• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 9,763 Views, 550 Comments

Under the Starry Skies - Wintergreen Diaries

Silver Moonshine opens a tavern in Ponyville, hoping to escape the city and maybe find a nice mare.

  • ...


Chapter 21: Wildfires

It wouldn’t exactly be fair to label Cerulean’s behavior as “spying” that night in the tavern. He was simply trying to look out for his sister, and, quite honestly, he found Big Mac’s nervousness highly amusing. Big Macintosh made eye contact with him and he immediately dropped down behind the wall dividing the bar from the dining area, skulking back to the table where the rest of his friends were gathered, save Rarity who was working on a large order in her boutique.

“Yer brother ain’t very good at snoopin,’ Crimson.”

“No, he’s not.” Big Mac was aware of the difference in disposition since they had arrived, as if she had turned into a completely different mare than the one he had met all those months ago. In fact, she had been the same way that afternoon, so whatever was bothering her hadn’t improved. At the same time, this was only their second meeting, so how could he justify prying? Even offering to listen to anything seemed too forward, but he wouldn’t allow himself to just do nothing.

“What’s yer happiest memory, Crimson?”

“Huh? Why do you want to know?”

“Yer sad, an’ ah want t’ see you happy.”

“Is that all?”


“I don’t believe you. Everypony has ulterior motives.” Big Mac said nothing, watching her intently and waiting for her to continue. “My happiest memory... was the trip our family took to the beach when Cerulean and I were very young. Everything was simple then, and I had everything I could ever want. Two brothers to torment, loving parents, and an ocean to romp through to my heart’s content. But it’s also my saddest memory, because that was the day before everything fell apart.”

“Ah’m sorry, ah didn’t mean t’ bring that t’ mind.” Was that just bad timin’ or am ah just a moron? The poor mare looks worse than before, ah have t’ do somethin’. Crimson opened her eyes as she felt the weight of the well built stallion sit down beside her, a hoof wrapping around her shoulder and bringing her close. She wanted to fight him off, to push him away, but couldn’t find the strength to resist the allure of the sensation it roused within her. Instead of yielding to her fear of letting him in, she found herself snuggling closer, as if her heart sensed something her mind couldn’t.

“What do you want from me, Big Macintosh? Just tell me that. What’s your motive in all of this?”

“Well, ah haven’t given it much thought yet, seein’ as this is our first real meetin’. This may be out o’ place, but ah don’t believe the only thing in yer heart is rollin’ in the hay. Ah want... t’ meet the mare that’s buried inside, an’ make her happy.”

“You idiot... making a mare cry on her first date,” she laughed quietly, smiling through her tears as she clung to his chest, overwhelmed by a bizarre sense of tranquility and safety that accompanied his hooves that were holding her close.

“Cerulean, stop worrying and come sit with us. Seriously, it’s Big Mac.” With reluctance, Cerulean heeded Rainbow Dash’s words and pried himself away from the dividing wall yet again, returning to his place at Twilight’s side.

“I’m not really worried, per se. I more just want to see how Crimson is handling it.”

“Mah brother is more chaste than a brick wall is solid. You ain’t got nothin to worry ‘bout on that end.”

“It’s no fun chasing walls, they never win,” Pinkie commented, giggling as she enjoyed her fourth cup of her favorite Rainbow Cocktail. After some persuasion, Silver had repealed her drink limit, seeing as how she both was remained unaffected by one and she had never broken the rule. Applejack found herself once again staring across the tavern at her coltfriend. She was enjoying a rather nice daydream when a sudden silence among her friends returned her attention to the table where Fluttershy had risen from her seat, walking to where Cerulean had been standing and gazing at Big Mac and Crimson.

“I don’t think Fluttershy is very happy about Crimson being here,” Storm whispered to Rainbow Dash, who nodded sadly.

“Wait just a darn minute, are you tellin’ me Fluttershy has feelings fer mah brother? Ah never heard about it.”

“Neither have I. Did she tell you, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight inquired, just as confused as the rest.

“No, she didn’t. I would have tried to help her out if I had known. I mean, I could have guessed as much, he seems like a good match for her. He even...” She stopped mid sentence as Fluttershy returned to her seat and sat without a word. “Fluttershy, are you ok?” She said nothing and raised her mug, tilting it back and draining the remainder in one swig, a stark contrast to the usual hour it took for her to sip a glass down.

“I’m tired. I will see everypony tomorrow, maybe,” Fluttershy replied softly, standing and briskly trotting out the door.

“Fluttershy, wait! Fluttershy!” Dash yelled, flying to the doorway and calling after her. It’s just not fair. Fluttershy deserves to have anypony she wants. She’s like the nicest pony in Equestria! And then that slutty mare had to come along and... there’s no way I’m letting this slide!

“Rainbow Dash, what’s with that scary face? This isn’t Nightmare Night,” Pinkie asked. They cyan mare said nothing as she whipped around and charged over to where Big Macintosh and Crimson were sitting, speaking in hushed tones when Dash’s furious shouts caused an immediate lull in every conversation but her own.

“What’s the big idea, Crimson? You can’t just come in and take somepony else’s love interest, I won’t stand for it!” Even had she been feeling well, Crimson wouldn’t have been able to fight back against the raw fury coming from the pegasus before her, so she said nothing, burying her face in Big Macintosh’s chest as he matched Dash’s anger.

“You ain’t go no right accusin’ her o’ such things, Rainbow Dash. You best be leavin’, now.”

“I’m not leaving until she’s gone, Big Mac; nopony hurts Fluttershy! And you’re just as bad for choosing this floozy over her!” Storm wasted no time rushing to Rainbow Dash’s aid, bowling ponies over in his haste and inserting himself between his Big Mac and his fiancé. Cerulean followed after him, and arrived just in time for his sister to meet his concern with her tear streaked muzzle, teleporting away before he could get a word out. Big Mac stared at his now empty hooves before bringing them slamming down to the table, splintering the woodwork.

"Do you know,” he started, his voice a dangerously low growl, “how many damned mares ‘ave tried t’ seduce me? No less than a dozen, an’ ah didn’t take a single one of ‘em t’ bed."

“I don’t care how many ponies you have or haven’t done it with, Big Mac. Fluttershy...”

“Ain’t the pony I’m interested in!” he shouted, leaping to his feet and marching towards the mare hiding behind Storm. At Silver’s behest, Quakehoof thundered over and stood in front of his son.

“Calm yourself, Big Mac. I don’t want any trouble.”

“Big Mac, go find Crimson. She needs somepony with her, and I want it to be you,” Cerulean said softly, placing a hoof on Big Mac’s shoulder before he turned and stormed out into the night, frantically searching for his charge. Quakehoof returned to his position as Storm, Rainbow Dash and Cerulean had a three way stare off. Cerulean made as if to return to his seat before jabbing a hoof into Rainbow Dash’s back, freezing her wings solid before being tackled to the ground by Storm.

“What the hay are you doing, Cerulean?”

"Tell me, Storm, how would you react if somepony was treating Scootaloo the way Dash was treating my sister just now?" Taking advantage of Storm’s momentary shock, Cerulean struggled free and leapt to his hooves, grimacing from the strain on his fractured forelegs and turning his attention to Rainbow Dash who was quickly losing her will to continue the fight. “Dash, do you really believe for one second that Crimson came here just to hurt Fluttershy? Do you really think she’s that malicious?” Hearing her father’s harsh voice, Dawn’s cries of alarm rang through the building, making everypony cringe. “You can have your wings back when you apologize. You can’t possibly understand what kind of burden she’s carrying, and you just...”

“Cerulean, that’s enough. Leave her alone,” Storm commanded, holding Rainbow Dash close as she began to shake.

“You know what, nevermind. I don’t want you near my sister right now, Rainbow Dash. Why don’t you go tend to Fluttershy, since her feelings are clearly more important.”

“Cerulean, I didn’t mean...”

“Just go, Dash.” There was a brief flash from his horn and the ice encasing her wings shattered as he passed, returning to the table to calm Dawn’s anxiety. As he sat down he noticed the pair leave, Storm shooting him one last look before disappearing from sight. Twilight, Applejack and Pinkie Pie remained silent as Cerulean reassured Dawn that everything was going to be ok, speaking softly and stroking the frightened filly’s mane. “I’m sorry for losing my temper, everypony.”

“You weren’t the only one, sugarcube. Ah ‘aven’t seen mah brother that mad in a long time.”

“I have. It’s not pretty,” Cerulean chuckled ruefully, glancing down at his still bandaged forelegs which were throbbing from Storm’s hooves slamming into them.

“How do we even go about fixing this?” Twilight wondered aloud, staring at her mug with utter disinterest.

“Well, as best I can tell,” Pinkie started, taking a huge gasp of air before continuing, “Rainbow Dash got mad at Crimson, which made Big Mac and Cerulean mad at Rainbow Dash, which made Storm mad at Big Mac and Cerulean because Fluttershy wanted Big Mac but can’t have him anymore, but Big Mac didn’t want Fluttershy in the first place, so...” she paused, taking another gulp of air before continuing. “So, it’s really, really simple! Big Mac takes care of Crimson, Rainbow Dash takes care of Fluttershy, Twilight takes care of Cerulean, and Storm takes care of Rainbow Dash so that when tomorrow comes Cerulean can apologize to Rainbow Dash and Storm who will apologize to Cerulean and Crimson, and then we can have a big party to celebrate being happy again!”

“Pinkie, ah think that’s the most sense you’ve ever made. You heard the mare, you two. Get on home and calm yerselves fer tomorrow.”

“You mean you’re not angry at me? I just freaked out at one of your friends.”

“Duh, you’re our friend too, silly!”

“Cerulean, if somepony did to Applebloom what Dash just did to Crimson, no matter what the reason, ah’d likely put them in a world o’ hurt. Ah think Dash knows she’s in the wrong, and after a night’s sleep, ah think all this will blow over.”

“I really hope you’re right.”

Even without being present for Pinkie’s masterful analysis of the situation and formulated plan of action, Big Macintosh knew that he had, yet again, let his over-protective nature flare too bright. If Crimson had been in physical danger then perhaps he could rationalize how he responded, but as he searched through the town, each passing minute chipped away at his smoldering frustration, leaving only the ashes of regret in its place. He had checked the library first, since that’s where he assumed she would turn to, but when he found it empty he galloped back to town, strolling through the street and hoping to catch some glimpse of Glitter.

A brief, incredibly weak red flash caught the corner of his eye, and he again assumed a gallop, rounding a corner to find Crimson standing outside Lyra and Bon Bon’s house.

Dang it, Rainbow Dash, you just had t’ let loose on ‘er, didn’t you? She don’t need this! “Crimson!” She didn’t even bother to turn, raising her hoof and knocking a few times. “Crimson, ah know you’re hurtin’ right now, but...”

“You don’t know, Big Mac,” she whispered, lowering her hoof and resting her head against the door. “There’s no possible way you ever could. I don’t care what it takes, I just don’t want to hurt. And being with you right now... it hurts. Just... leave me alone. This is what I am.”

“No it ain’t, ah know that ain’t the truth! Ah just want t’ help, why won’t you let me?” Having woken from the commotion, a very sleepy Bon Bon cracked the door open and was nearly bowled over as Crimson bolted inside. Big Mac made as if to follow but Bon Bon held out her hoof, shaking her head. “Crimson, I ain’t leavin’ tonight unless you come with me. Ah’ll wait as long as it takes.” He heard no response as the door slowly closed, the clicking the latch echoing through his mind and into the night.

Silence can have a myriad of effects, depending on the setting and how and why it exists. For Rainbow Dash, it was stifling, almost suffocating as she trudged alongside Storm towards Fluttershy’s cottage. She wanted to say something, anything to break the disconcerting quiet, but what could she possibly say? Driven by loyalty or not, she had single hoofedly thrown the evening into chaos, and damaged friendships all around, and there was nothing loyal about that.

“Stop kicking yourself, Dash. What’s done is done. Let’s just focus on picking up the pieces for now.”

“But Storm, I screwed up big time! How am I ever supposed to make things right with Cerulean and Big Mac? And Crimson...”

“Rainbow Dash, why were you upset?”

“What kind of stupid question is that? I didn’t like seeing Fluttershy hurt, obviously! We’ve been friends since we were fillies, I couldn’t stand by and just watch!”

“So, in your haste to defend one of your closest friends, you accidentally hurt a few of your other friends, yes?”

“Don’t say it like it’s nothing, Storm! I love all my friends...”

“Which is exactly the point I’m trying to make. Ponies get angry, we do and say things we don’t mean, but we always forgive each other. I seem to recall a certain mare having to excuse my temper numerous times, and I believe your friends will definitely show you the same kindness.” Dash slowed to a stop, pondering the words and eagerly melting into his comforting embrace.

“You know... if you hadn’t proved how much of a stallion you are, I’d wonder about you. It’s just not natural for you know exactly what to say like that.”

“Hey, I’m not smart all of the time.”

“That’s for sure. Remember last month when...”

“Yes I do, that’s enough of that, thanks,” he said quickly, thankful that his blush couldn’t be seen in the moonlight. “Come on, Fluttershy could use a friend right now, I think,” he murmured before taking flight, Rainbow Dash still clutched tightly to his chest. They landed a short distance away, examining the house and noting that there were no lights on.

“Maybe she went to bed early?” Dash mumbled, taking a step forward before the sound of shattering glass pierced the night as a long pole smashed through the window, digging into the ground like a javelin where it lay quivering. “What the... Fluttershy, are you ok?” Dash shouted, flying to the door knocking frantically. “C’mon, Fluttershy, open up!” She grabbed the handle and pushed hard, expecting the door to be locked and falling to the ground as it swung open. The house was dark, and it took her eyes a moment to adjust before she spied a small form huddled up on the bed. Dash approached slowly and sat down beside the quaking pegasus, her sobs nearly silent save for the soft gasps for air that sounded every few seconds.

Storm entered cautiously, making his way over to the bed where Rainbow Dash had laid down beside Fluttershy, drawing her close. He had known Rainbow Dash long enough to be able to tell that Fluttershy wasn’t the only one crying. As much as she appreciated his comforting hoof, Rainbow Dash knew that she likely wouldn’t get any answers out of Fluttershy with him nearby. “Storm, I know you just want to help, but could you maybe leave me and Fluttershy alone for a while? If I don’t come home tonight, I’ll be here.”

“I understand,” he agreed, kissing her cheek before closing the door behind him and taking wing into the night. Wrestling her emotions into submission, Rainbow Dash stemmed the flow of tears and gently rolled Fluttershy over so they were face to face, though her eyes were still screwed shut.

“Fluttershy, it’s going to be ok, I promise. Just take it easy.” The mare nodded weakly as the tremors eased, and she snuggled closer to Rainbow Dash to glean what comfort she could from her long time friend’s well-meaning hooves.

“Were you... crying too, Rainbow Dash?”

“Let’s worry about you for now, ok?” Dash allowed a slight smile as she felt the mare shake her head and pull away slightly, her glassy eyes shining dimly in the poorly lit room.

“No, it’s not fair to just take care of me. Now, if you tell me what happened, then I’ll tell you why I’m so upset, ok?”

“Whatever happened to ‘um, ok,’ huh?” Dash chuckled, thankful for the brief smile that lit Fluttershy’s face, if only for a moment. “If you’re going to be that way about it, I guess I have no choice. After you left, things got pretty crazy back at the tavern. I got mad at Crimson for taking Big Mac from you, and then he got mad at me when she ran off, and it was all downhill from there.”

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to upset anypony, I just...”

“No no, Fluttershy, it wasn’t your fault! I freaked out and did something stupid, that’s all. Now, tell me what’s going on, Fluttershy.” Any signs of recovery that may have been present vanished as she hid behind her mane, her face almost totally obscured by her long, pink hair. Rainbow Dash was unable to keep from joining her as she began to cry once more, letting out her secret and letting it go at the same time.

“I’ve really, really liked Big Mac for a long time, but I... I could never bring myself to say anything. Every time I’d try, I’d get too scared. I’ve been trying so hard to be more confident and assertive, but it didn’t seemed to make it any easier. And then... then I tried my hoof at dancing, hoping that it would help. I thought it was, and I was almost... almost ready to...” Unable to contain herself any longer, she broke down and wept, her mournful cries carrying into the night and piercing Rainbow Dash to the core.

“That dirty little... it’s just not right,” she growled, her sorrow turning to embittered rage as Fluttershy continued to cry. “It’s a good thing you removed the ice from my wings, Cerulean, because I would never apologize, not after this.”

“Stop it, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy’s unusually harsh tone commanded the startled mare’s full attetion. “She didn’t... do anything wrong. I was just... too slow, is all. Big Mac has... he has the right to choose just like any other pony. It just... hurts.”

“Fluttershy, you’ve liked him for a long time. Are you really going to let him go, just like that?”

“Rainbow Dash, it would just hurt the both of them if I tried to have my way, and that’s not kind. I couldn’t... couldn’t possibly bring myself to meddle like that.”

“But, Fluttershy...” Fluttershy’s hoof pressed over Dash’s mouth as she screwed her eyes shut, trying desperately not to release a fresh wave. “Ok, Fluttershy, I understand. I won’t press it anymore,” Dash said, gently brushing the hoof away and drawing her close once more. “If there’s anything at all I can do to help, just say the word, ok? I’ll always be there for you, no matter what.”

“Um, it’s it’s not too much trouble, could you... maybe stay here tonight?”

“Well, you’re not Storm, but he’ll have to deal with it for a night. I’m not going anywhere.”

Bon Bon didn’t like to spend a lot of her time worrying, especially time that should be being spent with Lyra in bed, but such thoughts were temporarily shelved as she handed Crimson a cup of hot cocoa and sat beside her on the couch. They had only met once, really, but the mare beside her didn’t resemble the energetic, over-eager mare that they had helped find a date that night in any way, save her physical appearance. She was worried to ask, but something had clearly happened to Crimson, the distress and anguish unable to be hidden in her present condition.

“Do you wanna talk about it?” Crimson said nothing, giving no signs that she had even heard the statement as she brought the cup to her lips and took a sip of the sugary treat.

“Bon Bon, what was all that knocking about?” Lyra said with a yawn, descending the steps and coming wide awake at the sight of Crimson, sitting quietly and focused intently on her mug. “What’s going on, Bon? Is that who I think it is?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it is. She showed up a few minutes ago with Big Mac, and he seemed pretty worried about her. She hasn’t said anything, though, so as to what’s going on, I couldn’t say.” Lyra plopped herself down on the other side of Crimson and looked from the mug, to Crimson, and then to Bon Bon, who nodded. Lyra levitated her lyre over, adjusted a few strings and then began to play. The melody was slow, somber, and fit the mood perfectly. Perhaps a bit much so, as a sudden noise from Bon Bon bid her to cease playing as tears silently rolled down the mare’s muzzle, dripping into her half drank cocoa.

“How... how do you know when somepony is worth staying with?” Neither Lyra or Bon Bon were expecting a question of that magnitude, especially given the speaker, but Lyra jumped right on it, smiling at her longtime fillyfriend as she spoke.

“That really depends on what it is you’re looking for, Crimson. What do you want most?”

“I want to feel safe, and never be hurt.”

“Well, I hate to say it, but that kind of relationship doesn’t exist. Pain is part of caring about somepony. Me and Bon Bon may seem like we get along without a hitch, but trust me when I say we’ve had our rough patches.”

“The most important part is that whoever it is, they’re worth the pain, and that is something only you can answer. Does that make sense?” Bon Bon finished, smiling as Crimson glanced at her.

“You sound just like my brother.”

“Oh, do we know him?”

“Maybe, his name’s Cerulean.” At this they both blanched, then burst into a fit of giggles, leaving Crimson very confused.

“Oh, we know him all right. And he’s a perfect example of what we were talking about. Listen, I won’t claim to know what you’re feeling right now, but if I had to say so, Big Mac sounded genuinely concerned for you. Friend or something more, that’s something to cherish.”

“I know he does, but...” she stopped, deep in thought. “Lyra, Bon Bon, can I stay here tonight? I’ll talk to him in the morning, maybe.”

“You know he’s right outside, right?” Lyra asked.

“He’ll go home eventually...”

“Filly, you have a lot to learn. Yes, you can stay in the guest room, first door on your left down the hall.” Crimson nodded her thanks and, finishing her cocoa, trotted towards her destination and closed the door behind her.

“Go ahead back to bed, Lyra. I’ll talk to Big Mac.”

“Don’t take too long, ok?”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” she replied with a wink smacking, Lyra’s flank lightly as she passed before easing open the front door. Big Macintosh was there, as expected, and immediately stood upon Bon Bon’s arrival.

“How is she?”

“Confused, afraid, and in need of sleep. I don’t think you’ll see her tonight.”

“Ah meant what ah said, I ain’t leavin’ yer doorstep until she’s with me.”

“Good, that means I don’t have to tell you to stay put. If you’re not here in the morning, I’m going to be mad. Keep your chin up, alright?”
