• Published 14th Nov 2015
  • 4,041 Views, 72 Comments

Sweetie Belle is Pregnant!?! - Mocha Star

Sweetie Belle thinks she's pregnant and tries to figure out what to do and how to tell everypony. (Multiple endings, you choose!)

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Chapter 1

The sun was shining, the clouds were white, and the cutie mark crusaders were bored. Bored, bored, bored. Laying in their clubhouse they looked at the ceiling; lamenting their boredom.

“Ever since we got our cutie marks there’s nothing to do.”

“Well, Scootaloo, wha’d’ya have in mind? Ain’t no use adventurin’ now.”

“Well,” Sweetie said, “I have an idea.”

“What’s that?” the others asked in unison.


“Oh,” they replied sullenly.

“I thought it was somethin’ fun. I don’t wanna eat, not really. We’ve been eatin’ a lot lately.”

“I know,” Sweetie chimed in, “but I’ve been on a diet this week, half portions; now I’m starving.”

“A diet? We’re too young to do that. But, maybe I should; I don’t wanna get fat. I’ve been eating six meals a day since we got our cutie marks, just from boredom,” Scootaloo said as the others groaned.

“Well, Rarity has some party planned tonight, let’s go and eat some food there.”

“Ya mean those fancy vittles? I dunno, Applejack say's they’re all fluff and nothin’ to ‘em.”

“Yeah, I know Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be caught dead there.”

Sweetie giggled. “It’s actually in honor of Rainbow Dash’s flying with the Wonderbolts a few days ago.”

Scootaloo gasped. “I have a great idea! Let’s crash that party.”

“Wow, yer a genius, Scoots.” Apple Bloom’s comment was dripping with sarcasm while Sweetie Belle giggled.

Rolling to their bellies the looked to each other and smiled. “We sure did have some great times here. Maybe we can turn it into something more useful, like an official, international, global Rainbow Dash fanclub!”

With a groan the others turned to leave the nearly empty clubhouse they had once practically lived at.

“C’mon, I think Rainbow Dash would love that idea! Girls, girls!” Scootaloo chased them as they began to gallop, giggling, into the orchard.

The girls walked into Carousel Boutique as the party was under way, having spent the better part of the day at Sweet Apple Acres having fun.

“Sweetie Belle, darling, please go upstairs to your room,” Rarity’s voice called from the next room, her mane bouncing as she approached them, “this isn’t the kind of party a filly should be at.”

“But, what about Rainbow Dash? It’s her party, right?” Rarity nodded as she trotted behind the fillies and ushered them toward the stairs, “then I should be here to make sure she knows how awesome she is,” Scootaloo reasoned.

“No,” Rarity said flatly, “you girls go play and adventure, or whatever you do.”

“We don’t adventure, we got our cutie marks. We’re bored and we’re hungry,” Sweetie squeaked.

“Yeah, and we ain’t ate all day cuza this party.” They were now at the base of the stairs and turned to look at Rarity.

“Please can we eat?” they asked in unison with their best pleading expressions.

“Oh, fine. You each get one plate, but you have to eat in the kitchen; away from my clothes,” she whispered hoarsely. The memory of the fillies eating sandwiches and then playing around the dresses she’d made for a custom party weren’t lost on her. “And wash your hooves before you leave the kitchen.”

“Okay,” the fillies sang in unison. Scattering they went to the nearest table and began loading up their plates, quickly reuniting in the kitchen to eat.

One hour later they laid on their backs on the kitchen floor groaning, their bellies distended, and their plates empty. There was a chill blowing in from the open kitchen window, sending a chill over the filles.

“Ugh, Ah’m more stuffed than a apple pie.”

“I don’t know if I’ll ever eat again,” Sweetie said.

“I can’t move, why’d we sneak two full plates? I wonder if I can die from eating too much *urp*, excuse me.”

“Heh, Sweetie ate what we didn’t and she’s alive, Ah think we’re gonna make it.”

Sweetie groaned as she rolled to her side. “I feel like a ballo~on,” she whined, “I’m gonna go to the bathroom, maybe lay down.”

“Ugh, how can you move at a time like this?”

“Don’t worry none, Scoots, she’s gotta go. Ain’t good ta hold it, right?”

“Yeah, I guess. See ya in a bit.” The others laid their heads against the floor as they gasped for air, unable to take a deep breath without feeling ill.

“See you girls in a bit,” Sweetie replied slowly.

Sweetie walked through the party, nearly avoiding adults as she made her way to the stairs. She could have gone to the restroom around the corner, but her bed was so much closer to the upstairs bathroom and her friends would understand if she laid down while her belly calmed down.

“Oh, who’s this little filly? Is that Sweetie Belle?”

Mister Cake, ugh, please don’t offer me any sweets. “Oh, hi, Mr. Cake. I’m kinda in a hurry,” she said as she quickened her pace. Her stomach cramped, sending some food up her throat. She swallowed hard and felt it go back down, a tremble went through her.

“Oh, I was just going to ask if you wanted a piece of pie,” he said placing a hoof on her withers. She stopped and looked at him with a weak smile.

“I-I think I should lay down, I ate too much already.”

“Oh, did you now? Well, you’d best get a move on to bed then, little missy.”

He took his hoof off her and patted her new cutie mark. “And, congrats. It was a long road, but you made it!”

She chuckled and thanked him as she rushed to the stairs, ascending them quickly, and going to her room. She laid on her bed and groaned as her belly ached and she fell into a food coma.

Sweetie woke to the sun in her eyes and a throbbing in her head. Her belly ached like it never had before, and she felt nauseous. Very nauseous. In fact she had to go to the bathroom, right now.

She scrambled out of her bed, throwing her covers off, and galloped to the bathroom. It was locked. “Rarity! Open up!” she screamed as she felt her lower jaw tremble and her mouth fill with saliva.

“Wait your turn, sweetie. I’ll be another hour, at least.”

“I’m gonna puke on your carpet then,” she retorted without hesitation. The door to the bathroom opened as soon as Sweetie finished saying ‘carpet’, letting her barge in with seconds to spare.

“Oh, Sweetie? Are you alright? What on earth happened?” Rarity asked as she trotted over and began petting her sister's mane in comfort, “you’ll be okay. It’s gonna be fine,” Rarity assured her sister until she was done.

Rarity flushed as soon as she could, the smell was almost too much, as she was near vomiting as well. Sweetie fell to the floor and laid down, weeping softly, then looked to her sister.

Rarity was slightly grey with a hint of blue showing in her mane, Her true colors. If anypony knew, Sweetie thought as she looked at her sister. “Thanks, I don’t know what happened. I just woke up and was super sick.”

“Don’t worry, sis. It happens to us all,“ Rarity said softly in a northern accent, using her magic to bring a wet towel over to wipe Sweetie Belle’s mouth.

“No, I got sick and messed up your morning routine.”

“Oh, it’s fine. You’re a filly, it’s not like you’re in heat or pregnant, eh?”

Sweetie winced. “Ugh, I’m so used to you talking fancy, not like mom and dad.”

“Oh, dear me, I didn’t notice. However could I have let myself slip after so long?” Rarity chided herself standing and trotting to the mirror. “My mane is simply atrocious and I have two fittings as soon as I open. Sweetie, hurry and clean yourself up,” she said sternly as she opened the window, “and then go play with your friends.”

“That’s more like it,” Sweetie said standing up. Her stomach rumbled and her belly ached still. She pressed her side and winced at the pain. Oh no… she began to pant as she turned to leave.

“Sweetie? Be a dear and open the windows across the floor, would you?”

“Sure thing, sis,” she squeaked. Ignoring Rarities request, Sweetie scampered down the stairs, wincing with pain, then out the front door. Fresh air, that’ll help. I can’t be. I can’t be, she said pressing her lower belly. The pain was intense. She felt her heart race as fear gripped her.

Mr. Cake touched my cutie mark, now I’m pregnant!