• Published 24th Dec 2014
  • 729 Views, 5 Comments

Mystics of Equestria - steel soul

For some ponies in Equestira, death is only the beginning...

  • ...

Prolog:So I Woke Up in a Strange Room One Time...

He awoke with a start, beads of sweat clinging to his fur as he did so. The pure white room he was within having nothing within it besides the cot he rested upon. As his body caught up to the rest of his thoughts, his eyes would widen and his hooves quickly began to pat all over his chest, franticly searching for…For…Something.

There was nothing though, no blemish, or undesirable mark. Nothing but his light tan fur and everything associated with it.

Still…the feeling of dread still hung within him. Something was wrong though. He could feel it.

As he began to calm his breathing down, he began to go over the events prior to ending up where he was. His last thoughts as it were. He had remembered it was the dead of night and he was alone. But why was I up that late though?

His mind began to race over all that he remembered from his scattered thoughts.

The stir of the cold wind in the night air.

The sound of metal grating.

The feel of icy steel followed by a sharp pain.

The look of pure pleasure as a black figure hovered over his fading eyes.

He had died.


He was murdered.

The stallion swallowed painfully as he clung to his hind legs, rocking back and forth upon the cot he lay upon. I-If I really did die then what is this place? Is it the Promise or…or was I in Tartarus?, He thought, his eyes shooting back and forth from where he sat. Sure I wasn’t the most…Well…Helpful of ponies, and those magazines under my bed were a bit revealing to most mares liking, but that can’t be enough to place me as a bad pony right? Right?!

A sudden sound of something unlocking sounded to his right making the stallion tense completely on instinct. He couldn’t help but shudder at the sound of the door creaking ever so slowly, adding to the dread he already felt within himself. His eyes widen by degrees, tears forming as thoughts of being tortured in his afterlife filled his mind. The door opened fully, the fearful image of…of…


“Oh! Hey Coco! Good to see ya up and about!”

The mint green mare strolled in, standing on her hind hooves no less. That’s something he would expect from her though. She was always an oddball around Ponyville, sometimes even more so then Queen of Random herself, Pinkie Pie. No. The thing that really caught the stallion’s attention was the pair of glowing yellow arms that surrounded her forelegs. each one ending in a weird shape with five small appendages sticking out of it. She gently closed the door behind her with her odd appendages before strolling up to Coco, smiling broadly.

“Hello and welcome to your new afterlife! Hope I can be accommodating to your needs!” She said before adding a sultry wink. She had placed her forelegs on her hips and began to shake her hips seductively before giggling.

Coco wasn’t sure, but he could have sworn that something broke within him. The distinct sound of popping and static could be heard before everything went black for the stallion.


The sound of muffled talk slowly pulled Coco from his slumber, the recent dream of cakes, candies, and pies leaving a weird aftertaste in his mouth, “Oh…What…Where am I…?”

“Oh, hey look! I think he’s waking up now Bonnie!”

Coco pressed a hoof against his head as he opened his eyes, the voice he knew belonging to a familer mint green mare ringing in his ears. “Wha…Lyra?”

“Well he wouldn’t be this way if it wasn’t for you, ya know?” A new voice sounded on the other side of him. “And do you have to hold him like that Fleur? We don’t want him any more traumatized then he already is.”

The stallion tried to blink away the blurriness as he shifted against…something soft.

And furry.

And warm.

And was that pink lemonade he smelled?

“Aww…but he’s so cute.” A voice above him mused softly. It had a beautiful accent, one that held a Canterlotien flare and inflection. “And soft and cold…hehe…Just how I like em…”


That was the only word Coco could think of before he felt a pair of lips press into his own. They were both soft and subtle, and if he wasn’t completely freaked out about what was going on, he would have enjoyed the gentleness of it. Coco felt the lips pull away from him slowly, only to be met with a pair of lilac eyes shimmering down at him, both with a half laden gaze. He instantly noticed her soft looking off white fur, having a bit of just the right amount of pink tint to it. Her light pink mane drooping from either side of her face, lightly brushed into his neck as she pulled away from him, tickling his fur. His eyes would widen as she giggled and leaned in close to him, the heat of her breath playing against his muzzle.

“Good morning…My new favorite corpse…”

Coco’s brain stalled soon after.

Not for the fact that the mare had kissed him.

He would get back to that later.

No…I was for what she had called him before.

“A WHAT!?!?”

Coco flung himself up off of the mare as quick as he could, before pushing himself away, promptly falling backwards out of the bed he lay within. His head hit the floor hard, his hind legs slumping and hanging above him. His tail dangling between his legs. He groaned a few choice curses under his breath before opening his eyes fully. He gazed up at (or was it down?) a cream colored mare, blue and pink mane bouncing as she tilted her head to the side.

“You are excitable, aren’t you?” She said with a chuckle.

“B-Bon Bon?” Coco asked as he pushed himself over, sitting himself back upright. “Lyra? What…What’s going on? Where am I!?”

“Calm down Coco…” Bon Bon said softly as she placed both of her hooves on his shoulders. “Panicking won’t help you right now. I need you to get yourself together and look at me dead in the eyes ok?”

Coco was visibly shaking but nodded all the same. “O…Ok I-I calm now…I’m calm…” He repeated over and over, smiling at her with only slight shivers now. “I’m calm”.

“Ok good…” Bon Bon said before sighing deeply. “You’re dead.”

Coco’s smile held as he responded with a. “Oooooooh…I see...”

Bon Bon raised an eyebrow. “You’re…taking the news rather well…”

Coco shook his head. “Believe you me…I am freaking out wholeheartedly, on the inside that is. It’s just taking my body a while to catch up with my mind.” There was a noticeable eye twitch before he smiled at her again, brighter than before. “Nearly there though.”

“Ah…We see. Well then we will try to make this quick.” Coco blanched as the regal form of an alicorn slowly sauntered her way within the room. Her midnight dark fur and star filled mane was enough to both cause the stallion to admire and shy away as the living deity of the moon herself made her way to the quaking stallion. “Please do try to keep it together in the meantime.”

“P-Princess Luna?!” Coco yelled. Or he would have yelled if it didn't sound like a sad excuse of a squeak.

Luna nodded, an amused smile playing across her lips. “Allow us to welcome you to S.E.E.D. stallion Coco Cruise. You have my condolences. ”

Author's Note:

So...can anyone guess where this ideal came from?

(Hint-Inspired by an Anime I recently grown to love)

Comments ( 3 )

OK, this looks like an interesting story and I really want to see the anime that inspired you. I also want to see Lyra and Fleur teasing the hell out of this guy in the next chapters, which I hope will come soon. Keep up the good work as usual.

This seems to be your take on R.I.P.D.

Added to my extensive "watch later" pile, so I won't read it yet. But before I eventually do read, all I have to say is:

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