• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 11,016 Views, 1,421 Comments

Oh Captain, My Captain - Onomonopia

And there came a day unlike any other. A day when Equestria needed to be avenged.

  • ...

Back To Work

Rogers ducked when a mug of beer flew over his head, hearing it crash against the wall as he turned his head to watch the two soldiers that had gotten into a brawl over a game of cards. He shook his head at the men's actions, but he cheered them on along with every other soldier in the tavern as they proceeded to beat the crap out of each other.

"They're going to get court marshaled if they keep that up," Bucky said from the stool beside the Captain, taking a swig of his beer before placing it back on the counter. "How about you, Captain America? Finally get used to the costume yet?"

"It's a uniform, not a costume. It's not like I have wings on it or anything," Rogers replied with a smile as he leaned back against the counter and looked around at all of the partying soldiers, taking in their joy and happiness at their latest victory. "We really did it, didn't we? We managed to push back the Nazi forces stationed here. I never thought I'd see the day when we scored such a huge victory over them."

"Well, winning is easy when you have a hero on your side," Bucky replied with a nod of his head, smirking at the Captain before taking another swig. Rogers cast him a funny look that made Bucky roll his eyes and point to a propaganda poster of the Captain nailed to the wall. "All of the Allies think that you're the thing that's going to win us this war. That you're the hero we needed to finally beat the Axis powers. 'Course, they don't know you like I do."

"I'm no hero Bucky, I'm a soldier. Just like every one of you," Rogers said with a shake of his head as he stared up at the ceiling.

"Sure. A soldier that beat back an entire battalion of Nazi troops all by himself. With a shield. And a pistol," Bucky smirked while taking another drink, reading the look on Rogers' face when he finished off his beer. "Come on Cap, what's so wrong with being a hero? The people cheer for you, the girls want to be with you, and bad guys run when they see your star-spangled underwear flying. What's not to love?"

"That the soldiers will value my life above theirs. That they might get themselves killed trying to save me," Rogers voiced in a whisper, causing the humor to leave Bucky's face when he saw the look Rogers wore. "I don't like the idea of people trying to keep me safe just because I'm a hero. We're all heroes here, all of us that fight against evil. I'm no greater than any of them, so I shouldn't get special treatment."

Bucky smiled at his friend before patting him on the back, ordering another round for the Captain before ordering for himself. "That's Steve for you. Shield of vibranium, heart of gold. And always putting others before himself. Thinking that he's nothing special. Just a kid from Brooklyn."

"That's all I am Bucky."

"That's what you think now. But one day you'll realize that the world needs Captain America more than it needs any of us."

"And if that day comes, then it's clear that the world has lost the values I fight for," Rogers firmly replied, getting another sigh from his friend.

"That's definitely Steve for you. True, blue and thick as a brick," Bucky remarked before tapping Rogers on the shoulder, turning his friend's gaze towards him once more. Yet Bucky's uniform had vanished and his left arm was now metal. "So Steve, don't you think you've rested long enough? Because the world still needs you. And you know that better than anyone else."

Steve looked ahead and drank down the rest of his beer, sighing while he rose up and glanced down at the now empty barstool beside him. He then cast a quick glance to see that the tavern was completely empty, telling the Captain it was the last call.

"Time to stand up."

/ \
/// \\\

Rogers' eyes cracked open for the first time in what felt like decades, blinking rapidly while the bright light that shone into them blinded him immediately. But even without the aid of his sight, he could still hear excited voices speaking around him, voices that he knew but sounded slightly different than what he remembered.

"Give yourself a few moments to recover, Captain. You...you've been asleep a long time," a soft voice, one that reminded him of the nurses, said from beside him.

"I'm tired of hearing that when I wake up," he grumbled as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, blinking the blurriness from his eyes to see that indeed a nurse was standing beside him...and that three mares he knew well were standing behind her. Yet, they were far different than the ones he remembered sitting with on the way to battle Sombra.

"Yer finally awake," Applebloom spoke first with kindness filling up her voice, yet the Captain noticed how she seemed stronger than before and the cowboy hat on her head looked more beaten up.

"I know you said that you slept for seventy years or something like that before, but I honestly didn't believe that anypony could sleep so long," Scootaloo said from beside Bloom with a smirk, drawing the Captain's attention to the burned side of her face, and her missing eye. "But you proved me wrong, Cap. Nopony can sleep longer than you."

Rogers then looked past the both of them to the white mare who stood behind them, noticing that she had grown her mane out and that she looked far more beautiful than he remembered. She glanced to the side slightly before walking up to Rogers, taking in a deep breath before wrapping her hooves around his shoulders.

"I'm glad you're back." Rogers patted her on the back with a smile before she let go of him, reaching over her shoulder and removing a large, vibranium disc from her back. "Here you go," she softly said as she handed the shield to the Captain, who took it in his hands gingerly while his eyes glanced over it. "I've taken care of it after all these years, just in case the day came that you woke back up.

"So...how long was I in a coma for?" Rogers finally asked the three, who each looked away before the nurse decided to answer.

"Ten years, Captain. And during that time we spent most of our time and resources toward piecing your ripped apart body back together," the nurse informed him as she brought up a picture of what he had looked like. Rogers glanced over the picture of his charred body with a small shrug.

"Well, that's not too bad. Surprised that it took you ten years though."

"Doesn't look bad? Cap, we weren't sure if ya were gonna make it," Applebloom told him as the Captain kicked the covers off of the bed and rose to his feet, placing the shield onto the magnet on his back before glancing down at his upper body.

"I've had worse. And this isn't too bad a design for my suit," he commented on the redesign of his attire, liking the stronger colors and stripe placement. "I take it that you fixed my suit, Belle?" The mare nodded while the Captain stretched, hating the stiffness that always followed a long sleep. "So...what else happened in the time that I was asleep?"


Rogers was amazed that they could fit so many ponies into the throne room of Canterlot, but either they had done renovations while he was asleep or the room was larger than he had remembered. Because hundreds of ponies were crammed into the tight space, each of them desperate to see the Captain once more.

"Surprised so many of them remember me," Rogers said with a small laugh after a wave, which caused the crowd to cheer wildly for the Captain. "Because the last time I went to sleep, only the old remembered me."

"I highly doubt that, Captain," Scootaloo chuckled as ponies pushed, shoved and downright hit each other to get close to the Captain. Yet one pony chose instead to sail above the others, smiling as she skidded to a stop right in front of the Captain.

"Reporting for duty, sir," Lightning Dust said with one of her mock salutes, but the Captain found he just couldn't bring himself to be angry with her. "Must say, you do look a lot nicer after that nap. You must really need your beauty sleep then."

"Glad to see that some things haven't changed while I was gone," Rogers smiled before dozens of ponies were hurled out of the way, allowing a gray mare with a purple mane to walk up to the stage. Rogers saluted her and she saluted back before speaking.

"I'm so glad to see that you're alright," Maud said in a tone that was just as dry as Rogers remembered. "When I found out that you had woken up, I practically cried with joy." Rogers squinted his eyes to see that Maud's eyes looked a slight bit wetter than they had before.

"Thank you for your concern, Maud." To Rogers' surprise, the whole room went quiet a moment later as something entered through the doors. Rogers prepared for whatever was to come as the crowd parted, allowing a now small centaur with only one horn to walk up to the stage. For a long moment, Rogers and Tirek stared at each other, before Tirek bowed his head.

"Hello again, Captain America. It has been...a long time," Tirek said with a voice that had lost the harshness and anger that the Captain remembered. "I know that I have no right to come before you, especially after all I and my companions did, but...I just wished to thank you. For what you did. For when I was at my weakest, you did not triumph or strike me down. You gave me a chance...a chance to be better than I was. A chance to finally see the world as my brother saw it. You taught me something that day that I could not have learned while strong. You taught me...mercy. And for that, I am eternally indebted to you."

Tirek then turned and started to head back towards the exit. That was until he heard the sound of footsteps behind him. Tirek turned to see that Rogers was standing right behind him, gazing down at him with a look that nopony in the room could read. And then, with a small smile, Rogers held out his hand to Tirek. The centaur didn't know what to say, so instead he just shook the Captain's hand.

"And that has always been the greatest mystery to us. How you managed to turn Tirek to our side," Sweetie said to the Captain as they all watched Tirek leave. "Turns out he was the one that was moving the sun and moon, using the last of the princesses' power to help us instead of trying to kill everypony. How did you do it?"

"Maybe it was because for the first time in his life, he saw what it meant to be like the ponies he ruled over. To be weak in the face of a strength that you believe to be unbeatable. To be helpless. But unlike the other four, he took the chance he was given. He might have remained the monster he was...or take the chance to be something more. And I'm glad to see," Rogers said with a smile that grew even wider. "That even the worst of us have the ability to stand greater than before."

The Crusaders smiled at his words as the ponies around them began to swarm the Captain once more, but he held out a hand and they backed away with curious glances on their faces. "I appreciate seeing all of you again, but there is a lot I need to catch up on...but not in this world. Because I've been asleep for ten years, ten years that my world didn't have me."


Rogers nodded as he gazed over Neo Canterlot, approving of the mix of crystal buildings and new designs that he didn't remember the last time he was there. He also found that a lot of the carriages now flew by use of magic, opening entirely new avenues for the ponies. But what he found most interesting of all was a large statue in the center of the city made of crystal and gold, a statue that showed three mares with the unicorn holding a shield high.

"I knew you could do it," he praised the three as they all stood up the balcony, overlooking the entire city and all of the happy inhabitants. Sweetie Belle had just finished explaining what had happened after he had been blasted with the solar magic, including their triumph...and the realization that the three of them had come to. "I knew that you didn't need me there to defeat Sombra. That you were all heroes."

"You were right, Steve. We did have what it took to be heroes within us," Scootaloo admitted as she gazed down at the ponies. "But it wasn't just the three of us. Every pony played their part in stopping Sombra. And heck, even we three almost lost to him. The only reason we won...was because we finally worked as a team."

"Even the best of heroes can fail sometimes. That's why it doesn't hurt to have your friends with you," Rogers answered, his mind wandering to the Avengers and to Earth, wondering what had changed in the time that he had been away. "But in the end you showed Sombra that the power of teamwork and friendship will always overcome a mad tyrant with the world in his hooves."

"And it doesn't hurt to have a friend that won't give up on you, even after you've given up on yourself," Belle said before turning to the Captain and bowing. "Thank you Steve. Thank you for everything that you've done for me. From whipping my self-loathing self into shape...for showing me that we all have what it takes to be heroes." Rogers smiled down at her before placing his hands on her shoulders with a nod, before doing the same to Applebloom and Scootaloo. Then he gazed off into the horizon once more, staring off into a land that none of them could see but him.

"Ya want to go home now, don't ya?" Applebloom asked after a minute. Steve nodded with eyes that showed a longing for his home.

"Yes. I'd like to get back and see what has changed in my world...if my world is even still around," Rogers said with a smile as he stared off into the horizon. "Knowing my luck, I'll get back and evil will have been ruling over it for years now. Such is the life of a soldier."

"Or a hero," Belle corrected for him, getting a smile from the Captain before Applebloom stepped forward and handed a stone to him, one that he recognized well.

"That's a dimensional stone. They're mystical stones that are said to be able to travel between worlds," she explained as Rogers nodded and placed the stone at his feet. "Ah looked them up when we figured ya would want to return to yer world after ya woke up. But ah see that ya already know how it works." Rogers nodded in reply as circles began to form around his feet, leaving him to smile up at the ponies once more.

"We also...made you this," Sweetie Belle added before she walked up and handed him a small piece of felt. Rogers glanced down at it to see that it was a strange shape made of purple, pink and red colors. Yet what truly drew his eye was the small foal with a cape flowing from his back, and a shield with a star in the center clutched in his hooves. "It's to show that you're a Crusader. That you're one of us. And so that you'll remember that our crusade never ends."

"Not until the world no longer needs people, or ponies, like us to defend it," Rogers replied with a warm smile of his own. "And when our crusade finally ends, I bet that we'll all have some interesting stories to tell around the pub. First drinks are on me. "

"So this is really...goodbye?" Scootaloo asked him, doing her best not to cry as light began to shine from the stone. "You're not even going to stay around and see all of the ponies across the world that want to thank you for what you did?"

"Like I said, I need to get back to my world. To see what's changed. To get back to work," Steve replied before beaming proudly at each of the three. "But before I go, I want you all to know that I couldn't be prouder of each of you. You overcame your pain to become a team of heroes that saved the world from a dark evil. You fought against oppression even when the rest of the world gave in or joined with it, never allowing the evil to win. You all were beaten down by darkness...only to get back up and avenge those who fell. I am proud to call each of you Avengers...and my friends."

"And we're proud to have fought beside you, to have learned from you what it means to be heroes...and what it means to truly sacrifice yourself for others," Sweetie replied with tears streaming down her face as she lifted a hoof and saluted to him, Scootaloo and Applebloom doing the same. Light began to circle around the Captain as the stone glowed with power, but the Captain still had time to return the salute to the mares.

"Will you come back someday?" Scootaloo asked him. "Because there's a lot you're going to miss here. The rebuilding of Ponyville, the destruction of all the Five's bases and prisons...things a little more...happy."

"I'll be back whenever you need me to," he replied. "But I leave knowing that you can handle this world even without me here. You're a trio of heroes, after all. And I know that your sisters would be proud. Proud that you replaced them...and me."

"Ah'm already working on a shield that will be ten times stronger than yers," Applebloom informed the Captain, who smiled at her optimism. "It won't be long before we have our very own Captain Equestria running around here."

"As far as I'm concerned, the three of you are already Captain Equestria. All you three need are shields to complete the image." Rogers then glanced at Belle, who simply smiled at him with tears streaming down her face. Yet even as the Captain looked at her and her friends, for a brief moment he saw three more mares standing behind them. And a smile crossed his face.

"Farewell, Captain...our Captain," Belle choked out one last time, Rogers nodding to all of them one last time before he vanished into the reality warping light generated by the stone. The three continued to salute until the lights completely died away, allowing Scootaloo to sigh as she dropped her arm.

"Didn't even get the chance to invite him," she grumbled as she tossed a fancy card to the ground. "Wait ten years to throw that victory party and he leaves before we can even invite him."

"Ya know that he had to get back to his home. The life of a hero is never ending," Applebloom reminded Scootaloo, who shrugged her shoulders before Sweetie Belle wrapped her hooves around both of their shoulders.

"And that's why we need to get back to work ourselves. Because just as the sun rises, so too will the shadow it casts," Sweetie Belle reminded her friends as they gazed over their city and world--the world that they fought to protect together. "So what do you say? You two want to go Crusading?"

/ \
/// \\\

As the light died down around the Captain, he found that he couldn't help but worry about what had happened in his absence. Yet as he took in the first glimpses of the world, he found that he was standing in the middle of Times Square, which looked practically unchanged from what he remembered. People around him gasped when they saw the Captain and began to take pictures, but after a few minutes he looked up to see a S.H.I.E.L.D. craft descending towards him.

The craft flew him immediately to the Helicarrier, which he was amazed to see still flying in the sky, practically unchanged. His eyes narrowed slightly as he stepped off the craft and entered into the carrier, glancing around at the agents that nodded or waved to him as he headed to the command room.

"What's the matter, bub? You look like you were expecting a fight or something?" a yellow and blue clad Avenger asked as he walked by the Captain, who only nodded to the man in reply before pressing his hand on a console next to two large doors. The light beeped green and the doors slid open, allowing the Captain onto the command deck.

"Rogers? That you?" Nick Fury asked as he turned from a hologram to face the Captain, who had walked up to where Fury stood and quickly shook his hand.

"The mission is complete, sir. I helped to save the world of those who sent us that distress call," Rogers reported back, getting a nod from Fury as he turned back around and focused again on his hologram. "Sir...what has happened in the time that I've been away? Who did we lose?"

"Lose? Rogers, we haven't lost anyone. In fact, I was about to tell you how amazed I am that you managed to save an entire world in a single day," Fury replied with a rare smile before reading the look on the Captain's face. "Cap, you've only been gone a day. Is something the matter...and why does your costume look different?"

Rogers didn't reply as a small smile crossed his face, the final piece of the puzzle fitting into place at last. 'I guess that Equestria is truly in your hooves now. Good luck my friends. I know that you can keep them safe.' He then shook his head and regained his composure.

"It's nothing, Fury. Just...thinking of friends." Fury's eyes narrowed for a brief moment as he suspected that there was something that the Captain wasn't telling him, but let it go with a sigh as a smile crossed Rogers' face. "Do I finally get to take my vacation or do you have another mission for me?...I don't know why I asked that. You always have another mission."

"Indeed I do, Rogers. Got this one the same day that you left," Fury replied as he brought up an image on his hologram of a small town that was in the base of a valley, with a strange shape cut out of the twin cliffs. "We've received intel of strange sphere that has popped up over a small, Oregon town. Witnesses have seen demonic creatures, seismic anomalies and some sort of triangle monster that plagues peoples dreams. How's that sound, Rogers? You can go there on vacation and save the town at the same time. Sounds perfect, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it does Fury," Rogers agreed before glancing down at his gloved hand, staring at the patch that had been given to him that shone of different colors. He then slid it into one of the pouches on his belt before taking the holo document that Fury held out to him. Rogers then saluted Fury before turning to leave the room, opening the document and glancing over it as he walked to the airships.

"This looks to be a difficult mission. But the never ending Crusade continues. Mission looks tough, though. Good thing I'm so well rested...that's actually not that bad. Should write that one down," Rogers mused before he took the symbol of the Crusaders in his hand, remembering what it stood for. Sacrifice. Refusal to surrender. And...team work.

"You know what? Think this time I'll take Wade along. What's the worst that could happen?"

Author's Note:

And with freedom finally restored, we leave this story behind and move onto our next one. For in the next story, the life of retirement/hiding isn't so bad when you've got a great best friend, a peaceful life in Ponyville and nopony knows the truth. But when a new monster shows up, one the likes of which Equestria has never seen, you have no choice but to come back. For in the next story the gloves are off.

And the claws are out.

See you soon.

Comments ( 94 )

"You know what? Think this time I'll take Wade along. What's the worst that could happen?"

I suspect he will regret saying that :rainbowlaugh:

On another note, a great ending to a great story. We got to see how Captain America inspires others to be the hero, rather than the hero saving the day. I look forward to seeing your next piece with great anticipation.

Wolverine is next!!!! Wow cannot wait until then! Great ending here but sad to see Steve will never see his friends again.

A fine ending to a fine story.

Amazing story all around! You did a incredible job on it !

Bill Cipher vs Deadpool...Fear for humanity.


6747528 deadpool will make bill question himself

Is that a Complete tag I am seeing? :raritydespair:

onomonopia you story level it's over 9000 moustaches!:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache: so much moustache:pinkiehappy:

Will you be writing that fanfic of the cap and DP?

Thumbs up, soldier author!

You know, he'd have probably been gone about 10 minutes of he'd brought Wade the FIRST time...

Wade/Wolverine and Cap in Euestria_ at the same time? jesus Christ on pogo stick. I'm not sure will it be hilariusly funny or hilariously wrong.

HOLLY SHUT GUVSNVJANVLAEJVNAKJB NKA HE GOT FEATURED ON THE HOME PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::pinkiehappy::flutterrage::pinkiehappy: 99999000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000xs

But then how many more years would have passed during the hours it would have taken for another member to arrive to leave with him?


*read who will be the next*

*lights up junk cigarette*

Well, it seems that i´m the best in what I do, and what I do, but what I do is not very...friendly.

You know, I was actually just thinking you could do a black panther In zebrica story before I heard what your doing next.

Take deadpool long what's the worst that could happen ?

This has truly been a fantastic story, a crossover done right. I've enjoyed every second of it and almost cried at the end. It was so beautiful.

But for the Captain, the crusade never ends. The world still needs heroes, it still needs the Captain, it still needs... The Crusaders.

6747711 the forth wall gets fucked so hard it breaks

It's done thank you

Wolverene in Equestria do it you beautiful bastard


ill be completely honest with you, author.

I dont like the finish, i know that you stated that all the embassadors died, but Celestia, Luna and Twilight were immortal alicorns, and when you reduced the hibrid to ashes, i thought for a second that, like a phoenix, they would rise again from the ashes, anyhow, this story was very, very good, still something that i dont like, was that.

We've received intel of strange sphere that has popped up over a small, Oregon town. Witnesses have seen demonic creatures, seismic anomalies and some sort of triangle monster that plagues peoples dreams.


I am assuming the pony Wolverine is gonna interact with the most is gonna be Bon Bon (aka Special Agent Sweetie Drops), am I correct? I really hope that the version of Wolverine you use is Old Man Logan.

Well, I gotta say, you have blown me away good sir. I wasn't even sure I wanted originally to read a superhero crossover in Equestria, then I tried this story and just couldn't stop reading until I just had no more chapters left to read and had to wait for the updates. So I began to read your other stories as well to pass the time and I got to say, you've managed to become my favorite fimfiction author, I'll be completely honest about that.

I love your King Sombra, he is so viciously evil and yet at the same time so hilariously entertaining that I just can't get enough of him.

I loved this story and I love your work and am busy catching up with everything you've already written, even if it is a crossover with characters I'm not too familiar with.

Keep up the good work and I can't wait for the next story to start.

Guys, is there a lot of gore here?
I am thinking of reading this, but I really dislike gory details, and It would be really annoying to read like 50k words, and then drop the thing,

Gore is in the categories. There is death and destruction, but the story is more than that.

6747765 huh? Where was it stated that celestia and co are immortals. Don’t remember that part....

And so it ends, another master piece have been finished. You, sir. Have my utmost respect and admiration.

P.S. ... .... .... that authors notes.... Fuck it, I'm gonna make a cryopot. How do you expect me to sleep at night now!? I wont be able to waaait! :raritydespair:

P.S.S. But we have to wait... but I dont want to... I think that the 99% of the people that love your stories agrees with me xD

P.S.S.S 6747958 Only Celestia and Luna are know to be immortals(Twilight it never said if she got only the appearance or if she got the full immortality package withing her ascension, but again multiverse theory applies to this) in the way that they don't die by age but they CAN be killed. Well, it really depends on the multiverse theory, cause there is a Celestia that is bond to the sun. Other that is the sun's entity. Other where she's a spirit that literally cant die. Welp, you get it.

6747745 you know the forth wall wants it! She a dirty girl and she want it that way XD

Silent Hill, Silent Hill, how we love you Silent Hill!

Too bad in the end Cappy is not going back to Equestria just to join them for a little of time.

6747940 let's bring Wolverine to Equestria then you'll be a beautiful bastard if you did it

"You know what? Think this time I'll take Wade along. What's the worst that could happen?"

The Captain jinxed it! He jinxed it! Cap! Don't ever jinx it again! Ok!?

On a more serious note, I really liked this story and I am a bit sad to see it has ended but anywho things has to have an end at some point right?

What a great ending to such an exciting story from start to finish. Nice ending twist to the tale adding another future crossover into the mix.

Thanks for the great story and a wonderful read. I wish you the best of luck on future stories of yours.

Thank you for the kind words. :pinkiesmile:

6748496 So did it take Steve 10 years to heal or just 10 years to wake up?

And the claws are out.

Here comes the 'ole Canuckle head.

"You know what? Think this time I'll take Wade along. What's the worst that could happen?"

and then everything died

I think Captain America and Wolverine are in the next story...

6748663 Oh. So when did he finish healing?

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