• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 11,017 Views, 1,421 Comments

Oh Captain, My Captain - Onomonopia

And there came a day unlike any other. A day when Equestria needed to be avenged.

  • ...


"I still don't understand," Captain Rogers repeated with a small shake of his head, before raising an eyebrow at the death glare that the bedridden Scootaloo gave him. Yet her anger gave way to exhaustion and she collapsed back into the infirmary's soft pillows, glancing around at the white walls with a thin smile. "You battled magic casting unicorns, armored ponies with crossbows and a maniac in a giant, robotic crab and didn't even bat an eye. And then a nurse comes up with a needle and you freak out."

"Needles are scary, Captain. Far scarier than any of those guys you just mentioned," Scootaloo replied as she shifted her weight, before pain flashed through her body and she gritted her teeth while holding her non-broken arm to the one covered in a cast. "But enough about that. How about you? I've never seen someone duck out from being adored by so many before. Is the great Captain America afraid of ponies saying how awesome he is?"

"I'm grateful for the praise and happy to have lifted their hopes, but my biggest concern when I dragged you in here was making sure that you made it," the Captain fired back with a smile of his own, before glancing over at Belle, who leaned against the wall closest to the infirmary door with hooves crossed and head bowed low. "You were losing quite a lot of blood after all. And your wings were pretty badly banged up."

"Ugh, don't talk to me about my wings," Scootaloo sighed as she fell back into her pillows, groaning out the pain that followed. "Bloom is going to kill me for ruining them again. Getting ahold of the material needed to keep them working is really hard, so every time I scrap them she chews me out good for doing so. I'm already dreading the scolding she's going to give me."

"That's funny, because when I saw her face when I brought you back here, it was as far from rage as I could imagine," the Captain replied with a smile while he leaned forward in his chair, noticing one of Scootaloo's eyes crack open with interest. "In fact, the doctors had to shove her out of the operating room since she wouldn't leave any other way. She tried so many times to get back in after that the doctors asked me to stand guard. Which I've been doing."

"Oh, is that your excuse from hiding in here and not being showered with praise?" Scootaloo teased, getting the Captain to lean back in his chair with a smirk.

"If I recall correctly, I wasn't the only one who brought down the Starfall. I clearly remember an orange mare that nearly got herself killed deflecting Starlight's blast of magic into Discord's cells. That was pretty quick thinking." Scootaloo's face fell slightly when she opened both eyes and stared up at the blank, vine covered ceiling.

"I can't believe that he's gone," she whispered, the loss finally hitting her in full force. "I can't say that we were best friends or anything, but back before the Five took over, he was always around Fluttershy or causing mischief in the village, much to Twilight's frustration. We talked to him every once in awhile though, and he was always fun to be around...but now he's just another to be avenged."

Captain America's head bowed slightly when he remembered the being's sacrifice, a sacrifice that had brought down the Five's greatest weapon of fear. Wanting to change the subject, the Captain flashed a glance over at Belle, who had yet to speak since she had entered the room.

"So, what brings you here Belle? If it was to comfort your friend, you're doing a pretty poor job of it." Rogers' words were spoken in jest, but with the look the mare gave him, Steve decided that any attempt to be lighthearted would be lost on her. "Clearly something's bothering you. I've seen that look on the people I work with many times," the Captain observed in a far more serious tone, snapping Belle out of her thoughts while she turned her full attention to the Captain.

"How?" was all she could ask, getting a look of confusion from the Captain before Scootaloo sat up in her bed. "How did you manage to do by yourself what was impossible for a full resistance to do? How did you single-hoofedly bring down a monstrosity like the Starfall?"

"Well, first off I didn't do it alone. If it wasn't for Scootaloo, the mission would have most likely failed."

"Ha, tell that to the ponies out there. Here the Captain admits that I was crucial to the mission, yet you don't hear any of the ponies out there singing my name," she smirked with a roll of her eyes before leaning back against the pillows.

"Second was, that I have experience with bringing down craft like those before. That's not the first weapon of doom I've destroyed and I doubt it will be the last. That, along with some good fortune, was enough to ensure that we won," Rogers explained clearly, but from the look on Belle's face it was clear she was far from satisfied with the answer.

"But you brought down Starlight--one of the Five. And this isn't like Ahuizotl, our scouts confirmed that she's dead. She's deader than dead. She's a whole new level of dead," Belle argued as she glanced down at the floor while trying to make sense of it. "She had the power of all the cutie marks she's captured, including Twilight's. How in the unholy Tartarus did you manage to overcome that, in a giant robot crab none the less?"

"Please, nothing she threw at us was remotely as powerful as the Captain's shield," Scootaloo began with a laugh before casting her gaze over at the disc the Captain had attached to his back. "That thing stopped crab claws, magical arrows and even blasts from the combined might of alicorn and Discord magic. I want one...seriously Cap, give me your shield."

"Also, Starlight--much like nearly every supercriminal I come across--was arrogant in her powers to the point of absurdity. With those odds in our favor we managed to overcome," Rogers stated clearly once more, but once more Belle's response was to give him a look that he couldn't place and shake her head.

"But you don't have any magic. No super strength, no special talent designed to take beings like this down. According to our best unicorns, you're just a human with a fancy shield," she finally stated with what sounded like disdain in her voice. "There's nothing special about you. So why can you do what the greatest couldn't?"

The Captain's response was to simply smile and lean back in his seat, slightly angering Belle. But moments before she could voice her complaints, the door to Scootaloo's room was kicked open with such force that it swung with tremendous speed and slammed into the wall on the other side, where a certain white mare happened to be standing. While the Captain watched, the smashed Belle collapse to the floor with a groan, Scootaloo's slightly afraid eyes were locked on the yellow mare with the red mane that had entered.

"Three times. That's as much leeway as ah could give ya," the steaming voice of Applebloom growled as she entered into the room, not noticing that she had crushed one of her closest friends with a wooden door. "And yet, despite mah warnings...ya go off and do something like this!"

"Hey Bloom-"

"Don't "Hey Bloom" me! Ah warned ya that if ya got yer wings into a situation like this again that ah might not be able to repair them!" Applebloom chastised with fury in nearly every word, but while Scootaloo slightly shrank under the enraged cowpony's fury, Rogers kept his focus on Belle and moved beside her so he could get her vertical again. "And after looking over yer wings and the damage that ya did to them, this might finally be the one time that there's something that ah can't fix! Are ya happy?!"

"Of course you can fix them, Bloom. It's you," Scootaloo said with a smile after finding her voice, her eyes beaming with confidence as she gazed upon her friend. "There's nothing that you can't fix or build. That's why you're the best. And that's why I know you can fix them." For a long, awkward moment Applebloom just continued to glare at Scootaloo, who was starting to sweat slightly as her nerves got the better of her. But then the orange mare sighed inwardly with relief when she saw her friend shake her head.

"Yer so lucky that yer you. Because if ya were anypony else, ah would have throttled ya long ago and been done with the matter," Applebloom admitted before sighing as a smile crossed her face. "Don't ya worry, ah'll get yer wings back up and running like new again. Heck, maybe with some of the material we salvaged from the Starfall, ah might be able to make them even better. Speaking of, ah need to get back to work."

Applebloom then turned to leave the room, but when she placed a hoof on the door she glanced back with such a horrifying glare that Scootaloo retreated under her sheets slightly. "But be warned Scootaloo. If ya ruin them again, then only Faust herself will be able to save you from the wrath I shall unleash upon ya. Be warned." The pony then slammed the door shut behind her as she left, leaving the room in complete silence for a moment.

"Isn't she the best?" Scootaloo finally asked before leaning back in her bed, humming to herself slightly as she gazed at the ceiling. Rogers elected to keep his mouth shut while helping Belle over to his chair, placing her in the seat while her eyes started to focus once more.

"I didn't need your help," Belle spat slightly when she glanced up at the Captain with blurry eyes, scowling when she saw a smile cross his face.

"Well, at least now I know that you're fine," he smiled at her before standing up and heading for the door. "I'm going to get some food. I've been surviving off of my own rations for these past couple of days, but I could do with a meal and a shower. Don't worry, I can find my way just fine," he added before either could offer to take him around.

'Not to mention I'd like to get to know a few more of these ponies,' Rogers silently thought to himself once he was alone in the halls, adding a few more notes to his personal journal. 'I also need to find out more about the powers and attributes of these ponies. That telekinesis that Starlight did to me...are all of them capable of that? And if they are, I'm going to need to upgrade my arsenal to fight that kind of power...maybe I should pay Applebloom a visit and see if she can help me.'

With a plan in place, the Captain followed his nose through the viny hallways to what he hoped was the mess hall. Afterwards, he planned to locate the nearest showers and then repair his suit. Yet in the back of his mind, he couldn't help but wonder what the now Four would do in response to the destruction of their great weapon and the loss of one of their own.

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The dark eyes of the Shadowy King cracked open slightly to glance across the black, marble table that rested before him, taking in the massive centaur that was walking through the doors that had just been opened to join him. Lightning flashed outside of the stain glass windows as the titan walked through the massive throne room, pulling out a chair designed for his considerable size and sitting down.

"Finally, you bother to show up," Sombra immediately snarked, getting a deep growl from the centaur as Tirek glared daggers at the king. Chrysalis, who sat to the side of Sombra, sighed with knowledge of what was to come while Ahuizolt simply stared at the ceiling. "I mean, you live here and still you were the last one to drag your butt into this room. Ahuizotl got here before you and he had his face broken."

"I had matters to attend to, Sombra. I was very much surprised when I found that Chrysalis had called a meeting of the five of us. But for your sake, I had better have not been pulled away from my kingdom just to hear you snark," Tirek growled in reply while he and Sombra started to glare at each other, but their rage was put aside for a moment when Chrysalis cleared her throat.

"If you two would stop butting heads for two seconds, you would notice that our Five is now down to Four," she pointed out, getting the other three to glance around the room with shocked eyes as they all spied the empty chair. "Yes, Starlight is not here."

"So the fool got lost. It's not the first meeting she's missed," Sombra pointed out, but the look Chrysalis gave him made the king cock an eyebrow.

"No, but it was her last. Starlight is dead." The room became as silent as a grave while the other three turned their full attention to Chrysalis, who now had complete control of the room. "My changelings have returned from where she was struck down with her body, and I have confirmed it with my own eyes. She is gone."

"But...but how can that be?!" Tirek roared with a confused fury while Ahuizotl just looked on with a terrified expression. "She was to be aboard the Starfall, with some of the greatest soldiers that we have! Are you telling me that she was intercepted or that somepony managed to kill her while aboard the Starfall? And what became of this...assassin?!"

"It was neither of those, Tirek. Starlight was killed...when the Starfall was destroyed." Lightning tore apart the sky outside of the castle throne room as a ghastly expression covered the faces of Tirek and Ahuizotl, while Sombra stared at the table before him in disbelief. "The weapon that took all of our powers to make has been reduced to a pile of scrap...with nearly no survivors of what was once our best soldiers."

"This...this cannot be possible," Tirek managed to stammer out as he raised a hand to his head, trying to take in what he was hearing. "What kind of magic did they use to bring it down? How many of their warriors were claimed in the process? For the sake of heaven Chrysalis, tell me that they took nearly all the resistance with them when they fell!"

"From the reports of a lone survivor, it wasn't a magic spell or an attack by an army the felled the Starfall...it was the work of two." Chrysalis' words once again struck the other three dumb, and she waited a moment for that knowledge to sink in before she dropped the other bomb on them. "And according to the survivor's report, we know who they are. One was the Pegasus with the mechanical wings that has pestered us for so long. And the other...was Captain America."

At the mere mention of the Captain, Chrysalis immediately felt anger begin to boil in each of her cohorts. Tirek slammed his fists into the table and nearly cracked it in half, steam billowing from his nose as anger consumed him. Ahuizotl rubbed his cracked jaw while thoughts of vengeance raced through his mind. And Sombra simply stared ahead, with eyes like slits.

"It seems that we have greatly underestimated this Captain. He may not posses magic like the princesses nor have the power of the rainbows like the Ambassadors...but he is dangerous. Far more dangerous than anything we have faced before," Chrysalis warned the others as she slowly shook her head. "My advice to all of you would be to team up, have another member with you. That way, if the Captain attacks-"

"What's the matter, Chrysalis? Afraid that you'll be bested by a single person?" Sombra said with a slight cackle, turning the changeling's eyes towards him with a sinister look. "Then again, you would need protection from someopony like him. While Tirek and myself were bested years ago by the princesses and the Elements of Harmony, how did you lose again? Oh right, to love, the very thing you eat. I understand if you need somepony to watch over you."

"You wish for me to deal with him by myself?" Chrysalis seethed at Sombra, who smirked at her in reply. "Very well, Sombra, I shall kill the Captain. And when I do so, I might have the pleasure of smacking that smug look off of your face. But still, we should all be careful," Chrysalis reminded the others as she rose to leave, giving Sombra one last look of contempt. "Because whether or not we like to admit it, Equestria has a hero again."

With that warning she began to flap her wings, shooting into the sky and exiting through an open window. Tirek rose with such force that he shattered his chair with his strength, teeth clamped with rage as he turned to leave. He practically tore the doors off of their hinges when he left the room, bellowing at his guards to double security and to bring out the most dangerous of monsters. Ahuizotl vanished with the aid of a green rod, leaving Sombra alone in the room to stare out the open window.

"So...I was wrong. This Captain America is very much a force to be reckoned with, very much the threat that we have all worried about resurfacing for years. Equestria has a hero once more," he muttered to himself as he saw clouds part far off in the distance, causing beams of light to shine through the black cloud cover. He stared at this omen for a full minute, before the largest, toothiest grin that he could make spread across his face.
