• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 11,293 Views, 363 Comments

You Will Never Be Alone - Matt11

One Day When Scootaloo Is At Home Being Foalsat By Princess Twilight Something terrible Happens To Her Mother While She Is On A Date

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Chapter 2 - The Hospital

Twilight woke up, blinking in the sunlight. Her mane was a mess and she had a filly snuggled up on her side. She smiled down at Scootaloo, giving the filly a little squeeze. She turned to the clock and saw it was 7 o’clock, and that made her a little worried. “Huh. That’s strange. Dizzy Twister should have been home by now. I wonder why she's so late. She may have just had too much of a good time, but I better see if I can send the Ponyville guards on a little mission.”

Scootaloo shifted her body, rolling over on her left side to sleep a little more. She opened her eyes a crack, her hooves searching around her bed. Twilight grinned, levitating the Rainbow plushie to Scootaloo. The filly grabbed it and she let out a small yawn, starting to snore softly. The little filly was always tired in mornings like every other foal would be.

Twilight gently got out of the bed and covered Scootaloo up with the blanket. Making her way to the door she opened it slowly and walked downstairs. When she got down there she picked up a quill with her magic and she started to write.

“Dear royal guards. I am sending this to the royal cop station. I would like to request some help. I was foalsitting for a mare by the name of Dizzy Twister. She was supposed to be home last night but she never showed up, so I am requesting a search party. She’s the mother of a good friend of mine, so I’m making this top priority. When you find the mother please report back to me.” She included a description of Dizzy Twister and the address, then signed it with her royal signature. Sealing it up she used her magic to teleport the letter away to the guard station. She then decided to make some breakfast for her and Scootaloo. A morning breakfast felt like just what she needed.

Twilight looked out the window. She could see clear skies. That was good. It would make the search go a lot smoother. She walked over to the stove and used her magic to put some butter in the pan, then she levitated two eggs over to her and cracked them open, letting them spill into the pan.

After several minutes of cooking she manage to make her and Scootaloo some eggs, toast, and finally some bacon along with orange juice. Twilight used her magic and levitated the cups and the food to the table. “Phew. That was fun. "Cooked that well" since I accidentally burned a hay sandwich ” she said to herself, blushing at that memory.

Twilight shook her head to snap out of those thoughts. She had a filly to take care of for right now. She was just glad she didn’t have any royal duties today. She teleported a bell in the air. She had learned this from Dash. Rainbow told her Scootaloo was a heavy sleeper so it should help wake her.

Twilight used her magic and waved the bell back and forth. “Scootaloo! Time to eat!” she shouted out. Something ticked in her head. Scootaloo would be wondering where her mother is “I’ll have to think of something,” she thought just as a sleepy Scootaloo walked downstairs.

Tiredly, Scootaloo walked over to the table sitting down in the chair closest to Twilight. With half-lidded eyes she gave a sniff. The aroma of the food was quickly waking her up. She started drooling it looked so good to her. “Did you make this Twilight?” the hungry filly asked, her stomach rumbling.

Twilight picked up a napkin and wiped Scootaloo’s mouth. “Yup, and this time I didn’t burn down the house so... eat up!” she said as she threw the napkin in the trash. The two started eating the amazing food.

Scootaloo was already almost done with her food. The filly was really a fast eater. She only had her eggs left. As she stabbed one of the egg pieces she stopped suddenly as she brought it to her mouth. “Hey… Twilight…”

“Yes, Scootaloo?”

“How come YOU made me breakfast? In fact… how come you’re still here? I mean, not that I don’t want you here, but I thought you’d have gone home after my mom came back.”

Twilight hesitated. “Um… she’s running late. She probably got held up because of the bad weather last night.”
“I hope mom gets home soon. I really miss her.” Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head with a hoof.
Twilight sighed. “I’m really not sure, Scoots. You’re just gonna have to be patient. The storms over so it shouldn’t be too much longer. Now finish your breakfast so I can do the dishes.”

“Okay, Twilight,” Scootaloo replied quietly. She ate a lot slower now, her head on her hoof as she just stared into her plate. With half her egg left she said, “I’m done. I don’t want anymore.”

“Okay, then.” She levitated the plates and glasses over to the sink and began scrubbing them clean, humming a little tune to herself. When she was done she dried them and put them away in the cupboard.

She heard a knock coming from the door. “Huh. Maybe she’s back,” Twilight thought
Twilight teleported over to the door and opened it. There in the doorway was one guard. He looked kinda sad. Twilight couldn’t put her hoof on why he looked that way, “I take it you're here because you got news on Dizzy Twister?” she asked the lieutenant.

The guard bowed to her. “Yes, Princess.” With a shaky voice he said “It turns out she was in an accident last night. I can’t say much but she’s in the hospital right now. I recommend you take Miss Scootaloo to the hospital... before it’s too late.” Once he finished he saluted a shocked Twilight. “I’m sorry…” he said as he walked away back to his post.

Twilight was shocked by the news. Even now she could tell what he meant. She gulped. “I have to take Scootaloo there right now!” Turning back she saw Scootaloo standing there in confusion. Twilight was frozen in place. Did she hear it all? Did Scootaloo know everything that was happening now?”
Scootaloo stood there stone still. She had peeked to see if it was her mother. Not only was it just a royal guard, but he had said her mother was in the hospital. She felt scared.

“Twilight,” Scootaloo began, “Is m-my mom g-going to b-be okay?” she asked as some small tears were coming down. Scootaloo was feeling terrified now. She didn’t want to lose her mother like she lost her father.

Twilight gulped “I…uh… I’m not sure, sweetie, but let’s go. We need to find out whether she will or not.” Twilight gestured Scootaloo to walk over to her. Scootaloo did as told and walked next to Twilight. Putting a hoof on the filly, her horn lit up with the purple aura and within seconds she teleported her and Scootaloo to Ponyville Hospital.

Once there both Twilight and Scootaloo ran up the reception desk. The nurse was somewhat confused as to why Princess Twilight was there. She then noticed a filly and it dawned on her. The orange pegasus filly had the same eye and mane style as Dizzy Twister. Nurse Redheart felt a small tear slide down her face.

Nurse Redheart gulped. “Is there something I can h-help you two with?” she asked shakily, even though she knew exactly why they were there. Even if it was a part of her job she still wanted to hold off on delivering the bad news, to spare the filly just a few more seconds of heartache.

Twilight could easily tell something was wrong but ignored it for now. “I’m here to see Dizzy Twister.”
The nurse glanced at Scootaloo. “She’s in room eight,” she said in a resigned voice. “I’ll get someone to guide you.”

Twilight sighed. She was hoping it wouldn’t be too bad but by the sad look in Nurse Redheart’s eyes it was indeed bad. She turned to Scootaloo who was behind her. “Ok, Scootaloo. She's in room eight. I’ll be out here talking to th-” She couldn’t finish. Scootaloo took off as soon as she heard the room number. She turned to Nurse Redheart and said, “Sorry.”
“It’s alright. You better follow her. I don’t think Dizzy Twister has much longer.”
Twilight expelled a heavy breath, feeling a tear come down her face. She nodded, trying to appear strong for when Scootaloo would need her help.

As the mares were talking Scootaloo opened the door to room eight. Slowly she peeked her head in. When she saw her mother she let out a gasp. There were small suction cup things on her which were for the heartbeat monitor by her bed, Her mother was mostly covered by a blanket, Parts of her body were wrapped in bandages, and her purple mane looked a lot darker, like it was burnt. Aside from some light breathing and the gentle beeping of the monitor the room was quiet.

Scootaloo walked up to the side of the bed “Mom, are you ok?” the frightened filly asked with a shaky voice.
Dizzy Twister stirred at the voice. Forcing one eye opened she said weakly, “Hello, Scootsy.” She let out a cough, convulsing a little.

Scootaloo jumped up onto the bed, giving her a hug. “Mom, I’m so glad to see you!” Tears formed in her eyes. “Why didn’t you come home last night? I missed you!”
Dizzy Twister cried a little as she put a hoof on Scootaloo’s chin. “Scootsy…” She sniffed, her eyes clenching shut tight as she tried to avoid breaking down.” Struggling, she put her hooves around her child, holding her close. “Last night, on the way home…I was struck by a bolt of lightning.” Scootaloo tensed in her hooves. “I was lucky to have survived but I can’t move from the waist down and it did a lot of damage. I’m sorry, sweetie, but I don’t think I’m going to make it.”

“No!” Scootaloo yelled. “Don’t say that! You’re gonna be fine! I’m here now!” She squeezed her mom hard. “I’ll protect you. I’ll keep you safe.”

“I can feel my strength fading. I don’t know how long I can fight it. I just feel so… so tired.”

“NO! “You can’t go! You can’t! I need you! I already lost my dad and my grandparents. I can’t lose you too!” She shook in her mother’s hooves, beginning to sob. That was the last thing she wanted to hear. She didn’t want to be on her own. Scootaloo hugged her mother tightly, not wanting to ever let go of the pony she loved the most. “Please don’t leave me! I… s-still n-need you.” She let out hiccupping breaths, the emotions going through her body were almost unbearable. She needed her mother more than anything. Her mother was the spark that kept her going. The one that kept her brave.

Dizzy Twister leaned down and kissed Scootaloo on the forehead. “Scootsy… become an amazing flier for me.”

“I…I will, mom. I’ll do my hardest. You’re gonna be fine. It’s okay. It’s gonna be fine, right? Mom? MOM? It’s gonna be fine…right?”
“I… I love… you… Scootaloo…” Dizzy Twister fell back against her pillow, unable to keep her eyes open. She gave her daughter a weak smile as her life faded away. The beeping of the monitor became steady as her heart stopped.

Tears were streaming down Scootaloo’s face. She couldn’t believe this had happened again. She began shaking the lifeless body of her mother, her whole body shaking. “NO...NO MOMMY! YOU CAN’T DIE! PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES! MOM! PLEASE! THERE’S STILL SO MUCH WE HAVEN’T DONE TOGETHER!” She closed her eyes, panting and huffing. “Mommy…please…” She wrapped her small hooves around her mother's dead body, wailing as she clung to her only family member. She had nobody left anymore.

Twilight walked into the room, taking a deep breath as she listened to the sound of the heart monitor. She knew Dizzy Twister was gone. She felt so bad for Scootaloo. Walking into the room she stood next to the bed, putting a hoof on the filly’s shoulder. Scootaloo looked up at her, her face red from crying. “I’m so sorry, Scootaloo. I’m sorry that you lost your mom.”

“No!” she yelled. “Shut up! She’s… she’ s not dead!” She grabbed the suction cups and ripped them off. “The machine’s broken! It’s not true! She can’t be gone! I need her! I… I need…” She stopped, her whole body clenching as she took sharp breaths, holding back her emotions. Twilight picked the filly up, taking her over to a chair.

Scootaloo buried her head in her chest as Twilight rubbed her back. “It’s okay, Scootaloo. Just let it all out. I’m here for you.”
“No! I don’t want to! It’s… it’s not… I… why…” Her breathing became very shallow, rapidly taking in breaths, until she broke down entirely. For a while Scootaloo just sobbed and cried, Twilight holding her close until she burned out her emotions a little.
Scootaloo finally came out from Twilights chest. Her eyes were red, and her face was blank and worn-out. “Twilight, what happens to ponies when they die?”

“I don’t know that, Scootaloo, but I’m sure that wherever it is it’s someplace nice.”

In a dull voice she said, “Then maybe I should go too. My life doesn’t mean anything anymore.”

“Scootaloo!” Twilight said sharply. “Don’t say that! Don’t ever say that! Nothing good will come of you dying!”
“I don’t care,” she said emotionlessly. “I’m all alone now, anyway.”

“You’re wrong! You’re not alone, because I’m here for you. All of us are.” She looked down at the miserable filly, and an idea began forming in her mind. Maybe… maybe she could adopt Scootaloo. She wasn’t sure if she’d make a good mother, but… Scootaloo needed someone loving to care for her right now.

For a while Scootaloo just rested her head on Twilight’s shoulder. Her rampant emotions had worn her out. Unable to take anymore at the moment she felt herself fading out, unable to stay awake.
Twilight heard light snoring coming from Scootaloo. Picking her up she began walking out the room. She told Nurse Redheart the bad news, saying she’d be back again when Scootaloo was ready.

Leaving the hospital she walked back to her own house. She could have teleported, but she didn’t want to risk waking Scootaloo up. It was better that she have this small time of peace. When the child woke up the harsh truth was waiting for her once again.
When she arrived home she saw Spike was still sleeping. Being careful she placed Scootaloo in her bed without waking her up. She gave Scootaloo a kiss, and said in a whisper, “I promise you, Scootaloo. You will never be alone.”

Author's Note: