• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 59,301 Views, 2,394 Comments

How many have you forgiven today? - Sarcastic Brony

Anon is trying to move on with his life after what happened in Ponyville but it's hard to ignore what's right in front of him.

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Spike wipes the sweat from his brow. It took some time but he managed to escape from Twilight Velvet’s grasp. He swears that mare has hooves of steel. He will admit though that it’s nice walking around Canterlot alone for once. Usually Twilight’s with him but this time he got to see a few shops and other things that interested him. Yet he didn’t want to worry Twilight, so he quickly returned to the castle. One of the guards said he saw her in the garden, which is rare, so he went to search for her. Spike manages to find Twilight sitting alone against a tree.

“Hey, Twilight. Why are you out in the garden alone?”

Twilight looks over at Spike and gives him a smile.

“I was just enjoying the fresh air.”

“Really? Seems kinda boring.”

“Well, I wasn’t alone the entire time. I spoke to Blueblood for a while but he had to leave after a while.”

Spike gives a nod at that.

“Yeah, that makes sense, he usually hangs out in the gardens.”

That causes Twilight to raise a brow in question.

“Do you know him?”

“Sure do! We used to play a lot when I first hatched. Even when I started to grow we hung out a lot. He’s a nice pony, a bit odd but nice.”

Twilight will admit that he is indeed a nice pony, far different from what she heard from Rarity but she’s also surprised to hear that Spike knew him for a long time. Who else does he know? Twilight feels her thoughts focus. Does Spike know Anon? Surely they’ve spoken to one another when Anon lived with them but how well does he know him?



“Did you and Anon ever get to know each other?”

Twilight notices Spike’s smile slip some.

“Yeah. We used to talk a lot about Equestria when you had to go and do element stuff. Then after he moved out, he didn’t seem the same anymore. He would stop by when you were gone to pick up a few books but he always seemed really jumpy and almost afraid to be in the library.”

Twilight winces at that. He was probably afraid that she would come back at any moment. Twilight can feel a sickness inside of her from the very thought of what she did nowadays. It’s probably a fraction of what Anon feels.

“W-Was he fun to talk to?” Twilight can feel her eyes gloss a bit.

“Um, yeah. He would talk about weird stuff from his world. Like, how the sun moves on its own. He also told me about some of the cool things they had, like a small device that could play music on the go.”

Twilight vaguely remembers those talks she used to have with Anon. It all seems so fuzzy to her now. The want to know more seemingly consuming her thoughts, rather than basking in the unknown. Even now she can feel something itch in her brain when she hears Spike talk. What device could do that? How does it work? How can the sun move on its own without the Princess? She brings her hooves up to grasp her head. No, she needs to stop!

“Twilight? Are you alright?”

Twilight didn’t even notice the wetness on her cheeks as a few tears fall onto the grass below her. She removes her hooves from her head and quickly wipes her tears away.

“Sorry, Spike. I just have a bit of a headache.”

“Must be pretty painful to make you cry.”

“Yeah, it is.”

“Should we go see the doctor?”

Twilight shakes her head with a smile. It seems like only Spike is there for her nowadays. Even through all of this his thoughts of her haven’t changed. Then again, she hasn’t found the courage yet to tell him the entire story. She’s honestly afraid of what he might think. She knows that it has to happen eventually but that doesn’t mean it has to happen now.

“I’ll be fine. I think I should get back to studying.”

“If you say so.” Twilight gets up and Spike jumps onto her back. “So, what are you going to study today?”

“Well, I haven’t learned enough about body language yet. So I think I’ll start there.”

“What are we waiting for?”

While Twilight has a smile on her face, she also can’t forget why she’s here. It’s not going to be easy but it must be done. She just needs to take this one step at a time and with enough patience she’ll be able to earn Anon’s forgiveness.

Gilda is waiting for just the right moment to strike. That pony from the shop is still talking to the guards at the front gate and this may be the only opportunity she gets. She quickly flies towards a bush that is near the castle and hides inside of it. Now all she needs to do is find out where that creature is. She fully intends to hear about what happened in Ponyville but first she has to find it. Gilda peaks out of the bush and quickly moves to another. This should be ea-


Gilda freezes in place. Maybe that was just in her head? What are the chances someone spotted her already?

“I can see you.” The voice speaks up.

Gilda clicks her beak in frustration. How did she get caught so fast? Hiding is pointless, so she leaves the bush and finds a weird looking pony standing there dressed in full armor. Gilda sits on her rump and raises her paws in the air.

“You got me.” She admits.

“Hmmm... I thought griffins were graceful on their paws... Guess you were the exception.”

Gilda feels her left eye twitch at that insult.

“That’s rich coming from a freak.” Gilda replies.

“In bed.” Blossom adds with a chuckle. “So, answer me this, Twinkle paws. Why did you decide to sneak into the castle today? You a reporter?”

Gilda can already feel how different this pony is. Not only in how she acts but also her demeanor. She speaks calmly but Gilda can sense a certain danger that is present, as if she’s ready to fight at a moment's notice. Gilda needs to play it cool, this isn’t a normal pony.

“I’m here to see a friend.” Gilda says.

Blossom feels a smirk cross her lips.

“I’ll pretend you didn’t just lie to me. Last chance before I break your wings in eight places.”

Gilda feels a chill run up her spine. That confirms this pony isn’t normal. She said that with a smile and no hesitation in her voice. Gilda admits that she’s outmatched here. Griffins are strong by nature but Gilda can almost sense a bloodlust of sorts coming off this pony. Add to the fact that she knows when Gilda is lying just makes this all the more challenging. So, with a heavy sigh, she does something she wouldn’t expect. She tells the truth.

“I came here with the intention of punching the creature Anon in the face. That was until I heard that something happened in Ponyville that got the Elements punished. I want to know what happened and I won’t stop until I get that creature to tell me everything.”

There’s a bit of silence in the air. Gilda can only stand her ground as the pony sizes her up a bit. It feels like an eternity has passed as they have a showdown. What happens next is too fast for Gilda to see. All she feels is something plow into her, knocking her back into the bush. She was hit so hard that her head is left dazed.

“Captain Midnight.” A voice calls out.

“Captain Armor.” Blossom replies.

Gilda is still a bit dazed but decides to not move as the two of them talk. She can only guess that the pony pushed her into the bushes to hide her from the other captain. Still, that hit definitely hurt.

“May I have a moment of your time?” Shining asks once he’s close enough.

“I’m free. What is it you need?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to let you know that I got a report about Anonymous being in danger. Do you know of him?”

Blossom nods. “Luna has instructed me to personally guard him. We’ve been spending some time together.”

That’s surprising for Shining to hear but it does help things with this investigation.

“Good. The report says that a female griffin is looking to cause Anon harm. I don’t think I need to tell you what will happen to that griffin if she’s caught by either of the sisters.”

Blossom nods. “I would hope Celestia tosses her into the sun... It’s easier than cleaning up whatever Luna would do.”

Shining shivers in place some. He’s heard the stories but Blossom was actually there. He can only imagine what she’s seen in all her years of life. While day guards and lunar knights are literally night and day, Shining still respects her for what she does. A bit of an oddball but a fine captain.

“Agreed. If you find this griffin then try to contain her until we can find out what she wants.”

“Understood, Captain Armor.”

Shining salutes Blossom as she mirrors the action.

“Until next time, Captain Midnight.”

Shining drops the salute and goes back to searching. He’ll make sure the pegasi are on high alert. Last thing he needs is the culprit flying past everypony and straight into Anon’s room. In fact, he might just make sure his room is clear himself. Blossom waits until Shining is gone before she faces the bush.

“So... What will you do now?” Blossom asks. “You heard everything. I’m no friend of yours and will protect Anon with my dying breath if I have to. All things considered, the odds are against you.”

Gilda crawls out of the bush and cleans herself off a bit. Her chest still hurts a bit from whatever this pony did. It seems her suspicions were right about this pony, she’s fast and strong. There’s no way Gilda could fight a pony like this but she didn’t come to fight.

“I just want answers.” Gilda says.

“You think you’re entitled to those answers?”

Gilda looks Blossom in the eyes. “I am! Rainbow...” Gilda feels her beak click. “I want to hear about how much that mare suffered. It’s all I want.”

Blossom can see a certain fire in this griffins eyes. Not only that but she can also see a good amount of pain. In a certain way, it’s almost as if she’s looking into Anon’s eyes. Should Blossom really let this griffin get close to Anon? The griffin could barely even see her move when Blossom shoulder checked her. She’s probably only been in a few scuffles and nothing more. Inexperienced, foolhardy and persistent. Blossom admits she kinda likes that.

“Meet me in front of Anon’s shop tomorrow morning.” Blossom says.

“Wait... You’re going to let me meet him?”

Blossom nods. “Under my supervision. A word to the wise. If you make one aggressive move towards Anon, I’ll ensure you regret that decision for the rest of your life.”

Gilda gulps a bit at hearing that. This pony is serious. Yet, this is the best shot she has at talking to that creature.

“Alright. I agree.” Gilda says.

“Good. Now get out of here. There aren’t any guards around.”

Gilda takes the ponies advice as she quickly flies over the gate and back into Canterlot. Blossom watches as the griffin walks off into the city. It seems that Blossom has a bit of a soft spot. Sure, she could’ve just told the griffin what happened in Ponyville but she has a strange feeling that hearing it from Anon’s mouth, knowing his story, will make it all the more impactful. Blossom doesn’t know what will happen after that but she’s sure it’ll be interesting.

Anon is sitting in the room in silence as Luna and Celestia continue to stare at him. He gets up from his seat and does a small stretch.

“Well, I outta be hitting that dusty tr-”

“Sit.” Celestia commands

“Alright.” Anon sits back down.

“So, you seem to be rather close to Luna’s captain.”

Luna nods. “I agree with my sister.”

This situation doesn’t look too good for Anon. He can hear a certain tone to their voice that causes him concern. Why are they acting like this anyway? It reminds him of the time they talked about Lyra’s punishment. How adamant and serious they were. He doesn’t know why but he needs to ensure that Blossom doesn’t come to harm over nothing.

“Well, she’s a nice pony. Can you blame me?”

“Do you know what a stud is?” Celestia comes in.

“Yes, Tia... I know that a stud is.”

“Does she know something about you that we do not?”

What?! The thought alone is enough to make Anon pause. His mind thinking of Nightmare Moon in a more intimate manner. Why her?! Ugh! Stupid brain! Last thing he needs is to think of that mare in a weird way. It was bad enough that he can’t erase the memory of her frenching him, thinking anything more of her will just be asking for trouble, especially if he intends to see her again.

“No! She’s just a weirdo!” Anon looks to Luna for help. “You’ve known her for a long time. Tell her!”

Luna feels her thoughts settle as Anon looks at her pleadingly. A certain feeling inside of her calming down as she rationally thinks about the situation. He’s right. Blossom has always been a interesting character. Serious one moment and completely care free the next.

Luna nods her head some. “Blossom can be a bit eccentric at times.”

“Exactly. She just started to call me that out of the blue. No rhyme or reason.”

Celestia takes in this information. It does make sense. True, she doesn’t know Luna’s captain as well as her, so it could just be an odd sense of humor. Yet for some reason she feels something deep inside of her that makes her angry. Just hearing that mare call Anon that put her in a sour mood. Yet she can see that there was no harm or insult being made.

“If that is the case then I have no objection. However, there are two meanings to that word, neither of them good.”

Anon lets out a sigh. That went somewhat well. He can understand why Celestia might be mad. Now that he thinks about it, that word can definitely be used as an insult. It’s like calling someone a whore. Yet he knows that isn’t what Blossom meant when she called him that. He trusts her enough to know she’s just messing with him and not being mean.

“I get it, Tia.” Anon looks down to his meal. “How about we eat and not let our food go to waste?”

Both Luna and Celestia can agree with that notion. So the three of them fall silent. As they simply enjoy their meal together.

Pinkie has a large smile on her face as she looks her sister over.

“You sure do fill out that dress, Maud. When did you get so much meat on those haunches?”

Maud feels a blush on her face. Her sister always finds a way to make her feel uncomfortable.

“You know I don’t feel comfortable wearing stuff like this, Pinkie. Are you sure this is alright?”

“How many times are you going to ask that? It’ll be fine! Anon is a sweet guy. He won’t try anything weird.”

“It’s not just that, Pinkie.” Maud has noticed something that’s been bothering her for awhile. “I’m worried about you. Why haven’t you talked to me about your friends? Usually you can’t stop yourself from telling me about all the adventures you go on with them.”

Maud can see how her sister’s smile fades some. Did something happen between them? Usually Pinkie gushes over what her friends have done since they’ve last met, yet that wasn’t the case this time around. Instead Pinkie showed Maud her new home, which oddly enough doesn’t even seem built for a pony. Then she wouldn’t stop talking about this friend Anon. Maud has never been one to know what her sister is thinking but she can tell that at the very least that Anon is a good friend of hers.

“Well...” Pinkie lets out a sigh. “I’ll be honest with you, Maud. Some bad things have happened.”

“Like what?”

“I can’t tell you.”


“It... I’ll tell you everything after tonight. Alright? I don’t want to ruin this night.”

Maud accepts that. “Ok.”

Pinkie once again regains her smile as she walks over to a suitcase and open it up.

“But don’t worry, Maud. You’re not going to meet my friend dressed alone!”

Maud looks over as Pinkie pulls out a pink dress from her suitcase.

“Are you positive we won’t be overdressed?”

Pinkie shakes her head. “Of course not! Now, help me get this dress on!”

Maud lets out a small sigh. This is going to be an interesting night.

Author's Note:

Edits made on 8/13/2017