• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 59,304 Views, 2,394 Comments

How many have you forgiven today? - Sarcastic Brony

Anon is trying to move on with his life after what happened in Ponyville but it's hard to ignore what's right in front of him.

  • ...


“Anon can you come here?!” Bonbon calls out.

Bonbon sits there for a moment, but Anon doesn’t answer, which is odd because he’s rather quick to reply. Maybe he’s busy with a customer? She gets up from her seat and walks over to the doors that lead into the main room. When she pokes her head out, she finds something that causes her concern. Lyra is giving a death glare to a griffon while the griffin returns the glare equally.

“If you call Anon an ‘it’ one more time I’ll shove our candy so far up your fl-”

“Whoa!” Bonbon quickly comes out and is standing beside Lyra. “What seems to be the problem?”

Lyra doesn’t turn her gaze away from the griffin.

“I don’t know. This griffin came in asking for Anon.”

“Oh?” Bonbon looks over at the griffin. “Are you a friend of his?”

“Friend?!” The griffin turns her attention to Bonbon. “Like I'd be friends with that nest robber!”

Bonbon doesn’t know what a nest robber is but it doesn’t sound very nice.

“Then why do you want to see him?”

“When I find him I’m going to pound his face!”

Lyra gives out a growl as her eyes squint a bit more. The griffin returns her death gaze to Lyra. Bonbon doesn’t know what’s going on, but she does know that she’s no longer in a kind and understanding mood. She’s not going to let anypony come into her shop and start making threats.

“I’m going to kindly ask you to leave.” Bonbon says trying to keep her voice calm.

“What are you going to do if I don’t leave?” The griffin challenges.

Bonbon now feels her gaze mimic the one Lyra is giving the griffin. So this griffin wants to play hard ball? Bonbon is fine with that.

“Then Lyra and I are going to jump over this counter and beat the tar out of you. Trust me, we may not look it, but we can get rough.”

There’s a small showdown of sorts as the three of them face off. It feels like an eternity passes, but eventually, the griffin clicks her beak in frustration.

“Mark my words, I’m going to find it and when I do it’s going to pay for what it did.”

That’s all that’s said as she walks out of the store. Bonbon lets out a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding. It’s been a long time since she’s gotten into a fight and while she would’ve backed her words up, it was something she wanted to avoid. Getting into a hoof fight in the store would’ve been problematic in the long run. Bonbon looks over at Lyra and can see that the fur on her back is still on edge.

“What do you think that was all about?” Bonbon asks.

“I have no idea.”

“Do you think it has something to do with Anon being drunk last night?”

Lyra looks over at Bonbon and gives her a nod.

“Yeah, I think so. We should tell Anon.”

Bonbon’s mind clicks back to why she even came to the storefront in the first place.

“Where is Anon?”

“Oh!” Lyra knew she forgot to tell Bonbon about Anon taking a break. “He was a bit flustered, so I told him to get some fresh air. He hasn’t came back, so I can only guess that he was dragged off to the castle.”

That makes sense. He probably got pulled off by the princess or maybe even Blueblood.

“I’ll go to the castle and find Anon. Until then I need you to take care of the store.”

“Easily done.”

“Alright.” Bonbon gives Lyra a peck on the cheek and that seems to calm her down. “I’ll be back soon.”

Bonbon walks around the counter and towards the front door. If she’s quick enough she can get to the castle in a few minutes. Yet what Bonbon didn’t see as she walked towards the castle was the shadow that hung over her building.

“I’ll find you.” Gilda says as she watches the pony, taking to the sky so she could follow.

“Thanks, Stud. I feel like a new mare.” Blossom compliments Anon as she stretches in his room.

“Don’t expect me to do this all the time.”

“It’s only fair to scratch my back when I scratch yours.”

“So I’ll owe you if my life is ever in danger?”

She shakes her head. “Of course not. Something like that is out of your control, but when you ask me to do something in secrecy, then yes, you owe me.”

“I’ll be sure to ask less of you.”

Blossom rolls her eyes at the seriousness in his tone, she walks over to Anon who is sitting on his bed to catch his attention.

“Listen, I’m not going to make you do something you’d be totally uncomfortable with. That’d go against everything I stand for as a captain.” She makes sure to look Anon in the eyes the entire time. “I’ve known Luna for centuries. I know how much she cares about you, so I would never break the trust she has placed on me when it comes to protecting you. If you need something, anything, don’t hesitate to ask me, but every so often I’ll ask for something in return. That’s what friends do and I want us to be friends. If we can’t trust one another, then how can I protect you when the time comes?”

Anon keeps eye contact with Blossom for awhile. He looks away with a sigh as he digests everything she just laid on him. He hates this pony for all the wrong reasons. He knows he can trust her. She gives off the same vibe that he gets when he’s around Celestia and Luna. A pony far older and wiser than they let on. Everything she said is correct. She’s known Luna far longer than him and Luna herself trusted Blossom to watch over him. To question her is to question Luna and Anon has a lot of trust in Luna.


Blossom nods. “There is no reason for us not to be. If there is, then tell me why.”

He gives a small chuckle, he doesn’t have a good reason. “I guess I have no reason. We’ll see how well of a friend you can be.”

She smiles at him. “I’m happy to hear that.”

Anon can already feel himself becoming uncomfortable. It’s always weird making friends, right? Maybe it’s just him.

“So... What now?”

“Do you need help with anything else?”

“Nothing I can think of.”

“I guess I can head on back to my office.” She lets out a sigh. “Plenty of paperwork is waiting for me.”

Anon isn’t too sure why, but perhaps being a bit more helpful will be beneficial to this new friendship?

“Do you want some help?”

She looks at Anon with surprise. “Help?”

He nods. “I’ve been with Celestia during day court before. I’m sure I can handle a little paperwork. We’re friends after all, right?”

“I think I’m going to like this relationship.”

“Yeah, just remember that you’ll owe me this time.”

Blossom gets a smirk on her face. “Hmm? Oh, I see how it is.”

“See how what is?”

Her smirk never leaves as she approaches Anon, placing a hoof on each leg and moves higher so they’re face to face.

“I wonder what depraved things you have in mind? I’m a mare after all and I’m not blind to the fact that you’re a male that has certain needs.”

Anon can’t help the snort that comes out of him. He can easily tell that Blossom is messing with him.

“You sure have a large ego.”

“I bet that’s not the only thing that’s large in this room.”

Anon stands up as Blossom falls back onto her four hooves. Blossom can’t contain herself anymore as she starts to laugh. Anon can only shake his head at her odd sense of humor. It really differs from what he’s used to. Celestia and Luna are polar opposites but neither of them are so raunchy. Not that he’s a prude or anything, it’s just really weird for him, considering the entire situation.

“Alright, you’ve had your fun. Now am I going to help you or should I just leave?”

Blossom flies up and slaps Anon on the back.

“You don’t have to be so serious all the time. I’m just messing with you.”

“How would you like it if I messed with you?”

“Give it your best sho-”

Anon wraps his arms around Blossom and pulls her to his chest. He moves his right hand to her belly and start to rub it vigorously. Blossom doesn’t know what is happening right now, but she can’t even feel her brain work anymore as she feels Anon’s fingers dig into her stomach. It feels so good that she’s lost all of her will to fight or think. Anon smiles in triumph as he feels Blossom melt into his arms. Once he’s sure she’s nice and slack, he opens his arms wide and drops her onto the floor.

“Ouch!” She looks up at him with a frown. “You jerk! Why’d you drop me?”

“I’m just messing with you, Blossom.”

Blossom gets up and smooths out her fur a bit.

“Alright, we’re even.” She says. “Now, if you’ll follow me, we can get to my office.”

Blossom points for Anon to walk towards the door to his room. He does so, but quickly trips and hits the ground. He lets out a groan as he looks back to see Blossom has her hoof out.

“Whoops!” She walks past him. “Actually, now we’re even.”

Anon picks himself off the floor and dusts himself off.

“Of course you realize, this means war.”

Blossom looks over her withers at him with a large smile on her face.

“Bring it on, Stud.”

“There we are! All clean.”

Celestia rests the wet towel she used on Blueblood on the floor as she drapes a dry one on his neck so that he could dry his mane.

“Thank you for helping me.”

“You know I don’t mind, Blue.” Celestia gets up and moves the dirty towels to a hamper. “Do you have anything special planned today?”

Blueblood shakes his head.

“No. I was actually thinking about eating.”

Blue is right. It is rather late, around lunch time as a matter of fact.

“I am a bit parched. Do you mind if I join?”

“Of course not.”

“I wonder if Anon is still around?” Celestia rubs a hoof against her chin but returns her gaze to Blueblood. “He’s probably back at work. Let’s not wait any longer.”

Blueblood has a large smile on his face as Celestia and him walk out of the bathroom and towards the dining hall.

“It seems that this pony hasn’t paid his fine.” Anon leans over to show Blossom the paperwork.

“Yeah, that pony has been dodging us for awhile now. Any suggestions?”

“Do ponies do taxes?” She nods. “Remove the amount from his tax returns this year.”

“I’ll be sure to send the instructions to the number crunchers upstairs.”

Anon writes a note on how they’ve planned to deal with this pony, staples it together and places it into the ‘done’ pile. He reaches over and grabs another paper and looks it over. He feels his brow raise as he reads the details.

“Princess Luna, this is my third request to watch the human. I know you said that the elements are taking care of him, but I think that having more eyes isn’t a bad idea.”

The paper in Anon’s hand is snatched away in an instant. When he looks up at Blossom he notices that her face is looking a bit more serious. Not that he did anything wrong, but as if her thoughts were taken to some other time.

“What’s that about, Blossom?” Anon asks.

Blossom looks down at the letter she took. It’s been awhile since she last read it. She can remember herself writing it a year or so ago. Wow, to think it’s been so long?

“This was my request to watch over you when you first came to Equestria.” She lays the paper down on the table. “I was denied multiple times, but I still tried. I just had an odd feeling about those days.” She looks up at the ceiling. “I guess all that stuff is in the past now, right?”

“I guess.” Anon doesn’t agree with that statement, he relives his past every waking moment, but there’s no reason to put a damper on the mood. “So you wanted to watch over me, even back then?”

“Something like that.”

“You wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to destroy the planet, right?”

She chuckles. “I guess that would be accurate.” Blossom looks over all the paperwork that remains, Anon really did help her take a large chunk out of her work. “How about we take a break?”

Anon stretches in place. “Yeah, I can use a breather.”

“Wanna head to the dining hall and get something to eat?”


Blossom smiles a bit more as she gets up from her seat.

“Then what are we waiting for?”

“I have to say that despite this morning, I had a great time at the fair.” Blueblood says.

Celestia can’t help but agree. “So did I. It’s rare for us to go out.”

“Yeah, I think we should go see the Wonderbolts this year.”

That’s a great idea! Celestia knows that Anon did enjoy the first time they went there.

“I’m sure Anon would be happy to come.”

Celestia is so focused with Blueblood that she doesn’t see the pony that is walking towards her. Twilight is absorbed in the book she’s reading, so much so that she bumps into Celestia and falls onto her flank. She’s quick to get up.

“I’m so sorry abou-” Twilight notices who she just bumped into. “Princess! Sorry about that. I was just reading this book and I didn’t see you.”

“No worries, Twilight. I see that you’re back in the castle. What are you up to right now?”

“Not much, I was going to the library to grab a few books.”

“Where’s Spike?”

“My mother just wouldn’t let him go. He’ll be back a little later.”

Well, since she’s alone Celestia thinks it would be fine to invite her for lunch.

“Would you care to join Blue and I for lunch?”

“Of course!” Twilight is ecstatic about the idea of eating with the Princess.

“Can we eat in the garden?” Blueblood asks.

“It is a beautiful day today.” Celestia remarks. “Sure. I’ll inform th-”

“No need!” Twilight speaks with cheer. “I’ll head on over and tell the cook to make us something!”

“Are you sure, I can use magic to sen-”

“Don’t worry about it, Princess. I’ll be quick.”

It seems a bit unnecessary for Twilight to go out of her way just to give somepony an order. However, as Celestia looks at her student who is giving her that enthusiastic look, she knows that she can’t deny her such a simple task.

“Very well. Blue and I will be waiting for you.”

“I won’t take long!” Twilight says as she gallops towards the dining hall.

Celestia has a weird pit in her stomach as she watches Twilight run off, a nagging thought in the back of her head. It’s probably just her imagination.

“So, what do you eat?” Anon asks as Blossom and him take a seat.

“Meat.” She says nonchalantly.


Blossom smiles at him as she opens her mouth for Anon to see, extends her tongue and licks her large canines. Hell, if anything Anon could label them as fangs, which kinda fits the whole bat pony thing. She closes her mouth and Anon can see the bottom part of her fangs sticking out. Now that makes sense, damn those things are pretty big.

“Really.” Blossom ends. “I hope it doesn’t bother you.”

“You probably know I eat meat too. So you’re in good company as far as I’m concerned.” Anon says feeling a bit more at ease with Blossom.

“So what would you like to eat?”

Anon shrugs. “They got steak?”

“From every creature you could think. I’d suggest the manticore.”

Anon rubs his chin in thought.

“I could go for something mythical.”

Blossom nods and looks over at a waiter that is standing beside them. Anon flinches some, as he didn’t even hear the pony come in.

“Two manticore steaks.” Blossom informs the waiter.

He nods. “How would you like it cooked?”

“Raw.” She then looks at Anon. “You?”

“Medium rare, thanks.”

“Fine choice.” The waiter says before he leaves the two of them alone.

“So, Blossom. How long have you been working for Luna?”

“Ah, that. Well, I’ve been with her for five hundred years, not counting the moon thing.”

“Wow... So, are you two close?”

“Before, we were. Then...” She looks off into the distance. “Then Nightmare Moon happened.” Blossom shakes her head some. “We’ve only talked in passing when she came back.” She chuckles some. “Since she’s been spending so much time around you, she’s taken the time to come and speak with me. I can see how different she is with you around.”

“Was it really that bad?”

Blossom nods. “Yeah. Most days she would just stay in her room. I think it was after I sent a few requests about your appearance did she decide to see you. I’m glad you two became friends. It’s good to see her happy again.”

Anon doesn’t know what to say. Sure he knew Luna was a bit of a recluse like him, but to think it was to the point where she didn’t even talk to her captain? She must’ve felt really guilty over the Nightmare thing.

“I’m happy that she’s happy.” Anon says. “She’s a great friend.”

“I’m glad to hear tha-” Blossom quickly turns her head to the door as her ears rotate in place some. “Anon, I need you to listen to me closely.”

“What’s the matter?”

Something isn’t right here. Anon can tell that Blossom is serious right now. It’s enough to make Anon feel panic rising from within himself.

“Keep calm.” Blossom speaks softly, never looking away from the door “Get under the table.”

Anon doesn't know what’s happening, but he does as Blossom says and gets under the table. He then feels her hooves wrap behind his head as she pulls him to her belly.

“Blossom, what are you d-”


Anon notices her wings wrapping around him until most of his body is covered, since her wings are smaller, she can’t cover him completely. Anon can’t see anything other than the fur on Blossom’s belly. What the hell is going on right now? His thoughts fall silent as he hears the door to the dining hall open and the sound of hooves making their way inside. Anon feels Blossom’s grip on him tighten. Who could possibly put Blossom on edge like this?

“Oh!? I wasn’t expecting anypony to be here.”

Anon freezes in place. No... No this can’t be happening. There’s no mistaking it. That’s Twilight’s voice. Blossom keeps her eyes locked on Twilight and tightens her grip on Anon as he starts to shake slightly. It does little to comfort him, but knowing Anon is hidden lets Blossom know that she’s in control of this situation. She just needs to keep him safe and Twilight away.

“What do you want, Twilight?” Blossom asks.

“You know my name?”

Blossom has read the reports. She even had a lunar knight hidden during the punishment in Ponyville to ensure that Luna was taken care of by one of her own. She knows practically everything about Twilight. Her brother, her parents and even her friends. She made sure to educate herself on what transpired and everything else in between.

“I’m Luna’s captain. Of course I know your name.”

Twilight looks at Blossom closely. Wait a second, this is a thestral! Twilight has never seen a thestral this up close before.

“Oh, wow. Um, do you mind if I asked you a few questions?” Twilight tries to approach, but as soon as she took a step forward she noticed the captain’s expression harden some. “Is everything alright?”

“Fine. I’m just on lunch is all.” Blossom makes sure to keep her voice calm and even puts on a fake smile.

As soon as Twilight tried taking a step toward Blossom, she felt Anon try to jerk away from her grasp, but she held him firm. Anon is now violently shaking as she keeps a firm grip on him with her wings. She won’t be able to keep him contained for long, she needs to find a way to get this pony out of here before Anon has a full blown panic attack. The waiter pony comes in at this moment and places the two plates down.

Blossom can see Twilight getting white in the face as she looks at the meat. This is it, this is what Blossom has been waiting for.

“Y-You eat meat?” Twilight’s starting to turn green as she looks at the raw meat.

“I do.”

Blossom removes her hooves from Anon and uses them to pick up her steak as she tears a chunk out of her meal. Twilight quickly uses a hoof to stop herself from barfing all over the place. Blossom makes sure that some of the blood runs down her chin and lands onto her coat. The entire scene is very graphic and starting to be too much for Twilight to handle.

“M-Maybe we can talk some other time?” Twilight forces out.


Twilight is quick to place an order with the waiter and run out into the hall. Blossom is smiling a bit as the door slams closed behind the mare. She makes sure to extend her hearing for a bit to ensure that Twilight was gone. Once the coast is clear, Blossom looks down to see Anon pressed firmly against her belly. He is breathing heavily, eyes unfocused and shaking like a newborn foal.

“See something you like?” Blossom jokes.

Anon doesn’t respond, instead she feels him wrap his arms around her waist as he holds her tight. Blossom feels a smile on her face as she wraps him in an embrace, leaning down and nuzzling him a bit.

“It’s alright.” She whispers.

This isn’t the first time Blossom has dealt with someone like this. She feels her heart wince slightly at an old memory. She closes her eyes as she holds onto Anon a little tighter. No, she’ll keep her promise, she won’t let what happened happen, not again.

Author's Note:

Edits made on 8/13/2017

Anon suffers from PTSD. If that wasn't obvious to some of you.