seemed a little too happy when Lavender was super close your face.”

Fizzle lowered his head in defeat, embarrassed that Sugar Snap caught on so quickly embarrassment. “You… you’re not going to tell her about this are you?”

“Of course not,” she reassured, “but I am going to tease you about it from now on.”

“Can you please just let this go?”

“Nope, not until you tell her,” she replied, sticking out her tongue.

Fizzle fell silent in defeat, turning his attention back to the now bubbling water. Within seconds, Lavender appeared from under the water, spitting water into Fizzle’s face and giggling.

“Found it!” she replied, stepping out of the water and shaking it off of her. A small, silver orb was wedged between her claws, catching the attention of Sugar Snap.

“So, what did you find?” Sugar Snap asked, flying towards Lavender.

“Oh, just this!” Lavender held out the tiny pearl in the palm of her hand. “It’s really shiny… and it kind of looks tasty,” she replied, licking her lips, tempted to munch on it right there. However, just as she was about to pop it into her mouth, she looked at the pearl, closing her lips.

“You know what, I think my mom will like this,” she said, putting it in her cape pocket. “It might make up for me and Daddy eating her gems.”

“Ahh! But I wanted it!” Sugar Snap groaned. “Mom could make a nice tiara out of that!”

“Well, you can’t have it,” Lavender taunted. “I found it, so it’s mine, and I can do what I want with it.”

The trio spent their time talking and getting to know each other more. Fizzle himself was the quietest of the group, but he eventually started warming up to the group, especially to Lavender.

As the day went by, the trio relaxed and laid on the soft grass.

“Okay, so what could we do to get our cutie marks?” Sugar Snap brought a hoof to her head and tried to think. “I got it! We borrow the pets of the elements, take them to the clubhouse, get some scissors, trim their hair, and get our pet grooming cutie marks!”

Lavender raised an eyebrow at Sugar Snap’s idea. “Do you know how to cut animal hair?”

“No, but it can’t be that hard, right?”

“Um… I don’t know if that would work,” Fizzle stated. “I mean, what if they said no?”

Sugar Snap sighed. “Good point Fizzle. We should try to think of something that the grown ups won’t mind us doing.”

The trio continued conjuring up ideas for their cutie marks.

“Hmm, what about this?” Lavender began. “Maybe… we can get a rock climbing cutie mark!”

“I think that would only work for you, Lavender,” Sugar Snap replied. “And it’s not something I would want to do anyways.”

Lavender folded her arms and pouted, “I thought it was a good idea…”

“I-It was a great idea, Lavender,” Fizzle reassured, “it’s just… we can’t do it.”

“Well, since my idea can’t work, do you have an idea, Fizzle?” Lavender looked directly at Fizzle, waiting for him to make a response.

“Well, no,” he duly said. “I’m not good with coming up with ideas.”

The group sighed, annoyed at the lack of progress they were making.

“Well, it is only our first day in a group together,” Sugar Snap said. “We can always try again later.”

“Yeah, that sounds good,” Lavender agreed, laying on the ground. “I’m tired of talking about CMC stuff.”

Lavender rested her head on the soft grass, looking at the orange sky. It was a nice, soothing atmosphere; the kind of setting that she would love lazing under.

“Wait…” Lavender jolted up. “It’s getting late! I gotta get home for dinner!” Lavender turned towards Fizzle and Sugar Snap. “I’d love staying around longer, but I need to go home. This is the last time I’ll see Auntie Sweetie before she leaves.”

“Wait! One of the original Crusaders was here, and you didn’t tell me?” Sugar Snap gasped, grabbing Lavender with her hooves. “Why didn’t you tell me!”

“Why didn’t you tell me you wanted me to be a Crusader from the beginning?”

Sugar Snap was at a loss for words. “You win this one, Lavender…”

“Well… we don’t want to prevent you from going home with your family,” Fizzle said. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

Lavender gave a toothy smile. “Yeah, and since we have the same class, we can talk to each other everyday, right?

“Yeah… right…” Fizzle tapped his hooves together and blushed. Lavender just smiled back, oblivious to his growing affection.

“Bye, Fizzle! I’ll see you at school!”

Fizzle slowly waved, causing Sugar Snap to snicker.

“Oh and Sugar Snap, thanks again for not being mean to me the other day.”

“Well, somepony had to look after the weak link,” Sugar Snap teased, knocking on Lavender’s head.

“Weak link? I’m stronger than you are!” Lavender replied pulling on Sugar Snap’s face.

“You keep thinking that. You just keep on thinking that…”

Lavender rolled her eyes and waved to her friends before walking back home.


“So what did you do when you got into the Cutie Mark Crusaders?”

The entire family sat at the table, eating a plate of spaghetti. Opalescence sat on the floor besides Rarity, eating cut up fish out of her bowl. Lavender slurped the noodles down swiftly so she could answer Sweetie Belle’s question.

“Well, at first my friend Sugar Snap had me clean up for her, but soon, we joined in a group and went by the pond. She’s actually a good friend. A bit bossy, but friendly no less.”

“I can imagine,” Sweetie Belle giggled. “Afterall, she is Diamond Tiara’s kid.”

“Did you meet anypony else while, sweetie?” Rarity asked, jabbing at Spike once she noticed that he was shoveling a hefty amount of pasta into his mouth.

“Well, there was this colt named Fizzle…”

“Oh, you met Fizzle?” Rarity asked. “Fluttershy told us about him. Did you make friends with him?”

“Yep! He’s a really nice colt. He’s a little weird and shy though. Most of the time I try to talk to him, he freezes up and his face turns red a lot.”

Rarity’s eyes widened in response. “Ahh, that is so adorable,” she gushed, much to Lavender’s confusion.


Rarity could tell that Lavender didn’t understand why the colt was acting the way he was, so she just put her hoof to her mouth and giggled. “Oh, nothing.”

“Well, I’m glad my sweet little Lavender found some friends to play with,” Sweetie Belle stated. “I don’t like seeing my favorite niece miserable.”

“Only niece,” Lavender corrected.

“Even if I had a thousand nieces, you’d still be my favorite.

Lavender giggled and wagged her tail in excitement. “Hey, Mommy, when I get done eating, I want to show you something.”

“Oh?” Rarity’s curiosity was peaked. “What is it, Lavender?”

“Something you might like,” Lavender vaguely answered, arousing Rarity’s curiosity more.

“How about you wait until we all finish our food; that way we can all see it,” Rarity suggested.

“Okay!” Lavender sat and waited for the family to get done with their food. Spike had no problem wolfing down his pasta, with Sweetie Belle eating at a steady pace. Lavender grew impatient of her mom, who was taking the longest to finish her meal.

“Well, leave it to Rarity to take forever eating pasta,” Sweetie Belle giggled.

“Well, unlike a certain drake that lives here, I take my time when I eat.”

Lavender tapped her hand on the table impatiently. After what felt like eons for Lavender, Rarity finally at the last of her food.

“Okay, dear. I’m ready to see my gift now.”

“Yay!” Lavender hopped out of her seat, darting towards Opal. “You’re coming too!” Lavender grabbed Opal, who tried to resist by clawing at the ground. Her efforts were in vain as she couldn’t get a good grip, and eventually was dragged into the living room. The rest of the family followed behind the eccentric Lavender, wondering what she could possibly have.

“So, I went diving inside the pond today…”

“Is that why you smelled like a wet dog when you came in?” Rarity questioned.

“Yeah… like I was saying, I went underwater to find something that Mommy might like, and this is what I found.”

She went through her cape and pulled out the pearl, causing Rarity’s eyes to light up.

“Is that a… that’s a…”

Rarity felt as if she was going to faint there; knowing the situation all too well, Spike stood behind her so she wouldn’t fall on the floor.

“Mommy, are you okay?”

Lavender’s worries disappeared as fast as they came once Rarity pulled the pearl with her magic and hopped around joyously.

“Thank you! Thank you!” she exclaimed, embracing her daughter. “This will go perfectly with a necklace I want to make. Thank you, my little sweet Lavender.”

She planted a kiss on Lavender’s forehead, which made Lavender smile widely.

“You’re welcome,” Lavender responded. “I wanted to give that to you to make up for eating your gems. I’m sorry for doing that.”

“It’s okay,” Rarity said, patting her head. “We all make silly mistakes sometimes; I’m just glad that you apologized.” Lavender wagged her tail and gave Rarity a huge hug.

“So, that makes up for me eating your gems too, right?” Spike chimed in, smiling awkwardly.

“No,” Rarity bluntly stated, winking at him. “You have to make it up to me later.”

Lavender was lifted by her aunt’s magic, planting the child in front of her.

“Well, Lavender, I’m going to miss my little angel,” she began, “but I want you to always write to me, at least once a week like normal, got it?”

“Of course, Auntie!” Lavender agreed. “But can you sing me one more song before you leave?”

“Anything for you, Lavender.”

Lavender smiled widely and pulled Opal closer to her, wrapping her arms around her while squeezing her tightly.

What Lavender thought would be a miserable experience turned into an event that landed her two friends, something she thought would never happen to a lizard freak.

But she wasn’t a lizard freak. She was Lavender, just sweet, sweet, Lavender.

Author's Note:

And with that, the Young Lavender Arc has come to a close. Expect more loose youthful Lavender chapters in the future, but for now, onto the second part of the story. See you when Lavender grows up :raritywink: