• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

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A Rendezvous With Dull

“Prime Enforcer Fortis, I must protest.” Nightshade frowned as she stood before the stallion inside the Lightning Bearer’s briefing room. She wore a cleanly-pressed backup uniform and her mane had been brushed properly. “Keeping the pegasus and the religious zealot inside the brig--I can understand. But the child? She does not belong in there! Please, take her out so that I may take her to my quarters where she will be both safe and comfortable. I assure you: she will be no harm to anypony.”

“The Council would beg to differ, Madame Nightshade,” Fortis said from where he calmly sat, telekinetically shuffling observation reports across the table before him. “She was the reason the winged pony attacked us in the first place, and when the attempted break-out occurred, she proved to be in league with the attacker. Not only that, but a Searonese mare--however briefly--was involved. Quite frankly, the situation has turned too hot for just any enforcer to handle, and if I don’t keep them all securely locked for the duration of this journey--especially where we are headed--then I’ll likely have to turn in my skull to the Queen even if we pull out of this conflict victorious.”

“If I could have foreseen this incident, Prime Enforcer, I would have told you,” Nightshade said. “I am sorry about the damage that’s been done to your ship and your crew, but please--do not take it out on an innocent child.”

“I don’t intend to. She has food and bedding, just like you. And if you ask me, I’d say she preferred the company she was with, however motley.” The aged officer gestured towards the book in Nightshade’s grasp. “You can, however, continue to hold onto the artifact. So long as it is close to the prison deck, it appears to have the pegasus pacified. I do appreciate that; she seems quite the hooffull.”

Nightshade nodded with a shy. “You have no idea…”

Just then, an intercom buzzed. ”Enforcer Zetta reporting as you requested, sir.”

“Splendid. Let her enter,” Fortis said.

The metal doors slid open. The mare in question trotted forward, standing straight at attention. “Sir! Enforcer Zetta of the Communications Department reporting as ordered, sir!”

“At ease, soldier.” Fortis stood up with a weary sigh and shuffled towards her and Nightshade’s half of the room. “Any news from Lieutenant Straker as to the pegasus’ condition?”

“Yes, sir,” Zetta said with a nod. “She appears to have woken up from her comatose condition, albeit she is physically ill.”

“In what way?”

“She’s wrought with dizziness and appears unable to lift her wings.”

“Hmmm… the book really does seem to be having an impact on her.” Fortis rubbed his chin. “So many questions I have, still.” He blinked. “Can she talk?”

“The guards have described her as chatting with the child and the earth pony cultist.”

“Then maybe she can explain a few things for herself.” Fortis stood before the enforcer. “I want you to round up Enforcer Basso. He seems to have as dominating an impact on the pegasus as the book. Have him bind her wings… and then bring her to me.”

Zetta blinked.

Nightshade leaned forward. “Prime Enforcer?! Are you… are you certain about this?”

“I think we all know that she is incapable of doing much else besides hissing and spitting at this point,” the stallion said with a graying smile. “Between Enforcer Basso’s strength and the book’s luminescence, I doubt she has the will--much less the ability--to put up a fight. Somewhere in that weakened state is a pony I’m sure who is willing to explain herself, and I would very much like to know more about this ‘target’ that the Council of Ledo sicked Prime Enforcer Shell after.”

“I encourage any pony wanting to increase his or her knowledge,” Nightshade said. “But don’t we have more pressing concerns at the moment?”

“Dear Madame, the book is tied to the metal world beneath the landscape that Seclorum defends. If this pegasus has a direct reaction to the tome, then that means she’s connected as well. I appreciate all that you’ve researched and studied on this matter, but I’d like to know every bit of information possible before I send my own ponies into the riskiest venture this war has seen yet.”

He pivoted once more towards Zetta.

“Bring an armed escort to accompany Enforcer Basso. While you’re at it, see if you can find Straker and send him my request to be there for the questioning.”

“Aye, sir.” Zetta saluted.

“You’re dismissed.”

As the mare twirled and marched out, Prime Enforcer Fortis turned and smiled at Nightshade.

“It helps to have greater numbers than a single winged pony.”

“I do hate to inform you of this, Prime Enforcer,” Nightshade muttered, holding the book tighter. “But the pegasus has friends of her own too…”

“Thatta boy, Simon!” Props sing-songed. A pair of thick goggles magnified her blue eyes as she stood on her rear legs and gestured with her front hooves. “A little higher! A little higher!”

Simon chirped, his tiny face twitching as his energy field lifted a hulking steam array inside the Noble Jury’s engine room. With remarkable grace, he managed to slap the custom-crafted web of tubes and pipes to a panel of instruments adjacent to the empty mana cage.

“Just a little higher! Just a sneeze, you adorable little chipmunk fodder!” Props grinned wide, leaned forward, and hissed, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaand--Baddabingette! Hold it right there!” She flung a look to her right. “All you, boys!”

Eagle Eye and Josho trotted forward, levitating screws and nuggets into place along the frame of the steam array. Slowly, bit by bit, they fastened the apparatus to the wall of the engine room.

“You really think this is gonna provide us ample propulsion for a while?” Eagle Eye asked, sweating through his less-than-dainty effort. “It’s a very pretty backup engine, but still a backup engine.”

“I just think somepony’s obsessed with backing it up,” Josho muttered.

“Hardy har har. At least I don’t cuddle up to my stomach every night.”

“You should try it. A stomach can’t write back.” Josho smirked.

“Unnngh… Shoot me now…”

“Oh, it’ll get us to putter-putt-putt-putter along just like all the other Gray Smoking Gray Smokers!” Props smiled wide, pausing to pat Simon’s bushy tail in thanks. “But will we go as fast as we used to with the sky stone?” She sighed. “Noperooni. That’s something we’re gonna have to work out later.”

“Hey, Props?” Eagle Eye glanced over. “I think I’m short a nut or two--” He instantly flung a frown at Josho. “And don’t you even try it!”

“Heh heh heh…”

“Don’t worry, pretty pretty pony!” Props winked. “We’ve got more where that came from.” She pivoted about. “Belle?”


Props’ goggled eyes blinked. She raised the article over her brow and whistled. “Yoohoo! Where’s your head at, gurrrrrrl?”

“Hmm?” Belle looked up from where she sat besides an organized pile of tools. “Oh. I… I’m sorry…” She dropped a few extra nuts and bolts onto a tray and hoofed it over to the two stallions. “I was distracted, I guess.”

“Heehee!” Props smiled. “And here I thought I was the inventor’s daughter!”

“It’s coming along nicely,” Belle hummed. “Really, it is. We owe you so much, Props.”

“Think nothing of it, nothing thinker! I’ve been jazzed ever since I found out that Uncle Prowse wasn’t Uncle Pony Being Eaten By Worms In the Ground! We’re gonna save Rainbow Dash, and then we’re gonna save him, and then we’re gonna save root beer! Cuz without all three of those, the world simply wouldn’t know what to do with itself! I know I wouldn’t!”

Belle smiled slightly. “Your enthusiasm is inspiring, Props. I just wish I had more to go on. I mean, it’s been nearly three days since we last heard anything.”

“Well, maybe it’s been three days since they had anything worth sharing!”

“Really?” Belle’s face twisted uncomfortably. “I just can’t imagine a reason why they would go silent… unless…”

“I wouldn’t dwell on that, Belle,” Eagle Eye said, looking over his shoulder. “Remember, Rainbow’s been in worse scrapes before, and she’s always come out on top.”

“The kid’s right,” Josho muttered, tightening a nut or two. “That pegasus has freaky levels of resilience. Nothing short of a meteorite to the face will stop her from finding your little scamp of a foal.”

“I thank you all for being so encouraging. I know I’ve been… rather moody as of late,” Belle said. “I guess it’s my own fault. I should find more things to be useful with on board this ship, besides helping Ebon Mane with the salads or… or…” She sighed. “Looking after Kera…”

“You’re useful just by being you, girl!” Props rushed up to nuzzle her. “Just talk to us, be happy, and for the love of motor oil--grow your mane out!”

“Pfft. Oh Props…”

“I wanna braid something that isn’t made out of metal filament for once!” Props nudged her. “‘Cuz Rainbow Dash won’t let me fiddle with her mane for some reason!”

“Er… uh… yeah…” Belle shifted nervously, sweating. “Imagine that…”

“Seriously! Heehee! What’s up with that--”

”Crrkk! Anypony there? Respond.”

Every equine inside the engine room jumped. Even Simon leaned forward on his perch, chirping curiously.

Belle fumbled, rushed, and finally swept the sound stone off the nearby table. “Oh dear Spark, please--Rainbow?!” She almost shouted, eyes wide. “Rainbow, is that you?! Are you safe?! Oh, please respond!”

”Snkkt--I’m safe, relatively. But I’m not Rainbow.”

The ponies stood stock still, stunned.

“Roarke…?” Eagle Eye murmured, squinting at the glowing stone.

“Where the heck are you?!” Belle asked. “It’s so noisy on your end!”

”That… is a little complicated to explain…”

Her suit battered and scorched in several pieces, the metal mare clung to a piece of the Lightning Bearer’s bottom hull. She was perched between two enormous mana crystals humming with thrust as they propelled the vessel east over jagged mountaintops. The landscape below grew more and more arid, with the vegetation completely disappearing.

“However, I do recognize the geography below me. I believe I am currently passing into the Lower Ashlands.”

”The… The Ashlands?! Why… that’s near the front! Roarke, that means you’re east of us now!”


”What in Spark’s name are you doing out there?! I thought you and Rainbow went west to find Kera!”

“And we did find her. And Nightshade as well.” Roarke took a shuddering breath. “And, as much as I hate to admit it, a hulking battleship filled with the most capable breeders I’ve seen since Aurum.”

”My goodness! Do you two need help?!

“That remains to be seen…” Roarke’s eye-lenses reflected the thrusters on either side of her. “I’ve been observing this ship’s passage as stealthily as I’ve been able to manage. Kera, Rainbow Dash, and Zaid are still alive, so that’s a plus.”

”Who is ‘Zaid?’”

Roarke shuddered. “Perhaps you’re best off ignorant.” She swallowed. “But know this. We are headed to Prime Enforcer Seclorum’s battlefront, but something seems off.”

”How so?”

“Difficult to say. We’ve experienced almost zero resistance from Xonan patrols and… I’ve noticed a few more things suspicious. I get the feeling that we may need a swift and durable vessel to get us out of here.”

”Well, the Jury can do ‘durable,’ but ‘swift’ is another matter altogether.”

“Right. Guess that’s where I’m going to have to come in…” Roarke sighed towards the desert topography below. “Somehow. Stay tuned, alright? Roarke out.”

She slid the sound stone back into her armor and resumed crawling slowly across the belly of the Lightning Bearer.

“Hmmmf… should have taken a harem with me from Searo’s Hold, I swear to Goddess…”

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