• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 9,336 Views, 293 Comments

Teatime on Hearts And Hooves Day - SirRage

Flash Sentry is having a very bad Hearts And Hooves Day. His date has been cancelled. He has to work a double shift. And for some reason, stallions are hitting on him at a bar... Yeah, really bad Hearts And Hooves Day.

  • ...

II: A Night to Remember

Flash had just stowed the last pieces of his armor in his locker when Burner trotted up to him. “Ready to go?” Burner asked.

Flash looked at the ground and let out a long sigh. “Burner… would you mind not tagging along with us tonight?”

Burner chuckled and slapped Flash on the back. “Sure. I was just playing with you earlier anyway. I’ll give you two a head start before I head out.”

Flash sighed with relief. “Thanks dude.”

“No problem. If you need me, I’ll be hitting on mares at the bar.” Flash just rolled his eyes as he grabbed his bitbag and headed out to meet Dewdrop.


Dewdrop was waiting for Flash when he trotted out of the barracks. “Hey, Flash! So I take it you got rid of Burner?” she asked playfully.

Flash rubbed the back of his head with a hoof. “Eh, he said he’ll catch up later but won’t bug us. Been waiting long?”

Dewdrop smiled. “Not really. I’m just glad to finally be off work. Princess Cadance was acting weirder than usual tonight, that’s for sure.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah…” Dewdrop brought a hoof up and rubbed her foreleg. ”I’d rather not talk about it. Anyway, you’ve had a long day… How are you feeling?”

Flash smiled warmly at her. “To be honest, better than I should be, all things considered.”

“Well alrighty then, shall we?” The couple walked away from the castle and toward the Oak and Barrel.

As they walked away, Flash cleared his throat. “So, what’s up with the saddlebags? Are we dropping them off before going to the pub?”

Dewdrop chuckled nervously. “Oh these? Nah, I figured I’d just bring them with me to save time. I need a few books for a spell I’m working on.”

“Ah. Well, that makes sense…” Flash said as the two ponies continued to make small talk until they reached the pub.

When they arrived, they were shocked to see how full the place was. “Hey Flash, I’ll grab us a seat over…” Dewdrop scanned the pub and pointed with her hoof to a nice secluded booth. “There! And you go get a round of green apple cider. Alright?”

“Alright!” Flash agreed, nodding happily.

When Flash got to the bar, he called out to the bartender, an old crystal pony cleaning a wine glass. “Hey Barrel!”

“Flash, haven’t seen you in here for a while. What can I get for ya?”

“Two green apples please.”

“Comin’ right up!” Barrel placed two mugs under the spout and filled them to the brim, then slapped them on the bar in front of Flash. “Here ya go son, that’ll be four bits.” Flash paid five bits and gave the bartender a nod, then took the mugs in one hoof and made his way over to the booth. He set the drinks down and scooted next to Dewdrop. He was about to pass Dewdrop her drink when two more mugs of cider appeared on the table.

“Here ya go ma’am,” said a unicorn barmaid.

“Wait, what?” Flash said with a little surprise.

“First round is on you, second round is on me,” Dewdrop said as she picked up one of the mugs and took a few quick gulps. “Ah… that’s good stuff… What? You thought I was going to have you buy all the drinks tonight?”

Flash placed a hoof on the back of his head and smiled stupidly. “Hehe… after all the times I’ve canceled?”

Dewdrop set down her mug and tapped her chin as a mischievous smile stretched across her face. “You know, you make a good point. You can buy the rest of them!” The two ponies chuckled for a bit before taking a hearty drink of cider.


Time flew by as the two nursed their cider and joked about the goings-on at the castle.

“Well, there was this one time in training when–” Flash’s voice cracked, and he trailed off, blinking.

Dewdrop giggled at the flustered stallion. “I thought only colts had that problem,” she said playfully.

Flash blushed. “Yeah, no kidding. I don’t think I’ve had that happen to me since”– Flash stopped abruptly when his voice cracked again. He slapped his hooves over his mouth. “Ugh… what is wrong with me?”

Dewdrop’s playful giggles died down when she saw beads of sweat forming on Flash’s brow and realized he was breathing erratically. “Flash, are you alright? Y-You don’t look so good,” she said, frowning with concern.

Flash used one of his hooves to wipe the sweat from his brow. “Eh… I’ll be fine, I just need to go to the bathroom. I’ll grab us another round when I get out, alright?”

Dewdrop gave a shallow nod. “Y-Yeah, that’s fine.”

Flash got up and made his way to the other side of the bar. Once he was out of sight, Dewdrop reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a blue-colored card with a pink heart on it. “I should’ve given him this earlier. If he’s not feeling well, then… I guess I blew my chance…”

Dewdrop waited anxiously for Flash to return. The first few minutes passed quickly enough. Then five, then ten more. Dewdrop was tapping the card nervously on the table, supporting her head on one hoof. More time passed, and she found herself resting her head in her forelegs. She was doing her best to fight the urge to nod off, but felt she was rapidly losing the battle. “Flash… where are you?”


Flash had just gotten up from the table and stumbled to the restroom. “Two ciders should not be making me feel like this.” He shook his head to clear his vision. “Maybe I should go back after this? I’m just not feeling that… Hmph–!“ Flash slammed a hoof over his mouth as he felt a hard, sharp pain in his gut. “GAH! Out of the way!” yelled Flash as he plowed his way into the first empty stall, cutting off a mare that was about to enter it.

“Hey you jerk! It was my turn, get out of there this–!” She placed a hoof over her mouth and recoiled from the sounds that emanated from the stall. “Eww…! Nevermind…” she said slowly, trotting briskly away.

Flash hadn’t made it in time. He was sitting on the floor with his tongue lolling out of his mouth, trying to catch his breath. Fortunately for him the mess was far enough away that he had no fear of touching it. “What is happening to me? I shouldn’t be this… Ugh–!” Flash felt another set of cramps hit him hard, then the room went dark as he blacked out.


There was a high-pitched tone as Flash’s world came back into focus. Flash brought a hoof to his head as the last bits of fuzziness in his vision cleared. A few moments later Flash felt… fine? He blinked a few times to clear his senses. “Ugh… that was…” Flash paused for a moment. “Well that’s just great! Now my voice is stuck like this? Ugh… I’m going to have to see the doctor tomorrow.”

Flash thought his senses must have been dulled by the alcohol, because certain things didn’t feel quite right. Flash shook off the sensation of wrongness. “I just need to focus on salvaging what’s left of this evening. I’m not even sure when I’ll be able to have another date with the way Shining Armor has been lately.”

Flash got up and looked at the mirror, but years of neglect and hooligans scratching it up made the image reflecting back almost unrecognizable. Flash fixed his disheveled mane as best he could, from what he could tell from the blob in front of him.

He was just about to leave the stall when the thought of the mess on the floor made him stop. He stealthy jumped out of the stall, making sure nopony saw him; he weaved and dodged his way around the patrons. He seemed to be moving faster than usual, which brought a confident smirk to his face.

He was just a few hoofsteps from the bar when he lost his footing and went tumbling forward; he flared his wings, but a magic force caught him before he could stop himself.

Once Flash was on his hooves again, the magic dispersed, and a concerned unicorn stallion with a dark coat trotted up to Flash. “Are you alright?”

Flash sighed. “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. My pride’s hurt more than anything. I had things under control, but thanks anyway.”

“If you say so,” the stallion said doubtfully. “I’m Graphite, and you?”

Flash turned and faced the stallion. “Look, I appreciate the help, I really do, but I should be going.”

“Could I buy you a drink?” Graphite asked with a smile.

“What? No!” Flash sputtered. “I was getting some drinks for myself and my date!”

Graphite’s ears wilted. “Eh… figures you would be here with a stallion,” he said with a disappointed frown.

“What?! No, I’m here with a mare!” Flash cried.

Graphite’s ears perked up as his frown turned back into a smile. “Really? Well, maybe the three of us could get a booth together? You know, get to know one another?”

“This conversation ends now!” Flash snapped, whipping around and walking up to the bar.

Flash sat there, fuming at what the stallion had proposed. After a few minutes, he looked back and saw the stallion had wandered off. Flash was about to give Barrel his drink order when Barrel gently placed a mug of green apple cider in front of him. “Courtesy of the fine stallion over there, ma’am.”

*Ma’am?! Now why would he…* Flash followed Barrel’s hoof to see a stallion smiling at him. Flash deadpanned. *Hitting on mares at the bar… har, har… very funny, Burner.* A devilish smile crept onto Flash’s face as an idea popped into his head. “Two can play at that game, Burner,” Flash mumbled just under his breath.

Flash cleared his throat, not even attempting to hide his new voice. “Ahem… I will take this, and I would like one more Green Apple please.” Barrel nodded as he filled up another mug, then jumped as Flash slammed down two bits, grabbed the two mugs, and gave a frightening grin. “Oh, and if you would be so kind to relay a message for me to that stallion? Tell him if I were Celestia I would banish his flank so far into space that not even Luna would be able to find him!” With a huff, Flash whipped around and trotted away with the mugs.

Barrel just stared after Flash for a moment, then grabbed the bits and grumbled, “Hmm… That one’s trouble.” Barrel walked back over to Burner, who had a confused looked on his face. “Sorry son, that mare ain’t interested.”

“What?! Oh come on, did she at least say thank you?” Burner asked with a disappointed frown.

“No. She had other words for you, but I ain’t repeating them.”

Burner was taken aback. “What! Really? I don’t even know that mare!”

“Yeah… You want my advice kid? You’re playing with fire with that one, go find yerself another mare to bed tonight.” Barrel took a moment to fill another mug with cider. “But that one would sooner buck your teeth in or bite off something important, if ya get my drift.” Burner looked down at his empty mug, ears pinned back. “Kid, I’ve been a barkeep for longer than you’ve been alive… I know ’em when I see ’em.” Barrel set the fresh mug in front of the stallion. “Drink up son, it’s on the house.”


Flash made his way to the booth where Dewdrop was sitting. He placed a mug in front of Dewdrop, slid into the booth, and leaned up against her. “Here ya go Dewdrop, sorry that took so long…” Flash said, doing his best to match his proper tone.

Dewdrop was resting her head in her hooves. “Mhhm…” she said, snuggling up to Flash. “Sorry, Flash, you were gone for a while there and I might have nodded… off…” her eyes flew open.

Flash smiled awkwardly as he tried to read Dewdrop’s confused expression. His ears drooped when she pulled away from him.

“Who are you?” Dewdrop asked shakily.

Flash chuckled. “Who am I? I know my voice is a little messed up, and we’ve had a few drinks. But you should know who I am.”

“No, really… who are you, and where’s Flash?” Flash could see genuine fear and confusion in Dewdrop’s eyes, and he stopped chuckling.

“Dewdrop, I’m sitting right here,” Flash said in as calm of a voice as he could muster.

Dewdrop slowly shook her head. “You’re not Flash.”

Flash extended a hoof to put onto her shoulder but Dewdrop smacked it away and pushed herself farther away. Flash recoiled from the sudden outburst. “Dewdrop?! What’s gotten into you?!”

Dewdrop was about to get up when she saw something that made her freeze. The pony in front of her was not a stallion, and yet had Flash Sentry’s cutie mark! Dewdrop’s eyes snapped back and forth between the cutie mark and the face of the mare in front of her. Bits and pieces of her conversation with Cadance came flooding back. *…heightened sensations…social interactions awkward…Truly a night to remember for the rest of your life.*

Dewdrop slapped her hooves over her muzzle. Her mane stood on end. “Flash?” she asked in a voice barely above a whisper.

“Yes, Dewdrop?”

Dewdrop swallowed a lump in her throat, and her voice quavered. “Do… do you know?”

Flash’s puzzled look said more than words could have. “Know… what?”

Any composure Dewdrop had left broke at that moment. Dewdrop’s eyes went wide and her pupils constricted. She scooted right up to Flash, grabbing her special somepony’s head in her hooves and staring straight into strange yet familiar eyes. “Flash, this is IMPORTANT! DON’T PANIC! I NEED YOU TO STAY CALM!” Dewdrop yelled into Flash’s face.

“Ow! Okay, okay! Now PLEASE just let go!” Dewdrop let Flash’s head slip from her hooves. “Dewdrop, what in the hay has gotten into you?! I mean really, that was just uncalled—”

“Flash,” she stuttered. “You’re… you’re a… mare.”

Flash’s brow wrinkled in bemusement at her. “…Excuse me?”

“Flash, your voice, your body! Just… just look at yourself!” Before Flash could say another word, Dewdrop levitated a small compact mirror out her saddlebags and popped it open in front of Flash’s nose. Flash’s eyes went wide and his ears pinned back almost immediately as he looked at the mare staring right back at him in the mirror.

Dewdrop could only nod as the color drained out of Flash’s face. Flash started to hyperventilate; Dewdrop scooted next to her and wrapped her hooves around Flash. “Flash, I need you to stay calm. Do you understand me?” Flash said nothing, beads of sweat popping out all over her face. “Flash?”

Flash slowly opened her mouth and took a deep breath. Dewdrop knew all too well what was about to happen, and held Flash’s muzzle shut with her magic. Flash’s screams were muffled, but there was no mistaking her complete state of panic. Dewdrop continued to hold Flash down as she thrashed. “Flash! Stop!” Dewdrop hissed urgently, doing her best not to cause a scene.

Flash’s thrashing died down as a stream of tears flowed from her eyes. Flash sunk into Dewdrop’s embrace and squeezed her tight. “Flash, do you promise not to scream if I let go of the spell?” Flash nodded her head, burying it in Dewdrop’s chest. Dewdrop continued to stroke Flash’s mane and soothe her.

It was some time before Flash finally calmed down enough to speak. “Dewdrop… what’s going on?” she whispered into Dewdrop’s barrel like a frightened foal.

“Flash, we need to leave.”

Dewdrop jumped when an empty mug of cider banged onto the table. “Hey, Dewdrop.” Flash and Dewdrop both froze when they heard the voice. “Just checking in to see how you two lovebirds…” Burner paused for a moment after he realized it wasn’t Flash she was embracing. His expression turned into a frown once he recognized the mare. “What’s she doing here, and where’s Flash?”

“Burner, this isn’t a good time.”

“The buck it isn’t… I bought this mare a drink earlier and Barrel wouldn’t even repeat the stuff she told him! If you weren’t interested then a simple thank you would have been enough.” Flash cowered and buried herself deeper into Dewdrop’s chest.

Dewdrop’s mind raced as she tried to think of a way to defuse the situation. “Burner, just stop! This mare… she…” Dewdrop paused for a moment, a plan coming to fruition in her mind. “She’s… Flash’s sister! Her jerk of a special somepony decided to dump her on Hearts And Hooves Day! So knock it off!”

Burner cringed when he heard Dewdrop’s story. “I eh… I’m sorry, I didn’t know. So where’s Flash?”

“Well… We ran into her a little while ago and after she explained what happened, it kind of… well, killed our evening too. So, I told Flash I could stay here with her for a bit if she wanted another mare to talk to, they both agreed and he headed back to the barracks a little while ago.”

Burner nodded and looked over at the mare that was still cowering in Dewdrop’s embrace. “I see. Look I just wanted to check in before I headed out. I’m sorry about earlier.”

Dewdrop smiled and nodded warmly at him. “It’s okay. Thanks for understanding, Burner.”

Burner turned around and waved as he walked away. When he got far enough away, he mumbled under his breath, “Hmm… I never knew Flash had a sister.”

Dewdrop watched Burner leave before turning back and nuzzling into Flash’s shoulder. “He’s gone, Flash, but we need to leave before we attract any more attention.” She glanced down at her saddlebags. “You better wear my saddlebags, they’ll cover your cutie mark so ponies won’t recognize you.”

Flash pulled away from the embrace and wiped her eyes with her forehoof, sniffling. “Okay.”

Flash slid out of the booth while Dewdrop gathered her things. Flash didn’t seem to notice the card when Dewdrop quickly shoved it back into her saddlebags with the mirror. Dewdrop glanced at the two full mugs of cider and sighed. *Well, this night could have gone better.*