• Published 28th Oct 2013
  • 10,579 Views, 488 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship's Turmoil - Superdale33

Kingdom Hearts x Equestria Girls. Sora travels to a world that holds a powerful magic, which he must protect from the impending Darkness while searching for his lost friend, Riku. Takes place after Dream Drop Distance.

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Chapter 10: Impact

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship’s Turmoil
Chapter 10: Impact

The lunch everyone shared was set in silence. The battle was still fresh in their minds, along with the knowledge that so many people wanted to get their hands on the six friends. The only talking they did was explaining to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo about keyblades, Heartless, and such. They were actually excited to hear all the information, gushing over how cool it all was. Applejack didn’t like the thought of her sister and friends getting dragged into this business, but she didn’t have a choice, and so didn’t dwell on it for very long.

None of their other friends joined them, probably doing other things for classes. It didn’t strike the group as odd, especially after Twilight, Pinkie, and Applejack received text messages saying that they wouldn’t make it.

Eventually, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, and all the students headed for their classrooms, even Sora and Roxas. Of course, they were lost yet again, and Pinkie Pie volunteered to show them the way. When she got them to where they needed, however, the bell rang again, making Pinkie late for her own class.

Running through the halls like a blur, rivaling Rainbow Dash in speed, Pinkie arrived to her classroom, opening the door without a care in the world.

“Sorry I’m late!” she said with a wide smile, though the interrupted Cheerilee did not take kindly to it as she stood in the front of the class with a piece of chalk in hand.

“I’m letting you off with a warning, Pinkie,” she said gravely, pointing the chalk at her with a hint of irritance. Pinkie simply nodded as she bounded over to her seat near the back. When she got there, she saw Rainbow Dash sitting next to her desk, drawing what looked like a keyblade.

As Pinkie sat down, she stared at the sketch as Rainbow Dash continued to draw. However, Rainbow suddenly got the feeling she was being watched, and turned her head to see Pinkie looking at her with intrigue.

“Whatcha drawing there, Rainbow?” Pinkie asked in a hushed voice, knowing they’d both get in trouble if they were caught.

Rainbow was a bit put off by how close Pinkie was leaning, but shrugged it off as she faced her picture in pure excitement. “This is my own keyblade!” she said with as much gusto she could muster without being caught talking. “Here, take a look.”

Pinkie got a closer look, leaning even closer with her tongue sticking out to the side as she narrowed her eyes, studying the drawing with a critical eye. Several seconds went by, with Rainbow nervously checking on Miss Cheerilee in case she saw their little exchange. Then, Pinkie popped back in her seat with a bright smile.

“That looks terrific,” she said, before giving a knowing look and a half smirk. “Are you jealous of Sora and Roxas?”

“Of course not,” Rainbow waved off, turning back to her drawing. “If those two doofuses can get a keyblade, I don’t see why I can’t.”

“I’m sure you’ll get a keyblade of your own, Rainbow.” Pinkie nodded, causing Rainbow to smile blissfully at the keyblade. Then suddenly, Pinkie gasped, her hands coming up to her cheeks as an idea struck her. Unluckily, Cheerilee heard and turned around, shushing her.

As she covered her mouth long enough for Cheerilee to turn back to writing on the chalkboard, Pinkie faced Rainbow who had raised a questionable brow at her behavior. “I still haven’t thrown a party for Sora and Roxas,” Pinkie hissed, her expression slightly frantic. “I’m supposed to be the party person, and I haven’t even thought about it!”

“Well,” Rainbow interjected, “to be honest, there’s been a lot going on since those two arrived.”

“Exactly!” Pinkie pointed out, jabbing a finger onto her desk. “They’ve saved us a few times already, and taken out loads of meanies, so it only makes sense to give them the greatest party ever, right?”

“Yeah, I suppose,” Rainbow agreed, folding her drawing up before slipping it into her backpack on the floor.

“There’s no supposing about it,” Pinkie replied as she rubbed her chin in thought. “We need a party pronto. And I think I know just the place and time.”

Rainbow waited for what Pinkie had to say, putting her elbow on her desk as she propped her head up. “And…” Rainbow drawled, rolling her other hand, “That place would be?”

Pinkie giggled. “Silly, I can’t tell you. You’d spoil it for Sora and Roxas.”

“Pinkie, what about the party you held for Twilight?” Rainbow asked, her eyes showing her annoyance with Pinkie. “You told us all about it, and we didn’t tell her.”

“Which Twilight?” Pinkie asked, looking slightly confused.

“The one from our world,” Rainbow said with a sigh, shaking her head. “Not the one from the pony world.”

“That reminds me,” Pinkie said, going off in a different topic. “When are we going to tell the Twilight of this world that she’s a pony princess in another world? It kinda seems like something she oughta know.”

“Beats me, Pinkie,” Rainbow said, crossing her arms on the desk as she laid her head on them. “But my point is that you can tell us about the party. How else are you going to get the decorations up?”

“You mean besides my Party Cannon, trademarked?” Pinkie asked slyly. Rainbow didn’t know what she was talking about, and she really didn’t want to know.

“Yes,” Rainbow answered with a sigh, “So unless you're holding the party at that new club a few blocks away, I don’t see how you-”

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie gasped again, looking shocked with her eyes being dramatically wide. “You’re such a great guesser!”

“Wait, seriously?” Rainbow questioned, looking just as shocked. “Club Moonlight?”

“Yeah!” Pinkie nodded happily, her shock dissipating instantly. “Vinyl Scratch works there, so I’m going to see if she can get us in for a night.”

“That’s awesome!” Rainbow cheered quietly. “That place has been full since it opened.”

“Oh, this is so exciting!” Pinkie shouted, having lost control of her volume. The whole class turned towards them, as did Miss Cheerilee who was giving them a glare. Pinkie was undeterred by the stares, mostly because she herself was staring off into space gleefully. Rainbow, on the other hand, gave a nervous chuckle as she smiled in embarrassment.

“She…” Rainbow started, gesturing weakly towards Pinkie, “really likes English.”

Miss Cheerilee glared at them for a while longer before rolling her eyes, facing her work on the chalkboard again. The students followed suite, causing Rainbow Dash to sigh in relief, glad to avoid getting in trouble. With her status of being the captain of every team, she had to be careful not to miss any practice what-so-ever, which meant not getting a detention.

“So,” Rainbow started after a while, glancing over to see Pinkie still off in her own world. “When are we going to the club?”

“Tomorrow on Friday,” Pinkie replied with a content sigh. “It’ll be perfect!”

Rainbow chuckled lightly as she faced the front of the room. “You almost sound like Twilight.”

“I was thinking more on the lines of Rarity,” Pinkie argued, and Rainbow grunted in response. Pinkie couldn’t help but see through her mind’s eye how the party would turn out. Everyone would have fun, and Sora and Roxas would have their party. Plus it would be Friday, and everyone likes Fridays!


“Oh my,” Fluttershy muttered, a hand over her mouth as Twilight finished the story involving Pete and the Heartless. They were sitting next to each other in their History class, with Twilight quietly retelling what had happened during lunch with Fluttershy. Twilight was also able to keep up with her notes at the same time, planning on sharing them with Fluttershy later.

“Tell me about it,” Twilight muttered, leaning back in her seat. The two remained quiet a moment, half listening to the instructions the teacher was giving.

“Oh,” Fluttershy said, her face lighting up in remembrance as Twilight raised a brow. “Um, did they say how it went with Principal Celestia? I mean, if you don’t want to tell me…”

Twilight smiled, holding back a giggle from Fluttershy’s behavior. “It’s fine, Fluttershy. And yes, they did tell me. Roxas is helping me with my research project…”

She suddenly trailed off, taking a deep breath as she stared at her desk with a frown. That feeling she had when she ran into Roxas with all of her books; she knew what it was. Cadance was an expert on the subject, but Twilight tried to put a reason to her mood swing. It was probably just the heat of the moment; she couldn’t have feelings for a guy she had only met the day before. That had to be it! She simply recognized Roxas as some sort of lonely hero, and it got to her head a bit.

“Twilight?” Fluttershy questioned, putting a hand on her friend’s shoulder to shake her.

“I don’t love Roxas!” she suddenly shouted, sitting straight up as if she had been struck by lightning. All the students faced them, causing Twilight to blush as they both shrunk down to as low as they could while keeping their eyes in view. “Heh, sorry,” she said quietly.

The teacher didn’t say anything, knowing that the embarrassment of having every student looking and judging them was enough. Everyone eventually turned away, causing Twilight and Fluttershy to rise back up in their seats, Twilight with the blush still on her cheeks.

“Um, if you don’t mind me asking, Twilight,” Fluttershy questioned, sounding much more quiet than before. “What was that?”

Twilight shook her head vigorously, composing herself the best she could as she put her pencil down. “Nothing. It was nothing. Now what were we talking about?”

“How much trouble Sora got into with Principal Celestia,” Fluttershy answered, a worried look on her face.

“Oh right,” Twilight said. “Sora’s cleaning the halls with you.”

“H-He is?” Fluttershy breathed, playing with her hands as she looked away. Somehow, Fluttershy knew that Sora wanted that as his punishment, that he had requested to work with Fluttershy. The thought made her like Sora even more, but a small fraction of herself made her think she was taking advantage of him. Using him to finish her detention to get out faster. It was how they had officially met, so did Fluttershy only like Sora because she needed to get out of her detention? The mere notion made Fluttershy depressed as her shoulders sagged, her head dipping down.

“What’s the matter?” Twilight asked, her expression matching Fluttershy’s. “I thought you would be excited.”

Fluttershy swallowed as she faced away, her mood quickly declining as she continually berated herself in her head. “It’s just…” she said, finding it difficult to speak her mind. “Am I taking advantage of Sora? Do I like him because I’m using him to clean the hallways?”

Twilight blinked at Fluttershy, her mouth slightly open in surprise of her questions. “Fluttershy,” Twilight said with confusion and sorrow. “How can you think that? You're the kindest person I know.”

“I sure don’t feel like one,” Fluttershy said as she closed her eyes, accepting the hate she put on herself. Twilight wasn’t sure what to do, she had little experience with relationships and was having trouble deciphering her own feelings towards Roxas. What they both needed was an expert, someone who knew what to do in these types of situations. Luckily, Twilight knew who they could talk with.

“Okay, I know what we can do,” Twilight declared, looking a lot more determined than she was a few minutes ago. Fluttershy opened one eye, using it to glance over to Twilight, lifting her head up ever so slightly. “We can talk to my sister-in-law, Cadance. She knows everything there is to know about love.”

“And… she can find out what’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked, feeling slightly better.

“I wouldn’t word it exactly like that,” Twilight said with a roll of her hands. “But yes, she can help.”

“That’s good,” Fluttershy said, her smile returning. Twilight noticed it, and smiled herself.

“You know,” Twilight whispered, not wanting anybody to overhear her next words, “Sora’s one lucky guy to have someone like you think of him.”

Fluttershy blushed, but the smile on her face brightened even more. “You really think so?”

“Definitely,” Twilight answered with a broad smile of her own, before it slipped to a frown in thought. “But I wonder if there’s anyone else in his life.”

Fluttershy tilted her head to the side. “What do you mean?”

“Not really sure.” Twilight shrugged, picking up the pencil on her desk. “I’m just thinking-”

She stopped herself, her eyes really wide as she stared at the board at the front as if a sudden realization hit her. “I haven’t been taking notes!” she said quietly yet anxiously, and before Fluttershy knew it, Twilight was off writing furiously on her notepad, her pencil a blur.

Knowing she could get the notes later, or whatever Twilight was able to get down, Fluttershy let her mind wander as she glanced out the window, the sight of the statue in the front of the school catching her eye. If Sora was from another world, had he been to the world where the pony Twilight Sparkle had come from? Despite worrying about the many things in her head, she had to wonder what that other world was like, and if she would ever visit it sometime.


Rarity gasped sharply. “Sora and Roxas are simply remarkable!”

Applejack chuckled as they worked the clay in their hands. They were working together on a two-person project in their art class, which was making a pot with decorations utilizing only clay. Surprisingly, Applejack and Rarity had a bit of common ground there. Applejack, with her hard working nature, found it pretty normal, though she somewhat lacked in details for how their pot would look. Rarity, though finding the clay a bit icky, was bursting with ideas on what she wanted their pot to become, though a few were a bit out of reach with the material at hand. All in all, they were a perfect match for the team project.

With clay-stained aprons covering the front of their bodies, they sat beside each other with Applejack deciding to work the clay while Rarity made small decorations to put on after she was done. Because the whole class was working, they could speak freely, without worrying about being overheard or getting in trouble.

"They really did that?" Rarity asked, looking astonished as she formed a star out of the clay setting it beside a few other small clay stars.

“I don't know why you're so surprised, Rarity," Applejack said, a tinge of uneasiness ebbing into her voice as she molded the clay to appear like a basic cup. “And besides, aren’t ya worried about Sweetie Belle gettin' into this mess?”

The smile that was on Rarity’s lips faded out almost instantaneously from the mention of her sister. Sweetie was far too innocent to have to get involved, especially on a scale as dangerous as this. “I suppose you’re right,” Rarity agreed, slowing her movements as she played with the lump of clay in her hands. “Who did you say the large ruffian was again?”

“Sora said his name was Pete,” Applejack said with a sigh. “Workin’ with some witch named Maleficent.”

“And they’re after us as well,” Rarity concluded with a soft hum afterwards. “We’ve become quite famous rather quickly.”

“Tell me about it,” Applejack agreed with a shake of her head, the clay cup becoming thinner and curvier in her hands. The distraction allowed her mind to drift off to before the fight with Pete, when she ran into Sora. “Rarity… I was bein’ teased again.”

“What!?” Rarity shrieked, the clay star in her hand going skyward as she brought her hands to grip her head, ignoring the bit of clay that clung to her skin. The class gave them a brief glance at their sudden increase in noise, but overall ignored them. Applejack and Rarity didn’t even notice as Rarity took deep breaths to calm down, the clay star that was in the air extraordinarily landing back on the paper she worked on. “Did you ignore them? I thought everyone stopped that nonsense after the Fall Formal.”

“Well, they didn’t really,” Applejack replied, taking her own deep breath as she tried to focus on her clay. “I just didn’t bring it up. I’ve been ignorin’ them, like y’all said to.”

“Pardon me if this may sound offensive,” Rarity said, clearing her throat as she put a hand to her chest, leaving more clay on her apron, “but you should have told us sooner. I am disappointed with you.”

“I didn’t really think much of the teasin’, Rarity,” Applejack clarified, her eyes narrowing as she kept them from looking to Rarity. “I’m so used to it, I hardly notice.”

“So why bring it up now?” Rarity asked, going back to her task of making clay stars.

Applejack sighed. “Sora was there.”

“Ohhhh,” Rarity said, getting the idea almost instantly. She may have only known him for two days, but Rarity felt confident that Sora was the hero type. If Fluttershy hadn’t set her eyes on him, Rarity would have tried to romance him herself. She always wanted to be with someone like that. Pushing the thought away, she got back on track with the discussion with Applejack. “Did he do something about it?”

“I didn’t really explain it to him,” Applejack said, removing her hands from the clay pot, which was pretty much done at that point, as she leaned back as far as she could in her chair. “With Sora around, it seemed like teasin’ was more… I don’t know.”

“Apparent?” Rarity guessed, gesturing a hand towards Applejack.

“Yeah, apparent.” Applejack sighed, standing to her feet and leaning her hands against the desk they both shared. “He didn’t do anything because I guess he knew I didn’t want to make some sort a’ scene.”

Rarity stood up from her chair as well, putting a comforting hand on Applejack’s shoulder. “Perhaps the next time you see him,” Rarity said, giving her a small smile, “you can tell him. I think he’ll listen to you.”

Applejack took a deep breath, nodding at her words as she glanced up to Rarity’s face, only to give a small chuckle. “Ya got clay on your face,” she pointed out, causing Rarity to blink for a moment before bringing her hands up to her eyes, seeing the wet clay that covered them.

“Drat,” Rarity said, sagging slightly with a look of mild frustration. “Well, class is almost over anyway. I’ll just have to make a stop to the little girls’ room.”

Applejack smirked, glad to have the conversation turn to a more pleasant tone. As she and Rarity sat back in their seats, Applejack took hold of the nearly complete pot, putting the finishing touches on it. Rarity, for her part, got busy finishing the stars, her mind set on making their pot the best one in class.


Nothing goes exactly as planned; that’s what master Xehanort learned from his life. There would always be some minute detail that deviates from his original intention, eventually becoming a large nuisance that must be handled accordingly. A new plan would have to be created based off this nuisance, and that plan would have a small flaw as well. It was a cycle Xehanort was all too familiar.

Xehanort didn’t want the χ-blade to be destroyed as soon as it was created, yet that was exactly what happened. He wanted his nobody counterpart to create an artificial Kingdom Hearts, but the plan was ruined by a boy. His plans may not have been successful, but his secondary ones always came through. Which was why he was smiling as Xigbar gave his report about his mission. Despite knowing that Xigbar and his associate were unable to dispose of Sora and gain the magic of friendship, he already had a backup plan in play.

Sitting high in the tallest throne in the Round Room was where he was, his legs crossed and an arm leaning against the armrest as it propped up his head. Xigbar, standing at the platform at the bottom of the room, was explaining what they had figured out so far in the world.

“...And then we brought ol’ Riku here to have him recuperate,” Xigbar finished, crossing his arms in an overconfident way.

“Interesting,” Xehanort noted with his raspy yet powerful voice, his eyes half closed as if he was contemplating something as Xigbar was speaking. “It seems these six girls are very troublesome.”

“As if,” Xigbar waved off, his head going back at the mere thought of the girls being a threat. “They wouldn’t stand a chance if those keybladers weren’t protecting them.”

“I see,” Xehanort said. “And where is your partner? I thought he would join you in this riveting disclosure.”

“You mean-?” Xigbar started before being interrupted by a voice.

“I am here, master,” the voice said as a Corridor of Darkness appeared beside Xigbar, the two barely giving it a glance. A figure in a black coat emerged as the Corridor disappeared, and he faced upward towards Xehanort.

“Ah, glad of you to join us…” Xehanort chortled, his smile broadening, “Saïx.”

The figure grunted before reaching up and pulling back his hood, revealing a man with long blue hair and elvish ears. A large ‘X’ scar was directly in between his eyes as he faced Xehanort with a nearly uncaring gaze. “Has Xigbar given the report?” he asked, his tone neutral.

“Why yes, he has,” Xehanort nodded, shifting his arms and feet to sit normally with both arms on the armrests. “And I am surprised that such an easy task has taken such a long time.”

“If he has told you correctly,” Saïx said, shooting a quick glare over to Xigbar, who gave a toothy grin, before facing Xehanort again, “then you know that Sora and Roxas are intervening with our plans. And you know exactly how troublesome they are.”

“Indeed,” Xehanort said. “And that is why I am always prepared. You do remember the crystal I gave you, yes?”

“Of course,” Saïx answered, lifting up his hand and holding it up for all to see. It was small and purple, pulsing with dark energy. “And it has helped us control Riku, but Sora has learned to utilize the magic of friendship from those six girls, becoming far more powerful than before. And with Roxas assisting him, it has become near impossible to succeed against them.”

A short pause followed, where no one moved a muscle. That is, until Xehanort laughed. “You forget my favorite tactic to use,” he said, giving his devilish smile. “Have your opponents see the pieces you hold, then, when they aren’t looking, add more to the table.”

Another Corridor of Darkness appeared between Saïx and Xigbar, causing the two of them to step to the side, gazing at the short figure in another black coat. The hood was up, but everyone in the room knew exactly who he was.

“Would you kindly help them and expedite the mission?” Xehanort asked with a tilt of his head. The figure nodded, a slow one that was barely noticeable. When he did, Xehanort faced Saïx. “Give him the crystal.”

Without a word, Saïx followed the order, lightly tossing the crystal to the figure who snatched it out of the air. The figure brought the crystal up to his eyes, turning it in his hands as he examined it. “You know what to do, I presume,” Xehanort announced, and the figure lowered the crystal as he faced Xehanort.

“It shall be done,” the figure said with a young voice.


Sora had trouble staying awake in the last class of the day. Having to take part in three different battles took its toll on him, and the boring classes did not reverse this effect. He couldn’t even imagine how Roxas must be doing, who had taken the blunt end of all of their engagements. Actually, Sora could, as he was sitting right next to him, and with a simple look, Sora could easily see that Roxas was struggling to even stay awake.

Too much had happened in only a few hours, and the two just wished the day would end. At least Sora had many topics to think over, with the main one being the many threats that set their sights on his friends. Then there was the fact that Sora’s best friend, Riku, was still under the hold of Xehanort. He was afraid he would have to fight him again, and Sora had enough of that back in Radiant Garden. Then, finally, there was Fluttershy. Sora took a mighty big sigh at that thought. He figured out that Fluttershy must like him more than a friend, but did he share those feelings with her? Sora couldn’t simply drop how he felt towards Kairi, what with their history together, and it was beginning to form a conflict in his head. The last thing he needed was a love triangle that would end up hurting someone, but it might come to that if he didn’t do something about it.

“Hey, Roxas,” Sora muttered, keeping his voice down so the teacher wouldn’t catch on. Roxas grunted in acknowledgment, but other than that, remained silent. “What do you think of Fluttershy?”

Roxas raised his head a bit in thought. “She’s nice, I guess. Why do you ask?”

Sora didn’t answer right away, putting an arm behind his head as he scratched it idely. “She’s been on my mind a lot,” Sora admitted, “and I’m not sure what to think of her.”

“Well,” Roxas sighed tiredly, “I have little experience with people, Sora. It would probably be for the best if you ask someone else.”

Sora was a bit taken aback by the bluntness of his words, but knew that Roxas was probably far too tired to give it much thought. “Roxas,” Sora said, but he didn’t budge at his words, forcing Sora to raise his voice. “Roxas.”

Sighing, Roxas turned towards Sora, “What now- Ah!”

As soon as Roxas faced Sora, he gave a small shout of surprise, falling out of his chair and causing everyone to halt in their listening, finding it much more entertaining to see someone end up on the ground. The two paid them no mind, however, as Roxas quickly picked himself off the ground, facing Sora again with a expression of pure shock.

“What!?” Sora asked, glancing behind him, but finding nothing out of the ordinary, “Did you see something?”

Roxas took a deep breath, bowing his head as he slipped back into his seat. He mumbled a short apology, and the class turned their attention back to the teacher. Sora stared at Roxas, expecting some sort of explanation, but none came. “Well, what did you see?” Sora asked, not wanting to stay in the dark.

Roxas swallowed as he slowly turned his head to Sora, bracing himself at the same time as he squinted his eyes. When his eyes met Sora’s, he gave a sigh of relief, relaxing in his chair. “I… I saw that girl again,” he said with a shake of his head, a hand going up to it. “She took your place, like you were her. At least, for a moment.”

Sora blinked, looking to himself as if he would see that he wasn’t who he should be. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, he faced Roxas again. “Was it the same girl you saw in the hallways?” he asked, his mind racing as he tried to figure out what Roxas was seeing.

“Yep,” Roxas answered. “What could it mean?”

The bell rung at that moment, but their reaction was sluggish as they gazed up at the intercom, as if they were expecting it the whole time. Their classmates filed out of the room, but Sora and Roxas remained where they sat, thinking over who the girl was, and what she was doing plaguing Roxas’ mind.

“There you two are!” PInkie said as she burst into the room. “I’ve been looking all over for you!”

Sora and Roxas tore their thoughts away for a moment as they turned to Pinkie, both of them tilting their heads to the same side and raising an eyebrow at the same time. “But class just ended,” Sora responded.

“I know,” Pinkie sighed, rolling her head on her neck. “How exhausting. Anyway, you’re both invited to a party tomorrow!”

The simple word of a gathering of friends for a celebration instantly caught Sora’s attention as he leapt to his feet, looking very excited as he smiled brightly. “A party?” he asked for confirmation, and after the enthusiastic nod from Pinkie he said, “Who’s it for?”

“For both of you!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. Sora’s smile grew to large proportions as he jumped a bit with a small pump of his arm before twisting his waist towards Roxas.

“Did you hear that, Roxas?” he questioned. “We’re getting a party.”

Roxas was more intrigued than excited, evident by his rather emotionless expression. “Um, okay, great,” he said, causing Sora and Pinkie to gawk at him like he had gone crazy suddenly. “What?”

Sora gave a playful glare at Roxas as he stood up straight, crossing his arms. “Pinkie’s going through the trouble of giving us a party,” he explained, “and you act like it’s nothing.”

“Sora, I’m tired,” he stated plainly, giving both him and Pinkie a frank look. “I just want to catch some sleep.”

With that said, Roxas shuffled out of the room and into the hallway with Sora rolling his eyes. When he turned his gaze back to Pinkie, his smile returned in full. “We’ll be there, Pinkie. Wherever ‘there’ is, anyway.”

“Don’t you worry about a thing,” Pinkie said, patting Sora’s spikey hair like one would a small child. “Auntie Pinkie will take care of all the details. I’ll tell ya tomorrow after school.”

“Sounds good,” Sora said before stretching his arms over his head, giving a long yawn. “In the meantime, I think me and Roxas will get to bed.”

“That’s a-okay, Sora,” Pinkie cheered. “Just don’t over sleep.”

Sora laughed at her small joke as he headed for the door. “No worries, Pinkie.”

As soon as he stepped out of the door, he bumped into someone, but not so much that either of them were able to be knocked over. “Oh, sorry about that,” he instantly apologized, taking a few steps back to give the person space.

“Watch it next time!” Sunset Shimmer shouted, before seeing that it was Sora. Her demeanor quickly changed from anger to arrogance as she leaned on one foot, a hand resting on her hip. “Oh, it’s you.”

“Yeah, it’s me,” Sora said, frowning a bit as he clenched his fists slightly. Pinkie peeked out of the classroom, looking a bit mad herself that Sunset had to go and ruin the good mood she had put into Sora.

“Leave him alone, you big meanie,” Pinkie said.

“Oh, I will,” Sunset said with a sneer. Both Sora and Pinkie were both surprised by her answer, but waited for some big ‘if’ to come into play. “Until tomorrow, that is.”

“What happens tomorrow?” Sora asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

“You’ll see,” she laughed, spinning on her heel and allowing her hair to hit Sora’s face, albeit very gently.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Pinkie said, a look of worry plastered on her face as they watched Sunset walk down the hall. “My Pinkie Sense is more than tingling.”

“Don’t worry,” Sora said with determination. “Whatever she throws at us, we can handle it.”

Pinkie erupted back into her smile, “You’re positively right, Sora. Friends help each other out all the time.”

With a final nod between the two, they both broke out into a run to find their friends, wanting to tell them about what Sunset had said to them.

Author's Note:

Not much action here, but expect some next chapter. I think you'll like it too.