• Published 14th Nov 2015
  • 4,041 Views, 72 Comments

Sweetie Belle is Pregnant!?! - Mocha Star

Sweetie Belle thinks she's pregnant and tries to figure out what to do and how to tell everypony. (Multiple endings, you choose!)

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Dramatic Ending

The sun was rising and creatures all around were enjoying the day. Sweetie wasn’t among them. After learning how foals are born she was shaken, having left Twilight’s palace before she could find anymore out. No, I don’t want to know any more. This’ gonna be messy, and hurt, and be scary. I bet Fluttershy has a lot of experience with animals giving, she gulped hard, birth.

Fluttershy asked as the filly trotted carefully though the grass to find her. “Hello, Sweetie Belle,” Fluttershy asked, dropping a hoof full of nuts by a tree before trotting over, smiling warmly, “Would you like some tea? Wait, why aren’t you at school?”

“I’m kinda sick today.”

“Oh my, what’s wrong? It’s not contagious is it? I’d hate to have my animal friends get sick.”

Sweetie felt a cramp, as well as her fears spike for a second, so she sat down. “N-no. It’s not contagious. But, um, I would like to talk about something, kind of, um,” she clacked her hooves together, “adult stuff.”

Fluttershy blushed and looked away, inspecting a very interesting bush to her side. “Um, wh-what kind of adult stuff?”

“Do you help your animals have babies?”

Fluttershy’s ears perked and she looked to the little filly with a raised eyebrow. “Yes, not often, but I do a few times a year. Why do you ask?” she replied walking closer to the uncomfortable Sweetie Belle.

Fluttershy, being timid and uncomfortable, was more perceptive than most others when it came to somepony asking a question like that.

“Well, I have a friend who’s pregnant, and she just learned how foals are born,” Fluttershy inhaled sharply as she looked into the fearful eyes of the little one in front of her. She sat a leg length in front of her.

“Who is your friend, Sweetie Belle,” Fluttershy stated, more than asked, while looking into Sweetie’s eyes intently.

She felt uncomfortable. Is this how she always feels? “M-my friend? Uh, y-you don’t know her, but she needs to know if you can help her when it’s time.”

Fluttershy’s wings slowly opened and she sat taller. A wave of intimidating strength and determination was emanating from the timid mare. “Who. Did. It?” she demanded to know. The weather started to change; the temperature began to drop and clouds began to form in a terrifying display of magic beyond what a pegasi should have. Sweetie whimpered and trembled under the terrifying display, cowering back.

“Who did it?!”

Sweetie screamed and turned, galloping away from the mare, the cottage, the weather anomaly, and her understanding of the once timid mare.

A bolt of lightning struck behind Fluttershy, scaring her and making her run behind a nearby tree as Pinkie came from behind a tree and Rainbow jumped from behind a cloud, kicking it out of existence. The landed side by side and looked at Fluttershy, Rainbow was giggling but Pinkie was looking intently at Fluttershy.

“Oh, that was a great prank! We got Fluttershy and Sweetie, priceless,” Rainbow said taking to the air and flying away. “Hey, Pinks, ya coming?”

“Fluttershy, what’s wrong,” Pinkie asked looking at her friend, who was sobbing loudly behind the tree…

Holy Luna, what was that?! I’ve never seen a pony so scary. I can’t get help from any adult, what’ll I do? School is still on, my sister’s friends are crazy, I can’t see Pinkie because she’s at Sugarcube corner with, him. I’ll have to hide, maybe Zecora? NO! I can’t risk my baby, Celestia, what do I do?”

A bright flash of light answered her question. Celestia stood a few seconds in front of Sweetie, who stopped as quickly as she could, fear washed over her she slid into the celestial monarch’s shadow, the sun behind her, making a glowing halo hover around her.

“Sweetie Belle, sister of Rarity?” She asked in a soft, motherly tone that carried a subtle firmness.

Sweetie nodded slightly, quickly. “Come with me,” Celestia said, turning and beginning to walk. Sweetie looked around, ponies were looking in awe at the sight of their princess walking through town, they bowed as she walked by, passing the town square she didn’t pause as nearly one quarter the town bowed.

Sweetie felt so small, especially now with added attention on her. They arrived at Carousel Boutique, entered, and walked into the lounge where Twilight, Luna, Rarity, and Spike were sitting, looking at her with restrained emotions, each wearing a forced smile, except Luna who was scowling at the floor.

“Sister, friends, we have a lot to discuss.” Sweetie turned the corner as Celestia was addressing the others and froze.

Oh no, I can’t tell them yet, I don’t even know how, Sweetie thought as she reflexively took a step back as her eyes locked with her sister’s.

“S-Sweetie, dear, perhaps you wouldn’t mind joining us? I have your favorite chair ready.”

My favorite chair? The one I keep at mom and da- Oh no! Sweetie felt her heart pounding in her chest as she looked into the room, her parents were in the room, on one of many fainting couches Rarity keeps conveniently nearby in every other room of the boutique/house.

She was enveloped in a purple magic field and carefully moved to her chair, a large bean bag stuffed heavily full with duck feathers and lavender seeds, for aroma. She was laid gently on it, on her side as the others looked to Celestia, waiting for her to begin.

“Thank you all for coming on such short notice. Typically, I wouldn’t adjourn my day court for such a reason, however since it relates to a close friend’s family member I decided it was necessary.

To the sister of Sweetie Belle, and their parents, I am honored to visit your home and place of business. Now, to the matter at hoof; it has come to our attention that Sweetie Belle may be pregnant,” the room was full of gasps. Not surprise, but relief that it was said, finally.

“W-wait! H-he didn’t mean it!”

Rarity coughed into her hoof to get everypony’s attention. “Sweetie, while I am inclined to urge you to answer, I must instead, ask, how did this happen?”

Everypony looked to Rarity, then Sweetie. Sweetie lowered her head. “He said he wanted me to taste his pie,” she laid her head down on her forelegs as the room fell silent.

“And,” Rarity encouraged, barely keeping her voice steady.

“And, I said no. Then he touched me in my most special place.”

Gasps of shock filled the room, her mother cried, Spike had green smoke vapor leaving his nostrils, and the celestial sisters were scowling at each other.

“Sweetie Belle,” Twilight said softly, “you’re not at fault here. It was his fault, understand? You’re a strong mare for handling this as well as you have. He, um, hasn’t touched you, recently, has he?”

Sweetie looked at Twilight, let her gaze sweep the room making eye contact with them all before nodding.

Luna sneered, Celestia returned to her regal calm, her mane shifted to a more red hue though. Rarity whined through closed lips.

“When and where?” Twilight growled.

“L-Last night at the party,” Sweetie whimpered, “he didn’t mean it though, it happened! It just happened.”

“These things don’t ‘just happen’,” her father shouted, covering his mouth, surprised by his outburst. Sweetie’s ears fell flat to her head.

“It was my fault! I tried so hard, and finally it happened, I got my cutie mark, and he-”

“That is enough,” Luna bellowed, the windows rattled and nearly everypony covered their ears. “Youngling, youth,” she looked at Celestia who raised an eyebrow, “Sweetie Belle. This beast of a stallion has touched you, done things to you that are, at the least, reprehensible. I demand-”

“Ahem,” Celestia said, “I think we need a moment to calm down and collect ourselves. I suggest a five minute break from this-”

Rarity lunged forward. “I’m so sorry, Sweetie Belle, I had no idea, I’m a terrible sister,” a trickle of blood left her mouth, everypony that could see noticed she had bitten her tongue to hold herself back.

Sweetie tried to recoil, the pain in her belly stopping her as she was embraced tightly by her sister. She yelped in pain while Rarity berated herself for not keeping Sweetie safe.

The front door burst open with Rainbow Dash stopping just inside, Pinkie and Fluttershy fell off her, tumbling to the floor.

“Who the buck touched you?” Rainbow seethed as she flew into the room, straight to the now petrified filly. Stopping suddenly Rainbow growled against the yellow magic field she was in.

Sweetie trembled and screamed. “Mr. Cake!” She burst into tears, crying into her sister’s shoulder. The rooms were silent as the information was processed by the mares. Twilight vanished in a purple flash, returning six seconds later with Mr. Cake in her magic.

She slammed him to the floor, the ceiling, the floor again as he tried to ask what was happening. Fluttershy and Pinkie were standing inside the lounge doorway, mouths covered, looking on in stunned silence.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia shouted, “I have had enough of this escapade. Everypony in this room is getting carried away with their emotions. What you are doing solves nothing” she shouted.

Her magic overpowered Twilight’s and she took the slightly worse for wear, highly terrified, Mr. Cake under her own power. “What is your name, little pony,” she said with a hint of malice.

“C-C-Carrot Cake, ma’a, um, y-your highness,” he stammered.

“Carrot Cake, you stand accused of touching, harming, impregnating, and taking the innocence of this filly, one Sweetie Belle. How do you plead?”

He stared at Celestia for a moment then scrunched his face. “What the fuck!?” he shouted, his voice cracked and he began to cough.

“Miss Pie, would you mind fetching some water for the accused?”

Pinkie looked to Celestia and nodded, her eyes were wide and she stood on her rear legs, using her tail as balance, as she backed out of the room.

Mr. Cake drank his water greedily, coughing two last times to clear his throat while still hovering in the air; Rainbow Dash silently killing him with her glare. “I’m really sorry, your highness,” he said relenting the cup, “I’ve never been one to say things like that, but I was taken by surprise.”

Celestia pulled him closer, nearly a hoof space between their muzzles. “How do you plead?” she said, a slight twitch in her left eye sent a terror through him. He’d rather be half eaten by a manticore at that moment rather than look in her eyes. But he couldn’t avoid her gaze.

“N-Not guilty.”

“Very well, in lieu of a lengthy and drawn out court case, I shall hear from the victim, a witness, and the accused. Miss Belle, please tell us what happened.” All eyes were on Sweetie Belle, still wrapped in Rarity’s hug.

“Um, well,” Sweetie sat up, Rarity pulled her into a tighter hug sending a rumble through Sweetie’s gut. She blushed. “We were at the party, and I ate two and a half plates of food. I felt sick, so,” she sniffled as everypony’s attention was piqued, “I was going upstairs, and he asked me if I wanted to try some pie.”

The room was silent, except for Rarity’s hushed weeps. “Then he touched my cutie mark, and got me pregnant!” She began to cry onto Rarity again.

The room was awash in whispered questions as the sound of hooves meeting faces were heard.

Rarity sat up and looked at her sister, crying her little heart out. “Sweetie, darling,” she asked, wiping her eyes on a handkerchief she had hidden in her mane, “what did you just say?”

“H-he touched my cutie mark and got me pregnant,” she replied again.

“Was this at the party last night, that all this occurred?”

Sweetie nodded.

Celestia exhaled a controlled breathe. “Case dismissed and apologies to the accused.” She set him down and looked around the room. “My little ponies, please use this as a cautionary example. Under royal decree, this event is not to leave this room,” she cast a spell restoring Mr. Cake and Rarity to full health before she trotted to Luna.

“Let us depart, sister. This will resolve itself now.” Luna stood, nodded, then vanished with her sister in a flash of yellow light.

“Sweetie,” Twilight started. Fluttershy flew across the room and tackled the filly to the floor, rolling over each other.


The room hushed, then Pinkie and Rainbow Dash burst into laughter. Soon the whole room was full of laughter, all at Sweeties expense as the boutique was promptly evacuated.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity scolded, “You’ve made an unforgivable mess of things-”

“Now, now,” Spike said patting rarity on the leg before blushing fiercely and retracting his arm to his body, “ahem, ah, well, she needs to have a family talk about how and where babies come from, is all.”

The others nodded in agreement as Mr. Cake began to walk away. Not back to Sugarcube Corner, just, away.

“No, Spike,” Rarity clarified, “I mean the mess she made; all over my lounge floor!”

Author's Note:

Choose your ending.


Silly Ending

Tragic Ending

More endings to come