• Published 31st Dec 2014
  • 687 Views, 30 Comments

Changes - Talon and Thorn

Lyra's moving away to University and Bon Bon knows what that means, the two of them should split up, long distance relationships just don't work. Lyra disagrees, can she convince her marefriend that things will work out?

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Sweets for my Sweet (Bon Bon's POV)

Sweets for my Sweet

Sleep had not come easily for Bon Bon, she had spent hours tossing and turning before she finally drifted off into memories of happier times. Even then she still awoke, unrefreshed, several hours before sunrise. Today was the big day! Not only was Lyra leaving town but she had an appointment at the Ponyville bank to apply for a loan to start her own business. Her whole life could hinge on how things went today!

Ponyville was a growing community, Rarity had recently started work on her own fashion design business and several local farms were expanding, the bank was making more and more loans to fund the growth. However, its resources weren’t limitless she certainly wasn’t guaranteed to get the loan she’d need. She gone over the sums again and again, it made sense to her, but the bank manager might not feel the same.

It had been Lyra’s idea that she try to set up her own shop, she was always saying how great Bon Bon’s sweets were and how many ponies would pay for them. She’d even mentioned the old bakers shop, abandoned since Sugar Cube Corner had opened up almost a decade ago now, would be an excellent building to sell them from. Lyra might have only mentioned it in passing but the idea had stuck with Bon Bon. It was only with her lover’s acceptance to Luna’s school that she had fully considered the idea. She had to do something with herself now that even Lyra was moving on. Dad had offered her a job helping him, he’d even talked about passing it on to her in a few years, but she felt she should strike out by herself, follow her dreams! Still it was rather scary.

She wanted to crawl back under her sheets but she knew she’d never get back to sleep now. Shivering a little, from both the cold and her nerves, she rolled out of bed, there was only one thing she could do now that would calm the shaking of her hooves. She trotted downstairs and into the kitchen and started to remove ingredients from the cupboards, cooking always calmed her, carrying out her talent at creating sweets was like mediation to her. She started to hum gently to herself but jumped as there was a loud thud from beneath her.

She glanced around nervously, there was no way her father would be awake yet, he was a deep sleeper, her mother however often stayed up late or got up early when inspiration struck. Putting aside her mixing bowl she trotted down into the basement come laboratory set up beneath their home.

“You’re a disgrace!” came a cry from ahead. “Look at you! I created you, raised you, fed you, loved you even, and you repay me like this!” Bon Bon sighed and stepped out into the brightly lit laboratory area where electric lighting (the only example in Ponyville) illuminated rack after rack of plants. “You scrawny little! Gahhh! You could have been so much more!” Honeydew, Bon Bon’s mother threw aside a small mass of roots and leaves.

“Things not working out mum?” asked Bon Bon.

“Huh?” said Honeydew turning to her daughter and adjusting her glasses. “Oh, sorry dear. Yes, my Lettot plants aren’t cooperating, I want roots of a carrot, leaves of a lettuce, I keep getting leaves of a carrot, roots of a lettuce.” She sighed again poking another small green shoot.

The two mares stood in silence for a few minutes, Bon Bon never really knew how to talk to her mother, it wasn’t that she didn’t love her, she did, dearly, it was just they didn’t have that much in common.

Finally Honeydew broke the silence. “What are you doing up so early?” she asked, “It is still early? Isn’t it?” She glanced over at her experimental florionic clock, it showed quarter to wilting.

“Yes, I couldn’t sleep, too nervous,” Bon Bon admitted.

“Nervous?” she frowned, “Oh you’ve got that interview at the bank today, that’s nothing to worry about, why they should be throwing money at you!”

Bon Bon smiled at her mother's support. “And Lyra’s leaving today as well.”

“Oh,” Honeydew looked back at her plants for a moment. “I’m sorry, I know how much you care for her,” she looked back up, “But she’ll be back soon, and you can write, or... maybe I could come up with a plant that can help you communicate! A snapdragon that can transmit messages like real dragon fire, or a plant based telegraph! Its roots could act like the wires!” Seized by inspiration she rushed over to a chalkboard buried amongst the vegetation and began to scribble something, ignoring her daughter.

Bon Bon smiled, this was one of the few things she had in common with her mother, they could both get caught up in their work. Maybe she should make something for Lyra, something to remind her of her marefriend while they were apart. A selection of treats, some chocolate covered Brazils, macaroons, humbugs, she could even try marzipan flowers again, she’d almost gotten them right last time. Still thinking she trotted back out of the laboratory and up into the kitchen.

Smiling proudly Bon Bon looked at the lay out she’d prepared, over a dozen types of sweets and made in far less time than she would have thought was possible. She gently removed another batch from the oven, they should cool soon.

“Good Morning Sweetie,” called Curry as he walked past heading towards the shop front. “Have you seen your mother?”

“She’s down in the lab dad, she probably still in one of her creative moods.”

“Thanks, I better make sure she gets something to eat before she faints,” he looked up at a clock. “Isn’t Lyra leaving soon? And your interviews not much later.”

“What!” cried Bon Bon looking up. Where had the time gone! Without thanking her father she rocketed up the stairs and practically threw herself into the shower desperately trying to make her coat and mane look their best in less than ten minutes. Washing finished she galloped back into her room and screeched to a halt in front of her closet, there hung the bag containing... the suit.

The grey business suit was brand new, apart from the fitting she’d never worn it before. It had been made for her by Rarity, one of the first to be made from her new store, Carousel boutique, it wasn’t even officially open yet. The white mare had suggested that the skirt should be a little tighter on the flanks and that Bon Bon should make sure that she bring a pencil into the meeting with the mortgage advisor. She’d hinted it might help her chances if she dropped the pencil at some point and had to bend down to pick it up, she even offered to show her how to use her mouth to do so to best get the advisor’s attention. Bon Bon had quickly pointed out there were some limits to how far she was willing to go to get her loan, and was a little worried about the lengths that the fashionista might have gone to to get financing for her own business.

Still thought Bon Bon as she carefully clambered into the ensemble, the outfit did do what it was supposed to. It made her look like a mature business mare, hopefully just the sort of mare that a bank would be willing to lend a lot of bits to. Giving herself a final glance in the mirror she trotted downstairs to the kitchen, careful to not damage or crease her outfit in the process. There she found her father had already bagged up her earlier work and had also placed a few choice delicacies in a small box.

“Maybe you could give these to the advisor to show how good your work is?” he suggested.

“That’s a great idea, dad,” she said kissing him on the cheek.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you? I could close up the store for the morning.”

“Thanks but I-I want to do this by myself.”

“I understand, remember whatever happens both me and your mother are very proud of you,” he gently nuzzled her. “Even if this doesn’t work out you can try again in a year or so.”

“Thanks dad,” she checked the clock again. “I’ve got to go or I’ll miss Lyra!” Turning she quickly galloped out into Ponyville paying no attention to her new clothing.

“Bonnie! You came!” Bon Bon heard Lyra cry as she rushed into the train station. She glanced up just as minty marefriend ran over and gave her a quick nuzzle.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” panted Bon Bon, “I wanted to finish these off,” she took out the bag of sweets from her saddlebags and opened it.

“Bonnie! You didn’t have to!” cried Lyra, eyeing the bag hungrily. Bon Bon grinned she loved how Lyra seemed to enjoy everything she made.

“Well I don’t know what they’ll be feeding you at the school, I wanted to make sure you got the best.”

“Of course they’re the best, you made them! You look very... smart today.” Lyra’s glance ran up and down Bon Bon’s form making her feel very self-conscious, did she just look like a foal playing dress up?

“I’ve got something, well, official to do today.”


“Well it was going to be a surprise but... I’m going to set up my own shop, to sell my sweets. I’ve got an interview at the bank to get a loan.” It suddenly seemed both so real and so unbelievable to hear herself say that.
“Bonnie, that’s amazing, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“Well you’ve got your own thing, and I don’t know if it’ll work out...” she hadn’t wanted to tell Lyra while there was still a chance of things not working out, or that her marefriend might have cancelled her own plans to help her.
“Of course it’ll work out, one taste of your sweets and anypony would give you the money, are you sure you don’t want me to stay and help you?”

“No you need to go,” Bon Bon let out the breath she found she’s been holding, yes she could do this, Lyra had said so, and she was never wrong, apart from all the times she had been. “I think you’re fathers are waiting,” she said trying to change the subject.

“Bon Bon,” said Tin Taylor politely, as the two mares approached him and Davenport, before turning back to his. Bon Bon stood aside feeling a little awkward as she watched the parents say their goodbyes to their daughter. Finally Lyra turned towards the train and Bon Bon was surprised to see her stumble a little, and a worried look spread over her face. Her brave, brave sweetie was actually scared! She started to move to embrace her but was beaten to it by Tin and Davenport who cradled their nervous filly whispering reassurances to her.

Bon Bon trotted awkwardly from hoof to hoof, she wanted to be able to comfort her sweetie but she didn’t want to disturb the family moment in front of her. After a few moments Tin noticed and moved aside allowing her to approach and join in the group hug. “I’ll miss you Bonnie,” said Lyra, “Don’t say anything more about splitting up, ever.”

“I won’t,” whispered Bon Bon trying to keep her voice level. This was really happening! Lyra was going away, she wouldn’t see her for months! How could she worry about the stupid bank with this happening? She screwed up her eyes to stop her tears escaping. Suddenly Lyra’s soft lips were on her own.

“I’ll be back before you know it,” said Lyra, “and you’ll have your new shop then. You’ll be so successful.” Bon Bon leaned forwards and kissed her marefriend again. Off ahead the train whistle blew. No! She had to have more time!

“You need to get going now,” said Davenport starting to withdraw from his daughter.

“I know,” said Lyra, Bon Bon felt cold as the mint unicorn unwrapped her legs from around her. “I’ll see you all soon,” said Lyra as she walked towards the train.

Bon Bon wanted to say something, something that would show Lyra how much she’d miss her but she didn’t have the words so she just nodded dumbly as her marefriend disappeared into the train. She stood there numbly for a moment before rushing along the side of the train to catch a glimpse of Lyra as she took her seat. They waved at each other as the train started to roll away, Bon Bon kept waving until the train was only a dot in the distance, only then did she let her hoof fall to the ground. Lyra was gone!

Next to her she heard a quiet sobbing and turned to see Davenport huddling into his husband’s arms. “What if something happens to her?” he cried, “Canterlot’s such a dangerous city.”

“I know Dav, but she’s a smart kid, she’ll do fine... fine without us,” said Tin tears flowing from his eyes as well.

Bon Bon wanted to say that the city was almost as safe as Ponyville itself but she felt her own tears falling as well. Lyra was gone! What was she going to do now?

Sniffing Davenport drew himself away from Tin and turned to Bon Bon. “You look like you need a hug to kid,” he said.

Before she could even think about it Bon Bon rushed forwards and was embraced by both stallions. “Thanks,” she mumbled.

“Don’t mention it,” said Tin, “You’re Lyra’s filly, that makes you practically family. Feeling better?” he asked after a few moments.

“Yes,” said Bon Bon drawing back and trying to wipe away her tears while straightening her suit.

“So,” Tin cleared his throat while giving Davenport’s hoof a squeeze. “I heard you’ve for an interview at the bank?”

“Yes, in about an hour.”

“You looking to move into the old bakery right?” Bon Bon nodded, she’d mentioned her plans to Lyra’s parents a few weeks ago while waiting for her marefriend to get ready for a date. “If you get it call me, I’ll give you a good deal on refitting the place, it’s mostly sound, got a lot of potential.”

“And-and if you’ve got the time you can go over your pitch with me, I’d be happy to help,” added Davenport trying to wipe his eyes. “I remember what it was like when I was setting up my store, I might be able to give you a few pointers.”

“Thank you,” said Bon Bon, reaching for the paperwork in her bags. She could hardly able to believe that Lyra’s parents were being so helpful.

“Like I said,” said Tin, “You’re practically family.”

Author's Note:

This is the last of the first half of the story, the 'something ends' part

I've got one more chapter to write and the 'something begins' part should be up tomorrow.

Comments are always welcome.