• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 9,759 Views, 550 Comments

Under the Starry Skies - Wintergreen Diaries

Silver Moonshine opens a tavern in Ponyville, hoping to escape the city and maybe find a nice mare.

  • ...

The Deepest Truth

Chapter 30: The Deepest Truth

The pleasant serenade of an eager sparrow gently eased Applejack back into consciousness. As her senses came to life, she snuggled closer to Silver, more than content to simply pass the morning in his warm embrace. She could feel his heartbeat against her own, each beat, every pulse assuring her that she wasn’t alone. An overwhelming feeling of gratitude pervaded her thoughts as, just for a moment, their hearts beat as one.

“Ah know you ain’t awake, but ah just want you t’ know... ah love you, Silver. More than anythin’ in this life.” Had she known the revelation waiting just on the horizon, she would have savored those few, fleeting seconds as the treasure they were. But instead, she simply lay there, half asleep, before a flash of the previous evening appeared in her mind. She shook her head, disturbed by the sudden image that danced on her vision for just a split second before fading. “What ‘n tarnation...” As if matching the beat of her heart, fragments of her memory began to align, reconstructing the previous evening's activities and dredging the worst of emotions from the darkness.

The moonshine, that was the most satisfying beverage she had ever had the pleasure of tasting. It went down smooth, filled her with warmth, and gave her a deep sense of security. The shower, where she had gone back and forth a thousand times in her head about what she really believed. The matriarchal instinct, a longing to start a family. And finally, the desire for the stallion that, at that moment, became her most sincere desire. And then... “No... no, it can’t be true. Ah... ah didn’t...” she started, waking Silver as she sat up, an unspeakable dread fighting her inner denial to what she knew to be true. She pulled back the blankets and put a hoof to her mouth as the small blood stain on the bed confirmed that the scene replaying in her mind wasn’t her imagination. She couldn’t bare the thought, and her eyes filled with tears. There was no denial necessary, no possible way to hide. She had caved. She had given in. No, that ain’t right. It was that moonshine, ah had it under control until... “You’re just... like all the rest, Silver...”

“Applejack? What are you...” he started before he was launched from the bed, slamming to the floor as Applejack wrapped herself in the sheets in a feeble attempt to hide a shame she couldn’t escape.

“Stay... stay away from me, Silver. You’ve stolen somethin’ precious t’ me, an’ ah... ah ain’t ever gonna have it back!” He tried to rise but the sorrow contained in her eyes sapped any strength he had left. “Ah... ah trusted you. That makes me the fool.” She leapt from the bed, viewing herself with disgust before galloping down the stairs and out the door, leaving Silver to cry alone.

Heartbreak in audible form. Berry froze at the sound that churned her stomach into a frenzy, cringing as her cousin’s cries drifted from the stairs upon entering the tavern with Snowdrift. She didn’t have any idea what could have happened, but just the sound was enough to fill her eyes with tears, tears that were being shed well before she made it to his quaking form on the floor beside his bed.

“Snowdrift, please give us some time alone.” He nodded, giving her a quick embrace before receding down the stairs and out of the tavern. Silver was in no condition to talk, so she asked no questions, simply holding him tightly as he was consumed by remorse. Berry didn’t bother keeping track of the time, but it was well past an hour before her cousin finally exhausted himself, the sobs turning to whimpers as the tears ran dry but the tremors continued.

“Silver, it’s going to be ok...”

“No... it’s not, it’s not going to be ok. It’s broken... everything’s wrong...”

“Can you tell me what happened?”

“I failed, Berry... I let... the alcohol control me, and I... we...” Berry finished the thought with a glance to the bed, where the disturbed sheets confirmed her suspicions. “I’ve never... seen such hurt in a pony’s eyes, Berry. And it’s my fault...”

“I don’t believe you.” Even as grief stricken as he was, his cousin’s harsh voice pierced through the dark cloud of doubt filling his mind like a single ray of light. “I’ve seen you drunk before, Silver. And never once have you laid a hoof on a mare. I don’t know what happened, but I don’t believe for a second that you would force anything on somepony.”

“It doesn’t matter, Berry!” he shouted, dropping his head once more. “She doesn’t want me anywhere near her now... I took something that wasn’t mine, not yet...”

“If it’s given freely, then you didn’t take anything,” she said softly. “Silver, you love Applejack, and she loves you too. It’s written all over your face for anypony to see whenever she’s around, so don’t even think about giving up so easily. Cry it out, pull yourself out of the mud, and figure out a way to fix things. And for the love of Celestia, don’t push your friends away. They’ll drop everything to help you, and you know it. And so will I, but I don’t know how much help I’ll be...” He said nothing, focusing on getting his breathing under control.

“Can... you bring me a glass of my moonshine? It should still be out on the table.”

“Careful, you’re starting to sound like me,” she murmured, leaving his side and heading downstairs. The barrel, as he predicted, was on one of the tables near the entrance to the bar. Grabbing two glasses, she filled them and examined the moonshine with a growing sense of awe. It ran clear like water, but radiated a faint rainbow aura. It smelled of Zap Apples, but there was something else there that she just couldn’t put a hoof on. One thing was undeniable; it smelled delicious. She was preparing to return upstairs when Silver stumbled down, shakily making his way over and plopping down on the opposite side.

“One’s... not going to be enough.”

“How much of this did you drink, anyhow,” she asked, sliding the cup to his waiting hoof.

“Two mugs a piece.” Berry paused with the cup still held to her lips, the tantalizing aroma making her salivate as she digested the answer.

“And you still remember what happened? These mugs are for things that have a fairly low alcohol content, like cider. This stuff is much, much stronger.”

“No hangover, either. I do... seem to be having strange flashbacks, though. Like it wants me to remember specific things.” That was good enough for Berry, and without wasting further time, she tilted back the glass and took her first taste. It was perfection in liquid form; smooth, flavorful, and there was something deeply satisfying about the drink. And no hangover? Berry drained her mug and eagerly went back for a second, pausing as she watched Silver do the same. She was midway through the second helping when her mind inadvertently turned to Snowdrift. She ignored it, but what precious few memories they had together danced through her mind, able to be temporarily ignored but never leaving completely.

Silver soon found his mind similarly flooded with memories of Applejack, both the good and the bad. And yet, overshadowing all of this was a deep seated longing for her, and her alone. A desire that would never be filled, because of the substance held in his cup, a gift that had brought joy for a time, and left nothing but heartache in its wake. Clearly, he hadn’t had enough, as the thoughts were still clear as day. Berry grew worried as he finished his fourth cup and leaned his head against a hoof, closing his eyes as his memories of Applejack grew not dimmer, but brighter with every drink.

It didn’t occur to Applejack to lock her door. Even if she had, it wouldn’t have changed anything. Big Mac would have bucked it down, and no matter how deeply she buried herself in her blankets, no matter how many tears she soaked her pillow with, nothing could remove the guilt at yielding to her desire to give herself to Silver. It was sweet, and she had felt nothing but love for him when she joined him in bed, but it came with a terrible price. She had broken her word to her father, and made a liar of herself. She couldn’t hear her brother’s words, nor Applebloom’s concern, because all she could see when she closed her eyes was the disappointment in her father’s face. Nothing could change that.

“Applebloom... we ain’t gonna be able t’ help right now, come on,” Big Mac said gently, nudging her towards the door.

“But ah haven’t ever seen mah sister so tore up. This is worse than when she came home without ‘im. We ‘ave t’ do somethin’, brother!” Big Mac was trying his hardest not to let his deep seated sense of protection flare up, but hearing Applebloom sound so distressed made it nigh unbearable.

“Applebloom, go ask Granny Smith fer some advice. Ah’m gonna go have a chat with Silver.”

“A chat or a beatin’?”

“Ah suppose that depends on his answer, Applebloom. Now git to it.” She nodded and followed him downstairs, where he bid her farewell prepared to make for the tavern when a voice stopped him.

“Big Mac, please, don’t do anything too harsh. I don’t want to be left alone.” Crimson’s words put things back in perspective, quelling the rising tides of anger that may or may not have been justified, and he turned to face his mare as he regained his composure.

“Thank you, Crimson. Ah won’t leave you alone, ah promise.”

Hope. It was a small glimmer, a miniscule tendril of flame, but it was there as Silver beheld the shift in Berry’s behavior as Snowdrift entered cautiously, making his way over and sitting beside her. After downing half a glass himself, he found it increasingly more difficult not to stare at the lovely earth pony sitting beside him. Thus Silver began his research, hoping against hope that maybe, he wasn’t the monster he felt he was.

“Berry, Snowdrift, I need you both to tell me exactly what you’re feeling right now.”

“Uh, that’s a little... embarrassing.”

“Snowdrift... please.”

“I’ll start, cousin,” Berry offered, stealing a glance at Snowdrift and blushing. “I... can’t stop thinking about Snowdrift. I was really nervous about what I might be feeling before, but now... I feel certain about what’s going on inside.”

“Um... I’m kind of the same. But about Berry.”

Somepony like Berry would never be affected by alcohol this fast, her tolerance is through the roof. She’s only had, at max, two glasses, same as I did last night. And she’s not jumping all over him or losing control. But, if it wasn’t the alcohol, what could possibly have prompted what happened? “Come on, the answer is there, I just... can’t quite make it out.” Berry was about to comment when Big Mac knocked once, not waiting for an invitation and strolling in.

“Silver, we need t’ talk.” Silver hung his head, knowing he had no defense, save telling the truth.

“Berry, Snow, could you please leave me and Big Mac alone?”

“But, what if he...”

“Berry, you have mah word I ain’t gonna do any permanent damage to yer cousin. Ah won’t promise not t’ rough ‘im up, though, an’ if ah do, it’s on his own head. Ah warned ‘im t’ treat Applejack right, an’ ah meant it.” Silver nodded his confirmation and motioned to the door, and silence fell as their hoofbeats receded. He made no attempt to hide, nor to run, as Big Mac walked over and slowly sat down across from him, gazing at the stallion who was still refusing to make eye contact. “Mah sister is a mess, Silver. Ah haven’t seen her this upset since you refused t’ come back with her. Ah want t’ know why.”

“I took her to bed last night, Big Mac.” It took all of the earth pony’s strength not to throttle him then and there, but something in Silver’s eyes as he lifted his head shackled his anger, binding it so he could see the truth. “I wanted to share something special with her. This, the Zap Apple Moonshine,” he whispered, motioning to the barrel and dropping his gaze to the table. “I’ve loved moonshine since I started brewing, and I thought... that it’d be the perfect gift, a drink made possible only by the two of us coming together. I can’t say yet... if it was from the moonshine or not, but last night...” Big Mac could see the pain as Silver’s eyes met his once more, and even he, in his desperate, frustrated condition, couldn’t deny the sincerity of his words.

“Big Mac, you can beat me if you want, but last night, your sister became my whole world. She’s the only thing I want. I would deny even my alchemy if that’s what it would take... to make her happy again... I love her, Big Mac. And I ain’t gonna love another.” Big Mac rose slowly and trotted over to where Silver was sitting, stopping next to him. Stars exploded in Silver’s vision as a hoof connected with his jaw, and he made no motion to look back.

“That’s fer hurtin’ her, Silver.” That really wasn’t fair o’ me, but ah ain’t gonna let the pain he’s caused mah sister slide. Sorry, Silver. “Now, you put a ring on it, or there’ll be more t’ follow.”

“I’m trying...” Big Mac had turned to leave but halted as Silver whispered. “I’ve been ready to take that step for at least a week now, but the ring isn’t done yet. Just... give me time, Big Mac.”

Age often brings with it wisdom and patience, and thus it was that Granny Smith said nary a word until Applejack had cried out the last of her tears and slept for most of the afternoon. But as the sun began to set, she sensed that it was time for her to reach out to her granddaughter, and gently shook Applejack awake.

“Come on, now. I thought you were the hard workin’ type, Applejack.”

“Granny... why’d you wake me... Ah don’t want t’ be here right now.”

“Well, all the more reason t’ wake you up, then! You can’t move while yer asleep.”

“Ah don’t want t’ be anyplace right now! Ah could run all night, but it... wouldn’t change anythin’ at all.”

“Then why’re you thinkin’ about runnin’?”

“Because ah don’t know what else t’ do, Granny Smith! Ah gave mahself t’ Silver, an’ it don’t even matter why, ‘cause father would never... be proud of me now...” Granny Smith shook her head and shakily placed a hoof on Applejack’s cheek, her smile a calm in the center of the storm raging within.

“You’re about as wrong as honey is sweet, Applejack. There’s a world o’ difference between lust and love, an’ I know your heart is pure as gold.”

“How can you say that, Granny? Tell me, is this pure?” Applejack cried, whipping back the covers and pointing to the small traces of blood that still remained on her inner hindlegs.

“Pure as when yer father was born, Applejack.” She slowly lowered the blankets back down as she lost the strength to argue. The words made sense, but she just couldn’t shake her feelings of reproach. “I’ve been around quite some time, Applejack. Silver ain’t the type to force anything on anypony, and you’re certainly not the type to flaunt yer beauty. You probably hurt him real bad, running off the way you did, but right now there’s two things you need to be worrying about. First, just calm down. Second, take a shower. He’d love you covered in rotten banana peels, but that don’t mean it’s any way to present yerself.”

It was foolish, he knew, hoping that the knock on the tavern door was Applejack. When he opened the door to see his parents, he knew that they saw just how disastrous a state he was in. His cheek was slightly swollen from where he had been struck, and the redness in his eyes spoke of the many tears he had shed that day.

“Son, what’s... what happened?” He glanced down at the bag slung across his mother’s shoulders, and sensing his unvoiced inquiry, she pulled out a simple jewelry box.

“I’m sorry it took me so long, Silver. It was much more difficult than I would have imagined. But, even with this,” she said, motioning to a slash across her upper foreleg that would be nigh impossible to hide, “you’re worth it, and so is Applejack.” Silver closed his eyes, dropping his head as a single thought screamed out above the rest.

“Why... why couldn’t you have gotten here sooner?!?” His shout startled his parents. Tantrums as a foal notwithstanding and his small outburst back at Manehatten, he had never raised his voice at them, not like this. But rather than anger, it caused only a deep seated concern for his well being. Knowing he was out of line, he accepted their mutual embrace as his body quaked, whispering his apology as he felt a small comfort seep through the sadness. “I’m sorry, I know you don’t deserve that from me. Come in,” he murmured, standing shakily for a moment before wandering back to the tables. They listened intently to his explanation, and Good Spirits eyed the barrel with great interest.

“Son, I’d like to put your moonshine to the test. Pour me a small glass.”

“Dad, I really...”

“Son, don’t make me repeat myself.” Not bothering to stand, Silver levitated a fresh glass over and poured him some, setting it down and staring as his father scrutinized his work. His face registered extreme surprise, followed by awe, then cavernous laughter quite out of sync with the mantle of gloom draped across Silver’s shoulders. He handed the rest of what remained to Jewel, who took an appreciative sip before downing the rest. “I’ve been making alcohol since long before you were born, Silver. And magic or not, there is one thing that is needed above all else to make a drink great. Do you know what it is? Because, conscious or not, you added a lot to this moonshine, and it shows.”

“I’m sorry, I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“It’s passion, son. You poured your heart into this, didn’t you.” It was true, far more true than he could possibly have known.

“I must have added too much, with what happened.”

“Jewel, I can’t believe I have to explain our own son’s alchemy to him.”

“It is a little disappointing, Silver. The moonshine didn’t make you lose control, because you never lost it. The only thing this drink does is bring out your heart’s truest desire and set it at the forefront of your mind, banishing everything else. Even after just one cup, I can feel it. It’s compelling, but you’d never be overcome just by this alone.” He sat silent for a time before nodding slowly.

“Granny Smith... Applejack’s grandmother, she’s the pony that perfected the recipe for Zap Apple jam, one of their family’s most prized creations. She’s got a whole lot of crazy tossed into the steps, even going so far as to sing to the water jugs. But... I wanted this to be special, so I acted very much the same. I sang to the moonshine. I told it my hopes, dreams and fears, all of it surrounding Applejack, so it makes sense that... she’d be on my mind after drinking a glass.”

“Son, you have too much love in you to give up. If your desire right now was to walk away, you’d have left. You’ve already had quite a bit this morning, as I can smell it on your breath,” Good Spirits said with a chuckle. “Your mother and I have two more rings to deliver. I hope we’ll see you and your mare here tonight.” With that, they gave him one more embrace and parting words of encouragement before making for the library.

Shortly after Silver’s parents left, Big Mac again returned to the tavern, informing him that he would find a way to coax Applejack out of the house long enough to see him. Big Macintosh showed him a grassy hill a few miles outside of town, and the sky was dark as he arrived, setting the small jewelry box in the grass and resigning himself to wait. If he was to fix things, this was likely to be his single chance, just one shot to set things right. And so, he put fear to flight as he allowed his mind to flood with the memories of their time together. Every joy, every sorrow... he wouldn’t let it slip away.

With every new discovery, every new unveiling of the marvels of alchemy, Twilight grew more and more impressed. Perfect Jewel had lived up to her name in every regard, as both Cerulean and Twilight were speechless at the wonders being presented to them. Well wrought, though nothing ground breaking, the bands themselves were made of platinum and flawlessly sized. The gemstone in each were clearly the result of alchemy, with Twilight’s slowly shifting in color to reflect the many colors of the evening sky while Cerulean’s truly looked like Jewel had managed to trap a blizzard inside of the highest quality diamond.

“Go on, you two. I’m not putting them on for you,” Jewel encouraged, levitating the boxes closer to the breathless couple. Dawn couldn’t quite understand why her parents appeared both close to tears and yet extremely happy, beaming ear to ear as they exchanged rings. The rings, however, were of utmost interest, and she teleported to each head in turn, stamping them with her seal of approval and returning to her building blocks.

“Jewel, I can’t thank you enough,” Cerulean said with a grin, wiping the moisture away and turning to Silver’s parents.

“Again, I am still in your debt. Thanks to your daughter, I was able to craft quite a stunning wedding band for our dear son’s mare. I do hope they can fix things tonight, I would sure like to know what she thinks.”

“Wait, Silver’s going to propose? Well, it’s about time!” Twilight laughed. Her excitement drained away at the grim expression that Jewel and Spirits now wore, not having any idea what had transpired. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“Yes, I’m afraid so. I’m not going to skirt around the issue; it’s huge, Twilight. We both did our best to encourage him, but things may well be hanging by a thread. And if Applejack doesn’t accept...” Jewel shook her head, staring down at the floor. “He’ll never have room for another. He’s given her everything, and he’s not going to try and take it back. Whether she accepts or not, that ring only belongs to her. I just hope... she can realize that in time.”

A rustling in the grass caused Silver to rise to his hooves, having gazed at the stars for an indeterminate amount time before two forms approached from the darkness. Applejack stopped as she saw Silver, completely unprepared to see him so soon. Boundless convolution flooded her mind, as a maelstrom of emotions ignited at once: love, anger, sadness, shame, and desire.

How can ah be honest if ah don’t know what’s the truth? Everythin’ feels real, and yet it all seems fake. Everytime ah reach out to grasp somethin’, it slips away. “Big Mac, I ain’t... I ain’t ready t’ see him yet. Please, just let me go back t’ the house.” Big Mac slowly wrapped her in his hooves, her whispers an indicator of how truly frightened his sister was. Silver maintained his respectful distance as Big Mac offered a few words of encouragement and trotted off into the night. Applejack stared helplessly at the ground, but it offered no solutions, only a place to hide her tears that sprang unbidden to her eyes as she remembered in vivid detail the previous night’s events.

“Moonshine, made from the magical Zap Apple? Hurry it up, just the thought makes me thirsty.” It’s finally gettin' better. Ah should ‘ave just talked to ‘im in the first place, but ah sure am glad ah came tonight. Silver, we could be poor as dirt with nary a bit to our name, an’ ah’d still be happy. Ah just hope ah can find a way to show it.

“Now, I haven’t tasted this yet, but... here, tell me what you think,” Silver said, a slight nervousness causing his voice to waver a little as he slid the mug towards her.

Ah don’t know how he managed it, but this... this smells like the best dang alcohol that ever graced mah nostrils. Ah can... feel the magic, an’ it’s powerful. Well, here goes nothin’. Silver watched with eager eyes as she tipped back her cup, taking just a sip before nearly dropping the mug in shock. He was about to write the barrel off as a dismal failure when she resumed breathing, took a deep breath, and pounded down the rest of the cup.

“That... was the most delicious thing ah’ve ever tasted, Silver. Ah just... ah don’t even know what t’ say, except this; can ah have another? Wait, where ‘re mah manners? Go on, have yerself a glass.” Silver mirrored her response, gazing at the glass held in his hoof with awe, confirming Granny Smith’s time honored wisdom; the most important ingredient is passion. The moonshine that he was now filling Applejack’s cup with was made with the sole desire to create something special just for her, and the delight on her face as she took the time to savor each drink made every late night worth it.

Strange... ah know ah think about Silver a lot, but ah feel strangely at peace. None o’ the stuff that was botherin’ me before is comin’ in. This must be right powerful stuff, ‘cause ah’ve only had a little more ‘n a glass. The worries continued to drain away as she drank, and after they both had finished two cups each, they paused and made eye contact. They sat in silence for a moment, entranced with each other’s presence before Silver shattered the quietude, finding no need to be afraid of the first mare to see his scars, and only mare to capture his heart.

“Applejack, you’re really... quite beautiful. I just wanted to make sure that you knew.” Sweetheart, that wasn’t nearly eloquent enough to do you justice. But, I hope that you know that there is no mare, no matter how fair, that could turn my eyes from you. You’re... everything to me. And I want to be everything to you, too. Silver’s revery was disturbed by the sound of hooves on the table, and he looked up to see Applejack climbing towards him, seeming oblivious to the empty mugs she was knocking over.

“Silver, ah... you’re the only pony ah want, sugarcube. An’ you’re the only pony... that ah’d ever give mahself to. Don’t ever leave me, ok?” She didn’t wait for a reply, mostly because she knew the answer, spoken or not. The truth was there, laid bare before her eyes as the magic of the zap apples flowed through her body; Silver was undeniably the only one for her. And so, with her inhibitions being drowned out by the blissful cascade of longing, she leaned into a deep kiss, pushing him back until he was flat on his back.

Applejack, I would never leave you, but you’re making this dang hard. I want you, and only you. You’re my greatest desire, and yet the truest expression I know of, you’ve... decided to wait. And I’m ok with that, but I can feel... I’m slipping. I want you, so please... No, I can’t let this happen. Silver knew that pushing her away physically would send the wrong signals, so he waited until she pulled away and sat up, shaking as he fought to control the waves of desire coursing through his mind, heart, and body. “Applejack, I’m going to go calm down upstairs for a bit... I’m sorry,” he said softly, rising and trotting to his room, gently closing the door and taking deep breaths. He had been drunk before, but whatever was happening right then was different. Even without Applejack in the room, like the rising of the water of a bath, the desire continued its steady growth. If he didn’t get it under control, it was going to overflow.

“I need to cool off,” he whispered, his eyes darting to the shower. Without hesitation, he entered the bathroom, closed the door behind him, and switched on the flow to as cold as it could be. He gave a sharp gasp as the icy stream temporarily distorted the tug on his heart towards Applejack. Suddenly he simply wanted to be warm, and felt little need to deny himself that. A quick readjustment soon filled the room with steam, and to his dismay, the pool of love began to fill once more, not having emptied during the brief interlude. Steady as it was, the rate at which the desire was building intensified as Applejack entered the bathroom, throwing open the curtains and looking at him with glassy eyes.

“Ah thought... ah thought ah said... t’ never leave me.” Pa, ah know you said t’ be a good girl, but if this is bad, then why... why can’t ah feel it? All ah want right now is Silver. Please, forgive me, father... but ah can’t deny mah heart any longer. Ah’ve tried, but it just... ain’t right. A feeling akin to having a fire lit within her chest ignited as she accepted his outstretched hoof, climbing into the shower and let herself simply be held for a time. “Silver, ah... ah think ah’m ready.”

“Applejack, I... but you said...”

“Ah know, an’ ah wasn’t lyin’ Silver... Ah really... did want t’ wait, but ah just...” It’s too much, ah can’t take this. It ain’t even about how good he feels, ah just... he’s all ah want, and ah want to give myself to ‘im with nothin’ held back.

“Take... a few moments, and think about it. I’ll be waiting for you outside.” For the second time that night, he pried himself away, shaking as he fought the moonshine for control, stepped out, dried off as quickly as he could, and quietly left the bathroom. Applejack watched him go, torn between heeding his words and chasing him down right then and there. Back and forth, her mind raged between siding with her father’s parting words and her longing for Silver.

“Pa... ah’m... gonna head out to Silver, so please... give me a sign, somehow. Ah want... t’ choose the right path.” She switched off the flow, staring at the handle a moment before Silver’s comforting scent filled her nostrils as she dried off with his towel. It brought with it a deep feeling of safety, and caused the flame within to burn brighter. She held the towel to her face, feeling no strength to fight of the acceleration of her heart as she approached her answer. Opening the door, she paused, framed by the billowing steam that poured into the room where Silver sat shaking on the bed. Applejack could see it in his eyes, how strong he was fighting on her behalf, and it was that moment that she knew her answer.

Silver watched as Applejack made her way over, stopped in front of him, and took a moment simply to adore him. Applejack... no matter what happens tonight, please... don’t leave me. You’re the only one I want, my most precious treasure. “Applejack?” She pressed a hoof to his muzzle, slowly bringing it across his cheek and down to his chest. He had no strength to resist as the pressure bid him make room, and he lay down near the wall as Applejack climbed into the covers, motioning him to do the same.

“Silver, ah know what ah feel inside, an’ ah’m ready. You’re my deepest desire, an’ ah’d... like t’ show you.”

“But what about...” She silenced his inquiry with a kiss, pulling him close and pressing against his chest. As she pulled away, her one last request caused the overflow, and he could no longer deny his longing for Applejack, to have her and be hers completely.

“Just... tell me that you love me, Silver, ‘cause yer love is all ah need.”

“As yours is mine. I love you, Applejack. I always will.”

“Why’d... why’d you ‘ave t’ tell me you loved me, Silver...” Ah wanted to hear it, more than anythin’. “You... you told me ah could trust you...” An’ ah did, ah still do. “An’ then you get me drunk and take me t’ bed?” No, that ain’t right! Silver, ah don’t mean it! “You just as bad as all those other stallions! Ah was just your first mark, wasn’t I?” Make it stop, he don’t deserve this! Ah don’t mean any o’ this! “You took it, Silver. Years o’ keeping mahself clean, walkin’ the proper path, an’ in one damn night you stole mah innocence! How could ah ever look mah father in the face now?” Ah couldn’t, not after treatin’ him like this. Silver, ah’m sorry, don’t listen t’ me right now! This ain’t real, it can’t be... “Made that moonshine special fer me? Ah’ll bet you did, an’ it worked! You told me ah’d be safe...” Ah was safe, ah know ah was! He didn’t do anythin’ ah didn’t want! “Fer somepony who never loses the fight against alcohol, where was yer famed self control then, huh?” He tried, ah know he did... damn it, why can’t ah say what ah really feel?

“Applejack, I... I tried...” Silver’s words were hollow, devoid of hope as Applejack’s words pierced him to the core. For somepony who never lied to say such things... There was no defense, save being ripped to pieces by the onslaught. There was no recovery as her fears made verbal delivered the final, crushing blow. He had nothing left.

“Tried? Well, you certainly made a fine mess o’ that one, just like ya have mah heart. Just leave, Silver. You and your blasted moonshine.” No, please, ah’m beggin’ ya, Silver. Don’t walk away, ah need you. No, stop... ah said don’t walk away! Ah don’t want t’ be alone! Silver, come back! Come back... “Ah didn’t... mean anythin’...” Every word, a dagger. Every step away, and the chasm grew by a mile. How could such a whisper ever hope to bridge the gap?

Everything I ever wanted, I held in my hooves that night. In the truest expression of love that I know, we gave ourselves with nothing restrained. It was sweet. It was pure. And the love that I felt... it had to be real. But now... “What changed, Applejack?” Silver slowed to a stop as the grief robbed him of the strength to continue moving. Everything she told me that night, I treasured above everything else. I thought that finally... finally, we had come together again for the last time, that all of the lies had finally be resolved. And everything she said that night... One question, and one question only was all that he could wonder, and it tore from the center of his being, echoing through the night. “Was it all a lie, Applejack?”

She took a step forward, faltering, and then another. That one question that still hung in the air was her one last hope to let him know how she really felt. Granny... if what you said is really true... if ah haven’t failed mother and father... then ah’ve failed Silver. Please, somepony give me a way to fix this! Ah’ve hurt ‘im bad... Her next step forward brought her to where Silver had been standing, and her hoof landed not on grass, but something wooden. It was a jewerly box. No, it can’t be... But it was. Inside lay a beautiful ring, made of a metal that Applejack never imagined existed. It glimmered like the stars, and the gemstone in the center truly looked like its formation in the shape of an apple were natural. He came here tonight... ready to commit everythin’ to me, an ah... In a terrible, wonderful moment of clarity, she saw past her despair to what was buried within.

Soft hoofbeats on the grass alerted Silver of Applejack’s approach. He wanted to scream, to shout, to express the anguish that he had bottled inside, but as he turned to face the mare, he couldn’t speak. That one shout, that one question was all he had left, and it yet remained unanswered. The turmoil inside only grew as she set the box down in front of him. “Ah’m... so ashamed o’ mahself, Silver. It was a lie. Everythin’ ah said tonight... all lies...” Ah should have said this right from the beginning. “There was a time... when ah thought ah was gonna lose all mah closest friends... an’ ah began to lie ‘bout everythin’ ‘cause I didn’t want to lose somethin’ so precious t’ me...” You’re precious t’ me, Silver. That’s what ah really wanted t’ say. “Ah was... so scared that ah’d failed my father, Silver. But now, ah... ah’ve failed you too.” You’re all ah have left. “Ah don’t deserve to wear that ring... ah don’t deserve yer fergiveness...” Please, take me back... You’re all ah want. “But... if there’s just... just one thing that you hear from me tonight...” I love you, Silver. “I love you, Silver. An’ that’s... that’s the... the deepest truth.”

The truth. Not the truth of fears, or the truth of doubt, but the answer born of love the can only come from within. Anything less and Silver would have walked away, but she had answered his question. He felt not anger, nor bitterness, nor a desire for retribution. No, all he could feel was a sorrow that their day had been spent in anguish when it should have been a celebration. Applejack dared to hope as she felt herself encircled by Silver’s hooves, and she slowly sank to the ground, pulling him with her.

“Applejack, I’m sorry...”

No, don’t say it! Please, ah said ah’m sorry, ah’ll do anything! Just please, don’t say it’s over. Don’t say it’s over...

“I’m sorry that... I didn’t see through the lies...”

You don’t ‘ave to apologize, ah’m the one at fault! Yell, scream, hit me if you want, just don’t... don’t say it...

“But even if you lie, and rage, and tear my soul in two...”

Ah did... ah know ah did... but... but ah can’t accept...

“I promised you that I’d stay.”

Silver, does this mean... mean that... ah’m fergiven? He slowly eased out of her grasp, backing away just enough that they could make eye contact as he made one final request.

“Now, please...” Applejack let her tears of redemption fall freely as he lifted her hoof, levitating the ring out of the box and slipping it onto her hoof. “Promise me... that you won’t let me run.”