• Member Since 5th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Sir Hat


I was just on my way through the forest when I saw her crash. I couldn't leave her there...what's a small detour on my usual trip. Never had a traveling companion out here before anyways.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 92 )

Hm, inspired circumstances for this one to start with. Points for some originality on that end, sire. A bit short, but that's not really a problem at all. It was also funnier than I initially thought it would be. ^^

The only consistent error I spotted was one I myself used to do quite oft; the misuse of the ellipsis. You need to add a space after them, even when a new sentence is not started.

I think that it's odd you mention that the monk is hiding something with his hood but it never comes up when he takes the robe off.

Other n' that, it was cute, and RD was involved without her banging someone, so that's always nice (seriously, it's like RD clop is hunting me down or something). I would have also preferred a little bit more description of the surroundings, but that's personal preference, I guess.


Well the hood thing just has to do with people giving him grief about having a big ass beard.
This guy is basically an office worker with a beard like Karl Marx.

3477367 People were giving grief for having badass beard?

My how the world has changed.

Nice. :twilightsmile:

Very cute story you've got here. I wish that there were more like it. Nice length too.

>nice length
hey now...lets not get personal...

that's not what I meant and you know it.

Yeah but it was still funny...

... True. Ya got a good sense of humor I'll give ya that.

i want this to have more.

So...its like the fountain of youth? Or something?

Merlos, mah bro! What up, dawn? :derpytongue2:

Why is this marked as a clopfic in human in equestria?

Because my drunk ass couldn't control the mouse well enough, and missed the Comedy tab...

3478597 Nope, just a very relaxing pond. Warm water does wonders after all.

3478476 I might do one for each mane six, not sure...we see how next one goes.

Fur i had to read this one with my own eyes.

This was cute. Little confused about why their are humans in Equestria but whatever

Is it wrong I imagined the monk speaking like Derek Jacobi?

No, a bit younger sounding but I had imagined the same style of speech.


i must say the story was funny plus interesting:pinkiehappy:

Sexy.....not check..gonna have to fix that some day.

hmm...not bad. Kinda of needs some editing work, but I like the premise.

and it was only after the story had ended that I realized that neither of them ever said what their names where, though we obviously all know who the pony is.


Shit this is a late reply....uh....

The name thing...he...he uh...doesn't really have one. He is just the monk, no real name.

This was a good read. A pity it's only a one-shot; I'd imagine the monk would've been on a quest of sorts and had Rainbow Dash as a temporary traveling companion. So funny how he took initiative and chewed her ear off after her little blunder. Personally, I'd figure he'd be more patient and level-headed, but he seems cool enough :pinkiehappy:

...And now I realize his name wasn't given...The man without a name, only he isn't Clint Eastwood in his prime :rainbowdetermined2:

I make addendum....
The people (like three of them) demanded more....

Huh, thought this was a one shot. But if you're willing to write more chapters, go for it.
Also, RD likes nuts. :rainbowlaugh:

yes yes yes GIVE ME MOAR I DEMAND MORE.:flutterrage:

um that is if you dont mind:fluttershysad:

Yes more. Is he going to be all deep and say meaningful things that make me think about life?:rainbowderp:


RD likes nuts

And just like that, with this chapter of the story, thousands of headcanons crumble.

Acquisition of more literary chapters is optimal. Continue? Y/N


3613974 My headcanon never crumbled. Because rainbows don't swing that way. .... I wonder if the rainbow is offended by having never been asked if it wanted to stand as a symbol? Regardless, the rainbow had significance before its changing into a symbol and the original meaning was never forgotten.

*Raises hands*


I'm surprised you continued this little thing. I'd be pleased to have more of this wondrous tale of the nameless monk :moustache:

"Twilight's a-" Rainbow girl tried to interrupt.
"Eh! Quiet you..." I pulled my bag of cashews out of my bag and held it to her, "Take these and let us speak."
She looked at the bag, "But I-"
"That only works on-"
She gave a few final grumbles before taking the bag and skulking off, "Better be worth it...."

This was the comedic highlight of the chapter :rainbowlaugh:

EH! I Quite Enjoyed This! EH!

Lets get more monk!:pinkiehappy:


I see what you did at the end there. Really cool how you write his speach very ... Archaic? I think the word might be? Anyway I love it.

3603384 Cheh, only three? Well let's fix that, shall we?

*clears throat*
*Deep inhale*

I would like some more of this story, if you don't mind good sir.

Yes, I would like some more.

So is this a shared world where ponies and humans live on the same planet, or is it two different worlds connected by portals, or whatever?

Yes, more please.

MORE?:flutterrage:.... :pinkiehappy:YES!!!

what? Just what? Did i miss a chapter because something seriously seems out of place here

3795106 The point of view has shifted. I believe that the 'Catholic scum' at the beginning was the monk from the previous chapters. Looks like this one is through his friend's eyes, who was mentioned at the end of last chapter.

I like this guy. He's funny (although I do worry for Fluttershy).

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