• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

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Of Ponies and Peddlers

The Bronze District of Gray Smoke didn’t exactly live up to its name. Most of the metal shingles and wooden frames that made up the buildings of each block had turned rusted, splintery, and worn down. A deep, dark smog hung over the place, pierced in random places by dangling lamps filled with flitting, luminescent insects of unknown hatching. The place was beyond noisy, with the sounds of metalworks and carpentry echoing out of every establishment.

Across a bridge and blessed with a breeze of high winds, the east section of the Bronze District was a great deal easier to breathe in. Here, market bazaars were lined up with various merchants attempting to peddle all sorts of wares from across the continent. The populace was heterogeneous, consisting of ponies, rams, mules, diamond dogs, and various forms of equines.

To Rainbow’s surprise, the crowd was remarkably amiable. She couldn’t tell if their cheer was an artificial product of their intense desire to sell wares, or if perhaps there was a genuine, humble euphoria hanging about the impoverished place, so high up in the sky beyond the cares of any Ledomaritan gun or Xonan soldier. Still, she was too encumbered with two things to make a firm judgment. For one, she had a group of fellow ponies to look after. For another, she was trying to weather an intense coughing fit.

“Well, perhaps if you didn’t hover so high off the ground, Rainbow,” Belle said in a slightly chiding tone as they trotted along East Bronze District. “Maybe the smog wouldn’t get to you so badly.”

“I don’t get it…” Rainbow wheezed as she eventually relented, hovering down to trot at the street level alongside her friends. “This city is so high up in the clouds! Wouldn’t they know better than to trash it all with this pollution?”

“You speak as if you’ve been in a sky city before,” Josho grumbled from where he trotted alongside Roarke.

“For your information, I was born in one,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Heh!” Josho grinned into the ashen mists. “Like where? Stratopolis?”

“Stratopolis is a myth,” Rainbow Dash sighed.

“But this place certainly isn’t!” Ebon Mane exclaimed from where he trotted ahead of the group. He spun about and walked backwards while grinning at them. “Say all you want about the air quality, but don’t you agree that this place is just… bustling with life and diversity and emotion?”

“I feel like I’m flying over a tobacco farm that’s caught on fire,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Wow, there really is no pleasing you, is there?” Ebon smirked. “Either you’re griping about soldiers chasing us or the smog!”

“Hey!” Rainbow frowned. “That’s so not true! I’m not hard to please!” She blinked. She glanced aside at Pilate and Belle. “Am I?”

“Erm…” Belle shifted where she walked. “Well…”

As Pilate leaned on his beloved for guidance, he tilted his head over in Rainbow’s direction. “You are prone to a great deal of stress and worrying, Rainbow. I’d judge it as a simple byproduct of your intense care for your fellow ponies.”

“Look, I’m not an uptight kind of a mare! Really!” Rainbow Dash smiled innocently into the haze of the streets. “I’m totally chillaxed! I mean, look at me right now!”

“Unngh…” Roarke moaned into her helmet. “I don’t see the whole point of this leisurely stroll.” She swiveled about. “I’m going to check out the lower rust districts for something to resupply my gear--”

“No you friggin’ don’t!” Rainbow suddenly shrieked, her eyes wild. “We are not splitting up! No way! No how!”

Belle stifled a giggle.

Rainbow spun about and gawked at the group. “What is it now?”

“‘Not an uptight mare,’ Rainbow?” Belle smiled.

“Well, it’s just that… I…”

“She’ll get the picture eventually.” Roarke waved as she trotted off on her lonesome. “I’ll head back to the docking station after I’ve found what I need.”

“Don’t go off like this!” Rainbow’s voice cracked. She sounded like a teenager trying to shout down her parents. “I mean it.”

“Eh, just let her go, Rainbow,” Eagle Eye said in a dull tone. He smirked. “Do you honestly think you can tell her what to do even if you wanted to?”

Rainbow frowned, her hooves squirming against the surfaces of the street. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea. I mean… ponies are bound to be looking for us. Why wouldn’t they?”

“Rainbow, we’re hundreds miles away from the last place the Ledomaritans ever conceivably saw us!” Belle exclaimed. “And we scaled the distance in a vehicle that was easily four times faster than their major flagship!”

“And we’re in neutral territory!” Ebon chirped. “As neutral as it gets!”

Rainbow Dash squinted icily at him. “Riiiiight…”

Eagle Eye blinked at her expression, at Ebon, then back at her. “Is there something wrong, Rainbow?”

“No…” The pegasus sighed, gazing down at the floor as she trotted along. “Not really.” Her muzzle scrunched as her ears folded back. “Okay, maybe one thing.”

“What is it?”

Rainbow lifted her head and looked around at the various equines milling about the bazaar. Several of them were looking in her direction. “I can’t help but feel that… like… everypony is staring…”

“Staring?” Pilate remarked.

Rainbow gulped. “At me.”

“Well, I can certainly think of a reason,” Ebon Mane remarked with a smirk. “You have something that all the ponies who live and work here wished they had. Because it would make their lives a great deal easier to live. I would know!”

“And that is…?”

“Pfft… heheheh… wings, you fuzzhead!”

Rainbow blinked, glancing all around her as several pairs of eyes reflected her embarrassed gaze. “Oh. Right. That.”

“Funny…” Eagle Eye smiled. “I’ve almost gotten used to them myself.”

“I can’t even see them and I am used to them,” Pilate said. Belle giggled.

“Ugh. I’m surprised, really,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “These ponies have obviously seen a lot of creatures come and go. Why would they be so shocked by a mare with feathers?”

“Oh, I’m sure they have mares here with feathers,” Josho said as he pointed towards an establishment up ahead, flanked with neon lights. “Only, they don’t stay on long. Heheheh…”

“Ungh…” Josho rolled his eyes. “Such an animal. I swear.”

“Hey. Survival of the fattest, pal.”


“Well, they’re just gonna have to get used to me,” Rainbow Dash muttered. She looked at the others as she trotted along. “Not that it matters. We’re not gonna be here for very long anyways--” She bumped into a stallion carrying a tall stack of antique dishes.

“Unngh!” The merchant fell back with a grunt. He looked up and gasped at his airborne wears. “My pl-plates!”

Without a second thought, Rainbow Dash zipped into action. Wings blurring, she flew to each falling piece of kitchenware and snatched them up in agile blue hooves. In no time at all, she had them balanced once more in a neat stack. Breathing easily, she floated down and placed the stuff before the recovering merchant.

“There ya go, bro. My bad,” she said with a nervous smile.

“That… you… h-how…” the Bronze District native stammered.

“Whoah! Did you see that?!” another merchant exclaimed.

“That was incredible!” gasped a shopper. “She’s faster than lightning!”


Several equines began clapping their hooves against the floor, smiling jubilantly.

Rainbow Dash blinked, gazing back at them as a nervous twitch swam from ear to ear. “Look, I was just trying to save his stuff. I bumped into him, after all.” At a jingling sound, she looked at her hooves to see a pair of gold bits rattling to a stop. “The hay is this?”

“Do it again! Do it again!” a shopper exclaimed with a bright grin. Several other ponies had gathered around.

“Please…” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “My friends and I are just passing through.”

“Awwww… but those wings are fantastic!”

“Yeah. So I’ve been told. Ahem.” Rainbow hissed over her shoulder. “Ebon, could we get a move on, please?”

“What’s the matter, Rainbow?” Belle whispered, smiling. “We both know you’re not a pony who likes to pass up an opportunity like this.”

“The heck do you mean by that?”

“Hey, everypony!” Josho trotted up and telekinetically stretched one of Rainbow’s wings out. “Who wants to see the amazing winged pony do some air tricks?!”

Several cheers lit the air.

“Hey!” Rainbow frowned and jerked her feather appendage away from the stallion. “Jerk! Let go! What’s the big idea?!”

“What do you think?” Josho pointed at the ground as another pair of bits rattled to a stop. “They have no idea what they’re in for, red eyes.”

“We certainly could use the currency,” Pilate stealthily added.

“Uh uh! No way!” Rainbow Dash sat on her haunches with a frown. She folded her forelimbs and grunted, “I am not some sort of sideshow freak for you guys to show off!”

“Who says anything about freakishness, Rainbow?” Eagle Eye smiled. “Come on! This is your opportunity to dazzle a crowd for once instead of beating evil bad guys to a pulp! That’s ‘harmonious’ in some way, isn’t it?”

“Uh uh!” Rainbow shook her head vigorously. “I’m not doing it! It is completely, totally uncool!”

“Hahahaha!” Rainbow grinned as she spun several flips in the air above the marketplace. “This is so, totally cool!” She spun upright with a devilish grin. “Alright, ya smog huffers! Who wants to see me do a triple spinning barrel roll?!”

Over a hundred ponies had gathered at this point, and they were cheering like mad. Gold bits flew into the air, which Belle and Eagle Eye promptly collected, pouring into a saddlebag that a smiling Pilate was holding.

“With these sparklers!” A merchant ran up and tossed some lit pyrotechnics up at the pegasus. “They’re available in Northern Bronze District! Five per bit!”

“Ya hear that, everypony?!” Rainbow Dash snatched four sparklers, one in the crook of each hoof. “Best place to buy flashy things! Norther Bronze District! Tell ‘em Rainbow Dash, the most awesome pegasus in the smoldering skies, sent ya! Now feast your eyes!”

She proceeded to fly up into the air, twirling. The air flashed with sparks all around her. Then, with an ear-splitting dive, she shot back towards the street, spreading her wings and rolling over the crowd, raining innocuous sparks on their chuckling and cheering heads. The applause redoubled.

“Wow…” Eagle Eye grinned. “She’s a natural!”

“Heh. Only you would be an expert on fabulousity,” Josho muttered.

“Oh, shove off.”

“Don’t mind if I do.” Josho pointed towards a local tavern. “You lemme know if she flies a hole into something.”

Eagle Eye frowned. “You’re not gonna get sloshed, are ya?”

“What do you take me for, fruitcake?” Josho returned with a grin as she shuffled away from the growing crowd. “Don’t worry. I just figured I’d get familiar with the local crowd. It’s high time one of us talked to these locals anyways, you think?”

“Hrmmmm…” Eagle Eye squirmed as he glanced aside at the others. “I’m a bit worried.”

“What?” Ebon Mane shrugged as he smiled up at the twirling pegasus. “He’s committed to staying on the wagon, isn’t he?”

“No, I mean, won’t Rainbow be upset that we’re kind of splitting up more?”

“I don’t think she’s in the position to care at the moment,” Ebon said with a wink. “She’s happy. We’re happy. It works.”

“Heh. Yeah, if you say so.”

“She certainly sounds cheerful,” Pilate said. “I fear, however, that we could be taking advantage of her.”

“Oh, beloved, please,” Belle replied with a soft smile. She likewise gazed up at Rainbow as she continued her elements. “She’s in her element right now. Even if she doesn’t realize it. It’s not in the battlefield or in the machine world. But it’s here.” She sighed slightly. “I think her old friends would be proud.”


“She’s still managing to be herself after all these months.”

“That’s a good point.” Pilate nodded, then readjusted his grip on the bag full of money. “This is starting to get ridiculously heavy.”

“Want me to hold it, darling?”

“No, that’s not an issue,” Pilate said while Rainbow zipped and spun overhead. “I just wonder if these streets are safe enough for us to carry it very far.”

“You’re the last pony who needs to be paranoid right now, Pilate.”


Belle leaned in and nuzzled him with a smile. “Just relax. If this town was bad news, I’m sure we would have run into trouble by now. Face it. The battle is over.”

“Yes… Yes, I suppose it is,” the zebra said with a calm voice.

Far behind them, beyond the crowd, a robed figure watched the scene. The equine was still, its features shrouded. Its head tilted up to gaze at Rainbow’s loopty-loops, and the hood fell back slightly. Swiftly, the pony raised a hoof up to slide the hood forward once more. In so doing, a trio of colored bands could be seen just above the fetlock: red and green and blue.

Quietly, like a fading shadow, the cloaked figure snaked into the nearest alleyway and became one with the smog.

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