• Published 28th Oct 2013
  • 10,579 Views, 488 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship's Turmoil - Superdale33

Kingdom Hearts x Equestria Girls. Sora travels to a world that holds a powerful magic, which he must protect from the impending Darkness while searching for his lost friend, Riku. Takes place after Dream Drop Distance.

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Chapter 5: Gathering Hearts

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship’s Turmoil
Chapter 5: Gathering Hearts

The rest of the school day went by pretty normally for Sora. His classes went by similarly to his first class, as he was still as clueless as ever. When the final bell rung, he almost let out a cheer, glad that he wouldn’t have to sit through another lecture for the rest of the day. He never realized how boring school was, and must have only remembered the fun times he had with his friends.

As he shrugged the thought off, he stood up from his desk and followed the rest of the class out the door. Before he could decide on where to go, he was tackled from the side by a pink blur, falling to the ground with a shout of surprise. Looking at his attacker, he came face to face with Pinkie Pie, giving him a wide smile.

“Hey, Sora, what’re you going to do today?” she asked excitedly.

“Oh, umm…” Sora replied, not even sure himself.

“Pinkie, Darling,” Rarity called, walking down the hallway with Rainbow Dash beside her. “You must show Sora some respect. He’s only been around for a day.”

“I know,” Pinkie said, hopping off of Sora quickly, “But that’s why I’m so happy! I want to hang out with him so badly. I mean, just think of all the stuff we could do together!”

Getting back on his feet, Sora briefly dusted his shorts off before glancing around, noticing that someone was missing. “Where’s Fluttershy?” he asked the group, knowing that she would have to clean the floors again.

Rainbow looked at the ceiling as she thought for a moment, “I think she said she was heading to the library to see Twilight, since no one has seen her at all lately.”

“Twilight’s another friend, right?” Sora asked for confirmation.

“Absolutely,” Rarity answered, “Why, she’s been so busy with that project of hers, that nobody has really seen her around.”

Giving her a nod, Sora crossed his arms. “Fluttershy still has detention,” Sora reminded everyone. “I was going to help her again like yesterday.”

“That is truly kind of you, Sora,” Rarity said respectively, “I wish I could join you, but Pinkie and I already made plans.”

“We’re working at Sugarcube Corner!” Pinkie cheered, giving a jump hug towards her. Rarity winced from the impact, but smiled none the less.

Sora looked to Rainbow, “What about you?”

“I have practice,” Rainbow said, making Sora feel dumb for forgetting that as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Then I’ll see you all later.”

“Yep!” Pinkie said, “Oh, and if you see Applejack, tell her I said thanks for bringing the apples to Sugarcube Corner.”

“Okay,” Sora said, even though he had no idea who Applejack was. He figured he’d find her when he saw her, and gave the girls a final wave as he walked down the hall.

“Uh…” Rainbow said with confusion, making Sora look back at Rainbow, “Sora, the library’s that way.”

She pointed in the opposite direction that Sora was going, and he gave a blank stare as he smiled embarrassingly. “I knew that,” he stated rather quickly, walking back towards them as Rarity and Pinkie giggled at his mistake.


Sunset Shimmer watched the group from down the hall, hiding behind the corner. She couldn’t see what was so special about Sora - she had finally learned his name - or why the Elements of Harmony of this world were friends with him. Whatever the reason was, she was about to put her plan into action. She just had to wait until he was alone and follow him, and then everything would fall into place.

It was a shame Sunset couldn’t use her lackies, Snips and Snails. After the Fall Formal incident, they wanted nothing to do with her, and actively avoided her wherever she went. She found it irrefutably annoying at first, but eventually forgot about them. She could handle her problems herself.

Then, Sunset saw Sora walking away from her, and gritted her teeth as she fumed. He was heading away from her, making her have to rethink her plan. Suddenly, he turned around, looking a bit embarrassed, and she face palmed. He was going the wrong way, and she definitely knew she was dealing with a moron. On the other hand, that would work to her advantage in the time to come.

Sora was getting closer, and she needed to act natural if she didn’t want him to be suspicious. So, she stepped away from the corner and pulled a filing stick out of her inner jacket, shaving a bit of her fingernails. Sora rounded the corner and only gave her a glance as he continued on. When he walked around the next corner, she stopped what she was doing and pulled out her phone with a sinister grin.

“Okay, new kid,” she said quietly, “Let’s find your deepest, darkest secrets.”


It was very strange for Sora to see Sunset looking calm. As he passed her, he felt like her intentions weren’t completely on filing her fingernails. He couldn’t displace a feeling in his gut, one that told him to watch out for her. Shrugging it off for the time being, he focused on getting to the library and finding Fluttershy, breaking out into a run to head there quicker.

He had used up enough time.

He quickly made it to the library, thanks to his explorations during school, and entered through the double doors. He halted in his tracks, his eyes wide in awe. “Whoa,” he said, examining the area. It was large, and stocked to the brim with books. It reminded him of the library in Radiant Garden, and it was magnificent.

In the center, where he could see a bunch of computers around a bust of a pony head, he saw three young girls huddled around a computer. From the angle he was at, Sora couldn’t see what they were looking at, but from their appearances, they seemed a few years younger than himself. Deciding to mind his own business, he turned to the other occupant of the library, one of his teachers, Miss Cheerilee.

He didn’t know why she was a teacher and a librarian, but it wasn’t a thought that stuck with him as he approached her. He stood right behind her, and raised a finger as he prepared to speak. Unfortunately, he never got a chance, as music suddenly started blaring behind him. Whipping around, nearly summoning his keyblade, he saw it was just the three girls that were on the computer, looking between each other in confusion.

“This ain’t our song,” a girl with a Southern accent stated plainly over the loud music. She had red hair with a large bow in it. “What happened?”

“Well,” a girl with purple hair and orange skin said slowly, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly and causing the other two to look at her expectantly. “I may have edited it a bit.”

The other two sighed, but before anything else could be said or done, Cheerilee walked past Sora and over to the computer, unplugging it and instantly canceling out the loud noise. Groaning a bit, she glared at the three who cringed from her gaze.

“If you three keep this up, I will ban you from using the computers,” she warned, plugging the computer in again before heading back to her work, muttering something Sora couldn’t catch.

“Oh, are you that transfer student?” A girl with light purple and pink hair, along with pale skin that matched Rarity’s, asked, looking at Sora. Facing the girl, he noticed that the other two were looking to him as well.

“Yep,” he answered with a smile, turning his head to look between the three of them, they were at least two heads shorter than himself, “How’d you know?”

“Rainbow Dash told me!” the orange skinned one said.

“And Rarity told me!” the white-skinned girl squeaked as well.

“And they told me!” the bow-wearing one finished.

“Huh,” Sora said absentmindedly, “Didn’t think I’d be that famous around here.”

“Are you kidding!?” the purple-haired girl said excitedly, “You jumped off the school without a scratch! That was awesome!”

Sora had to chuckle at that; if anyone at the school saw what he could do in other worlds, they would be a lot more amazed. He had learned many maneuvers in his travels, especially after going through those Dream Worlds. And that wasn’t even counting his fighting abilities. He never considered himself much of a fighter though, but perhaps he was always humble about it, especially when he compared himself to Riku.

The thought of his friend shifted Sora’s mood to a somber one as he frowned a bit. He had barely spent any time trying to find him, and Sora felt guilty for putting the second half of his mission off. Seeing his change in behaviour, the girls glanced at each other, uncertain if something they did was responsible.

“Um…” the red-headed girl said carefully, as all three of them stepped closer to him. “Are ya alright, mister?”

Shaken from his thoughts, Sora looked at the frowns he had caused and put on a forced smile, hoping to return to the happy atmosphere. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he waved off, not wanting to worry the girls. “What are your names anyway?”

“Applebloom,” the bow-wearing girl said, smiling as well. Sora was glad of that. His friends always told him that his smile was infectious.

“Sweetie Belle,” the white-skinned girl replied in turn.

“Scootaloo!” the last one cheered, causing Sora to laugh a bit.

“You guys are a lively bunch,” Sora commented with a smirk, “Kind of reminds me of myself. Oh, I’m Sora.”

The three nodded at his introduction, then Applebloom asked, “What are you doin’ here, Sora?”

“I’m actually looking for Fluttershy,” he admitted, looking around the room to see if she was within eyesight. “Haven’t seen her around, have you?”

Sweetie Belle rubbed her chin as she gazed to the balcony above. “I think she’s up on the second floor,” she answered, then looked back at Sora. “Why are you looking for her?”

“I’m helping her out,” Sora explained casually with a shrug.

“Do you have a crush on her?” Scootaloo asked suddenly with a sly look.

“Huh!?” Sora exclaimed in shock, taking a few steps back as he waved his hands frantically in front of him. “No, of course not!”

“Are ya sure?” Applebloom asked mischievously, sidling up to him.

“Positive,” Sora replied, crossing his arms firmly. What he failed to realize was that he was blushing slightly. “She’s just a friend.”

“That’s a shame,” Sweetie sighed, honestly disheartened at his denial. “She’s so kind and thoughtful. My sister told me that she used to be picked on because of her shyness.”

Sora closed his eyes in thought, not liking that a friend of his was bullied before. He had dealt with enough villains to know that it wasn’t fun to be the victim of one of their schemes. Still, he couldn’t shake the idea of Fluttershy and himself as a couple. He had only met Fluttershy yesterday, and he truly did only think of her as a friend. Besides, even if he wanted to pursue a relationship, he was doubtful it would last. He was a traveling keyblader, and he would leave this world sooner or later anyway. Then again, there was the possibility of coming back in the future.

Sora groaned loudly, clutching his head, “Why is this so complicated?”

“Uh, what’s complicated?” Applebloom asked. Snapping his eyes open, Sora had spoken aloud, giving the girls puzzled expressions.

Chuckling nervously, Sora rubbed the back of his head, “Never mind. I’ll just go find Fluttershy now.”

And without another word, he took off for the stairs as the three girls watched him leave. A few seconds had passed until the three looked between each other.

“Do you think he has a crush on her?” Sweetie asked the two.

“Definitely,” Scootaloo and Applebloom responded simultaneously.

“Are we going to try to get them together?” Sweetie asked again eagerly, a sparkle in her eye.

“Of course!” The other two shrieked passionately at the same time, causing Cheerilee to shush them from across the room.


After searching the library, Fluttershy came to the conclusion that Twilight had left school already. It was unusual for her to leave so early, considering that the library was nearly a second home for her. So instead, Fluttershy opted to look for any books that would interest her instead. As she skimmed through many titles, her eyes landed on a yearbook, one that was published when she was only a Freshman.

With a trace of a smile on her lips, she pulled it out, and opened it up as soon as she did. She flipped through the pages until she ended up on a picture that captured the first time she met her friends. It was during the Freshman fair, when they were all searching for clubs to join at the time. She could still remember the hardships she went through during her first few months of high school.

However, she also remembered the friends that helped her through it. With a radiant smile, she closed the book and placed it back where she found it. She then reached into her green backpack and extracted a photo. One that was taken during the Fall Formal. It featured her friends, all gathered together after their skirmish with Sunset Shimmer. It was a really happy time, but it was sad when they saw Twilight Sparkle from that other world leave afterwards. Although, it was made up somewhat quickly when Twilight came back, or at least, the Twilight of her world.

Fluttershy gave a sigh when she realized she had been staring at the photo for a while. She needed to get to Vice Principal Luna’s office to start her second day of detention. She wanted to finish it as fast as possible, and that wouldn’t happen if she stood around looking at pictures. It was at that moment that loud music sudden came on, making Fluttershy jump with a quiet squeak, dropping the photo.

The noise was soon stopped, but that didn’t stop Fluttershy from being scared out of her wits. She stood completely still, fearing that moving again would cause the noise to come back. She could hear people speaking downstairs, but couldn’t make out who they were. After reassuring herself that the music would not return, she relaxed her body and breathed a sigh of relief. Crouching down, she picked up her photo and gave one last look at it before slipping it back into her backpack. She carried the photo around for a reason: to remind herself that she had good friends that she could count on. They might have been divided by Sunset Shimmer, but they were reunited and their bonds of friendship was stronger from it.

She blinked; where had that thought come from? It didn’t feel like something she would say, but it was still the truth. Shaking it off, she headed for the stairs, ready to get back to work. She hoped Sora would join her today, but at the same time, she hoped he didn’t. She felt like she was being selfish by having him work by her side. The company was great, but she had to consider his agenda as well.

Stopping at the top of the stairs, she brought a both of her hands up to her chest in thought. And that wasn’t even mentioning what she saw the day before. She wasn’t sure it was something to bring up to Sora; would he become angry? However, if she didn’t bring it up, then what would Sora do with that weapon of his? Was he dangerous?

“Oh,” Sora’s voice said from the bottom of the stairs, causing Fluttershy to flinch involuntarily and glance down the set of stairs. She saw Sora standing there, with a genuine smile on his face. “There you are.”

Fluttershy turned away shyly, smiling as well. He couldn’t be someone of evil intentions, not with an attitude like that. If anything, he’s too friendly for his own good. “Hello Sora,” Fluttershy said, turning back to him.

With finesse, Sora bounded up the stairs like it was nothing, easily making the steps and standing beside Fluttershy. She took a few steps back to give him space as Sora faced her, “So, are we still cleaning the hallways?”

“Uh-huh,” Fluttershy answered with a nod, before she faced the floor playing with her hands, “But… I was wondering, that is if you don’t mind, if you could…”

Sora picked up what she was saying, and frowned because of it. “You want to talk about yesterday, don’t you?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she began to panic slightly. “O-Oh, it’s fine,” she said hastily, “If you don’t want to, I can understand. You must be busy and you-”

“Fluttershy,” Sora whispered calmly, his eyes heavy with remorse. Fluttershy stopped herself from continuing her rant, glancing at his gentle, blue eyes. With a shift in movement, Sora rubbed his nose as he smiled warmly. “I think you deserve to know.”

“I don’t know about that,” Fluttershy mumbled, turning away from Sora. He was about to reach over to her to object, but stopped himself, his hand inches away from her shoulder. Curling up his hand, he brought back to his side as he took a deep breath.

“I’m helping you clean the floors,” Sora stated, causing Fluttershy to whip over to him. “And my story is a bit long. So, either way, you’re still listening.”

Fluttershy giggled at his boldness as he chuckled himself, right before climbing a few steps down. Turning around, he have an enthusiastic wave. “Come on!” he laughed, running down the rest. Fluttershy chased after him as the two swept past the three girls on the computer, leaving the library to start her detention.


Sunset Shimmer watched from a nearby table as Sora and Fluttershy ran out of the room, a wide and evil grin on her face. Sora did have a secret, one that he had been keeping from his friends. It was too juicy to pass up, and she wasn’t going to miss it for a second. The chance to knock that oaf off his pedestal was okay in her book. She twirled her hair for moment in superiority, glad that things were going her way, and walked out of the library, head held high.

Heading down the hallway, she saw a flash of green, that rippled like flames, burst from around the next corner. Curious, she snuck over to see what was happening. When she peeked around the corner, her curiosity turned to confusion and a tinge of fear.

Standing in the center of the hallway was a woman, dressed in a long, black, wicked robe, with two horns on her head, and a staff in one hand. Beside her was a large, fat, cat-like person, wearing blue and red clothing. The both of them were facing away from Sunset Shimmer, and they gazed around in their new surroundings.

“Ah,” the woman said with a voice like venom, “So this is where I felt that magic…”

“Huh,” the cat person grunted, “Figured it would have been at some scary castle or somethin’. What makes you think that friendship magic is here, Maleficent?”

The woman known as Maleficent chuckled darkly, “Make no mistake of my powers, fool. The power is here, and once I have control of it, I can easily raise an army that would rival the Heartless.”

The other figure shrugged, “If you say so.”

Sunset was baffled by their use of words. The ‘friendship magic’ that they’re referring to must be Twilight and her friends, no doubt about it. But they wanted that magic to create a force to be reckoned with, like she did a few weeks ago! It was like Maleficent was encroaching on her turf, and she didn’t like that one bit.

“Hey!” Sunset snapped, stepping away from her hiding spot as the two turned towards her. “Don’t think you can just come here and take over, that’s my job.”

Maleficent grinned snidely, “Oh, is that so?”

“Yes, it is!”

Chuckling again, Maleficent raised her empty hand to point at Sunset. “I sense a darkness that could be of use to you,” she commented, flipping her hand to show an open palm of offering. “Would you like me to allow the darkness to bow to your wishes? After all, it is better to have allies instead of enemies.”

Sunset rolled her eyes, “I can handle myself. Besides, I already have a plan that will push me back to the top.”

Maleficent’s smile never wavered for a moment, “Very well, child. Have it your way.”

Sunset nodded, and walked forward moving past the two as they watched her go by. Just before Sunset was out of their sight, Maleficent spoke up again. “Just remember,” she said, making Sunset pause in her walk, “If you ever need any assistance, just call to me.”

“We’ll see,” Sunset whispered, finally leaving the hallway as her footsteps echoed ominously. She knew her plan would work, but it never hurt to have a back up. Besides, it seemed like Maleficent could be handy to take control of Equestria. When it came down to it, she may rely on Maleficent more than she thought.


“Welp,” Pete sighed, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, “Now what do we do?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Maleficent asked, turning in the opposite direction, walking off. “We wait for her to come to me, and with her help, it shall be that much easier to obtaining the powerful magic we seek.”

Pete laughed, following after her, “Heh, yeah. Now, if that loser with the keyblade doesn’t come here suddenly, getting that magic should be easy-peasy.”

Maleficent didn’t respond, examining her surroundings. From the looks of things, she was in a school, making her slightly annoyed. In environments like this, there was always too many witnesses, she would have to work to avoid detection. But the reward for doing so, in the end, would be worth it.


Roxas knew he wasn’t back in the heart of Sora, that he could say freely. What he didn’t know was why he was on a glass pillar, emerging from the dark abyss below. As he glanced around, he tried to recall how he got there. He had collapsed in the library, and spoke with Twilight for a brief time. Rubbing his head, he tried to stop the small headache that was building up. He was a bit glad it was there; it proved he wasn’t stuck in Sora’s heart. However, no matter how comfortable that thought was, he still had no idea what he was doing here for.

Tilting his head up, all he could see was darkness. It was unnerving, and it put him on edge, like standing on top of a high building. Where was he? His mouth opened suddenly in shock as a theory went through his head. A hand went up to his chest as he clutched his black coat tightly.

“Is this… my heart?” he asked aloud, turning back to the bright floor that depicted Sora with his friends. He shook his head, “Don’t fool yourself, Roxas. Nobodies can’t have hearts.”

Roxas wanted to have hope and believe that he was in his own heart. But he was afraid that if he set his hopes too high, it would be a deeper plunge if he found out it wasn’t his own.

He gave a deep sigh at that.

“Your name…” a voice echoed in his head, making him jump as he scanned the area frantically, finding it empty. The voice was empty, holding no tone whatsoever, like it had emerged from the nothingness itself.

“Who’s there?” he asked to the open air.

“Do you think I could be a friend?” the voice asked out of the blue, catching Roxas off guard.

“What?” he asked, cocking his head to the side.

“I can’t use the keyblade anymore,” the voice said again, but this time, it felt like it had a point of origin: behind Roxas. His eyes wide, he whipped around, widening his frame in case of attack. That wasn’t the case, but that didn’t stop him from being startled by the sight.

It was a person in a black coat, like his own, but the hood was up, and the figure was slightly shorter than himself, though he couldn’t really tell from the distance. The figure didn’t move, giving him the cold stare underneath the cloak. Roxas could only think of a few people that would wear a black coat.

“Are you with the Organization?” he asked, his brow furrowed as he clenched his hands into fists. At first, the figure said nothing, prompting Roxas’ anger to grow. Unexpectedly, the figure began spouting quotes that held no sound, yet still reached his mind.

“I used to watch the sunset with somebody else.”

“What am I... here for?”

“I worry about you all the time.”

“If only things stayed like this.”

“Set them free.”

“You're both my best friends.”

It went by so quickly that Roxas was lucky to catch any of the words spoken. They all seemed vaguely familiar, but he didn’t know if it was simply a trick by the Organization. If it wasn’t, then this was something that was related to his own heart, but that would only be true if he was in his own heart.

Growling at the intricate and difficult thoughts that laced together haphazardly, Roxas threw his arms to the side in frustration. “Who are you!?” he yelled, shooting a glare at the figure.

Moments passed without a hint of movement from either one, then the figure raised its right hand, making Roxas puzzled at the action. Suddenly, a keyblade was summoned to the figure’s hand, the Kingdom Key, and Roxas was taken aback.

“A keyblade?” he blurted in disbelief, “How do you have a-?”

He never got the chance to finish his sentence, as the figure had charged him. As a reaction, Roxas jumped back as the figure swung its keyblade missing him by inches. His anger flaring up again, Roxas summoned his own keyblades, Oblivion and Oathkeeper, and got ready to fight.

Taking the initiative, Roxas surged forward, swinging his right keyblade from the side. The figure ducked underneath the attack, and was about to give an uppercut slash, but Roxas was able to block it with his left keyblade. He brought his right keyblade back to swing again, but the figure pushed his left keyblade to the side just in time to block the next attack.

The battle continued as both traded strikes and swings, only to be blocked by the other. There seemed to be no definitive winner as both were evenly matched, but as time went on Roxas’ rage was giving him ground as he swung relentlessly. The figure was barely able to keep up, unable to retaliate in any way. Then, in an unpredicted move, Roxas jumped back and threw both of his keyblades, and they came towards the figure from different sides.

Unable to block both, the figure brought its keyblade to deflect one, but wasn’t able to get the other as it knocked into its gut, sending the figure to the ground as its hood fell off. Roxas ran forward while the figure fell, summoning his keyblades as he jumped into the air. Just as the figure landed on its back, Roxas stabbed the ground around its neck, creating an ‘X’ that rendered the figure incapable of escaping.

With the fight over, and with Roxas breathing hard in rage, confusion, and fatigue, he got a good look at the person he had been fighting. It was a girl, one that may have been his age, with short black hair, and blue eyes that matched his own. She was unfazed that she was beaten, calmly staring at Roxas with unblinking eyes.

At the sight, Roxas’ furious glare softened, and the more he stared into her eyes, the more he regretting having the battle. It was a feeling he had never experienced, and it just made him more perplexed.

Waiting a few seconds to catch his breath, Roxas asked quietly, “Do I… know you?”

At first, she didn’t react to his words, but soon, she spoke in a voice that was actually heard, that filled Roxas’ mind with anxiety and sadness.

“In someone else… maybe,” she said simply, causing Roxas to take a few steps back as he tried to wrap his head around it. He didn’t know her; her face was unrecognizable, her voice was unknown to him. Still, there was a lingering sense in his heart… one that did not leave his mind.

Before he could think on it further, his body tilted back until he was falling, and when he reached the ground, it burst into shards of glass. He was falling into the darkness, colorful shards surrounding him, but his mind only stayed on that one person.


A large yawn erupted from Sora as he climbed the stairs back to the roof. It had been a long day for him, and he was glad he was going to get some rest. He had spent the last three hours helping Fluttershy while explaining a bit about his story. It was exhausting work, especially when he had trouble gathering his memories. It didn’t help that his mind would stray from one subject to the other, but luckily, Fluttershy was patient with him.

She had taken it rather well, considering the stuff she could have been doing. Fluttershy was quiet throughout the story, only asking an occasional question to complete the full picture. Of course, Sora was still descriptive to an extent. He told her about the Heartless, which she was somewhat scared of, his keyblade, and his responsibility with it. Sora didn’t want to bog her down, and he gave her the bare minimum; he still had his mission to keep the other worlds safe.

As Sora entered the Gummi ship, he wondered why he tried to keep it a secret to begin with. Every world he visited had taken the information kindly, and he was able to get some friends from it. Perhaps he felt like this world was too innocent to be dragged into these type of affairs. Whatever the case may be, he wanted to finish up his business and hope to not involve the friends he had made in this world.

Rubbing the back of his head, Sora hopped into his bunk bed and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Opening his eyes, Sora found himself on the familiar glass surface. Nothing had changed the last time he saw it, but after the day he had, he was willing to bet something would happen. Glancing around a bit, he waited for whatever spoke to him before to communicate with him again. Unfortunately, he was only met with silence.

After a minute, he saw a flash of white light shine from the corner of his eye, and he looked over to see a circle glowing. It was in the circle containing Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, but when the glowing dissipated, he saw Rarity there.

“Generosity…” the voice spoke at last, making Sora raise a brow. He knew Rarity was a friend of Rainbow and Fluttershy, so there must have been a connection.

Another flash of light, this one being pink, and when he looked over the pink glowing circle, it faded to reveal Pinkie Pie.

“Laughter…” The voice said, involuntarily causing Sora to chuckle. She fit so perfectly. That confirmed it; this glass pillar was showing a group of friends that he had met. The four on it at that moment were the first few, so the other two that they mentioned constantly - Applejack and Twilight Sparkle - had to be next.

Sora smirked at figuring out a piece of the puzzle, but it instantly fell when another question crossed his mind: what made them so special? And what were these words that described them? He may have got more of a picture, but the mystery was far from over. It was at that moment that a crazy idea crossed his mind.

Did the magic of friendship have to do something with them?

It would make sense, considering they had faced the monster that was Sunset Shimmer first hand. It wasn’t impossible, but it was still a slim chance. He had to ask as soon as possible.

“One by one,” the voice said, knocking Sora out of his revery, “You find those that share the same meaning; It is becoming clear for you.”

Sora thought back to what the voice had said before, about the one meaning, the six elements that make it up, and how he was the key to it all. It had to be that these six friends were behind the magic of friendship. What else could it mean?

“Expect more from your heart,” the voice said, making Sora shake his head in confusion.

“More…” he asked quietly, placing his hand over his own chest. “From my heart?”

A bright light filled his vision, and he was gone from that station, sleep taking over.

Author's Note:

The amount of writer's block was immense...