• Member Since 14th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 9th, 2020



Once a long time ago, when Celestia and Luna were created to guard over Equestria and lead it with a shining glory and example. The two eldest Alicorns Terres and Horace, also were created to guard over that which allows all Ponies to live. We do not know much of their tales, or what they are like, most after all only remember Celestia and Luna. Take now a look into the ones unheard of, the ones taken for granted, and the ones eventually forgotten. For here is the legend, and the beginning of The Four Primal Alicorns.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

This was quite nice. I'm sort of iffy about the names, but the concept is actually not bad. It was a fairly enjoyable read.
(On an irrellevent note, it was made more... mystic? -I suppose the word is- by listening to this bit of soundtrack.)

6231959 The names were extremely hard for me to figure out for the other two. So I had to go with something that sounded like it made sense (and a lot of names in Equestria can tend to make you go "huh?"). I also didn't want to blatantly call them Father Time or Mother Earth either, I wanted something that meant what they did, such as Luna and Celestia. As for that soundtrack, it does fit rather nicely with the story, now that I'm listening to it.

6232088 I was referring more to 'Horace' and the phrase 'Primal Four'. Primal generally refers to animalistic instinct, which doesn't really fit that theme. And Horace is just a Human name. 'Tempo', 'Tempora/o', or something along those lines, perhaps.

6232323 Ah but I was going by this definition of Primal: first; original; primeval: primal eras before the appearance of life on earth.
2. of first importance; fundamental: the primal resources of a nation.
So it kinda worked for me, as for Horace well... In Latin the meaning of the name Horace is: Timekeeper.
Speaking of Latin, here's Celestias meaning In Latin the meaning of the name Celestia is: Of the heavens; Heavenly.

So you could say I used things most people don't normally think of, to have them learn something new. Which is what any writing should be, having them learn something they didn't think of, or know before.

6232346 Right then. A fair reasoning, good work. I'm glad you didn't outright refute my viewpoint. Nice work!

Very good authoritative voice, like what you find find in a text book. Very, very interesting ideas and a great twist! It all comes together well in the end.

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