• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 5,916 Views, 157 Comments

Bigger Than Mac - DraconequusMaximus

Spike & Big Mac have gotten pretty close over the years, bonding while the girls were off saving the world. They finally admit their feelings for one another, as soon as Spike comes of age, but they hit a snag in their relationship. A BIG one.

  • ...

Dinner For Two

Applejack had received letters from Spike on occasion, but it was usually a notification of disaster. Spike had told her to bring apples, not an unreasonable request of her, but it seemed strange that they would need more.

They rarely ran out of apples on market days, especially not so quickly. As Applejack brought the extra cart full of apples into town she noticed things were strange. Several mares passed by her with stuffed toys that looked remarkably like Spike and her brother. She stopped a mare she recognized as Lemony Gems who was wearing a purple ball cap with Mac's cutie mark on the front and little dragon wings on the sides.

"Scuse me, Lemony, but could you tell me what the hay is going on?" Applejack said motioning to her unusual hat.

"Oh, I thought you of all ponies would know Applejack. Your brother is dating Spike who was secretly a prince! Everypony is celebrating that our little town is host to the new royal couple." Lemony said pointing to several of the stalls pedaling various nick-knacks and clothing items.

"Well a' course Ah knew, Ah'm just confused as t' how y'all know." Applejack said somewhat confused.

"Carrot Top told everypony, she was apparently listening in on a private conversation between Spike and the crusaders." Lemony said pointing to the mare in question. She was currently hauling a wagon full of the now famous couple's merchandise.

"Golden Harvest! The hay are you spying on ponies on mah farm for?" Applejack yelled at the guilty pony. She froze on the spot before slowly turning to face the strongest mare in Ponyville.

"Applejack, I'm really sorry! Spike and Big Macintosh already forgave me! I'm getting them one of all the toys and stuff ponies have been making." She said pointing to the wagon full of overpriced junk. Applejack was pretty sure she was telling the truth. Being the element of honesty was useful now and again.

"Fine, but don't let me catch yer sorry flank on mah farm without bein' invited." She said before continuing on her way to the marketplace.

As she got further into town she saw almost everypony with at least some of the odd memorabilia. The town was abuzz with activity, merchants were selling anything they could paint purple and green or stamp with an apple. Ponies would have normally known better than to do all this, but ever since Filthy Rich had taken over as mayor he had converted everypony over to the gospel of money.

Applejack hated to admit it, but the extra revenue was helping the town immensely. Ponyville was often under siege by one threat or another, and the bits were appreciated for repairs. Applejack eventually reached the market and saw the cause for the impromptu letter for help. The stand was devoid of any produce or baked goods. Sitting behind the stall was the couple of the hour.

"Y'all managed to get yerselves in the spotlight perty quick didn' ya?" Applejack said with a smirk as she unloaded the apples.

"Yeah, Carrot Top blabbed after listening in on me and the crusaders. She's going around buying us everything in retribution. But, on the bright side, our relationship seems to be selling an awful lot of Apples." Spike said reaching over and placing a crate of apples onto the stand.

"Are ya sure ya don't mind all the stuff with yer mugs on it?" Applejack said looking back to the stand selling mini-figures.

"We weren't too thrilled at first, but we worked out a deal with Filthy Rich. He's getting everything licensed, all we need to do is sign off on it. We're getting a pretty nice cut of the deal, gonna use it to build the house." Spike said as he finished placing the apples and goods onto the stall's shelves.

"Eeyup." Mac said flipping the sign from closed to open.

"Well, y'all can go get some grub if ya want. Ah'll watch the stand for now, Ah'm sure ya'll d' get pestered t' death with both a' ya here." Applejack said shooing the pair out from behind the stall.

"Sounds good to me, I'm running low on fuel. Thanks AJ." Spike said as the pair walked off.

The pair had to deal with several groups of whispering mares who seemed to be giving Spike a death glare. Others had cameras and were frantically snapping photos of Equestria's newest celebrities. Spike remembered how Shining Armor had complained when he and Cadence had gotten married. The paparazzi had nearly driven the two insane. Spike wondered if this was their fate as well, everypony was already treating their relationship as the biggest thing since Luna's return.

Come gawk at the big gay dragon prince and his farm pony lover! Spike thought to himself.

He was taking it pretty well, being a reptile among mammals was good experience for being gawked at. Mac on the other hoof, was doing his best to cope. Spike could tell he wasn't liking the unexpected stardom.

After a short trek they arrived at Hayburger, the closest restaurant with outdoor seating. Spike decided to just walk through the drive through cart lane, as this was an unusual circumstance. Big Mac went to get them a table while Spike ordered.

"Hey, so I know I don't have a cart or anything, but I can't really go inside." Spike said to the acne riddled teenage stallion at the window.

"Oh, your majesty! Please, don't worry about it. What can I get for you today sir?" The stallion said saluting Spike.

"Well, I'd like... let's say thirty-five hayburgers with cheese and ten orders of horseshoe fries." Spike said unsure of how much he could eat with his new size.

"Um... alright then, we have a special promotion the manager just cooked up. We call it the green fire slushie, it's jalapeno flavored. It's named after you obviously. You get a free large with every ten bits worth of food you buy." The teenage colt said while trying to calculate the massive order properly.

"Sounds interesting, how many am I looking at?" Spike asked excited at having a drink named after him.

"Well your total is fifty-three bits, so five." The stallion said giving him his ticket. Spike reached under his wing and gave the stallion his bag of bits he had withdrawn from the bank while waiting for Applejack. The teen took out the necessary amount and recounted the total he took several times, not wanting to mess up the change he gave royalty, especially not a dragon. Spike took the bag back when prompted.

"So, could you send somepony out when everything's ready? I'll be in the outdoor seating area, think you can find me?" Spike said jokingly.

"Yes sir, we'll have that out to you as soon as possible." The cashier said before shutting the window.

Spike walked back around to the outdoor seating to find Big Mac. It wasn't hard as Mac was pretty big for a pony, and red wasn't the most common color. He was seated at the far end of the area under a shade tree, most likely as to not draw attention to himself. It would have worked, had Spike not have joined him. Ponies tend to notice large purple dragons.

"Hey handsome, they're gonna bring the food out in a bit." Spike said sitting at the table across from Mac. Mac as usual, was silent, but their seemed to be tension in the air.

"Something wrong, Mac?" Spike asked worriedly.

"Just thinkin'." Mac said staring at a napkin he had apparently been writing on before Spike's arrival. It seemed to be measurements and estimates, the former being somewhat personal.

"Are those for the house?" Spike asked looking at the contemplative stallion.

"Eeyup, tryin' t' figure how we can make the house last fer as long as possible for ya." Mac said without looking up from the napkin.

"What do you mean?" Spike asked raising one of the scaly ridges that served as his eyebrows.

"Ah heard that Discord fella, yer gonna grow again in twenty years or so. The barn'd still be jus' big nough' for after that too if I'm doin the math right. But what bout' afterwards?" He said looking up from the napkin.

"We can worry about forty years from now closer to it, let's just worry about now alright?" Spike said looking to his love. Mac was really trying to let work take his mind off of things, but worrying about problems two decades in advance wasn't helping anypony.

Before anything else could be said a stallion carrying a seemingly absurd amount of burgers and fries with great difficulty came out of the restaurant. Spike took them from their place on the young stallion's back and placed them on the table. Another employee, this time a mare brought out a family sized drink carrier with Spike's special slushies. Spike took them as well and placed them alongside the food.

"Thanks guys, sorry for making you work so hard for my order." Spike said before handing both of them a generous tip. They saluted and smiled and went back to their work.

"Ya gonna be able to eat all that?" Mac said eying the pile of hayburgers.

"Five and two orders of fries are yours, I remember what you normally get. You can really pack it away for a pony." Spike said as he unwrapped his first burger, putting the entire thing in his mouth.

"What's this here?" Mac said pointing to the emerald green slushie.

"They call it a green fire slush, you can guess who it's named after." Spike said swelling with pride.

Macintosh merely rolled his eyes and grabbed one of the beverages for himself. He took a good long drink and set the beverage down and reached for a burger. He stopped dead seconds later except for a twitching eye.

"Mac? you alright?" Spike asked the seemingly ailing stallion.

"B-brain freeze n' burning mouth." Macintosh uttered shakily.

"Well, it is called the green FIRE slush." Spike said taking one for himself and downing it with no trouble. Mac took a bite of his burger, helping the burning sensation in his mouth as the brain freeze lessened.

"How'd ya drink that so quickly?" Mac said in amazement once his self inflicted torture had ended.

"I breathe fire, so my taste buds can take a lot of punishment, and brain freeze stopped bothering me years ago. I've eaten a lot of ice cream over the years." Spike said before starting in on a couple more burgers. Mac finished two in the time it took Spike to devour ten. The pair was silent, until Mac spoke up.

"So... we're officially a celebrity couple now huh? Ah wasn't quite expectin' that when Ah asked ya out." Mac said sheepishly. Spike smiled at him knowingly, he had been thinking something similar.

"I know, it's not what I had in mind either but I love you and I know we can make it through this. I know this whole business is my fault, but I couldn't be happier that you stuck with me." Spike said before giving Mac a kiss on the cheek from across the table, much to the stallion's surprise. He was definitely a deeper shade of red than he had been moments ago.

"S-Spike, we're in public!" Mac both whispered and yelled at the dragon, without being truly angry.

"Yeah, but everypony knows about us now. Besides, it was just a quick peck on the cheek." Spike said before gobbling down the rest of his burgers and starting in on the fries.

"Ah, love you too, but... ah dunno how comfortable ah am with public stuff." Mac said slowly regaining his normal shade of red.

"Sorry Mac, I know you aren't too good with public anything without prep time." Spike said guiltily. Mac opened his mouth to reassure the dragon, but was soon interrupted.

"Spike! This slushie is amaaaaaaziiiing!" A familiar voice talk/sung from behind the dragon in question.

Spike turned to see Pinkie Pie wearing a green and purple tie-dye shirt and a necklace shaped like Mac's cutie mark. She also had an extra large green fire slush in one of her hooves. Rainbow Dash was wearing a ball cap with Mac's mark and little dragon wings on the sides. She hovered just above Pinkie slurping a smaller version of Pinkie's gargantuan beverage.

"Sup Spike? How's it feel to be famous?" Rainbow Dash said somewhat enviously before taking another drink of her slushie.

"Well, It'd be nice to get some time relatively alone with Mac. But the whole "fame" thing is making it a pain in the flank." Spike said while gesturing to Macintosh who nodded his agreement.

"It's not everyday that ponies find out that they have royalty right under their muzzles." Rainbow said as she threw her now empty drink container in a nearby trash bin.

"Or that that royalty is a really big gay dragon that's dating every mare's dream stallion." Pinkie Pie added with a smile and the subtlety of a rampaging minotaur.

Mac was visibly uncomfortable after the last bit, he had never really had an eye for the fairer sex, despite the mares all having eyes for him.

He wasn't seen in town for a month after the uncomfortable love poison incident. Spike would have said something about making Mac uncomfortable, but Pinkie hadn't meant any harm, She was just being Pinkie Pie. She seemed to catch herself when she saw Mac's face however.

"Still, would have been nice to at least have a meal together without the whole restaurant watching us." Spike said looking around the open dining area.

Sure enough, there was quite a few ponies making an effort to seem like they weren't watching. Pinkie Pie looked as though there was some heavy thinking going on inside her head. She was being eerily quiet, which was never long lived for the pink party pony.

"Gottagoplanningsomethingforsomeponytotallynotaponyandadragon!" Pinkie blurted suddenly as she disappeared in a burst of speed, leaving a dusty afterimage that saluted before collapsing into nothing. The assembled ponies and dragon just looked at each other and shrugged.

"Anyway... I guess I'm not hanging out with Pinkie anymore today. Guess I'm gonna go take a nap. See ya later lover boys." Dash said as she zoomed off with her signature multicolored jet trail.

"Today has been weird, but not terrible. Wanna head home and quit while we're ahead?" Spike asked after finishing the last surviving order of horseshoe fries.

"Eeyup." Mac said before finishing his own meal.

The pair passed by Applejack on their way out of town an picked up the empty cart they had brought, which was now full of a surprising number of mediocre items bearing some semblance of them. Carrot Top had apparently left them in Applejack's care.

Spike towed it as he had the first time, since they didn't have the hitch with them. Spike planned on dividing the stuff between the crusaders, his mother, and aunt. It was a little known fact that the alicorn sisters loved plush toys.

It was dark by the time they were halfway back to the farm, and a curious sight met them when they were within half a mile. There were lit candles lining the path to the farm. The breeze was light enough not to extinguish them, the weather was eerily perfect. No clouds blocked the view of the stars, which seemed especially vibrant tonight.

The setting was incredibly romantic, and they were both feeling it. When they got to the farm they could see that the mysterious candles led straight to the barn, the door of which was wide open. It also appeared to be dimly lit with an astounding number of candles.

Somepony had obviously gone to an awful lot of trouble to make things seem romantic. As if reading the pair's thoughts, Pinkie Pie stepped out with a tremendous bottle of champagne resting on her back. It was obviously meant for Spike and Mac, as were two appropriately sized glasses she produced from seemingly nowhere. One for Mac, and a one that seemed a lot like a fish bowl for Spike. The party mare was wearing what seemed to be a diaper and cardboard wings.

"Pinkie Pie? What exactly are you doing? What is all this?" Spike asked looking at the candlelit barn. Pinkie's response was to shoot Spike in the face with a suction cup arrow that stuck to his scales with ease.

"You two looked sooo sad when you couldn't get a break today, so I called in some favors, broke some fundamental laws of physics, and got you a HUGE bottle of champagne.

Now you two can have a night to yourselves. Applejack is crashing in Spike's old room in the library and the crusaders are all staying at Rarity's house for a sleepover. So you can have all the alone time you need, so long as you only need it till morning." Pinkie said as she somehow managed to push both Big Mac and Spike into the barn.

"You two have fun now!" Pinkie said as she slammed the doors shut on the confused couple.

The pair looked at each other and then to the bottle and glasses. It was true that being alone was going to be a rare occurrence, what with Applejack and Apple Bloom living so close and the townsponies keeping such a close eye on them. It seemed almost impossible that they would have a chance like this, but Pinkie was good at impossible.

"Well, she's doing us a favor. It'd be rude not to take advantage of the alone time, and who knows when we'll have this chance again?" Spike said looking at Macintosh with a suggestive grin.

"Eeyup." Mac said wearing the same smile.

It was a very good thing nopony was within audible range that night. Dragon's can apparently get very loud when they're enjoying themselves that much. Mac would be sure to buy earplugs in the near future, just as soon as he was able to walk to the store without an obvious limp. He'd need to ask Applejack to cover for him tomorrow, he couldn't handle anymore bucking right now.

Author's Note:

Just because a certain someone keeps asking who the bottom is. It's Macintosh, because Spike is huge and I doubt Mac has ever felt small compared to anypony before. Now probably in more ways than one though.

Any who, editing is once again credited to TheAlmightySqueeb.