• Member Since 16th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago



"When Our Prince landed his Weyr in the Everfree, he desired not to be a Prince. This was not to be, however, for Celestia sent us - those whom were dissatisfied with her rule - unto him, to be his Subjects. Celestia in effect made him a Prince, but even in this he defied her. 'Fine! If she wants a Prince, then I'll be a Prince. But I'm doing things my own way, or not at all!' he said. I am Weyrpony Khorvas, Head Archivist of Equusweyr, the Royal Palace of the Everfree Princedom, and herein are the Chronicles of Our Prince and his Sovereign State."

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 22 )

so basically the everfree ponies are the protoss?

3158096 Not quite. They're ponies, with access not only to the usual equestrian magic, but also to Protoss Technology, courtesy of the Prince and his Nexus with its automated machine shops... kind of a melting pot of stuff.

Gee.. only one like and two dislikes? Which worthless cowards are doing that? At least leave a comment if you don't like it, instead of 'thumbing down and sodding off.'

Bah... who cares. I mostly write for myself, anyway; if people don't like it, well sucks to them. I made these a separate story because master109 asked me to.

Eh, I'm a misanthropic old fart from the 80's. I know I have a few readers. Sometimes I wonder why. Is any of the stuff I write actually good, or am I abominably hopeless and people are just 'loving and tolerating' aka. refusing to tell me?


:facehoof: Er... my comment and your reply to it in "Short Shorts" disappeared before i read it, when you deleted "the prince" chapters.
And the stuff you write is actually pretty good, if a bit short at time, but the name of your other story is "Short Shorts" :rainbowlaugh:

Have a like, deserved. I think a few people are pissed that this story do not portrays magic and rainbow exiting all the various pony backside.

That's all

I see you did decide to make this your its own story.
So a romance tag huh.
Anyway, add this to some groups. Should help boost how many readers the story gets.

I don't usually enjoy instant alicorn self inserts (which is surprising, considering the state of my favorites tab) but this isn't bad at all. Have a fave and an upvote. For the latest chapter of Short Shorts, if nothing else.

Huh, I'm glad I always check to see if anyone favoriting my stories actually has a story of their own; this one is pretty good!

Your lack of readers probably stems from the fact that there aren't many ways that people would end up coming across this due to the low amount of tags (though it's important to only have relevant ones, as you currently do). As someone else said in an earlier comment, putting this up in a group or two might give it some attention, and once it starts getting linked to other fics via the "similar" or "also liked" tabs, it can only go uphill from there.

Finally i have waited for so long hope for much more chapters but the only thing i do not like is the chapters are short other than that this chapter is great

Yes new chapter, but why is it short?

When are you going to make another chapter about both royal sisters?


In this case, however, the Great Pyramid in which the Prince lives is called the Dragon Weyr because a dragoness named Ieesha - his former life mate - used to live with him there, before she died and he came to Equus. The name just stuck.

Ok, I’m liking this and the style is interesting but did we just go from Starcraft’s Protoss to Warhammer 40k’s god emperor?

I came across it because he had useful comments and someone commented upon his comment about his short shorts and was curious what else he had. I like this so far, but have to get used to the different style.

I like this story so far. I think the style is such that it might become grating over really long chapters but works well for this informative, archival style. The only thing that bugs me but makes sense once you learn about their network is the shifting between grouping with self and grouping without, ie: their homes vs our homes. That happens multiple times and sometimes sentence to sentence. It leads to some confusion as to who exactly the narrator is but somewhat works due to the weird nature of the network everyone is essentially connected to.

The Narrator of these stories is Weyrpony Khorvas, Head Archivist and Right Hoof of the Prince; he's like the head butler / major-domo of the Weyr. Whilst his pseudo-alicorn hoof-maidens are directly responsible for caring for the Prince himself (feeding, bathing, grooming, looking after his mental and physical health, etc.) Khorvas - by the Will of the Prince - is responsible for managing the day-to-day of the Weyr.

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