• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 11,279 Views, 363 Comments

You Will Never Be Alone - Matt11

One Day When Scootaloo Is At Home Being Foalsat By Princess Twilight Something terrible Happens To Her Mother While She Is On A Date

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Chapter 8 - Sneaking out

Once the two sisters were done sitting around they decided to go find Twilight. Scootaloo climbed up on top of her sister’s back and observed the area looking about for any trace of her new mom.

As they looked around a bit more they noticed the purple alicorn next to a food stand.

“Guess Twilight must have gotten hungry,“ Rainbow Dash snickered.

“Should I tell mom about the fight we kinda had?” Scootaloo asked, since she didn’t want to get Dash in trouble with her friend.

“No, no we keep this to ourselves. If Twi finds out there is a chance she will stop me from seeing you again or worse…. we keep this a secret till the day we die,” she said, punctuating her statement by stomping a hoof.

Twilight saw the two sisters and ran over to them, levitating cotton candy. “Hey you two. How did the race go? I watched a little bit of it but...I kinda got hungry so I went to get some candy,” she said chewing another bite.

Scootaloo looked at the ground and Rainbow Dash huffed. “We lost, but thats ok, we at least…..tried,” Dash said unconvincingly.

“Aww you lost? Well thats ok, there’s always next year.” Twilight walked over to Scootaloo and nuzzled her filly. “Did you have fun Scoots?” she asked.

“I sure did and Rainbow promised to teach me to fly. Now I got two ponies to help me,” she said cheerfully as she hugged Twilight.

Twilight levitated Scootaloo in the air and put her on her back. “Well I’ll see ya around Rainbow. I think its time my little filly does her homework.”

Scootaloo’s ears perked up.“Wha… but I hate homework,” she said with a pout.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash both shared a giggle. “Oh Scoots I knew you'd say that, but you have to do it. After all homework will help you in the future, when you grow up.”

“I hate work,” she whined, still pouting.

Rainbow Dash smiled at Scootaloo, “Good luck squirt, maybe me and Twi can teach you to fly next week,” she said before taking off.

Twilight and Scootaloo made it home, Twilight wanted to teach Scootaloo a little, she didn’t want her filly slacking off. Once they got in, Scootaloo walked over to the couch and waited for her mother to bring her homework.

Twilight began walking upstairs but fell on her back as a energetic pink mare surprised her.

“Hi Twilight. Whatcha doooing?” Pinkie asked.

“I was trying to get Scootaloo her homework.What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie’s face lit up “I’m hosting a super duper awesome party tonight I was wondering if you and Scoots could come?”.

Scootaloo’s ears perked up at the mention of the word party.

Twilight got up and wiped some dust off. “I’m sorry Pinkie, but by the sounds of it that party is late at night and Scootaloo has school tomorrow. I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it and neither will Scootaloo,” she said.

Scootaloo got up from the couch and walked up stairs were Twilight and Pinkie were. She heard everything Twilight said and thought that maybe if she talked with her mom she could go to the party after all.

“But mom, this is no ordinary party; this is a Pinkie party and her parties are awesome,” Scootaloo said stomping a hoof on the floor. She really wanted to go to this party. Sure, she enjoyed her time with Twilight these past few days, but some partying would be nice too.

Twilight saw how much Scootaloo wanted to go but her new motherly nature kicked in. If this party was going to be at night, there was no telling how tired Scootaloo might be the next day, Twilight turned to face Scootaloo and kept a positive expression.

“Look, I know you want to go, maybe next time ok?. Twilight used her magic and levitated Pinkie out of the way putting her next to Scootaloo, “Now Pinkie, can you please leave? Scootaloo has studying to do.”

Pinkie simply smiled. “Okie dokie loki” she said happily and left without warning.

Scootaloo wanted to say more, but knowing her mother, she knew she wouldn’t get anything out of it. But then a thought hit her; she could sneak out and go to the party without Twilight even knowing. An evil grin crossed her face.

Twilight walked into Scootaloo’s room and tripped over Scootaloo’s scooter. “Wa!” she yelled as she fell face first on the floor. “Ouch…. Scootaloo I told you a hundred times to put your things away when you're not using them.” She levitated the scooter and placed it next to the wall, she wasn’t angry, but she was annoyed.

Twilight walked over to Scootaloo’s saddlebag which was on top of a small table Twilight had bought for her daughter. She opened up the bag and got out three books: Math, Science, and the History of Equestria.

Walking downstairs back to Scootaloo, Twilight put the books down on a table next to her. Twilight sat down and levitated a note book down next to Scootaloo “Ok sweetie, I brought some good lessons for you today.”

“Ugh fine” Scootaloo picked up the pencil with her mouth and started to write down everything Twilight was pointing out. After nearly an hour of writing and head banging from frustration Scootaloo finally finished, however the one thing she didn’t do so well with was math.

Twilight observed everything, like a parent usually would. She smiled seeing that Scootaloo did a decent job on science and history, however when she got to the math page on the notebook she frowned.

Twilight placed the notebook down gently, “Scootaloo, you did well but you got three things wrong,” she said calmly. Scootaloo frowned, she knew Twilight was a bookworm but getting a little mad over three things was really annoying, it was only subtraction.

“But mom, I don’t wanna do anymore.Studying’s soooo boring,” she said as she slumped down onto the floor.

Twilight looked at the time and figured she may have been going a little overboard. She was just making sure Scootaloo was learning as much as she could. She may not of been like Scootaloo when she was her age, which meant that she might be pushing her daughter too hard.

“Ok sweetie, you can have a break. Why don’t you go see what Spike is up to?” Twilight suggested, picking up the school books. As she did that she thought about something, how was she going to teach Scootaloo to fly? She then remembered she had her own books for these situations.

Well I might as well get my own studying done, she thought, putting Scootaloo's books away and going over to the bookshelf pulling out ten flying instruction books.Well this should be fun.

As Twilight was reading Scootaloo went upstairs to Spike’s room. The little dragon was given a room when they moved into the new castle since it was big and had more rooms than the library did. It was only fair that he got one.

Scootaloo politely knocked on the dragon’s door, since she didn’t want to just bust in. It’d be rude and Twilight told her to always knock before opening a door.

After a few seconds of waiting the door opened revealing a purple dragon smiling at Scootaloo.

Scootaloo smiled back. “Hey Spike, Twi- er I mean mom said we should, like, spend some time with each other, so what do ya wanna do little bro?” she asked giving the little dragon a small nudge.

Spike blushed a little, he hadn’t really been there for Scootaloo and yet she still wanted him to be her lil bro, the thought made him feel guilty.

“I don’t understand. You really want me as a brother? I’ve hardly even been there for you,” he said fresh tears dropping down his face. Spike really didn’t see himself as brother material. Assistant, sure, but brother?

Scootaloo walked close to the dragon and smiled at him, she reached her hoof out and brought him to a loving hug. “ Spike, just because you weren’t there for me twenty four seven like you were with Twilight doesn’t mean you didn’t care,” she said, bopping him on the nose.

Spike blinked a few times, “Are you kidding me? I've hardly done anything to help you, an-”. Scootaloo hushed him, pressing her hoof to his mouth.

“Don’t be silly Spike. We weren't family before, now we are.I know you'll be there for me in the future," she said bringing him into another hug.

Spike felt the love from Scootaloo’s response and it made him feel better. “I...I guess you're right,” he said, putting on a small smile.

“Now that’s the Spike the I know. Wanna play with some toys or something?” she asked. Spike simply noded.

The two walked over to a giant bucket which held a lot of toys that he had, he actually enjoyed playing with them sometimes.

Scootaloo pulled out a Power Pony figure, her favourite Zapp, which reminded her of Rainbow Dash.

Spike pulled out his favorite, Radiance, the two played for a long time with Spike’s power pony figures. Scootaloo and him were having a blast. Nearly two hours passed as they played, giggling and laughing with each other.

Soon Twilight walked into the room smiling. “I’m glad you two are getting along, but I’m afraid it's time for bed Scoots. You’ve got school tomorrow and you need to be awake for that,” she said dropping a wing over both Scootaloo and Spike.

“But I’m not tired and its only seven,” Scootaloo responded, a little annoyed.

“Well I’m sorry, but seven o'clock is your bedtime. I care about you and I don’t want you to be tired.”

Scootaloo would have continued to argue but this gave her the perfect chance to sneak out and go to Pinkie’s party. “Ok mom, I guess you're right…”

Twilight felt like something was off. Scootaloo usually fought about going to bed early, but for some reason she was agreeing this time. Maybe she’s just tired.

Twilight guided Scootaloo to her room and put the filly in bed, she bent down and kissed her on the forehead. “Goodnight sweetheart, see you in the morning.” Twilight turned off the light and walked out, leaving the door open though.

Scootaloo waited until Twilight had left before she got out of bed. She decided to do a little work before the party started. She turned on her light next to her dresser and began writing some cool cutie mark plans, that she would go do with with her friends in a few days. It seemed like hours had passed and when Scootaloo got to idea number ten, she turned to the clock; it read 11:00 and that meant that it was time for Pinkie’s party.

Befor Scootaloo left, however, she pulled out a balloon Pinkie gave her a few days ago, and put it under the covers of her bed. She then put some stuffed animals under the blanket to make it look like a bod. If mom comes in here, that should distract her for a while…...I hope

Scootaloo walked out of her room, and sneaked passed both Twilight and Spike’s rooms. Once she made it to the front door undetected she turned around. I sure hope this is a good idea she thought as she opened the door and started to head towards Pinkie’s place, however in her rush Scootaloo forgot one little thing; she forgot to close the front door.

Several minutes of walking later, Scootaloo made it to Pinkie’s. She was surprised at how many ponies were there, there were about fifty ponies from what she could see; and of course the one super awesomest pony of them all, Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo charged inside and gave Rainbow a hug. “Hey Rainbow Dash, I didn’t know you’d be here,” she said excitedly.

Rainbow Dash was a bit surprised to see Scootaloo. Pinkie had told her that Twilight said she couldn’t come because of school, but if Scootaloo snuck out Rainbow Dash would have to take her back, she didn’t want her future flying buddy to be grounded.

“Hey Loo-loo why are you here?” Pinkie asked. “Twilight said you couldn’t come because of school, did you sneak out?”

Scootaloo stood up straight hearing Pinkie say that. “Uh…. no I didn’t. Mom decided to let me come after all, uh yeah that’s right,” she stammered, wiping the sweat off her face.

Rainbow Dash kept looking into Scootaloo’s eyes. She felt like the little filly was lying but then again maybe she wasn’t. “Ok kid I guess you're telling the truth. By the way your friend Diamond Tiara is here.” Scootaloo smiled and ran off to find her new friend.

Scootaloo walked over to the table that Tiara was sitting at, she was talking with Silver Spoon, Scootaloo glared at her, she didn’t trust her, not after the stunt she pulled at school.

Scootaloo hid behind the wall to listen to the two of them. She knew eavesdropping might be a bad idea but she couldn’t figure out why Silver Spoon was even at the party.

“Please forgive me Diamond, I... please,” Silver Spoon pleaded, trying her hardest to apologize to her old friend.

“Why should I forgive you? What have you done to earn my friendship back?” she shot back.

“I’ve got it, if you accept me as a friend we can go bully those Crufailuers like we used to,” she said, trying desperately to appeal to Diamond Tiara, but her efforts were for nothing.

Diamond Tiara huffed listening to Silver spoon’s pathetic apology, “So let me get this straight, you wanted to bully Scootaloo just so you could look cool?” she asked, only to have Silver Spoon nod.

“I can understand why you did what you did, but it was still wrong. She's lost so much already and you knew that. You can’t just bully someone like that!” she said stomping her hoof on the table.

Silver Spoon noded. “I know. I get it what I did was wrong, and I’m truly sorry, really. Can you at least forgive me?” she asked. She truly wanted to be Diamond Tiara’s friend again, ever since the incident with Scootaloo she had been feeling ashamed of herself, it was the wrong move to make.

“Sorry Silver Spoon, but I’m not forgiving you.” Silver spoon looked down on the ground as a disappointed Diamond Tiara continued, “At least until you apologize to Scootaloo, got it?”

Silver Spoon only nodded.

Having heard enough, Scootaloo walked out from her hiding spot behind the wall and walked over to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara saw Scootaloo and smiled. “Silver Spoon, don’t you have something to tell Scootaloo? Or would you like to wait?”

Silver Spoon tried to speak, but nothing came out. “Uh I’ll do it later,” she said walking away.

With Silver Spoon gone, Scootaloo sat down next to Diamond Tiara. “Hi Diamond, hows it going?”

Diamond Tiara leaned back on her seat. “Well I really wanted to spend more time with you and the crusaders but you've been busy all week. At least you're here now,” she said.

Scootaloo gave Tiara a playful noogie. “Aw don’t worry Diamond in a few days I’ll be able to go crusading again and hang out with you. Twilight and Dash are going to teach me to fly soon.”

Diamond Tiara was a bit surprised, “I didn’t know you were teachable,” she said, not realizing that what she said was a little mean.Scootaloo’s ears drooped when she heard that.

Diamond Tiara noticed the reaction, “Oh I’m sorry I haven’t gotten used to being….nice yet,” she said truthfully.

Scootaloo simply smiled, “It's ok, I can forgive you,” she said as Pinkie came over with some chocolate cookies.

As the party started Scootaloo was enjoying her time with her new friend and her big sister, tonight was shaping up to be the best.


Twilight stretched her hooves, she had been reading for along time now and decided to check on Scootaloo.

As she walked in she patted the body form on the bed. “Hey sweetie, I’m sorry I couldn’t let you go to the party, but listen, if you do well in your flight training I promise I’ll have Pinkie throw an awesome party just for you,” she said as the balloon on the bed popped.

“Wah!” she yelled falling off her hooves and landing on the floor,Wait a minute, she uncovered the blanket and saw Scootaloo was gone.Where is she? Maybe shes in the bathroom? Twilight went in the bathroom but she wasn’t there, which made her worry even more.

Oh no, oh no, no,no,no this isn’t good. She went to the living room and saw the front door was open, she was shocked. Did she do what I think she did? Twilight turned off the lights, closed the door and decided to wait in the living room for her daughter to return home.

Twilight pounded a hoof on the ground. Why did she have to do this?


Scootaloo jumped off Rainbow’s back and into the punch bowl, drenching herself in punch. “THAT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!” she shouted to her sister.

“Yeah it was,” Rainbow replied. She looked to see the time was and the clock said 1:00. “I think its time you get yourself home. I don't want Twilight getting worried,” she said as she got a wet paper towel and cleaned Scootaloo, getting the sticky punch off.

Scootaloo gave Rainbow Dash a hug and left. When the filly got home she opened the door and closed it softly. She tried sneaking to her room but the lights suddenly turned on.

“And where have you been young filly?” Twilight asked with a serious look on her face.

Scootaloo jumped a little trying to think of some type of excuse. “I um well you see….. I went to get….milk,” she lied, hoping Twilight would fall for it.

Twilight did not smile, she just felt ashamed that Scootaloo would lie to her. “Scootaloo do you know how worried I was? You left, by yourself, at night! That was a very stupid thing for you to do!” she scolded.

Scootaloo started to tear up a little, “I know what I did was wrong but….this wasn’t a normal party mom. It was one of Pinkie’s best parties and I had fun with Rainbow Dash!” she said, and immediately put her hooves on her mouth. She just told Twilight Dash was there and that wasn’t going to end well.

“WHAT! Dash saw you and didn’t even come see me to see if you were lying!” she shouted. Twilight took a deep breath, “Listen Scootaloo I’m sorry but….you're…. grounded, for a week, no friends, no Dash and no parties,” she said. What Scootaloo did was the worst thing she could ever do, lying about just made her situation worse and Twilight felt that she had to punish her daughter.

Scootaloo tried thinking about what she could say in her defense. “I had the RIGHT! to go to that party! You can’t just tell me what to do! You're not the boss of me!” she yelled, trying to prove a point about her ability to make her own decisions.

Twilight slammed a hoof on the ground causing Scootaloo to jump. “Scootaloo, I am in charge! I adopted you and as long as you live here you’ll do what I say! Now go to bed!”

Twilight ordering her around just because she wasn’t an egghead made Scootaloo angry. “WELL AT LEAST RAINBOW DASH IS COOLER THEN YOU! SHE’D LET ME GO TO THAT PARTY! WHY CAN’T YOU BE LIKE HER!?” she yelled. Scootaloo’s raw anger caused Twilight step back, now with a few tears dripping down her face.

Twilight ran away to her room, closing the door.

Scootaloo just stood there unable to move. She realized what she just said and started galloping towards Twilight’s room when she opened it she could hear some sniffling, “Mommy, are you ok?” she asked

Twilight got up and wiped her eyes with her hoof, “What do you want Scootaloo?”

“I wanted to say…..I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said any of that to you.” Scootaloo said as she jumped on Twilight’s bed and hugged her, crying into her chest. “Will you, will you ever forgive me?” Scootaloo asked small tears leaking out.

Twilight smiled and noded. “I already have Scootaloo, just promise you won’t ever say that to me again, but you're still grounded.” she said as she draped a wing over scootaloo giving her a few kisses on the head. “Now let’s get some sleep”

Scootaloo couldn’t understand how could she still be grounded. She apologized but she was still in trouble? Scootaloo slammed a hoof down and ran out of the room. When she got to her room she slammed the door.

Twilight sighed, Well at least shes learning, I hope Twilight thought, as she laid down to finally get some shut eye.