• Member Since 5th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 55 minutes ago

Sir Hat


Eureka has to defend her home, and with no options remaining she turns to a black art. She turns to Pyromancy. What followed is recorded as: The Trial of Eureka, The Last Pyromancer. Her last act is to plead her case and try to avoid exile.

Part of Equestrium

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 52 )

My Body's ready...Time to read.

Well, this is several kinds of awesome. I do have some questions, though. What drove a windigo to predate on a seemingly harmonious community? Are phoenixes really demonic? Do all uses of pyromancy end in utter devastation, or is the practice unfairly persecuted?

You definitely have my interest, Hat.

Abridged version:

Windigo are created by disharmony, but that's not what they go after in my canon. They exist, and seek to freeze everything to keep things from being chaotic, fighting entropy with ice as it were.

The bird is called a demon because the MC views magical based creatures as evil or demonic because of the history I created (Old world destroyed by magic creatures, and now emanating so much magic anyone who goes back is mutated.)

Pyromancy is illegal because of the old events I have for the history.

Ponies fleeing from the magically corrupted land to modern Equestria, they used Pyromancy to kill off the thestrals that were native and after all that was settled, Celestia banned Pyromancy to keep the events from recurring.

i cannot wait for the rest of this story

A Windigo?

Shit, man. That's one hell of a good reason to learn forbidden arts, eh?

5608558 fire....a fickle thing. Easy to create, nearly impossible to control....


Bio fix'd!

Love the story so far, just one nitpick, "my white body already splashed wish slush."
I believe you meant with slush.

5609475 one more like :pinkiehappy: you better continue

Holy fuck! A miniature Rapidash! *throws pokeball*

(Buahaha~haha omg I'm sorry! But that pic, that pic! Rofl)

I like where yo are going with this Hat. Keep it up mate.


5611454 not my fualt you a hater xD


Hahaha, that's so funny. You're joking right? Right? Right?!


I hate




Wat. That is not possible. Unless you're a Smurf. Are you a Smurf?


I hate that they've been selling the same game with new battles and skins for the past ten years. I hate how rabid the fans are. I hate pokemon, this isn't a joke.

I fucking hate pokemon so god damn much, I really do wish it would fuck off.

Thank you for this story. I was curious about all that history Glass provided.

That was a very good story. While I disagree with your opinion on pokemon, I guess you are entitled to think for yourself and have your own opinion.

Pyromancies are awesome.

Maybe this gets a sequel called 'The Song of Fire and Ice' :herpderp:

I do sincerely hope there will be a sequel

Simply fantastic! Great job! There are a couple of grammatical errors... but who am i to talk? haha

I always wondered what kept the windigos from MLP's 'old kingdom' at bay...

But . . . but pikachu. Think about the pikachus, man!

Perpetual pyromantic paladin protecting ponies from polar peril? Awesome. Laws are worthless if they are unjust, and Celestia is wise enough to see when they have become such. A great legend and a very good use of a clever sun queen.

endangering of a pagus,

So . . . are you talking about a pagus, as in a very small governed place within a province, or did you misspell "pegasus"?

Interesting. I like where this is going. Also, those are some hefty crimes indeed.

5612826 Hey...

I respect the fact that you don't like Pokemon, but not all of us are "rabid fans". Some of us just want to play the video games, and care little for the anime or trading card game.

Myself included. I don't care much that you dislike Pokemon so strongly, but some of us are somewhat reasonable folks. Even MLP has some toxic "fanatics" within its following, but you probably knew that already.

Oh trust me. I know.

I just don't like it when people mix my peanut butter ponies with my chocolate shitty vermin pokemens

my white body already splashed wish slush.

Never heard of wish slush. Does it grant the wishes, or do you have to pay a fee?

"Then drink it yourself, it'll keep you warm."

>TFW that's not true. If that bartender were in the wilderness, he'd surely die.

Not bad. I'm intrigued, though I'm even more intrigued how such good intentions could go so wrong.

I meant Pagus. Roman up in this bitch

Hmm . . . this is awfully dramatic. Then again, it feels as if this is quite long ago in the past. But it's unfortunate that a good thing turned into a bad thing.

Once again, very dramatic dialogue. I really want to say I like it, but it just feels odd. Anyway, so Eureka basically wanted to be put on trial. Odd, but she has a will to prove herself.

Well, that was a story. It was pretty cool nonetheless, no matter if I like dramatic dialogue or not. Eureka is a pretty . . . hot mare.

5652343 To each their own, I guess. It's a choice some of us make.

I'd only have issue if someone tried to force it down my throat, like "Dude, you HAVE to like this!!"

Damn Romans. Always making words that look like other words.

Good story, subpar execution. Pretentious dialogue, and participial phrases in almost every sentence. Breaking up those cumbersome declarations would make for punchier action sequences. It's a balance of flow and impact. The dialogue wouldn't be a problem if the first-person narration was in the same voice. This story has an old-world feel, but you didn't capitalize on it like you could have.


LOL, Balder Armor and Black Knight Sword all the way.

Is it just me or is this meant to be a sequel hook?

Ey, I liked it. There were a few times where I think you published the chapter too quickly and glossed over errors, but it was pretty good.

It was a quick-write to establish something from a different fic. I've been powering out chapters so it's not going to be perfect.

This fucker....great...now I've got about four hours to unfuck this thing....

God damn it..... Couldn't leave it alone!

I hate you so much right now...
*Upvotes comment*
Regardless of that, I look forward to a sequel.

5659505 Leave him alone, seriously. It was a good, short little story. If it was just a quick-write, then he can have it any way he damn well pleases.

This was good, and celestia made her immortal? Good, now she will fight.

Wow, that was pretty good! I especially enjoyed how it turned into a folk tale around the end! Great work! =D

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