• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 24,301 Views, 1,579 Comments

As Sweet As Lavender - Draconian Soul

The world sees her as an abomination. They see her as a gift.

  • ...

The [Im]Perfect Gathering

“So, what about this one?”

Lavender pointed to the yellow “S” on the periodic table in Fizzle’s chemistry book.

“Oh, that one’s easy. That’s sulfur. Atomic number sixteen. It’s an inorganic element that is categorized as diatomic nonmetal, founded mostly in the regions of Saddle Arabia and the Griffon Kingdom, and most notably used for the first canon every constructed for the Royal Guards.”

Lavender glanced at Fizzle. “I see. And what part of your little history lesson will I actually need to know to pass this test?”

Fizzle looked at Lavender, still lost in his own interest on the subject. “Oh! Um… well just that it’s inorganic.”

“Cool. So how about we not get into the whole origin of these elements and shave off a good few minutes of filler, okay, Fizzy?”

Fizzle flushed. “Well… okay.” Trying to avoid Lavender’s gaze, he looked at the chemistry book again, pointing at a different element. “Okay, so tell me, what is this one? Mg?”

Lavender squinted at the text. “Ah, that one isn’t that hard. It’s magnesium isn’t it?”

Fizzle smiled. “Yes! Now, is it organic or inorganic?”

Lavender pressed a claw against her forehead, twirling a nail through her mane. After a few seconds of thinking, she responded with, “Um, inorganic?”

Fizzle shook his head, and Lavender slammed her head on the book.

“It’s okay, Lavender,” Fizzle said. “It just takes some time to learn all these elements. You can’t learn them in one fell swoop.”

“Says the pony that can memorize the entire catalog in one night,” Lavender mumbled through the book.

“T-that’s not the point, Lavender,” Fizzle said. “Some just don’t learn as well as others do. That doesn’t mean you aren’t going to get it. You’re fluent in equine, good at math, Celestia knows you’re better at art than I am.”

“Yeah, well throwing paint on a stupid piece of paper isn’t going to get me an A, unless I somehow trick both the teacher and my parents that the crappy fake grade I make is legit.”
“You don’t have to fake your grade, Lavender. You just need to find the method that makes it easier for you to learn them.”

Lavender lifted her head. “Yeah, I guess. Any bright ideas?”

Fizzle pressed a front hoof against his chin. “Hmm… not quite sure.” He looked around the room, searching for some kind of aid to help her memorize the material. After sitting and thinking for a brief moment, an idea hit him. “Build-A-Blocks!”

Lavender raised an eyebrow, her expression turning sour. “So we're just giving up then?”

"No no no! Um… do you have any lying around anywhere?”

“Not sure. I used to keep them under my bed, but I haven’t played with them since I was like twelve. Why?”

Fizzle immediately went crawling on the floor, peeping under Lavender’s bed. She watched as he explored under her bed, unsure of where to look. She was just amused at watching him squiggle around trying to search for the blocks.

“Ah! Here we go!” He pulled out a small bag of Build-A-Blocks and searched for different pieces, pulling out the ones he needed. “Okay, you see this block right here? The one with connectors on all sides?"

Lavender turned her head to the side. “Yeah. What, you wanna build crap now?”

Fizzle shook his head. "No, not at all. Think of this block as carbon.” Fizzle began stacking similar blocks to branch them out. “Carbon is the backbone of all organic compounds, because they can link together in lots of ways, like this!" By the end, he had two rings of bricks joined by a few other colored bricks capping the ends. "Behold, Sucrose! Otherwise known as common table sugar."

Lavender blinked. "Wow. You’ve got to be the only pony that can take something as nice as sugar and Build-A-Blocks, and turn them into a boring science demonstration."

"O-oh." Fizzle’s ears flopped as he lowered his head. “S-sorry. I just thought that maybe...”

"Ah come on, Fizzle! Don’t take it so seriously!” Lavender jabbed Fizzle in the arm playfully, resulting in an impact that made him have to rub it. “I was just messin’ with you. I thought you’d be used to it by now.”

“Well, I guess you just have a way of surprising me everytime,” Fizzle said, chuckling nervously.

Lavender couldn’t help but to laugh. “You really are something, Fizzle. With how sweet you act towards me and other ponies, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were made out of this sucrose stuff.”

Fizzle tried to suppress a smile, failing miserably and displaying a look of sheer delight, blushing from cheek to cheek.

“Anywho, what about this compound stuff?”

Fizzle shook his head and cleared his throat. "Oh, right! See, inorganic compounds are like... this!" He constructed a new kind of block with only one connector on it. "See, you can't build much with these. Maybe one or two shapes, but that's all, so inorganic compounds are usually much smaller than organic ones."

"So, just big molecules with lots of carbon?"

"Well, kinda. Organic compounds are all about the shapes, while inorganic are all about the atoms. Since you’re so good at art, just think of inorganic compounds as paintings, with all the different atoms as the colors, and organic compounds as sketches, with the shapes being the most important!"

Lavender nodded and smiled. “Ah, I get it! That’s actually a really easy way of remembering them! Doesn’t really help with figuring out which ones are organic or inorganic though.”

Fizzle hummed, looking back at the book. “Yeah, that might be a little more difficult to memorize.” He noticed Lavender’s smile recede rapidly, and stumbled. “B-but I’m positive we can find a way to help you out with this, too! Let’s see. What if we just try to use some of your paints to organize the different elements.”

Lavender glanced at her dresser. “Well, I’m not one to waste paints on something as dull as working on memorizing inorganic and organic, but I’m willing to try anything at this point.”

Lavender lifted herself from the table to go grab her paint sets from her dresser. She then grabbed them and brought them to the table.

Fizzle reached over, looking for a brush, but saw nothing of the sort. “Ugh, Lavender, where are the brushes?”

Lavender snickered. “Who said anything about using brushes? Why do you think I always come out messy when I’m in art class? You thought that red paint was just blood? Well, it might have been that one time...”

Lavender chuckled at her own dismal joke. Fizzle shifted his eyes, smiling at her nervously.

“So, um…. wanna get started?” Fizzle asked? “We can organize the organic first. I think those are the easiest.”

Lavender nodded, opening a jar of cyan paints. “I’m down with that.”

Spike dusted the bookshelves, sighing and climbing down the ladder. “Goodness, Twilight. The least you could have done was spruce up the last place you used. I know you don’t have me over that often but jeez.”

Owlolicious looked at Spike, cocking his head to the side.

“I’m talking to myself obviously,” Spike explained. “I know it’s a little weird and all, but if I don’t think I would keep sane being quite all day while working. And I doubt you have any interest in anything I have to say, do you?”


Spike chuckled. “That’s what I thought.”

Spike pushed the rolling ladder on the side of the shelf. He patted himself off, removing some dust off of him and walked towards the door. “I put your food where Twilight told me to. Don’t eat it all at once.” With that kind of food she gave, I doubt you will anyways.

As Spike headed towards the door, it swung open, revealing a young, smiling mare holding a book with a batter laden spatula.

“Princess Twilight, I’m here to return this book that Mrs. Pinkie asked me to give back since she was busy in… the…”

Spike looked down at her and chuckled, noticing that she was in utter shock at the sight she was drinking in. “Well, I’m not exactly a princess, but technically I’m a prince. I can still take that book off your hooves and tell Twilight that you brought it back. What, was she trying to invent another one of her famous treats?”

The mare stood silently, face flushed and biting her lip. Spike scratched his head.

“Um, hello?” Spike waved a claw in front of her face. “Is Sugar Snap in there?”

Sugar Snap shook her head, trying to compose herself. However, swirled tail was shaking around like an eager puppy. “Oh, sorry Mr. Spike! I just wasn’t expecting to see someone as awesome as you to be here. Don’t you live with Mrs. Rarity now?”

“Well, yeah, but sometimes ‘your highness’ still likes to boss me around sometimes, and have me clean up while the two live it up.”

"Aww. That must be awful."

"It's not too bad. I don't mind helping out my sis every now and then. I was just finishing up anyways.”

“Really?” Sugar Snap fluttered towards him, her face getting redder and redder. “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can help with?”

“No, I’m fine,” Spike said. “Thanks for the offer though. Nice to see somepony wanting to help this old dragon out.”

“Not a problem, sir,” Sugar Snap said with a salute. “Anything to help the most awesome, cool, handsome dragon in the entire universe.”

“Aww, stop that! You’re gonna make this old fart blush.” Spike chuckled at Sugar’s flattering words. “I mean, I know I’m still awesome and all, but I’m not that handsome.”

“I beg to differ, Mr. Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious.” Sugar Snap giggled and bowed playfully, looking up at the dragon she was swooning over.

“Well, you sure have a way with words, kid,” Spike said. “Call me crazy, but if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were flirting with me.”

Sugar Snap began to sweat and giggled nervously. “No, of course not. That’s absolutely silly.”

“I know, just an amusing thought. Wouldn’t be the first time honestly. Should have seen the look on Rare’s face when her mom started teasing me.”

Sugar Snap laughed awkwardly, thankful that Spike oblivious to her affection.

"Speaking of Rares, I think it's time back and finally relax with my wife and sister-in-law. Might have to scold Twilight for leaving me with all the hard work... again."

Sugar Snap smiled and nodded. “Hey, is Lavender at home yet?”

Spike shrugged. “I’m not sure. I haven’t been at the boutique since I got here, aka quite a while.”

“Oh. Well, do you mind if I follow you back and check? I need to ask her a few things.”

Spike grinned, nodding his head. “I don’t see why not. If boss lady doesn’t say anything about it, I might even let you stay around for dinner.”

Sugar Snap’s wings flapped with excitement. “Really? You’d let me?”

“Well, I can’t promise that you’ll get a lot of food thanks to Lavender, but we’ll make sure to put a little on the side for you.” Spike winked and snickered.

“Oh, thanks, Mr. Spike!” Sugar Snap said, fluttering around.

“It’s no problem at all. Might as well get going if we want to get some of the good eats.” Spike made sure everything was organized and in its place before leaving the library. Positive that things were in order, he turned towards Owlolicious as he walked to the door, Sugar leading the two. “Well, you’re in charge of the library again. Make sure it stays clean for you-know-who.”


“Yep. You got it!”

“Okay, let’s try this again, Lavender.” Fizzle closed the book and sighed. “Okay, all I want you to do is tell me at least five organic elements.”

Lavender waved a claw, smiling smugly. “Ha! That’ll be no problem… I think.” She took a few moments to think, tapping her sharp nails against the table. “Well, um… magnesium, nitrogen, copper, sulfur, oxygen?”

Fizzle mentally counted the results before looking back at Lavender. “Well, four out of five isn’t that bad.”

Lavender groaned, gripping her mane with her claws. “For Luna’s sake, why can’t I get this?”

“It’s okay, Lavender,” Fizzle said, patting her on the back while blushing at the touch of her rough yet oddly smooth skin. “You improved very rapidly over the past hour of doing this, and the test isn’t until the weekends over. You’ll have this down pat in no time. Besides, four out of five is still passing.”

Lavender sighed, straightening out her mane and smiling a little. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. That’s still like a B, so if I pass with that, I won’t even care.”

“Plus, there’s still plenty of time to learn this stuff! The fact that you retained such memory in a short amount of time is phenomenal! Not everypony can do that.”

The compliment brightened Lavender’s mood exponentially, causing a toothy grin to form. “Heh, thanks, Fizzle. Ever think of actually being a teacher one day? You’d do a lot better than most of the ones we have now.”

Fizzle scratched his mane, chuckling. “I’m not that good, Lavender. Besides, the teachers have years on me. They have more experience, they’re more worldly and knowledgeable—”

“Yeah, and they’re also big jerks most of the time too.” Lavender chuckled and rested a claw against her cheek. “To be honest, if it wasn’t for my mom drilling me about this stupid test, I probably wouldn’t even care. I don’t even want to go to the stupid prom.”

The word alone caused Fizzle’s heart to skip a beat. Fizzle turned around in the chair, playing with his hooves nervously.

Why did she have to bring that up? Why, of all the times, did she have to say that now? Fizzle closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed. It’s okay Fizzle. You chickened out before, but you still have a chance. Stop being a coward, and stallion up.

Fizzle turned back towards Lavender, a look of determination now painted on his face. “Lavender, about the prom—”

Lavender stuck her tongue out and interrupted him. “What about it? You still gonna try to convince me that I should go with someone to that? Ha! I’d like to see you come up with one pony I would or should go with!”

Lavender stared at Fizzle with an amused grin, whipping her tail against the sole of his hooves. His heartbeat began to speed up, throat becoming dry, begging for water.

“Well, you could always go with a friend or—” Fizzle paused, thinking before he decided to test his luck. “—Somepony that you might like?”

Lavender hummed, looking up at the ceiling. Fizzle sat patiently, waiting for whatever response she would give.

“Nope! Can’t think of a single pone to go out with.”

Fizzle felt both relieved and disappointed, though his heart rate wasn’t becoming anymore steady. In fact, it felt as if it was getting faster and faster. “Um, well I had an idea of what you could do.”

“I’m listening, Fiz.”

It happened again. When Lavender stared at Fizzle with intrigue, his entire perception of her shifted. Her deep-purple eyes sparkled and glistened. Her teeth shimmered under the rays of light, intensifying her beauty even more. Fizzle had to force himself not to melt into a dopey, red faced grin, though his heart was now pounding at his chest at an alarming rate.

Lavender’s smile shrank a little, her impatience evident. “Well?”

Fizzle began to shiver as Lavender’s tail continued brushing against him. He was at a loss for words, but sitting there dumbfounded would only make his situation worse.

“A-Actually, I was kind of thinking that… well… you, and I could—” He paused, looking at Lavender’s radiance yet again. His view of her intensified far more than even he thought it could. It was like gazing upon royalty, eloquent and in her natural state. “Uh… go in separately and then see what happens there! You know, as friends or something.”

Lavender raised an eyebrow. “Well, that’s a possibility, but weren’t we planning on doing that anyways? You know, the three of us hanging out as usually if Sugar didn’t find herself a date?”

“And what gave you an idea that I wouldn’t find one?”

Lavender and Fizzle turned towards the door. Standing there was a smiling Sugar Snap, fluttering into Lavender’s room uninvited.

“I’ll have you know that I’m already working on finding me a date. Shouldn’t be too hard, knowing my charming looks.”

Lavender rolled her eyes. “Trying to charm my father doesn’t count as trying to get a date, Sugar. He’s not going to take you.”

“A mare can dream, right?” Sugar Snap sighed, leaning against Lavender’s bedpost. “Your mom was real lucky.”

“So I’ve heard.” Lavender glared at Sugar Snap, noticing a faint blush on her face. “What brings you over here, anyways?”

“I came over here with Mr. Spike,” Sugar Snap answered. “He invited me over for dinner, and Mrs. Rarity said I could stay. Why do you sound so surprised anyways? Fizzle got to come over without any problems!”

“Well, he’s helping me study, so he’s a different case,” Lavender said. “Besides, at least he asked before barging in here.”

“Uh huh.” Sugar Snap glared at Fizzle, who was waving at her nervously. She turned back towards Lavender and smiled. “Anyway, your mom said that the food was almost done and to get cleaned up before eating.”

Lavender licked her lips and leapt out of her chair. “About time! I hope they cooked me some halibut this time. I was getting tired of salmon.” Lavender walked towards the door. “Bathroom’s on your left at the end of the hall. You can use that to wash up.”

“Why aren’t you using it?” Fizzle asked.

Lavender sighed, her ears flopping. “Because knowing Mom, her idea of washing up is having me look all pretty, cleaned, and hair curled up more to ‘make a good impression on the guest.’” Lavender said, making air quotes with her claws. She sighed as she made her way to Rarity’s room to groom herself.

Sugar Snap took the opportunity to get off the bed and walk towards Fizzle, who was growing more nervous as she walked closer.

“U-Um hi, Sugar. I bet you were excited to see a former cutie mark crus… OOOW!”

Sugar Snap landed a hard blow on Fizzle’s face with her hooves, fire lighting in her eyes. “Don’t try to worm your way out of this. That was for being stupid.” She smacked his other cheek with the same hoof. “That’s for chickening out yet again!” Not venting enough, she landed one more hardened buck to his nose, kicking him off the chair. “And that’s for being stupid.”

“You hit me for being stupid twice!” Fizzle yelped, groping his nose with his front hooves.

“Yeah, I did.” Sugar Snap walked over him, clanking her two hooves together and gritting her teeth. “Want to make it a third time for stating the obvious?”

Fizzle covered his face. “No no no, stop! Please, I get it! I’m sorry!”

Sugar Snap’s hooves came plummeting down on his face. “And now you’re apologizing to the girl that beat you up? What’s wrong with you!”

“I don’t know!” Fizzle exclaimed. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do!”

“You’re supposed to act a little bit tougher,” Sugar Snap responded, slowing down her violation of Fizzle’s face. “I’m not saying you have to be as built as Big Mac but come on!”

Fizzle looked up at her and sighed. “I get it, I’m a wimp. I know this already,” Fizzle said, pushing his hooves against his forehead. “What’s wrong with me? I can’t even ask her to a stupid little prom. I know I’m pathetic. Just go ahead and do your worst.”

Sugar Snap rolled her eyes and sighed in frustration. “Alright, alright! Get up.” She extended a hoof to help Fizzle get off the ground. “Luna, you have got to be kidding me. First you’re too spineless to ask a close friend to the prom, and now you let a girl beat you up. I’m not even that strong. Next thing you’ll be telling me is that you still wet the bed.”

Fizzle reached out for Sugar’s hoof, avoiding her gaze. “I’m trying, Sugar,” he said, “but no matter how hard I try, I can’t ever go through with it.”

Sugar Snap groaned. “Then I’m done trying to help. If you aren’t going to try, then you don’t deserve her in my opinion.” Sugar Snap turned around, smacking him in the face with her tail. She trotted towards the door, still talking to Fizzle. “Worst yet, you made me mess up my hooves. I just got them waxed yesterday.”

Fizzle stood up, dusting himself off. He looked somberly at the ground and followed Sugar Snap, preparing for what he hoped to be a less painful experience with Lavender’s family.

“Spike, please, not this again.” Twilight covered her face, stifling her laughter.

The family as well as Lavender’s friends were all enjoying themselves at the table. The table was decorated with golden cloths that rested below the silver diningware. The dishes served consisted of a vegetable medley, cornbread, and fluffy mounds of potato salad, centering the table. The two cooked fish were already on Lavender and Spike’s plate, though the dragon had already made good leeway on it.

“Twi, I know what I saw!” Spike insisted, pointing his fork at her. “That thing was huge! Longer than both my arms together! I’m telling you, if it wanted to, it could have knocked me in the water.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Spike, for the last time, you did not see a copper-headed shark in the middle of a freshwater pond. Not only would it be too big, but it couldn’t physically live there!”

Spike grinned. “Okay, Ms. I-Know-Everything-Yet-Never-Went-Fishing-Once-In-Her-Life, what could it have been?”

“I don’t know. Probably you just overthinking a shadow over the water and ‘enhancing’ the truth a little,” Twilight said, using her magic to poke her food with her fork. “Besides, you are rather known for your fantastic stories that only seem to happen when you’re alone.”

“Hey, Lavender, can you back me up on this?” Spike pleaded.

“Sorry Dad,” Lavender said with food leaving her mouth. “Too busy eating to care.”

“Speaking of your eating, look at yourself Lavender!” Rarity said, expressing disapproval. “You’re eating like a savage. What have I told you about talking with your mouth full?”

“Not to do it?” Lavender responded, mashed potatoes dripping out of her mouth.

“Yes, and you’re still doing it. My word, Lavender, you have guests over. You wouldn’t eat like that in front of your peers at school, so don’t do that here.”

Sugar Snap swallowed her mouthful of food and wiped her lips with a paper cloth. “Actually, Mrs. Rarity, Lavender eats like this all the time, especially around us.”

“She’s right,” Fizzle said. “This is actually isn’t anything unusual.”

Lavender gave a muffled noise of agreement as she shoveled more food into her mouth. She grinned at her mother, who was glaring daggers at her.

“Well, in this house, we eat like proper civilized creatures,” Rarity said. “Whether your father decides to act with decency is up to him, but you will show good manners at the table.”

Sweetie Belle giggled. “Oh, go easy on her, Sis. She’s a growing girl after all, and she’s going to be a little different than you. Sure she can practice decency, but allow her personality to flourish.”

Rarity’s ear’s flopped, and she glanced at Sweetie Belle with annoyance painted on her face. “You just love rubbing it in, don’t you?”

“I’m not the one who bragged about having a girl when she was born,” Sweetie Belle said with a smirk. “I warned you that she might pick up some of her father’s habits, but you insisted she wouldn’t, so...”

Rarity fell silent, mumbling to herself as she sipped from her wine glass.

“Hey, Ms. Belle,” Sugar Snap began.

“Please, it’s alright to call me Sweetie Belle. I don’t mind,” she said.

Sweetie Belle gave a wink that almost made Sugar squeal. Trying to avoid overreacting, she pressed her hooves over her mouth. She took a moment to regain her composure and continued on. “Have you ever thought about having kids, Sweetie Belle?”

Sweetie Belle blushed, tapping her hooves together. “Well, Half Note and I were talking about that the other day before we came over. We’re definitely open to the idea, but neither of us are ready to give up our careers yet to raise children. It’d be better to enjoy our relationship before starting a family.”

“Well, that’s really mature and responsible of you,” Rarity said with a nod. “As you can see, raising children isn’t exactly easy.” She shot a pointed glance at Lavender, who was viciously biting into the halibut on her plate. “Lavender, would it kill you to practice some common decency for once?”

Lavender let go of her fish sliding out of her mouth, saliva trailing off as well. Spike couldn’t help but snicker at Rarity’s disgust.

“Lavender, I swear if you eat so boorishly at the table again—”

Spike wrapped an arm around Rarity’s waist. “Rarity, my sweet, go easy on the poor girl. She’s just eager to bite into your finely smoked fish.” He kissed Rarity on the cheek and chuckled. “Besides, you don’t get upset when I eat ‘sloppily’.”

Lavender’s ears perked, and her tongue stuck out in disgust. “Dad, please…”

“Well, at least you know how to ‘clean up’ after doing it.” Rarity said, returning a kiss.

Lavender gagged, nearly choking on the fish. “Come on! Not at the table! Some of us actually want to eat.” She noticed Rarity giving a victorious smile, causing Lavender’s ears to fold back. “Point made…”

Twilight lowered her glass and smiled at Lavender. “Normal family fare?”

“You don’t know the half of it.” Lavender flicked a stray bit of fishbone on her plate.

“It would be a little easier if I didn’t have two uncouth children walking around all the time.” Rarity said.

Lavender looked Spike in confusion. “I know she’s talking about you, Dad, but who’s the other one?”

Rarity took a deep breath through her nose, then exhaled, staving off her annoyance for the sake of her guest. “Well, in any case, how did studying go? Anything Twilight could help you with?”

“Oh no, I think I’m good for the day,” Lavender said. “Fizzle helped me take care of that.”

Fizzle blushed, jabbing at the little food he ate. “Well, she did most of the work. I just helped her understand organic and inorganic compounds.”

“There’s more to chemistry than just organic and inorganic compounds, you know,” Twilight said. “They really should teach you more than that.”

Lavender shrugged. “I’d rather just learn what I need to pass the test. Not interested in anything else.”

“But it’s not even that difficult,” Twilight insisted. “It’s really simple once you get the hang of it. If you want, I could teach you these things when you have some free time. You wouldn’t believe the kind of fun history behind some of the elements, like how sulfur is used in gunpowder for cannons.”

Lavender rolled her eyes. “Yeah… Thanks, but I already had a brief history lesson with Fizzle. I’ll just worry about passing the test.”

Twilight sighed, her ears drooping slightly. “Well… okay. If that’s how you want to go about it that’s fine. Maybe Fizzle will open your eyes.”

“Ha! Fat chance of that happening,” Sugar Snap said, tapping Lavender’s head. “She’s one of the most stubborn girls I’ve ever met. We have to drag her all over the place just to get her to do what we want. But she’s still our cute little Lavender.”

Lavender narrowed her eyes, and she bared her teeth. “Touch me again, and your hoof will be the next thing on my dinner plate.”

Sugar Snap lifted her hoof and giggled. “Fine, fine! You can lighten up, you know. I was just fooling around.”

Rarity watched as Sugar and Lavender continued to banter with each other, something she knew was common between the two friends. When she eyed Fizzle, however, she noticed that he had barely touched his food. He shot a few glances at Lavender every now and then, flushed, and then pushed his food aside, occasionally putting a forkful into his mouth. She grinned, tapping her chin in realization of what was going on.

“Fizzle, dear, you’re not that hungry, are you?” Rarity asked.

Fizzle looked up at Rarity, nodding. “N-no, not really. I don’t think your food is bad though, if that’s what you’re thinking, bu—”

Rarity giggled. “It’s quite alright, Fizzle. You don’t have to finish your food if you don’t want.”

“Does that mean I can eat the rest of his food?” Lavender asked, eyes lighting up at the opportunity.

“Of course not,” Rarity replied. “I’ll just wrap it up and give him a plate to take home. You’re not going to eat someone else’s meal, Lavender. I taught you better than that.”

“I-it’s okay, Mrs. Rarity,” Fizzle said, trying to hide his face to cover his rosy cheeks. “My parents leave me enough food when they’re gone, so I’ll be fine without it.”

“See?” Lavender pointed out. “He gave me the okay, Mom. I don’t see what’s the big deal is.”

Rarity sighed. She got up from the table and levitated her empty plate, placing it in the sink. “Well, since you aren’t going to finish your food, how about I have you assist me with something? I’m working out the small details of my husband’s new suit, and I could really use a male’s perspective on it. Would you be a dear and help me out?”

He sat in his seat for several seconds before nodding his head.

“Very good. Just follow me, darling. It’s just across the hall,” She then glared at Lavender. “Do not touch the young stallion’s food, understand?”

Lavender mumbled to herself, ears droopy. “Fine, I won’t touch it.”

Rarity kept a stern eye on her until she left the dining room, Fizzle following behind her into her workroom. As they approached it, she looked back at him, a sly grin forming on her face.

“So, Fizzle, what is your opinion on nice dressing attire?”

Fizzle looked up with widened eyes. “Well, I think they are nice. I mean, I have a few suits at home.”

“But are any of them nicely made with the finest fabric this side of Equestria has ever seen?” Rarity asked with a confident smile.

“Well, no,” Fizzle answered.

“Then you’re in luck today, young man. For today, you will have the honor of being fitted for a stunning, and magnificent suit that you can use to woo a certain lucky young lady.”

Fizzle’s face went red at the thought. He turned his head and smiled nervously. “Well… I appreciate the thought, Mrs. Rarity, but I don’t know if I will go to the prom.” He scuffed his hooves along the floor, sighing and looking down. “I wouldn’t have anypony to go with.”

“Oh, maybe not anypony,” Rarity began, skipping to her inspiration room, “but maybe some ‘dracony’ that might have caught your eye.”

Fizzle felt like he was going to collapse right there in front of her. “D-Dracony?” Fizzle began to shake and did his best to give a convincing grin. “W-what do you mean?”

“Oh, don’t be coy,” Rarity said. “You aren’t particularly subtle about it. If anything, I’m shocked that Lavender is so oblivious about it. But I can see it in your expression, how you look at my daughter, and how easy it is for her to convince you to do something. You’re interested in her, aren’t you?”

Fizzle’s hooves began to feel heavier, his eyes widened and sweat pooling down his face. “H-how did you know?”

“I’ve learned how to read stallions over the years, especially when it comes down to who they like.” As the two entered the room, Rarity went toward her cabinets to grab some measuring tape. “Fizzle, it would be a lot easier for you to come closer so I can get a good measure on you, wouldn’t you agree?”

Fizzle shook his head, trying to snap himself out of his bafflement. “Y-yes ma’am! Be right over.” Fizzle darted closer to Rarity, still avoiding her line of sight. Her insinuating smile was enough to make him cringe.

Rarity brought the ruler towards Fizzle, holding it out over him. As she examined him, “So, how long have you liked her?”

Fizzle’s face heated up more than he thought imaginable. “Ever since I was little. B-back when she first came into my class, I always thought she was… unique.”

Rarity raised and eyebrow with intrigue. “And what aroused such interest in her?”

“Well, she’s so… well… she’s just so cool,” Fizzle began, grinning goofily from ear to ear. “I’ve never seen anypony so free, casual, and strong as her. She’s also really nice and sweet. She’s there to give me the pep talk I need when I feel inadequate. She’s just so… so…”

Rarity smiled, still measuring him. “Stunning? Beautiful? Lovely? Exotic?”

Fizzle sighed, vision hazy of the thought of Lavender. “Those words aren’t even the half of it.”

Rarity chuckled, putting down the measuring tape. “Well, if you think so highly of her, why haven’t you asked her out to the prom?”

Fizzle sat on the ground, looking somberly at Rarity. “Because I’m a coward. I’m not able to tell her how I feel about her.”

“Oh, pshaw!” Rarity grabbed a bundle of black fabric and draped it around Fizzle. “You’re not a coward. You just need some positive reinforcement in order to get over this fear.”

“But how?”

“Well, you know what she likes, right?”

Fizzle nodded.

“And you’ve been her friend since childhood. All you have to do is charm her by buying her things that she likes. In her case, the fastest way to her heart is through her stomach.”

“Yeah, I noticed.” Fizzle snickered and looked back at Lavender. She was still at the table eating, tearing into her meal with great vigor. He looked back at Rarity, smiling at her with slight confidence. “Thanks, Mrs. Rarity. I think I know what I’m going to do. I just need time to prepare.”

Rarity grinned and patted her mane. “Anything to help a young, strapping colt who has his eyes set for my daughter. I think you two would be cute together. Now, let’s head on back to the dinner table. I wouldn’t be a good hostess if I neglected our guest, now would I?”

Fizzle chuckled, following Rarity back into the kitchen to finish off the night with the guest.

The rest of the evening went by smoothly. Everyone at the table enjoyed in light conversation, sharing stories and jokes to each other. Sweetie Belle even sang a few sample tunes for them, which garnered much praise from the table, and admiration from Sugar Snap. Not only was the air pleasant, Fizzle could get through the night without shying away from a conversation. Despite being a little flustered from time to time when Lavender talked to him, he managed to hold his own when responding. It was like a spur of confidence welled through him.

However, no matter how fun things were, the night sky reared it’s head, and the company began to disperse. Sweetie Belle wrapped a hoof around Lavender, encasing her in a big hug.

“Since I’ll be down here for a few days, you should come over and critique my music,” Sweetie said. “I’d love the opinion of my favorite niece.”

“Only niece,” Lavender corrected with a chuckle. “And I don’t know why you need my help. You already know I think you have the voice of an angel.”

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. “Only of an angle? Aw, I'm still not good enough to amuse my niece."

Lavender rolled her eyes playfully. "You know what I meant."

Sweetie Belle let out a laugh and the turned towards Rarity. "So, tomorrow at three right? I could use a nice mud bath."

"Oh, so could I," Rarity responded. "Just try not to be late like last."

"I told you, I was taking care of some important things with my fiance," Sweetie said, light shade of red forming on her cheeks.

Rarity Just smiled dryly. "Yes, I'm sure your important things required a unkempt mane."

Sweetie's face lit up. She turned towards the door, whistling. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow! By Twilight, Spike, and kids!"

The remainder of the household waved until Sweetie left the house. Spike turned towards Twilight, giving a small grin.

"So, want me to walk you back home 'your majesty'?" he asked in a snarky tone.

"Why, trying to get rid of me? I intended to stay for a little while longer. Just wanted to spend some time"

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Then why did you make me clean your home so you could 'conduct important business’?”

“I don’t know, Spike. Why did you eat the macaroons specifically labeled ‘Twilight’s: Do Not Touch’?” She watched as Spike’s eyes shot open, smiling devilishly. “You honestly thought I wouldn’t notice that?”

“Well...I was ju… you know um…” Spike tried to dig around for excuses for his actions, but all that would come out were nervous chuckles.

Twilight shook her head, her smirk still visible. “You’re just lucky I was in a good mood. I was considering making you do much worse at first.”

Both Rarity and Twilight seemed to be getting great satisfaction out of the torment that Spike was going through. All he could do in retaliation was snorting and puff small plumes of fire.

Sugar Snap stretched her wings and let out a yawn. “I really enjoyed being your company, Mrs. Rarity, but I should be heading back now. Daddy’s going to take to find a nice diamond hoofband for Mom.”

“Ooh! Sounds fancy,” Rarity complimented.

“Sounds boring,” Lavender said, sticking her tongue out at Sugar.

Sugar Snap didn’t entertain Lavender’s remark with a response. She just turned her head towards the door and pranced onward. “It was nice being able to eat with you.”

“I should probably go home, too,” Fizzle replied. He turned towards Lavender and scratched his head, a light blush forming. “So, um...we’re studying again tomorrow right?”

Lavender looked at her mother, who gave her a stern glare, as if she was verbally telling her what to say. “Well, doesn’t look like I have much of a choice, so yeah. Tomorrow’s good.”

Fizzle smiled and waved. “Well, I’ll come by at around three then. I have some things I need to take care of before it though.”

“Take all the time you need,” Lavender said. “I’m in no hurry. Really…”

Fizzle snickered. “Then I’ll see you then! Have a good night Lavender.”

Lavender waved. “Yeah, you too, Fiz.”

As Fizzle walked out of the boutique, a small smile formed on Rarity’s face. Lavender looked at her with raised eyebrows.

“Uh, something up, Mom?” Lavender asked.

“Oh, no no. I just find your little group of friends amusing. Especially that Fizzle child. Quite the gentlecolt.”

“Yeah, he’s a pretty cool guy. A little too skittish but he’s still fun.” Lavender let out a hearty laugh, much to Rarity’s amusement.

“And why do you think he’s so skittish, as you put it?” Rarity asked?

Lavender shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. He’s been like that since we’ve met.”

Rarity tapped her chin, still smiling. “Maybe it’s because he’s usually flustered when talking to a certain someone.”

“Well of course he’s usually flustered when talking to somepony. That’s how he is. I don’t know how this is new information.”

“Never said anypony, now did I?”

Lavender stared at her mother in confusion. All she could see was an ever growing smile forming. “And you lost me, and to be frank, I’m not really in the mood to solve riddles. So, if you don’t mind, I’m going to mess with Opal for a bit and let you adults do what you adults do.”

Lavender left the living room, searching for Opalescence by calling out to her. Rarity couldn’t help but giggle when she left the room.

“Well, she’s an oblivious one, isn’t she?” Spike commented.

“Yeah, but it’s better than being unsubtle, right Spike?” Twilight retorted.

Spike’s face went red. “Twilight!”

“What, it’s true? You were practically wearing ‘I like Rarity’ on your chest. Matter of fact...I think I still have that shirt.”

“Oh, you still have that?” Rarity’s eyes lit up. “I would love to see that again. It’s so adorable!”

Twilight laughed. “I’ll give it to you if you want. Maybe you could walk with matching shirts now!”

They both laughed, while Spike stood there completely crimson with embarrassment. He covered his face and sighed.

“I should have just stayed at the library.”

Comments ( 52 )

Well gee. Took you long enough to make the chapter now did it xp.


Don't talk shit on yourself let the community do it for you XD

A new chapter?!

Well..... I certainly wasn't expecting this.

Oh, and I believe you meant "angel", by the way =P

Yes! I love you!

I think it's time back and finally relax with my wife and sister-in-law

'to head back' I think

Well so much for getting to bed early, let's do this!

The studying together is pretty sweet. So, Sugar Snap has a crush on a certain older, married dragon, who's the dad of her classmate? Poor Fizzle. Glad to see Rarity supports him.

Well, that was amusing. Glad to see Rarity playing matchmaker.

...now here's hoping Fizzle doesn't get completely crushed as it comes out the reason Lavender's so oblivious is because she likes mares. That would be awkward.

So lavender how was your prom date?:duck:
Was he cool?":unsuresweetie:
Was he smoking?:moustache:
The (Pongon) Dracony burped "He was delicious !" :raritystarry::twilightoops:



I just couldn't stop laughing this a great chapter!

Woohoo new chapter, keep up the good work!

Also, free proof-reading!

nonmetal, founded mostly in the regions of Saddle Arabia and the Griffon Kingdom, and most notably used for the first canon every constructed

“I’m talking to myself obviously,” Spike explained. “I know it’s a little weird and all, but if I don’t think I would keep sane being quite all day while working. And I doubt you have any interest in anything I have to say, do you?”

Umm... what? :applejackconfused:

However, swirled tail was shaking around like an eager puppy.

Who is swirled tail? :pinkiecrazy:

“Oh, sorry Mr. Spike! I just wasn’t expecting to see someone as awesome as you to be here. Don’t you live with Mrs. Rarity now?”

Remove one or the other, otherwise someone will likely go grammar nazi on you. :twilightangry2:

Sugar Snap laughed awkwardly, thankful that Spike oblivious to her affection.

“Nope! Can’t think of a single pone to go out with.”

pounding at his chest at an alarming rate.

the three of us hanging out as usually if Sugar didn’t find herself a date?”

“She’s right,” Fizzle said. “This is actually isn’t anything unusual.”

Then you’re in luck today, young man. For today,

Did Fizzle just change species?

Daddy’s going to take to find a nice diamond hoofband for Mom.”

Fizzle's plan.

1. Turn into a Crystal Pony
2. Get eaten.

I am quite confused, were they studying compounds or elements? Because they start off trying to memorize the elements, then they're talking about compounds, like sucrose, then elements, then compounds.
Those are two very different things and I felt lost trying to figure out which they were studying. If they're studying the compounds, why are they memorizing the periodic table and stuff about the specific elements, and if it's the periodic table, what are they talking about compounds?
And that was another thing that kinda confused/bugged me.
The organic vs. inorganic in relations to elements. Organic/inorganic has to do with whether or not a compound has carbon in it. If the compound has carbon=organic, if not, inorganic(this is why my dad likes to joke that 'all food is organic, because it's carbon based'. You don't have inorganic elements unless they're synthesized in a lab or something, hell every time I google 'inorganic elements' I just keep getting results for inorganic compounds. I know it's been a while since I was in science class, but I don't recall ever learning about inorganic elements, that doesn't even seem to be a thing.

Yay! It's back!

Only of an angle

I think you meant "Only and angel?" I suggest you do a quick read through before hitting post, and maybe get a proofreader.

in my chem class at college those would have been chapter three: elements, and chapter four: compounds
so it could be a join chapter test, (as my college did that as well)
not that it matters as it's a STORY

“A-Actually, I was kind of thinking that… well… you, and I could—” He paused, looking at Lavender’s radiance yet again. His view of her intensified far more than even he thought it could. It was like gazing upon royalty, eloquent and in her natural state. “Uh… go in separately and then see what happens there! You know, as friends or something.”

*smashes head on desk repeatedly* It's like he ripped off half the band-aid, decided it hurt to much, and put it back on!

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. “Only of an angle? Aw, I'm still not good enough to amuse my niece."

Acute, right, or obtuse angle? these things are very important.

Holy Shit this story updated.

Good work. Don't spend half a year writing the next one. Also you owe my an F5 key

5328351 Actually, NO pure elements, synthesized or otherwise, can ever be of considered organic save carbon produced from high-temperature charring of life-based materials in a relatively anoxic environment to drive away all volatiles and deposit thin films of pure carbon soot. Even then, the carbon exists in large complex molecules of fullerenes, heterocycles, and other various ringed and chained carbon compounds.

Ponies suck at science!

But that's because they have magic, and everyone knows if magic and science touch they EXPLODE with the force of 10 billion hypernovas! IT'S A FACT, I TELL YOU!!!! That's how the Big Bang happened! Some douche in the previous universe named Talan dumped a whole beaker of science into a pot of magic and KABOOM!!! He was all like, "Oh shit, I blew up the universe and made a new one! Better change my name to Galactus and put on this goofy helmet so nobody will recognize me!" :pinkiecrazy:

5328269 Clearly, best plan ever. :derpytongue2:

Wow I... really don't like Sugar Snap now. I'm sorry, but you don't frickin' punch someone repeatedly for being too nervous to do something, and then proceed to make them feel bad about not doing the thing and getting beaten up. :flutterrage:

great chapter but you lost me on rarity and twilight

both have somewhat dangerously bad projection issues when it comes to lavender surpassing that of a healthy wanting the best sort of view.

rarities attempts to force her daughter to become what she views as 'proper' could eventualy lead to lavender either crushing her ownpersonality to become what rarity wants or becoming the polar opposite of what she wants. rarity's frustration with certian thing sis understandable but frankly her lack of tact or perspective make her come across as extremist.

honestly i don't know where to start with twilight, her OCD is showing anf she is too blind to realise it, honestly gonna cut this here before i say something that could be taken the wrong way.

in short great chapter

tone down twilight

rarity needs to learn to talk to her daughter like a person.

:trixieshiftright: Hmm.. that's an excellent point.......I never thought of that.

I hate to sound mean but holt shit Sugar Snap, could you be a little bit less cold? I mean saying he's a wimp, that's a bit mean but fine, saying he doesn't deserve her?
That's worthy of a backstabbing.

5328101 if you know what I mean *nudge nudge wink wink* ...........:unsuresweetie::facehoof:

.........I'll just go sit in the corner now

Oh...yeah, that would be........interesting to say the least. I am the oldest at 19, and I've got two younger brothers. My youngest sibling is my sister, and I blame her for getting me into mlp. Not that that's a bad thing! I friggin' love the show and this fandom!

and most notably used for the first canon every constructed for the Royal Guards.


You don’t have to fake your grade, Lavender. You just need to find the method that makes it easier for you to learn them.”

Move down a line

Sugar Snap laughed awkwardly, thankful that Spike oblivious to her affection.


was oblivious


"thankful for Spike's obliviousness"

“Nope! Can’t think of a single pone to go out with.”


"Oh, so could I," Rarity responded. "Just try not to be late like last."

last time

Rarity Just smiled dryly. "Yes, I'm sure your important things required a unkempt mane."



“And why do you think he’s so skittish, as you put it?” Rarity asked?


Lovely new chapter!

This was a welcome chapter. It took me a while to read it because... I procrastinate on everything

5595351 This comment............I agree with it very much.

opening a jar of cyan paints.

you don't need that "s" there.

... I just realized... I'm super excited to see Spike go all "over-protective daddy-dragon" when he finds out somepony has an interest in his little girl in "As Sweet as Lavender"

“It’s beautiful!” Twilight asked, “I take it that the lucky stallion is Half Note, correct?”
Sweetie Belle nodded, blushing madly. “He was so romantic about it. Right there on the stage after my performance two months ago.” She sighed dreamily, dwelling on the memory of that momentous day.

Cue scene of Button Mash crying.

When's the next chapter coming out

I Belive I want some detail of what goes on in spikes little "Adult games"

Comment posted by Gaia Gribhinneach deleted May 10th, 2016

6944324 I don't think he'll ever show up, or anyone else for that matter. I think the author has just given up on this story. It's a shame, it was REALLY good. :(

Sad to see good Sparity not be completed.

7202141 to be honest i kinda feel so to i mean god damn... he might be on a little hiatus but damn.

... NOOOOOOO!!! When's the next chapter, and WHEN THE HAT IS FIZZLE GOING ASK HER OUT! Ooh, maybe Zecora or Applebloom could make a potion to help him out...

I’d love reading about how Spike and Lavender have problems when they enter dragon puberty and get their wings; as cannon Spike did in the episode Molt Down (season 8, episode 11).

Sugar Snap laughed awkwardly, thankful that Spike oblivious to her affection.

Ummmmmm..... ewww.

Just relable the story canceled. We know that's what it is when it hasn't been updated for 5 years.

It doesn't really help that the author hasn't even signed on in 3.5 years. I've been wanting to read this story, too, but this is the first time I noticed that.

So he/she hasn't even logged in for 3 years? Curiouser and curiouser.

Dude, if you're alive please give us a sign.

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