• Member Since 16th Dec, 2012
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A collection of short pony scraps and snippets. All are separate from each other; though some may have slight continuity between them. I started writing them as inspiration for my friend Jaydex the Shadow Knight; I'd put them on his Blogs. Now, they are here, all collected.

Blind-drafted from my thoughts unto Notepad and then edited "on-site", all are unique - none are pre-planned or even saved on my hard drive. For as long as FIMFiction remains so will they. Should the site ever fall... then lost forever will they be. Take them, save them, use them as fuel for stories of your own.

All are my gift to you.

Warning: Some of these shorts depict ponies being treated as the pets of humans. When this is done, a pony plays being a pet, and lets the human care for him/her as a method of consensual relaxation; a gentle or nurturing treatment, based on the desire to be cared for. IT IS NOT SLAVERY.

Chapters (215)
Comments ( 703 )

Glad to see you posted these to the site! Instant fav and thumbs up! :scootangel::yay:

Wow, that's a damn nice vision you got there. Too bad it won't ever happen... I think I'd like to live in that world.

Now this sounds like something Celestia would do. Why couldn't we have monarchs like this in real life? Sure, some were good, but the majority of human monarchs, autocrats, tyrants, dictators and emperors throughout history were selfish assholes or outright psychos.

Read all the short-shorts or whatever the term is... and I liked them. Not bad, dude. Not bad at all.

2462895 I'm glad. There'll be more of them; this "story" won't ever be completed, so keep checking back occasionally for more.


Indeed? Now that sounds promising.

Added to Alert list.

All I can say now is... HNNNG! RIGHT IN THE FEELS!

Altough that last bit softened the blow. Good job, dude.

A very bittersweet chapter, and...

Huh. Now that's a novel idea. Haven't seen that before.

My personal headcanon is that the holes serve no biological function, nor are they there because the changelings carve them out themselves. No, they're the symptoms starvation, the proof that their bodies have begun to eat themselves to sustain their lives... Actually, I believe this is a pretty common theory/idea, so I'm not the only one to think this way.

This, admittedly, makes me rather sympathetic to the Changelings and Chrysalis in particular, so I've got a certain fondness for stories where Chrissy is redeemed.

Nice work!

So seeing as how these shorts are in the same continuity is the one chapter with the human/Chrysalis pairing also part of it, or did the last chapter, and this one cancel it out?

2468932 BZZZZT! WRONG! These are all separate ideas and snippets. There is no continuity. There is only what I write and you read.

Nice chapter. Interesting that you went with the more modern Dead Space, and not the classic survival horror Resident Evil.

Oh wow, Luna's progression through the game reminds me of my own. I was all "ohgodthehorror" and then I was all "take this, evil hellspawn!".

Dead Space is not a game Celestia would approve of, I think. David is right to worry.

Nice work all around, I say.

2480262 Crap, you're right. Those things are the equivalent of Nuka-Cola. All fixed now, though. Sorry about that. There'll be more snippets incoming when I write 'em.

Ooops. Caught redhanded! And redhoofed, I guess.

I'm thinking they shirked their duties and went off without telling anyone... And left Luna with all work. Ergo, annoyed Luna is annoyed.

I hope there will be a follow-up to this. I'm curious now!

Comment posted by Seraph973 deleted Apr 26th, 2013

HeHeHe, Blueblood.

Poor Lyra, will she ever get her human?


To any who might moan about continuity with these (I'm looking at you, Seraph973) don't. Whilst there may be references or perhaps a very slight continuity between some of these snippets, they're mostly all separate things. Just read 'em, enjoy 'em, and please, don't complain...


Yes, you got me; bingo! They're just such wonderful quotes; they seemed appropriate.

Not really complaining. It was just that when I made my first comment you said I was wrong, and then contradicted yourself. Just really pointing out how odd it is.


Okay, whatever... Look, I just write these things because I want to; I just belt 'em out in notepad then edit them here on-site. If they do or do not have continuity - or if I "ninja-edit" stuff in or take stuff out - so what? I do not care.. If they do or do not have bloody continuity then who gives a flying fuck. Just read 'em and enjoy em, alright? I couldn't care less about inane shit like this; I just want to write... but, it seems I can't even do that without offending some damn person or contradicting myself...

Fuck it; I don't want to get into a 'debate' with you on here about anything at all. The last idiot I almost got into it with on here was [censored] and arguing with her was like trying to argue with a brick wall.

I hate people. I really, really do... :facehoof:

Continuity? I have zero fucks to give. I just read these shorts for the enjoyment of reading these shorts. You'll get no complaints from me.

And just to reiterate; I enjoy reading your Short Shorts. Do keep up the good work.

2485037 I certainly will; thank you. I might not put one up every day mind you, but if I get a flash of inspiration I'll jot one up.

Another part of the reason I'm doing this is that I'm sick to death of poor Celestia being treated like a tyrant and sick of the humans are bastards / ponies are monsters tripe. We're not monsters and that poor, poor lonely Alicorn mare - who spent 1000 years alone without her sister - needs all the love she can get.

Why Pet! Celestia and Luna? I... utterly adore the idea of humans taking care of these beautiful ponies. I want to take care of them.

Please understand when I am talking about Luna and Celestia being pets, I am NOT NOT NOT talking about horrible BSDM "master/pet" slave rubbish! My definition of them being "pets" is:

"When you wear this simple collar you can let go because I will take care of you. I will hold you, kiss you, pet you all over, comb your mane gently with my hands, rub you down at the end of the day, feed you and keep you warm. I will be responsible for you. I will care for you. All you have to do is just... let go." This is what I mean when I talk about Celestia and Luna role-playing as pets. It's a gentle, consensual, utterly loving thing.

They can just let go and be ponies and have their humans take care of them and their needs. Read Fancy Pants' story in "Others' Thoughts on Daniel and Celestia" and you'll get what I mean.

Yeash. Sorry I offended you. Next time I am wondering something about these shorts I will just keep it to my self. Didn't know that you will be this sensitive about such a little thing.

Good luck with all of your endeavors.

When I first came here to Fimfiction, it was not because I had watched MLP:FIM, it was because of Harry Leferts "The Lonely Princess". I sort of liked what I found here, and though I'm sort of "meh" towards the show, I liked the universe and the characters well enough, so I stayed.

I have yet to regret that decision (in part thanks to authors like you, I feel I should add).

And then I came across the TCB fics. They didn't bother me much, at first. But then they got worse, as I found more of them. And then I started to find the other Tyrant/Evil Celestia fics.... Suffice to say, I wasn't amused. I read a few, and I think there was one or two that were actually good, but by and large, genuinely Evil or Tyrant Celestia is one of the few things here on Fimfiction I'd like to nuke from orbit. Repeatedly.

Same thing with the Humans are Bastards trope. Yes, I know we got our problems and all that. But the majority of the species isn't made up of egoistic jerkasses and psychos, and the way some authors positively wallow in how evil and destructive and generally bad we are makes me want to bitchslap someone with a medieval full-plate gauntlet. This applies to the Ponies are Monsters idea, as well.

Fics like yours where Celestia (and Luna) gets some of the attention and affection she deserves and where humans get to show off our good qualities are thus very nice, and counters all that aforementioned negative stuff.

Thus I say; bravo and may the Swag be with you!

This was a fun little short! I enjoyed reading the thoughts other's had about Daniel and Celestia. You know, I really enjoyed Cadence's response. You so get Daniel. Just from the way "You Brighten My Day" is going, I honestly don't see Daniel yelling at Celestia or being able to stay remotely mad at her, even if she might do something that irks him. As you seem to understand, he loves her that much, even if he might not be 100% sure why. Call it a kindred spirits thing, if you must label it. :raritywink: I do have a minor scuffle planned when Celestia's curiosity gets the better of her involving his personal computer files. But I doubt it will play out like many will expect or necessarily want it to.

Well, onto that sensual Luna and David one! :rainbowwild:

That was delightful! A beautiful romp! :rainbowwild: Quite sensual indeed!

I love that David somehow knew Celestia was spying on them. And that ending...she certainly would be needing Daniel. I'm sure he could share such a loving technique with her. If he hasn't already! :raritywink:

That was perfect! And the end with Luna, a little turnabout! You have given me some great ideas for the future love scenes of my Luna and Celestia stories. David and Daniel have their work cut out for them, but to please their mares, I'm sure they'll do whatever it takes! :raritywink:

Petting parlours... You know, I don't mind that idea. While I'd balk at the, hrm, intimate stuff, petting and brushing the cute ponies sounds fun, and it is probably pretty relaxing. We do the same thing to our cats and dogs for much the same reasons, after all.

Comment posted by KaleStarhorn deleted May 1st, 2013

I am confused, but I said that I won't ask anything......

2515249 Think of it this way, there will always be a Princess; ergo Celestia and Luna will exist, are existing, have existed, in all times. That's why Celestia will know, is knowing, has known Daniel when she's never met him before in this snippet.

Herein we see a harsher time, wherein Celestia has just banished her sister, where she has to wear that awful armor because her ponies think her Divine; where to look upon Her means Death. Where her Great Burden - her duty - comes before her happiness. Her heart aches, yet She must Endure for her Little Ponies and so she does.

But she is a mare. A mare imperfect. She wants. She desires. She wishes and she wishes. Sometimes a wish can be a powerful thing... enough to alter the destiny of a sad, lonely mare...

"There will always be a Princess. There will always be a Man by her side. And he will love and protect her - ever and ever, always and always - until time reaches its end."

While one dimensional villains can be done well, I must admit I find them a bit more interesting when they have motivations beyond "hurrdurr I have dah POWAH" or "I CAN HAZ HAVE ALL THE WEALTH" and such.

My own headcanon is that the changelings were seriously starving and Chrysalis did what she thought had to be done, but got power mad drunk on all the love energy she siphoned off Shining Armor or that her admittedly shitty attitude is a result of a bad environment/life and not some sort of innate personality flaw.

...Dunno exactly why, but Chrysalis is one of these villains I get the feeling there is more to than what we were shown or told. Thus I like stories where she redeems herself somehow.

This wasn't redemption for Chrissy, since it wasn't actually Chrysalis who invaded but a "wayward daughter", but it's close enough that I don't much care.

Very clever, and original. having the changlings also only able to eat/consume liquid sugar. many just either only able to consume emotions, or eat regular food.

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