• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 5,916 Views, 157 Comments

Bigger Than Mac - DraconequusMaximus

Spike & Big Mac have gotten pretty close over the years, bonding while the girls were off saving the world. They finally admit their feelings for one another, as soon as Spike comes of age, but they hit a snag in their relationship. A BIG one.

  • ...

Living Arrangements

It was an interesting sight to see a dragon trying to make himself appear as small as possible. Spike didn't even realize he was doing it, but he felt like the ponies were towering over him again. Applejack in particular. He was good friends with these mares, he considered them family even.

But this was coming out to a room full of ponies on very short notice, right after a life changing event. If reptiles could sweat, Spike would be swimming about now.

Okay, they love you and they love Mac, this isn't a big deal. Calm down. He silently reassured himself. Though still nervous, he felt less anxious than before.

"Me and Mac have been really good friends for awhile now. Every time you girls would go off to save the world, you left a lot of things that needed doing for both of us. We started helping each other out, and sooner or later we became really close. I can understand him from a look or the occasional Eeyup just as well as you, Applejack." Spike paused for a moment to try and form his next sentence properly, Applejack took it as a sign that he was finished however.

"So, what? He's yer best friend? That'd explain why the big lug's so worried about ya." Applejack said thinking she had hit the nail on the head.

"Yes, he was my best friend... until last night at the party." Spike replied, becoming less confident again.

"Did you two have a fight?" Rarity asked from beside Applejack. Spike looked at her. This is about to get even more awkward... he thought to himself, after remembering how he used to bend over backwards for the unicorn mare.

"Uh... No, kind of... the opposite of that I guess?" Spike said failing to articulate his thoughts properly. Twilight, ever the seeker of knowledge and clarification was next to speak up.

"So, you to had an... agreement? About what exactly?"

"It was more of an... acknowledgement? I guess? We... both acknowledged certain... feelings for each other." Spike said hoping Twilight would pick up on the meaning. Twilight seemed more perplexed than she had a moment ago, while the other mares were wide-eyed with the realization of the full extent of Spike's relationship with Big Macintosh.

"Are you tellin us you and Mac are colt cuddlers?" Applejack said sounding very uncomfortable. Twilight's understanding of the situation clicked into place at the question and she joined the others in stunned silence. Spike merely nodded without saying a word. Everpony's attention was drawn to the sound of hoof steps coming from behind them. The princesses were walking up to Spike with smiles on their faces.

"My son, I'm very proud of you. You not only found yourself a special somepony, but you also mustered the courage to admit who you are to your loved ones so soon after your ordeal." Princess Celestia said while shedding liquid pride.

She wasn't a princess right now, she was a proud mother affectionately nuzzling her now not-so-little boy. But as she looked up at her son she could tell something was still amiss, his expression was even sadder than when the girls had backed away from him. Luna had seemingly noticed this as well as she beat Celestia to the punch.

"What still troubles you dear nephew?" She asked genuinely concerned. Spike let out a deep sigh before answering.

"It doesn't matter if the secret isn't a secret anymore, Big Macintosh probably thinks I'm a monster now." Spike dropped to the ground into a position similar to the loaf shape a cat sometimes does. His wings drooped and touched the ground at his sides as he hung his head down low.

"Why would he think that?" Pinkie Pie asked tilting her head to the side a little in confusion.

"I saw him look at me right after I grew before I passed out, I hadn't seen him look like that since Granny Smith passed on. Besides, fixing the barn is Big Mac's excuse to be alone when he's upset." Spike said sinking his neck down to the point the full length was resting on the ground.

Applejack thought on that for a moment. Is that true? Now that she thought about it, whenever something upsetting happened Big Mac would make some excuse to go fix up the barn. She was even fairly sure he had re-shingled the barn roof by himself after the time Apple Bloom accidentally let it slip that he slept with a stuffed toy at the family reunion.

The validity of Spike's claim seemed to be confirmed, Spike seemed to know her brother better than she did. Several times she had come home from spending time with the girls she came home to find the pair playing cards or just hanging around the house, she just never thought anything of it until now.

"He's right, Mac always uses that excuse when he's upset. But, Ah don't think he'd ever believe you were a monster. Ah'm sure he just needed some time to think is all, you did sorta grow twice his size in a coupl'a minutes. This is an awful lot to take in right now, but if ya make Mac happy ah suppose ah'm alright with this. Mac coulda fallen for someone a lot worse. As stallions er... dragons, go yer a right gentlecolt." AJ said trying to cheer up the miserable reptile. Spike smiled a little, making an effort to hide his teeth from view. With a loud groan he managed to pick himself up from the floor.

"I'm gonna go see him, we need to talk about this sooner than later." He said as he wobbled a bit before one of his back legs gave out and he laid back down in defeat.

"Spike, you're still very weak. It's almost like you're malnourished." Fluttershy said placing a hoof on Spike's claw in a show of concern. Celestia nodded in agreement.

"You should eat, Discord has an enchanted bottomless bucket with lots of treasure that you didn't finish earlier." She said looking over to Discord who stepped forward.

"Actually Celestia, I think I'd like to make my contribution to Spike's snack collection." Discord said before pulling a bluish-white chunk of what seemed to be some sort of ore that produced a warm yellow glow.

"What the hay is that?" Spike said looking at the suspicious ingot.

"This is called orichalcum, the finest meal a dragon could ask for." Discord said showing it to Spike.

Everypony in the room had their attention stolen right then by Twilight, her tone sounding of surprise and disbelief.

"But orichalcum is extremely rare! Only a few milligrams have ever been discovered in recorded history! It's capacity for holding magic and durability is only surpassed by the elements of harmony! That ingot could theoretically hold enough magic to split the earth in half if it were filled to capacity!" Twilight said in awe at the nearly mythical metal. Discord merely rolled his eyes at her lecture.

"This ingot is essentially depleted. Right now it's basically a chunk of dragon chow, it'll have our scaly friend here running laps in no time. If you be a good pretty purple pony princess I'll get you some for your hundredth birthday." Discord said before stepping on Spike's claw with his cloven hoof, opening his mouth like a trash can and dropping the ingot into his mouth.

Spike instinctively chewed the surprisingly delicious material up and swallowed. All was silent until what sounded like a muffled explosion originated from Spike's stomach. He opened his mouth and burped up a cloud of pale blue smoke. His muscles seemed to fill themselves in even more before everypony's eyes. He stood up and stretched as if he had merely been asleep, he even flapped his wings a few times before smiling widely enough to show enough teeth to make a shark jealous.

"I feel fantastic, I think I could sort the entire library without breaking a sweat." Spike said while he reexamined his biceps.

"Yes well, don't expect me to be so generous all the time. This mush fest was merely starting to wear me down. Now if you'll excuse me, it's Friday and I have a poker game to get to. Sombrero and Chryssi get annoyed if I'm late, and it's my turn to get the snacks." Discord said before snapping his talons and disappearing. Celestia made a mental note to talk to him about that later.

After a moment of everypony being unsure about how serious Discord was being, Spike broke the silence.

"Applejack, would you mind walking to Sweet Apple Acres with me?"

"Why would ah need to go with ya? This is between y'all and you're strong enough to go by yourself right?" She asked in confusion.

"I think it's probably a bad idea to have me around by myself, ponies panic pretty easily. If the element of honest tells them I'm not turning into a monster again they'd be more inclined to believe it." Spike said hopefully.

Applejack thumbed through her mind for an excuse not to go, wanting to avoid the awkwardness. However when nothing came to mind she tried to shift the responsibility.

"Ah suppose so, but couldn't Twilight go with ya? She is a princess an' all." Applejack said motioning to the youngest alicorn.

"I believe I have a better solution, Applejack." Princess Celestia said before walking over to her son, "Luna, Twilight, I believe we can teleport Spike to Sweet Apple Acres if we work together. Dragon's may be exceptionally resistant to magic, but three alicorns should be able to overcome that with ease."

The other princesses moved into position around Spike and lit their horns, their individual magics streamed together and in a brilliant flash of light the dragon and his mother vanished. Luna was the first to speak afterward.

"It seems my sister wishes to have words with your brother as well Applejack. If she harms him you may give the medical bill to Spike. He will send it on to us." Luna said before re-lighting her horn and vanishing, presumably back to Canterlot.

"She was kiddin, right? Twi?" Applejack asked her friend in shaky, nervous tone.

"I can never tell with Luna, her humor is kind of dated. But she was the element of laughter back before the Nightmare happened." Twilight said in an attempt to ease her friend's nerves. Applejack seemed relieved upon hearing that, until Pinkie Pie chimed in.

"Wasn't she also honesty? Would that mean she was being serious about that? I mean you hardly ever joke around Applejack, even if you like to laugh." Pinkie was set continue on that tangent, until the most recent element of loyalty shoved her cyan hoof into her mouth.

"Not helping Pinks." Rainbow Dash said in an annoyed tone.

"Ah think maybe we should go help mah brother... you know, be there for moral support?" Applejack said ushering everypony out of the tent.


Sweet Apple Acres filled Spike's vision as soon as he opened his eyes. After living with Twilight for so long he had learned that closing your eyes during teleportation lessened the disorienting effects experienced by non-unicorns. He stopped to take it in anew, his size granted him a new view of the place.

Until now, the size had always impressed him. Now it seemed like the only place in Ponyville that could easily accommodate his sudden increase in size. He was surprised to see his mother standing next to him taking in the surroundings as well.

"It's been awhile since I've been here, I remember when I granted Big Macintosh's family this portion of land near the Everfree. Truly remarkable what earth pony magic and a little bit of elbow grease can accomplish, isn't it Spike?" She said with a heavy dose of nostalgia.

"Mom? Not that I mind you being here, it's your country and all. But why are you here?" Spike asked slightly confused.

"My boy is entering a relationship for the first time, I feel like I need to get to know this stallion. You two can have your talk and then I'd like a word with him." Celestia said in a perfectly level tone that Spike recognized immediately.

"Mom, I'm fairly certain that's the same tone you used when you explained that the maid that called me a filthy lizard wouldn't hurt my feelings ever again when I was seven. I asked around, nopony seemed to know where she went." Spike said fearing for Big Mac's safety.

"I only gave her some... incentive to pursue work elsewhere, like Zebrica for instance." She said innocently.

"We'll talk about you deporting the maid later. I need to go talk to Macintosh." Spike said as he started walking off towards the barn. He felt surprisingly good about walking on all fours, he had always felt odd being the only bipedal Equestrian citizen.

As Spike rounded the corner to the barn, an odd sight stopped him in his tracks. The barn was just as it had always been, but it was now a familiar shade of purple. There also seemed to be a sawhorse and a fair amount of lumber in front of it. The barn door was pushed open as soon as Spike took another step forward.

A tired looking Big Mac emerged dragging a large bag of tools backward out of the barn. He turned to see where he was going and saw the confused drake looking at him. Their green eyes met and the world seemed to stop for a moment.

"So... you've, been redecorating?" Spike said as he lifted a claw to the direction of the barn. Mac nodded before speaking.

"Eeyup, was supposed t' be a surprise. Thought you'd be out fer a while, specially didn' expect you up and lookin for me." Mac said with a blush intense enough to be seen from underneath his red coat.

"I sorta thought you were having second thoughts about... us. But it looks like you really were fixing up the barn." Spike said somehow managing his own blush through his scales. "But, why exactly are you changing the way the barn looks? Isn't red more... traditional?"

"It ain't a barn anymore, s' yer new house. Or it will be, once it's finished." Macintosh said scuffing the dirt path with his hoof, only half meeting Spike's gaze. He was acting like Spike had when his mother had caught him with his claw in the gem jar when he was little.

Spike thought about that for a minute. We hadn't even considered that. I definitely can't stay in the library anymore. Spike was incredibly happy, his life had essentially been turned upside down, but he still had Mac. Mac had even started a large undertaking with no help whatsoever for his sake. After thinking on it for a moment he looked back to the stallion.

"I only have two problems with that. First, your gonna run yourself ragged doing this by yourself. Your gonna let me help you." Spike said walking closer to Big Mac, who was unsure of Spike's objections.

"What's the second problem?" Mac asked looking up to Spike who had stopped less than two feet from him.

"It's gonna be our house, not mine." Spike said smiling at the stallion, before Mac could say anything he was scooped up by a powerful arm that held him close to Spike. He didn't need to answer after that, he just enjoyed the warm embrace of the dragon he loved.

In the background the motherly alicorn smiled, she still wanted to meet the stallion, but she wasn't going to ruin their moment for anything.

Author's Note:

I know Discord sort of pulled a dues x machina or whatever, but he's the most overpowered character in the show as of yet. So whatever.

Edited by TheAlmightySqueeb