• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 9,337 Views, 293 Comments

Teatime on Hearts And Hooves Day - SirRage

Flash Sentry is having a very bad Hearts And Hooves Day. His date has been cancelled. He has to work a double shift. And for some reason, stallions are hitting on him at a bar... Yeah, really bad Hearts And Hooves Day.

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III: A Cold Night

Flash flinched as the weight of Dewdrop’s saddlebags settled onto her back. “Dewdrop, these saddlebags… are they empty?”

Dewdrop sighed. “Don’t worry about it, Flash. I want to go somewhere more private before we discuss this any further, okay?”

“Oh… okay.” The two ponies swiftly made their way out of the tavern, doing their best to avoid the gaze of the patrons who had observed their earlier panic.

Dewdrop exited the tavern, slowed to a stop, and turned her gaze towards the castle. Flash gave her a worried look. “Um… Dewdrop, is everything alright?”

Dewdrop took one last look at the castle before slowly turning back to Flash, ears pinned back. “Flash, there’s a park south of here.” Dewdrop lowered her head. “I–I’ll explain everything when we get there.”

Dewdrop slowly led the way to the park, hoping Flash wouldn’t notice the tears she occasionally wiped from her face.

*Things were going so well… so why does it have to end like this?* Dewdrop thought to herself.


Dewdrop’s shift had just ended and she was packing her usual supplies into her saddlebags for her next assignment. She had asked Check List earlier that day for an additional task to take her mind off Hearts And Hooves Day, because the last thing she wanted to do was spend the rest of the evening at home sulking.

When Dewdrop arrived at Check List’s desk, she simply smiled and slid over a piece of paper with a room number on it. “Is… this the assignment? Room 311, eastern wing?” Dewdrop asked with a touch of confusion.

“That’s the assignment. I think you will find it will make excellent use of your talents, Dewdrop.”

Dewdrop smiled. “Thank you, Check List. I appreciate it.”

Dewdrop trotted through the vaulted hallways of the castle and up several flights of stairs before she finally reached the door. “Room 311…” Her ears flattened. ”Is this some kind of joke? This room looks like a broom closet!” Her brow furrowed.

Dewdrop grumbled as she opened the door. “I swear, Check List, if this assignment is about sweeping the damn throne room or–” Dewdrop’s jaw dropped. Princess Cadance was standing right there! Her back was to the door, busy reviewing the supplies that were in the small room.

Dewdrop broke out of her momentary panic and swiftly bowed. “Princess!”

Princess Cadance jumped, startled from the sudden outburst. She turned around to see Dewdrop bowing. “Ah, Ms…” Cadance glanced back at a form that was in front of her. “Dewdrop, it’s a pleasure.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Your Highness,” Dewdrop said while still bowing. ”How may I be of service to you this evening?”

Princess Cadance smiled warmly at her. “Rise, my little pony. I need a unicorn who specializes in magical brews and potions to make a special brew for me this evening, and your name came highly recommended by Check List.”

“It would be my pleasure to do this for you, milady,” Dewdrop said enthusiastically.

Cadance flipped through the forms in front of her and raised a brow. “I must ask, my dear. I’m not inconveniencing you with this request, am I? I see you already worked a shift earlier today.”

“Oh no, Your Highness. I…” Dewdrop’s cheerfulness faltered for a moment. ”I actually welcome the distraction this evening,” she finished.

Cadance nodded. “Ah I see… Very well Dewdrop. I have already procured everything that is required.”

Dewdrop walked up to the bench to inspect the materials. Her eyes went wide as they darted back and forth between the exotic items. There were herbs she’d only seen in reference books, poison joke extract and rare tree roots from the Everfree Forest, and even dragon scale powder. “T–this is an impressive collection of materials, Your Highness!” Dewdrop did her best not to show it, but she was squeeing like a fanfilly at a Wonderbolts show on the inside.

Her excitement was cut short at the sight of a rather out of place, common collection of herbs and… orange zest? “Wait, what’s this?”

Cadance smiled and stomped her hooves on the floor. “Oh, I love those! They will make up the base of the brew.” She took a moment to regain her composure. ”Ahem… Anyway, you will find all of the instructions in that book over there. Please have a quick look to make sure you don’t have any questions.”

“Of course, Your Highness.” Dewdrop levitated her saddlebags to the ground and took out a pair of half-oval reading glasses as she approached the tome. She placed the glasses on the bridge of her nose and flipped through a few of the pages. “Let’s see… hmm… muscle relaxant…” Dewdrop continued flipping through the tome then stopped, cocking an eyebrow. “Hormone manipulation…?” Dewdrop set the book down and looked at the Princess. “What exactly is this potion for?”

Princess Cadance blushed furiously and stammered a response. “Umm… It’s a very special type of potion designed to soothe… and… special, sensual properties that stimulate and arouse the senses! Yes, that’s it!” Cadance said in almost a fit of panic.

Dewdrop was taken aback by the abrupt change in Cadance’s behavior. “Oh, um… okay.”

Princess Cadance regained her composure almost instantly. “This brew, or rather tea, is for Shining Armor and myself. Do make sure to follow all of the instructions. From testing, up through disposal.”


“Yes, disposal. Only two cups are to be prepared and the rest of the brew disposed of.”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

“Thank you, Ms. Dewdrop. There are other preparations that require my attention, so I will leave this task in your capable hooves.” Dewdrop bowed as Cadance left the room.

Dewdrop waited for Princess Cadance to get far enough away before she started gushing over all of the materials in front of her. “Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! This is going to be so much fun!” she said as she bounced up and down. “Ah… this is exactly what I needed to get my mind of–” Dewdrop noticed the assignment list Cadance left behind. Her eyes went wide when she read the sentry assignment for the Princess’ chambers for the evening. “Flash?” Dewdrop set the assignment sheet down, eyes wide. “He was telling the truth… and wasn’t just making excuses.”

Dewdrop sank to her haunches, ears lying flat. She glanced again at the paper; her ears perked up when she realized that they would be getting off duty at the same time. Rising, she levitated the tome over to her and scanned the first two pages again.

“I actually don’t have to start this for another hour.” Dewdrop set her glasses down as a smile crept on her face. A plan forming in her mind, she trotted back the way she had come, giggling like a filly. “I think I’ll go ask Check List for one of those maid uniforms…”


Dewdrop arrived at the park to find only a few couples out on blankets, enjoying the stars with their own special somepony. Dewdrop did her best to ignore them, but her heart sank at the sight.

She scanned the park for someplace quiet and pointed to a grassy knoll on the far side, away from the other ponies. “L–let’s go there…” Her voice shook when she spoke.

“Dewdrop?” Flash said with concern.

Dewdrop said nothing as they walked to the knoll. Once on the other side, she levitated the saddlebags off of Flash and took out a blanket that she had packed earlier, spreading it on the grass. She also took out a small card and placed it in her hooves. Flash took a seat on the far side of the blanket and eyed Dewdrop as she fumbled the card around in her hooves.

Flash waited patiently for an explanation, but none came. Flash finally broke the silence. “Dewdrop?”

Holding back a flood of tears, Dewdrop spoke. “I just want you to know that I wanted tonight to be special. I needed it to be special after what happened this morning, because I honestly thought we were done.” She wiped the tears that had escaped before she looked down. ”I thought you were just trying to get rid of me by canceling and making excuses all the time. So after this morning, I was done. I had enough.” Flash bit her lip and looked away. “I needed a distraction. So I took the extra shift to take my mind off of today, not to meet up with you. But by chance, I saw that you actually did have sentry assignment, just liked you said. So I started getting hopeful that you were telling the truth, so I put together a plan.

“At first it was just me surprising you and we would go out for drinks, but as my shift wore on, things got more elaborate. I thought we could go stargazing so I packed a blanket.” Dewdrop took a moment to wipe her eyes again. “A–and near the end of my shift I… I decided I would do something I shouldn’t have.” Dewdrop lowered her head even further. “I decided… to share the tea I was preparing for Princess Cadance with you. Even though she instructed me to dispose of the extra.” Dewdrop was still looking down, but she could feel Flash’s gaze boring into her. She winced. “She told me the tea did wonderful things, Flash. I didn’t think I’d ever have a chance to make it again, given how rare the raw materials are. So… against my better judgment, I… I took some to give to you.” Dewdrop sniffled, scrubbing at her eyes with a hoof. “I know it was stupid of me to do that… and Princess Cadance confronted me about it shortly after. But she never told me anything more about it! You have to believe me!”

Dewdrop noticed Flash get up and walk a few steps towards her. The dam finally broke and her tears were now running freely. “I–I’m sorry Flash, it’s all my fault!” Flash just stopped in front of her and said nothing. She saw Flash’s hooves leave the ground and tensed up, not knowing what to expect.

Dewdrop’s eyes shot open at the sudden sensation of a warm, soft touch wrapping around her. Flash had gripped her in a tight embrace. Then she felt something wet on her shoulder.

Flash had been crying this whole time, and Dewdrop hadn’t even noticed. Flash choked back tears as she spoke. “D–don’t get me wrong. I’m mad as all hell right n–now.” Dewdrop cringed when she heard those words. “B–but I’m not mad at you.” Flash squeezed Dewdrop tight after saying that. “And I want to stop crying, but I can’t!”

The two ponies held one another for some time, sobbing into each others’ embrace. The relief that washed over Dewdrop was overpowering as she clung to Flash as tightly as she could. Finally, Flash calmed down enough to break the embrace and look into her eyes. Flash glanced down to see the card Dewdrop was still holding in her hooves. “Is that for me?”

Dewdrop blushed, nodded, and gave Flash the card. Flash’s expression softened as she tumbled it around in her hooves. She closed her eyes and bit her lip. “Dewdrop… I…”

Dewdrop’s smile quickly faded when Flash gently placed the card back in her hooves. “It’s not a yes, or a no. I just don’t feel like I can say right now.” Flash gently placed her hooves onto Dewdrop’s shoulders. “You understand, right…?” Fresh tears welled up in Dewdrop’s eyes as she whimpered and nodded. Flash drew Dewdrop into a comforting embrace and nuzzled into her neck, letting her choke out the last of her tears.

The two stood there embracing in an awkward silence for some time before Flash finally spoke up. “So… if this was for the Princess and Shining Armor, then do you think I’ll be alright by morning?”

Dewdrop broke the embrace, rubbing her foreleg and shaking her head. ”I don’t think it’s time based. It’s possible, but there were aspects of the potion that repeated itself. So it’s unlikely it will simply wear off with time.”

Flash blinked for a moment as she let those words sink in. “So you’re saying I’m going to be stuck this way?!”

Dewdrop lowered her head. “The Princess will know… I’ll see her about it in the morning and we can get this all sorted out. Look… I know this is awkward, but you shouldn’t be left alone like this. So you can stay at my place tonight.” Dewdrop smiled weakly, the first time she’d smiled since they left the tavern. “Besides, it might be kind of hard for you to get into your quarters at the barracks.”

Flash chuckled. “You’re right about that one. Alright, I’ll accept.”

The walk was quiet; neither of them spoke, and Dewdrop spent most of her time regaining her composure. When the two ponies reached Dewdrop’s place, she noticed the lights were still on and turned to Flash. “Flash, how do I look? My roommate Rose Quartz is still up and I don’t want to look like a train wreck. Otherwise she just won’t stop asking questions.”

Flash took a moment to look Dewdrop over before he responded. “Your mane is a little messed up and your eyes are red, but all things considered, not bad. Given we were drinking and how long our days have been it’s probably fine.”

Dewdrop nodded in acknowledgment. “Okay, let me do the talking. I’ll just tell her the same thing I told Burner, alright?”

Flash nodded. “Alright.”

Dewdrop was about to open the door, but stopped. “Oh, my room is upstairs, first door on the right. I’ll try to make this quick then we’ll go right up.” Dewdrop opened the door and walked in with Flash in tow.

“Rose, I’m home!”

A pink crystal pony, wearing a white choker was reading a book in the living room. When she took in Dewdrop’s disheveled state, she got up to ask what happened. Then she saw the mare behind Dewdrop and stopped. She gave Dewdrop a smile before saying, “I thought you weren’t into mares, Dewdrop?”

“Rose, I’d like you to meet—Wait what?!” Dewdrop said with surprise.

Rose’s smile softened as she took a few steps forward. “It’s okay, dear. There are a lot of mares that date other mares. I just never pegged you as being one of them.” Dewdrop gaped at her. She tried to form words, but nothing came out. ”So, things didn’t work out with that pegasus guard you were interested in?”

Dewdrop snapped out of her daze when she finally registered the question. “Flash? Well, we… we—” She turned back to Flash for a moment before turning back to Rose. “—now is not a good time. She’s here and I don’t want to talk about this tonight, okay?”

Rose cocked her head and paused for a moment. “She?”

“Flash’s sister–” Dewdrop eyes went wide and she slapped a hoof over her mouth.

Rose’s eyes widened with surprise at Dewdrop’s response. She stared at the two for a brief moment until a rather mischievous smile grew on her face. “Ohh… I get it now…”

“What?” Dewdrop blushed, eyes wide after realizing what she was implying. ”Oh, no no no no no! It’s… it’s not what you think!”

“It’s okay, Dewdrop, I won’t judge.” Dewdrop just stammered for moment, trying to think of something to say.

Rose started walking to the kitchen. “Say, I’m making some tea. Are either of you–?”

“NO!” both Flash and Dewdrop shouted.

Rose put her hoof over her mouth and giggled a bit. “That eager to get to business, eh? I suppose I can’t blame you.” Dewdrop’s own coat color could have been mistaken as a shade of crimson by this point with how furiously she was blushing. “Oh and Dewdrop, dear, just try to keep the noise down tonight, alright? I know how you get, and I have to work in the morning,” Rose said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Dewdrop was fuming. She squinted her eyes shut and pointed a hoof to her room. “Ugh! Flash, upstairs! Now!”

Flash started to trot up the stairs, but stopped when she heard Rose say, “Kinky… you even call her by her brother’s name.” Flash was stunned and couldn’t move, as if she had just been shot with a tranquilizer dart.

Dewdrop stomped right up to Rose. Raising a hoof, she pointed at her misguided roommate. “We will NEVER speak of this night AGAIN!”

Rose raised her brow for a moment before lowering her voice and leaning in to whisper, “Oh, so she’s like a… one night thing?”

“AHHH!!” Dewdrop slapped her hoof over her face and yelled in frustration. She whipped around and marched up the stairs, using her head to push Flash’s flank as she went. She shoved Flash into her bedroom and bucked the door shut.

Rose blinked for a moment, taking in everything that had just happened. “Geez… and I thought I got testy on Hearts And Hooves Day,” she muttered to herself as she poured a cup of tea.


The upper floors of the Imperial Suite were dark and still. A sign hung over the royal bedchambers:

“By Royal Decree: Only in the event of a changeling invasion, Sombra rising from the grave or other world-threatening catastrophic events may the sanctity of this room be disturbed.”

Beyond those doors was a circular room lit by candlelight and a small fire burning in a fireplace. Various implements that would normally not see the light of day were scattered about the room. In the middle, there was a large bed. Cadance was holding Shining Armor in a loving embrace, with a pink silk sheet draped over them while they cuddled.

Cadance’s jaw and snout had taken on a sharper, more angular shape, and she appeared to be significantly larger than Shining Armor. She pulled him close and spoke in a voice that belonged to a stallion, “Oh Shiny, thank you so very much for letting me do this.”

Shining Armor’s usual strong facial features were much softer and more rounded, and his mane was quite a bit longer. His eyes were half-closed, face flushed and he wore a pleasant smile. “Well when you asked if we could reverse the roles for this little game, I did–Ahh!” She tensed up when Cadance snuggled in closer to her.

“I’m sorry, my love. I was just getting more comfortable,” Cadance said, grinning slyly at the mare in her grasp.

“I–It’s okay. I’m just not use to all of this, that’s all. Like I was t–trying to say, I didn’t think you would take this”—Shining Armor had to bite her lip for a moment—”role r–reversal thing this far.”

Cadance chuckled a bit. “I thought you might enjoy experiencing the heightened sensations that we mares feel.”

Shining Armor giggled. “Is that why I feel this way right now?”

Cadance looked at the empty wine bottle at the foot of their bed and smiled. “Well, that’s not the only reason. I’ve also introduced a few other… enhancements as well.”

“You don’t say–Ahh?!”

Shining Armor’s eyes squeezed shut. Cadance had gently bit down and was now playing with her ear. Shining’s inhibitions melted away and she moaned in ecstasy at Cadance’s touch.

Cadance grinned, still holding her ear. “I think you’ve had enough rest for now.”


Dewdrop was trying to calm down, but it wasn’t working. Her nose was scrunched, and she was still looking at the now-closed door.

“Dewdrop, are you alright?”

She took one deep breath and exhaled in an attempt to calm her nerves. “I’m fine, Flash. I just don’t know how I’m going to explain this to Rose…” Her head drooped and she sighed in defeat. “Whatever. I’ll deal with it later.”

Flash took a moment to take in her surroundings. The room was surprisingly spartan. There were no photos, and only a few modern amenities, such as a clock. Flash thought this room probably looked exactly as it had a thousand years ago. It also struck Flash that the room was surprisingly small, and that Dewdrop’s bed looked barely big enough for one pony. Flash cleared her throat before she spoke. “So… Where am I sleeping?”

Dewdrop sighed. “We’re sharing my bed. It’s a single, so we’re going to be a little tight… I hope you don’t mind.”

Flash shook his head. “No, it’s fine.” She walked over to the bed and slipped under the covers. Dewdrop joined her and turned the lights off with her magic as she turned to her side, her back facing Flash.

Flash stared off into the emptiness of the dark room for some time. She was fidgeting with her hooves, unable to relax.



“Thank you.” Dewdrop’s ear flicked up and she rolled over to face Flash. Even in the dead of night she could still make out her form, staring at the ceiling. “You’ve done a lot for me today, and when I couldn’t give you an answer earlier, you still stuck by me. So thank you for that.” Flash sighed and brought a hoof to her forehead. “I really wanted to say yes earlier, but I’m really confused right now. It’s just really hard to explain.”

Dewdrop smiled in the darkness and snuggled into Flash’s side. “I’ll take that.”