• Published 31st Dec 2014
  • 688 Views, 30 Comments

Changes - Talon and Thorn

Lyra's moving away to University and Bon Bon knows what that means, the two of them should split up, long distance relationships just don't work. Lyra disagrees, can she convince her marefriend that things will work out?

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Leaving on a Steam Train (Lyra's POV)

Leaving on a jet plane (steam train)

“Lyra Honey! Time to get up!” came Davenport’s call.

Lyra groaned and stuck her head out of the cocoon of blankets she had wrapped herself up in last night. She was a bit annoyed not to find her marefriend in bed with her but it wasn’t common for Bon Bon to spend the night here, it made her fathers a little uneasy, they still seemed to cling to the idea she was about five years old. Then she remembered what today was, today was her last day in Ponyville, excited, nervous, tingles ran up and down her skin.

She glanced at the sun just rising above the horizon, she was booked for the early train so she didn’t have too much time to get ready. “I’ll be down in a minute Dad!” she cried as she untangled herself and trotted over to the bathroom. She quickly showered and examined herself in the mirror as she dried. The black streak she’d dyed in her mane was starting to show her natural roots, she considered colouring it again but she was starting to get a bit tired of it, maybe a new colour? Or go back to her natural white and mint? She’d wait until she’d spent some time in Canterlot before deciding, they were sure to know what the latest fashions were up here.

She headed back towards her room again and looked around feeling a little melancholy, much of her stuff had been packed and the room looked almost bare. She picked up a discarded doll from a shelf, she and Daisy Dreamer had been through a lot together when she was a filly. For a moment she considered taking the toy with her, but no, she was a grown mare now. “Look after Dad and Pop while I’m away Daisy,” she whispered to the doll as she gently placed her back on the shelf. Taking one last look at her room Lyra gently closed the door behind her and trotted down the stairs.

Tin Taylor was sitting at the table glancing at the paper while his husband Davenport was cooking at the stove. “Morning Dad, Pop,” called Lyra as she entered giving both her fathers a kiss on the cheek. Both of the stallions had the morning off work to see her to the station, it was odd to see Tin out of his work clothes.

“Morning Lyra. I’m making your favourite, pancakes,” explained Davenport turning to show her the content of the frying pan.

“How did you sleep dear?” asked Tin looking up from the paper.

“Pretty good, I’m excited about today... and well a little nervous,” she admitted. Last night’s meal had been a little tense, she had still been worried by Bon Bon’s suggestion and all three of them had been quiet. It was good that the air seemed to have cleared a little today.

“It’s not too late for us to come into Canterlot with you. We could pick up some extra tickets for the train.”

“No Pop, I can do it myself, I’m not a little filly anymore, I’ve been to Canterlot by myself before.”

“I know,” said Davenport laying out the pancakes in front of her, “But we still worry about you.”

“I know Dad, but I’m going to be fine,” she started to tuck into her breakfast, “These are good!”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” admonished Davenport. “You’re going to need to be mindful of your manners if you’re going to be hobnobbing with the nobles up in Canterlot.”

“Ah, don’t listen to him, kid,” said Tin, “Them nobles eat just the same as the rest of us, no need for you to change to fit them.”

“Well excuse me if I try to give our daughter some class!”

“She’s plenty classy, with fathers like us how couldn’t she be?” said Tin taking Davenport in his arms and hugging him, Davenport nuzzled him in return.

Lyra make a gagging face while she continued shovelling pancakes into her face, but she couldn’t help but smile. She was going to miss her dads.

The train station wasn’t too far from their house and Tin insisted on pulling the cart containing Lyra’s luggage by himself. It wasn’t all that much really, a few books, a case of clothes, a few knickknacks and her small collection of lyres. The new one that her fathers had gotten her as a going away present sat proudly on top of the pile, it was a beautiful instrument, with a full ten strings and even using a traditional turtle shell in its construction, it probably cost as much as all the others combined. It still felt a bit awkward in her hooves compared to her older more familiar instruments though.

They were running a little late and by the time they arrived the train was already in the station although it was taking on water so they had a while before it left. As she helped unload the cart Lyra glanced around nervously, she couldn’t see Bon Bon yet. Could her marefriend have decided to break up with her after all? Should she gallop off to see her? She’d miss her train, but there would be others.

She was relieved when she finally spotted Bon Bon’s two tone mane as she galloped into the station at full pelt. To her surprise the earth pony was dressed quite formally in a grey suit she hadn’t seen her wear before. “Bonnie!” she cried rushing over leaving her fathers to load the bags onto the train. “You came!”

“I’m sorry I’m late, I wanted to finish these off,” she took out a large bag from her saddlebags opening it reveal a wide range of sweets. Lyra’s mouth watered despite having only just finished breakfast.

“Bonnie! You didn’t have to!”

“Well I don’t know what they’ll be feeding you at the school,” she looked down a little awkwardly, “I wanted to make sure you got the best.”

“Of course they’re the best, you made them!” Lyra nuzzled her marefriend. “You look very... smart today.”

“I’ve got something, well, official to do today.”


“Well it was going to be a surprise but... I’m going to set up my own shop, to sell my sweets. I’ve got an interview at the bank to get a loan.”

“Bonnie, that’s amazing, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“You’ve got your own thing, and I don’t know if it’ll work out...”

“Of course it’ll work out, one taste of your sweets and anypony would give you the money, are you sure you don’t want me to stay and help you?”

“No you need to go, I think you’re fathers are waiting,” she nodded over to the older ponies standing by the train.

Together the two young mares trotted over to Lyra’s parents.

“Bon Bon,” said Tin with a nod before turning back to his daughter. “Come on kid, almost time to go. Here,” he levitated her a small pouch which clinked, “A few spare bits, make sure you have a good time, don’t study too hard.”

“Thanks Pop,” said Lyra leaning forwards to hug her father.

“I’m sure you’ll do really well at magic school, I wouldn’t be surprised if Luna herself takes you on as her apprentice,” said Davenport.

“Thanks Dad, I’ll be sure to mention you to her when I meet her, she probably needs a few more sofas, or maybe a few quills,” she joked, hugging her other father.

“I’ll give her a good deal if she does.”

Lyra turned towards the open door to the train and suddenly everything seemed so real, she was moving away from home, she was going to a school with the smartest ponies in Equestria, she was leaving her Dads and Bon Bon behind, she wouldn’t see them again for months. The door seemed to telescope away from her and she couldn’t seem to get her hooves to move.

She was being silly, she told herself, she was a strong, mature, independent mare, she could do this. Yes, she was a strong, mature, independent mare, who really wanted a hug from her daddies right now. She turned and somehow her parents already knew, Tin and Davenport almost collided with each other as they reached out to hold their daughter. “I’m going to miss you so much,” sobbed Tin.

“I know Pop I know,” mumbled Lyra partially crushed by the two stallions.

“We’re both so very proud of you,” added Davenport with a sniff.

“I know, I’ll write whenever I can,” said Lyra.

Bon Bon stood to the side looking a little awkward until Tin and Davenport moved aside slightly giving her room and she rushed into the gap joining the family hug. “I’ll miss you Bonnie,” said Lyra, “Don’t say anything more about splitting up, ever.”

“I won’t,” said Bon Bon, her eyes screwed up tight. Lyra kissed her on the lips.

“I’ll be back before you know it, and you’ll have your new shop then. You’ll be so successful.”

The scene was broken up as the train blew its whistle.

“You need to get going now,” said Davenport releasing his grip a little.

“I know,” said Lyra pulling back. She turned once again and waved at her family. “I’ll see you all soon.”

She stepped onto the train and the conductor slammed the door shut behind her. She rushed down the train to find her place and looked out the window, Tin, Davenport and Bon Bon were still standing there, she waved as the train slowly began to pull out of the station until they were lost from sight.

With a sigh Lyra dropped into her seat, she was on her way.

As the train began to eat up the miles that separated Ponyville and Canterlot Lyra felt a growing excitement. She was on her way, the decision had been made and there was no turning back now. She still felt a touch of worry about Bon Bon’s words last night but she was sure her marefriend was just being silly, she’d see her again in a few months. It wouldn’t be easy, but there was no way this was going to break them up.

She glanced around the carriage, it was mostly empty, with only a few ponies filling the seats either staring out of the windows or talking quietly with each other. Lyra sighed, she wished she’d thought to keep a book on her or something, she should probably start studying, her new classes would start in a few days. Her hoof automatically reached into the bag of sweets Bon Bon had given one and she popped one into her mouth. Then another, then she paused, she realised it could be a while until she’d get more of them. She carefully closed the bag again and put it aside, a sick feeling in her stomach despite the sweetness in her mouth.

She should take her time practicing her magic then, and her music. Biting her tongue she concentrated one of her older, more familiar, instruments locked in the luggage carriage. Her horn glowed, she’d never tried this when both her and her lyre were moving but she didn’t think it would make it any more difficult. She was right, there was a quiet pop and the instrument appeared in front of her, she grabbed it with her hooves, it was slightly warm to the touch. Good, she hardly ever got that spell wrong nowadays. Contorting her body into her playing position Lyra began to gently strum the instrument.

A few hours later the train pulled smoothly into upper Canterlot station and Lyra lowered her instrument. The station was a bustle with busy ponies rushing to and forth, for a moment it made Lyra feel very small and alone as the other passengers started to disembark. She’d been to Canterlot many times before, but it seemed so much more alien now she actually lived here.

Shaking off her apprehension Lyra rose from her seat and staggered out onto the platform. She was struck with a sudden fear that the train would pull away taking her stuff with it and galloped alongside the train to get to the luggage compartment. To her relief everything was there and undamaged. It took her and a porter several minutes to unload all of her things. She pulled out a map from one of the bags and examined it, it looked like the school wasn’t that far away, only two tiers above her, not far from the palace itself. With a grunt of effort she took her bags in her aura and swaying slightly began to make her way through the crowds towards the exit.

Author's Note:

The start of the second part of the story (the something begins section)

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