• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,759 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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The Fate of the Lost

Ted sat in the medical room, the queen on the bed next to him. Mirage, being the closest thing they had to a changeling medic, was currently finishing her inspection of the injured queen. She didn't like it, but Ted could still see a bit of worry in her actions.

"She's lucky queens are so resilient or she'd be much worse off." The shape shifter told him, taking a seat next to the alicorn while wiping some blood off of her hooves. "As it is, she should recover, though she'll have trouble with egg laying for a few weeks. That's going to leave her miserable, as normally the process is painless and a natural part of a queen's life. If she ever gets to this point again, though, sterility is not only a possibility, so is death. What was she doing anyway?

Ted stared at the queen for a few moments, before levitating a jar up to the changeling, a thin layer of green slime on the bottom.

"That... that's not possible, changelings don't, they can't." The mare floundered for an explanation. "She, she actually...why would she do that?"

"I told her I didn't want to love someone who wouldn't love me back. I was trying to get her to understand the differences in our ideas of love. I just didn't take into consideration she'd interpret my words in such a self destructive way."

"So she tried to find her own emotions under those she ate?" The alicorn nodded. "She... oh wow."

With a look of determination, Mirage grabbed the jar in her magic, walking over to a supply cabinet and pulling out a clean container, though it was much smaller. Before Ted knew what she was up to, she knocked back the small layer of liquid in the jar, wincing as it entered her system. Focusing, she then started spitting a much less concentrated green goop into the jar. After filling it up about half way, the mare stopped, panting a moment with effort before slapping the lid back on the container.

"I thought I could get away with putting it into a smaller container, but that stuff's concentrated. Pure love of that strength would feed a small hive for several months." The mare shook her head, before floating the jar over to Ted. "She wanted to give you her love, but changelings don't do this kind of thing ever, so there's no way to know how to accomplish that. As it is, she managed to pull actual changeling emotion. It tastes horrible, by the way."

The alicorn looked at the glowing green jar for a moment, before popping the lid off and sniffing its contents out of curiosity.

"So she'll recover?" He asked.

Mirage shrugged. Looking back at the queen, she shook her head. "If you really want to help her the best thing you can do is just give her your concern. It's your hope that she gets well, and a changeling body can react to focused emotions. The fact that it's for her actual form and not just her disguise will also help. I think it's why the emotions we've been getting here are so potent. Before I ended up here, I'd never really gotten anything from ponies except for fear, and I always ignore that. Negative emotions taste bad."

Hopping off her seat, the changeling made her way to the door. "I've left the hatchlings with Ms. Goodhooves long enough, I need to get back to them."

"Why do you hate her so much, Mirage?" Ted asked, turning from the jar.

As the mare turned to defend herself, he held up a hoof, forestalling her argument. "Don't tell me that you don't or that she's evil or something silly like that. The moment you saw her you were speaking against her presence. You'd already decided you were against her existence."

"It's not that, it's just..." Mirage looked behind the alicorn, frowning at the insensate queen.

"She's not from your hive?"

"I... yes. Queens never accept changelings of other hives except in the most desperate of circumstances, and the moment she can replace them with her own workers, she will. The only way a queen would keep the drones is if she claimed them as her own, and the process can have adverse effects on sapient drones."

Ted cocked his head at the Mirage. "That's why you've been keeping the nymphs clear of her? Your worried she may hurt them by trying to claim them? What does claiming entail, anyway?"

"It's joining the queen's hive and her link." The changeling explained. "Being a queen, she can influence those she's connected with, whereas for me and the nymphs it's just the reassurance of a nearby presence and allows us to find each other even in disguise. She would have access to everything a changeling is; your old hive's numbers, their location, their preferred collection sites, everything. In most cases, I've heard of queens suppressing a drone's personality, devolving them to those golems the queen has in her chambers at the moment. It's safer that way, as there's no risk of the claimed drone moving against the queen."

"Wait, is that normal? I know Pandinus mentioned being able to command the true drones easily, but can all queens do that suppression thing?" Ted asked.

"Of course."

"Then what's the difference in being in your mother's hive and Pandinus' hive? You said your hive was scattered, so there's no way to betray them is there? And your collection grounds were on the other side of the planet, if they even exist anymore." Rising from his seat and smiling, he approached Mirage. "I understand. It's not about what she can do to you, that you're not willing to give someone you don't know that kind of power over yourself, correct?" When the changeling slowly nodded her head, he continued. "It's fine. I don't know if I'd ever be able to trust someone so completely, even my own mother, much less someone who I don't really know all that well. Just the thought of someone being able to take my mind from me is a terrifying thing, as back home our minds were considered sacrosanct; holy and untouchable. However, that doesn't excuse the hostility, Mirage. This is part of what your kind, as a species, is."

The alicorn gave the mare a quick nuzzle, cutting off any response. "We're all supposed to be working together here, Mirage. As I said, the lack of trust is to be expected, but try to be a bit nicer. Talk to her, tell her why you don't hang around her, why you won't leave the nymphs with her. Learn about her, you may find you have more goals in common than you realize. The continuation of your species would be a big one." He said with a grin. Finishing his impromptu sermon, he left the room, the jar floating just ahead of him in a magical grip. He made his way up the stairs to his room, placing the jar on the nightstand beside his bed. It was a gift, no matter how twisted the method of its procurement was, and to throw it away was to insult the pain Din went through to give it to him.

'In the nose, out the mouth. Let the worries follow.' He thought to himself, following an old breathing exercise in an attempt to calm himself down. It had been nearly a day since he'd found Pandinus in that state, the sun just starting to set. The eggs were a total loss, Mirage saying that the starvation ended up stopping the queen's body from properly developing them. The drones that were already hatched, having no input from the queen, fell under Ted's jurisdiction by the queen's own orders. He'd had them finally repair the nest, then set them under Gleam's authority. That was a weird experience, as the drones were nowhere near the intelligence he was expecting without the queen to guide them. They did one task, then waited for the next order, and if the task was too complex, they would just stare at you, as if to say "Error: Command not recognized." Luckily the mare seemed to be able to understand this shortfall better than he could, as she soon had them fetching things, or providing support for other beings throughout the temple.

The alicorn finally allowed himself a light meal, his nerves calmed enough to allow his stomach to hold food, reviewed a few status updates from Weaver and Gleam, and finally passed out in his own bed.


The dream world was a calming place for Ted now. To his knowledge he had no equal here, as Luna's power was stunted by the traitor's arrays, and she either didn't know of any creature that could match her or one did not exist. It was also his escape, a place to sit back, relax, and unwind.

"Why must you listen to this infernal racket while studying your lessons?" Luna asked, almost yelling over the sound of Ted's conjured radio. It was currently playing some of his favorite pop rock songs. Quite loudly, too, a calming reminder of his high school days. Of home.

"I don't want to hear about my study habits from you, miss 'scream at the questions till they either give up the answer or are blown from the desk.' It's how I used to study, and it's relaxing to me."

The lunar alicorn reeled back as if struck, a blush forming on her face. "How did you know about that? What reason would the parasite have to take those memories?!? I swear, Tia still brings those nights up every now and again to embarrass me!"

The larger alicorn slowly raised his muzzle from the diagrams he was studying, staring at the ex princess with a stony expression. "You mean to tell me you did that on a regular basis?" He asked, voice tinged with disbelief. "I thought it was a one-time thing and that's why it was there." Burying his head under his hooves, he bemoaned his misfortune. "Why do I get stuck with the crazy one."

"Nonsense, I am the superior choice for such tutoring. My sister would either treat you like a foal or tease you mercilessly even as she taught you the spells. I can tell you this from experience." Luna said, before pushing a few more diagrams over to her student. "Add these to your practice sessions, though I suggest finding a place that won't be missed if this offensive spell misfires. It can be quite destructive, but will aid you greatly. Teleportation, this array here, is another useful ability to have once you have mastered it. Most battle mages that are capable of mastering it use it more than any other spell. Be weary of teleporting yourself while too close to the ground for the first few tries. Being an alicorn, you have the distinct advantage of being able to practice in mid flight. That is the preferable alternative considering your lack of a warded training room."

"With that I bid you good night, Cimmerian. May the stars bless your path." Having said her part, the smaller alicorn departed his dream, leaving Ted to store the spells away in some of the dream memory-space Luna had taught him to use. It was extremely useful considering she was the closest thing he had to a magic tutor at the time, and she couldn't give him physical copies of the spells.

Eventually the alicorn decided it was time to prepare for wakefulness. He left his own dream, making one last pass of his followers before turning back to his own form to prepare for the morning. Moments before he finished his rounds, he noticed an odd tingle, a presence inside the dream realm he'd not felt before.

Looking around, he realized it was not a presence, but an entire, by his guess, ship of new dreamers. The large group was just off shore of the abandoned port to the west, just beyond what he knew was the beach. At first he'd assumed the were pirates or bandits, looking for an abandoned port to restock on water and food that could be scrounged up without having to pay for such things, but this was dismissed as he approached.

Most of the dreams were nightmares.

This world was different in many ways, but bad guys didn't all have nightmares the first chance they got. Not at the ratio he was seeing aboard the ship. His first instinct was to calm the dreamers, but he needed information first. Bracing himself for the worst, he entered the first dream at full speed. The dawn was coming, and he didn't have much time.


Blades and steel. Empty eyes and gnashing fangs. The droning buzz of insects in flight and the screams of those nearby. The first dreamer was almost hysterical, but he'd picked up some important facts. Changelings were what had driven them away. The second thing was that the refugees, that's what they seemed to be at least, were griffons.

'The demilitarization wasn't a move to making the griffons safer to deal with, it was preparing their lands for invasion.' The alicorn realized. The timing was too perfect, too precise for such a thing to be coincidence. The next question was why changelings?

Exiting the first dream and brushing against it in the dream world, he calmed the dreamer before diving into the next.

The next moment he was standing among a large group of griffons, all upon a mountain settlement. They'd all stopped, curious at the strange sounds from the eastern valley. Following their gazes, he saw the army as the dreamer had remembered it, a vast collection of shining chitin, of glinting armor and blades in the evening light. At the head of the group, a single equine figure turned around and motioned to the horde, and the air was suddenly alive with the sound of a thousand buzzing wings.

'This makes no sense.' Ted thought to himself, even as he watched the swarm approach. 'The Mad Queen was rooting out changelings, forcing them out of their homes. Mirage and Sahkest even said- oh fuck.' The alicorn's eyes widened in realization. The changelings weren't being executed, they were being captured. Taken prisoner by a species that had subverted the will of not one, but two alicorns, some of the most powerful creatures on the planet. How hard would it be to do that to weaker species? Actually, considering what Mirage had explained to him earlier, it would probably be easier to accomplish with the changelings en mass then with any other species.

"That would have been Din's fate. Mind probably shattered, pumping out eggs to fuel the Parasite's war machine. And that would have been the fate of the nymphs, their minds and bodies stolen to add another cog into the war machine." He muttered to himself, his rage building. Each of the changelings before him may at one point have been sapient beings, but their bodies were not their own. Their eyes were empty, and those that had anything in them at all were filled only with the greatest bloodlust. These weren't sapients. These were animals, trained from birth to be throw away soldiers, hatched for the specific purpose of subjugating another species.

How ironic was it now, that the species that none had spoken out for as they were slowly hunted to what many assumed was extinction were now the ones being used to incite such fear. If even a few had wondered what was happening to those who were carted away this wouldn't have been such a total surprise. Mirage was right though. No one watched out for the changelings. No one cared what happened to the bugs, they weren't intelligent anyway. Just a bunch of mindless parasites.

Ted shook his head, even as the army swarmed over the town, injuring those who they came across and killing those who resisted. To steal one's property was something he expected, he'd even heard of those who stole the identities of others. Yes the changelings did it, but that was for survival, not some sick enjoyment received by being able to ruin someone else's day. This however, was the theft of the mind, the body, and the very soul of the individuals involved. The drones had no choice, those that were sapient before. They were suppressed, most likely a passenger in their own bodies as Luna herself had been all those years ago. She wouldn't let others be subjected to that fate. Not after being subjected to that terrifying hell for so long herself.

Tapping a hoof against his head and giving it a shake to straighten his thoughts out, the alicorn left the nightmare, calmed the rest of the dreams he found, and made his way back to his physical form. He would meet them at the shorelines of the port town in the morning, and welcome the refugees to the area. He would learn what they knew of his enemy, and devise strategies against her.

The Parasite not only stole the body and soul of the creature it had possessed, but that of almost an entire race. It was one of the most horrific crimes he could think of, in this world or his own. The Parasite would find no sanctuary from his wrath when he was ready to strike. He would see that thing burn in hellfire eternally for Its transgressions, even if he had to personally provide the flames.

Author's Note:

Yes. I am, in fact, alive.

I know it's been a while, but as I said, excrement doth befall. Computer is now back up to snuff, I've celebrated with a couple days of space engineers and terraria, and I've reviewed the story to figure out where I was before my unintended hiatus. I hope to have the next chapter relatively soon, as this one kinda snagged me even before the computer problems (rewrote that first chunk 3 times).

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