• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 15,890 Views, 269 Comments

It Must Be Tuesday - Foals Errand

On the thousandth year it is prophesied that the Mare of the Waning Light would return. Fallen Star— wait, what?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Celestia’s eyes twitched as the sound of birds chirping invaded her ears. With a groan, she started to roll over before her ear flicked. Birds at night…? That's a bit odd. A single eye slowly opened to reveal that she was in a large, sun-filled room. Mmmm… morning already? It feels like I ju— Her other eye snapped open as she sat up MORNING? How can it be morning if I haven’t raised the sun yet?

Slowly, her eyes took in the room revealing a very familiar setting; however, it was one she had not seen for over a year if not a bit longer. Why am I in Twilight’s old room in the observatory? A slight mumble interrupted her thoughts her eyes glanced toward where the noise originated from to reveal a dusky unicorn passed out in a smaller bed against the opposite wall. She had kicked her blanket off and was kicking her back leg while drooling onto her pillow and giggling. Celestia would know that sleeping position anywhere.


The sleeping mare snorted before dragging her pillow over her head “No… it’s too early. Go back to sleep, Tia. The sun only just woke up…” With that stated, Luna snored loudly while Celestia stared at her, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart.

All right, Celestia, calm down and take stock of the situation. You haven’t lived for over one thousand years by getting overly excited whenever something odd happens.

Celestia took a few moments to take a few deep breaths before she realized something was missing. A cold sweat covered her forehead as she glanced down at her sides where her wings normally were. She gulped and closed her eyes, lowering her head. No wings… what is going on here? There was something bothering her other than the fact her wings were gone: when she had glanced at her side, she got a glimpse of her cutie mark, but there was something… just not right about it.

After a moment, she bent her neck back to get a better look. Her breath caught in her throat; the perfect sun that had graced her flanks since she could barely remember was gone! It was much more stylized, now appearing more akin to a six pointed star than an actual sun. It was also surrounded by five stars. “H-how is this possible?” She got to her hooves and walked across the room to Luna’s bed and grabbed hold of her pillow with her mouth, ripping it off of her face.

Luna groaned before opening her eyes and glaring up at Celestia. “All right, fine, I get it. It’s time to get to work. Let me just change.”

Celestia opened her mouth to ask what Luna meant by change when Luna was surrounded by light blue fire before transforming into a small dragon. “All right, let's get to work shall… we?” Luna blinked as Celestia had skidded back against the far wall whimpering.

“Uh, Tia? You okay?” Luna was surrounded by light blue fire again to reveal a changeling slightly smaller than Celestia herself. “Something wrong?”

“C-changeling!” Celestia cried out, finally pointing a shaking hoof at her.

Luna blinked before crossing the room and laying the back of her hoof on Celestia’s forehead. “Well, no fever, but you must be ill. I’ll send a letter to the princess.”

Celestia knocked away the changeling’s hoof breathing hard as she glared up at her. “What is going on here!?”

Luna took a step back biting her bottom lip “...Tia—Celestia? Is something wrong? Did I misorganize something?”

Celestia hesitated then sighed. “...I’m sorry, Luna… I-I seem to be having some problems with my memory.”

Luna rolled her eyes before shaking her head. “Practicing spells you shouldn’t have been even reading again?”

“S-something like that. Would you be willing to help me fill in some of the holes?”

Luna shrugged before sitting down on her haunches. “Sure, just don’t ask me anything from before you turned five.”

Celestia nodded half heartedly.“Wh-where are we?”

“Our room, in the observatory. Oh come on, you seriously forgot about this place?, you were thrilled when Princess Twilight let us come live here!” Luna groaned, rubbing her temples. If Tia has this much memory loss, I foresee a very long day…

Celestia opened her mouth, but then stopped her eyes wide. “Pr-Princess Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yeah, you know, your teacher? The Mare of the Waxing Light? Oh, come on, don’t you remember anything? If I have to teach you to read again, I quit! I mean, I know I owe you for hatching my egg ten years ago, but this is redicu—”

“Hatched your egg?” Celestia interrupted, looking deep into Luna’s eyes who tried to glance away vaguely uncomfortable.

“Yeah, you had aced your written exam to enter Princess Twilight’s School for Gifted Ponies, but they wanted you to do some sort of practical test to see how you’d handle failure. From what Princess Twilight told me as I grew up, she had my egg for centuries! Depending on how the pony would react to being unable to hatch me gave the instructors a better idea of where to start with each pupil. You, though... For some reason you just refused to give up. Then, I guess, there was this big boom that startled you and—”

“I flared my magic, went out of control, hatched you, turned you into an adult, and transformed my parents. Am I right?” Celestia sighed, closing her eyes as Luna scratched her head blinking.

“Er… well, yeah, basically. I mean, I don’t remember any of it. Even as an adult, my mind was still that of an infant after all, but Princess Twilight came and calmed you down.”

“And asked me to be her student. I think I’m starting to understand. I need to tell you something, but you may not believe me.” Celestia opened her eyes and stared into Luna’s. Even as a changeling, Luna is still Luna

“Tia, after all the time we’ve spent together, I doubt there is anything you could say that I wouldn’t believe.” Luna grinned, sitting back comfortably.

Well here goes… everything

Luna stared at Celestia and blinked once. Then twice. “All right, let me see if I have this right… You come from another reality in which you are Princess Celestia, the princess of the day. I am Princess Luna, the princess of the night, and Princess Twilight is your former student who has ascended to become a princess herself?” Celestia nodded eagerly as Luna stared at her then snorted. “Wow, that is some dream you had, Tia! You should write it down to send to Princess Twilight. She’d love it!”

Celestia sank in defeat. How could she make Luna believe her? Wait… “Luna, what's the date today?”

Luna raised an eyebrow at her boss/sister/mother.

“Humor me, please?”

Luna sighed, rolling her eyes. “Fine, because you asked so nicely. Today is March nineteenth, nine-hundred and ninety-nine NE. Tomorrow is the one thousandth Spring Equinox.”

Celestia chewed on her lip for a few moments. It all fit: her being the student and having an assistant, though, the fact that it was Luna was slightly amusing. Definitely something to tell Luna when I get home; she’ll be horrified. Twilight being the single ruling princess, and, to top it all off, her new cutie mark. The only question really is who is taking Luna’s roll in this world. “All right, Luna, just one more question.”

A snort came from Luna. “Whatever you say, Tia. Hurry up, though, I’d like to finish our chores before Moondancer’s party, if you don’t mind?”

“Um, yes, of course. I was just wondering if you can find me the book Myths and Legends of the Elements?” Celestia desperately hoped that the book title was the same as Luna took to the air, scanning the titles.

“Hmmm… The Elements of Harmony: Myths or Reality?” she finally called down to Celestia’s relief.

“Yes! I’m quite certain that would be it.” Celestia watched as Luna yanked the book from its spot, using light blue magic before landing back on the floor. “All right, here’s the book, now what?”

“Now I need to find out who took your place here, Lu,” Celestia said as she reached out for the book, which Luna held just out of reach.

“Are you really still going on about that, Celestia? It was a dream! A really weird dream, mind you, but a dream, nonetheless.”

Celestia paused and, then sighed. “All right, Luna, I’ll make you a deal. Give me the book, and If I can’t find the tale of an evil mare or stallion who is prophesied to return tomorrow, I won’t ever mention any of this again.”

Luna considered the deal for a minute while she still held the book out of reach.

“But! If I am able to find a tale of that, you, at very least, will humor me in my supposed delusions.”

Luna grumbled a bit before hesitating. “You could have already read the book,” she offered as her ear flicked.

“If I had, then wouldn’t I have gotten the name correct?” Celestia smiled patiently. Oh, Luna, you could be a sea pony and I’d still love your little reactions; it’s been so long since you’ve even spoken up to me.

The book was finally laid on the table in front of Celestia as Luna sat on the floor, her forelegs crossed. “I’m not doing any of my chores until this is figured out, I’ll have you know.”

Celestia chuckled as she opened the book, searching through it first for stallion, automatically thinking of Shining Armor. When she found nothing, she let out a sigh of relief. Being Twilight’s “faithful student” was odd enough, but seeing her former captain and nephew-in-law insane and in the spot of her precious Luna had been in? That may have been too much to take. She began rescanning the table of content for the word “mare”. It didn’t take long until she found it, flipping to the page. There she is, the Mare of the Waning Light, see The Legend of The Two Sisters. “Luna? I need you to find another book for me, please: The Legend of The Two Sisters.”

Luna took to the air again. A thin book landed in front of Celestia as Luna sat back down and refolded her forelegs.

Celestia gazed at the cover. It wasn’t anything special. Just the title on the purple cover. She opened it up and cleared her throat. “The Legend of the Two Sisters: Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria, there lived two sisters.. The eldest controlled the waning light and ruled during the autumn and winter. The younger controlled the waxing light and ruled during the spring and summer. For hundreds, if not thousands, of years, the sisters ruled happily. But, slowly, things began to change: the eldest sister noticed that the ponies were happier and more active during her sister’s spring and summer than her own autumn and winter. Unable to understand why, she disguised herself as a common mare and found to her dismay that the ponies shunned the time of the waning light. Distraught, she sought the advice of her younger sister who wasn’t able to understand her elder sister’s problem. This response caused the older sister. to withdraw until the younger noticed the temperature dropping.. Without any other choice, the younger sister sought out her elder to find she had changed. Declaring herself Fallen Star, she stated the Cold would worsen until Equestria was naught but a silent world of ice! With no other choice, the younger was forced to harness the Elements of Harmony, thus banishing Fallen Star into the moon. Thus she ruled over the waxing and waning light ever since.”

Luna blinked a few times. “Nice story, but that doesn’t prove—” She stopped as Celestia flipped through the first book.

“Fallen… Fallen… Fallen Star, it is said that on the thousandth year of the Spring Equinox, she will return to turn Equestria into an eternal winter.”

Luna stared open mouthed her eyes twitching. “All right! All right, I believe you,. But what can we do? Huh? A-and if you are here, where is my Celestia? Is she safe?”

Celestia wrapped her forelegs around Luna,, cooing gently,, “I’m sure your Celestia is safe.. She most likely took my place and will be well cared for by my Luna and Twilight. But, right now, I need your help. First, don’t tell Princess Twilight who I am. And second, I need you to write a letter for me.”

Luna leaned into Celestia’s embrace.. “Of course.” She took a deep breath before pulling back and turning back into a baby dragon and taking hold of a quill and parchment “I’m ready!”

“My Dearest Princess Twilight, it is great regrets that I inform you we are on er…” Celestia paused, remembering Twilight’s letter to her and chuckled. “That something very bad is about to happen. You see, my dear teacher, during my studies, I have found evidence that the Mare of the Waning Light, Fallen Star, is to return. I ask for your advice on how to proceed. Your faithful student. Celestia.”

“Ce-les-tia… Got it.” With that, Luna took a deep breath then breathed out onto the parchment. “And there it goes. Do you really think she’ll respond?”

Celestia stared out the window, her ears folded back. “I did.”

Luna nodded and reached to pick up the two books when she belched a scroll appearing from the blue fire .“Ugh, that is so gross.When I was a little kid, it was neat, but now? Do you think Princess Twilight would teach me the spell she uses? I mean, I doubt she breathes fire or belches! Could you ima—”

“Luna?” Celestia smiled, turning to interrupting her complaining dragon shaped little sister.

Luna blinked, remembering the scroll in her claws. “Right, you probably want Princess Twilight’s reply. Let's see… oh…”

“What do you mean ‘oh’? What’s wrong, Luna?” Celestia trotted over to where Luna was.

“Ah, well, it’s not so much of a response as I think you were hoping for. It just says ‘See me’.” Luna shrugged, returning to her normal self. “It’s just… Princess Twilight doesn’t call for you, or really anyone, face to face much.”

Celestia took a deep breath. “Well, we won’t learn anything if we don’t go. Come on, Luna!”

“Wait, why me? It’s addressed to you! Celestia!” Luna’s voice echoed as both mares blinked into the hall outside of Princess Twilight’s study.

Princess Twilight paused for a moment as she read over something she had written before crossing it out. As she heard a soft knock on her door, a frown momentarily covered her muzzle at being disturbed before she remembered the letter. Count on my student to find some reference to that old prophecy. “Enter.” She looked up as Celestia walked in followed by Luna. Seeing the young changeling always made Twilight shake her head. All my research said you were unfertilized, child. I’m glad In this case that I was wron— incorrect. “Hello, Celestia, Luna, please sit down.”

Celestia glanced at Luna who quickly sank onto her haunches before taking a moment to study Twilight. She was tall, about the same height as she normally was, maybe a few inches less. Her coat was still the same, but now it seemed that her mane was a cross between her own and Luna’s;, making it was quite beautiful. I wonder if this is my Twilight’s future. Her eyes then caught sight of her cutie mark and she had to admit it was perfect for this version of Twilight: a pink sun partially covered by a quarter crescent moon. A few stars surrounded the moon. It truly was the mark of the waxing light. “Pr-princess Twilight? You wanted to see me?”

“Indeed I did, my student. I wanted to speak with you about Fallen Star. First off, I would tell you that not everything you find written is the truth; however, I would be forced to admit that even myths have a kernel of truth to them. Instead, I will say this: yes, Celestia, Fallen Star is likely to return tomorrow, but I don’t want you to worry. I have a plan.” With a small smile, she returned to her work as if she had forgotten about the two mares in her study.

Celestia went to open her mouth before she felt Luna nudge her. She turned to see Luna shaking her head. Not wishing to press the point, Celestia followed Luna out with a sigh.

Luna closed the door with a shiver. “It always freaks me out being around her like that... So, what now?”

Celestia narrowed her eyes at the door. That Twilight is my worst nightmare. She’s what I feared my student would grow to be. “I want to help her.”

“Well, yeah, I figured that, but, you heard her. She has a plan.” Luna sighed, missing entirely what Celestia meant.

"No, Luna, you don’t understand. I want to help her because in my world, Twilight saved you. You were Fallen Star. I... I was weak. I never wanted to be weak again. My Twilight has done so much to save my kingdom, sometimes even from myself. Luna, I have to help her. I owe her, I owe you, I owe this world's version of me. Whoever this Fallen Star is, she's clearly as important to Princess Twilight as you are to me. Please, help me help her and maybe, maybe we can make things right and return it all to normal."

Luna hesitated before nodding “Alright, but she said she had a plan.”

“Yes, and it is one that will fail... Trust me, I had the same plan. Tell me, does Princess Twilight do anything special for the Spring Equinox?” Celestia asked, hoping that the half developed idea in her head would be workable.

“Well, yes, every year she picks a town to wrap up winter in. This year’s is… let me think, Spike mentioned it to me last week.” Luna tapped her chin in thought as Celestia’s eyes widened

“Spike? Spike is a dragon, right? He’s here in the palace?” Celestia blinked, her mouth falling open.

“Of course Spike is here—and a dragon—he’s Princess Twilight’s assistant. Where have you… right, alternate universe… so you know Spike?” Luna finally shrugged.

“Yes, actually, you are in his role here.” Celestia grinned. This is perfect!

“Way weird. Anyway, Princess Twilight is doing Winter Wrap Up in Pony… something or other.” Luna trotted after Celestia who had started walking quickly down the hall. “Hey, hold on a second, Tia! Wait up!”

“It’s Ponyville, Luna! And you and I are going there today with a little help!” Celestia grinned, racing to where Raven’s quarters normally were.

Spike folded his arms as he gazed at Celestia and Luna. His eyebrow raised before he finally shrugged. “Sure, what the heck? Twilight wanted me to go down there and get everything ready, but, if you want to, I see no problem with that. You’ll be staying at their local library tonight.” He dug in his desk for a moment before handing Luna a scroll. “The official overseer check list. Anything else?”

Celestia grinned. “No, this is perfect. Thanks, Spike.”

“No problem at all, Celestia. Take care, all right? You as well, Luna, keep her out of trouble, eh?”

Luna brought a hoof up to salute while Spike chuckled. “You can count on me, sir!”

Spike watched them leave with a smile. Celestia may have been Twilight’s student, but he always considered Luna his. They’ll do fine. He shut his door and returned to his paperwork.

Luna groaned as she hid in the chariot. “I don’t understand why I couldn’t just transform into something and fly us there.”

“Is something wrong, Luna?” Celestia glanced over at the slightly green-faced changeling. “Oh, are you air sick?”

“N-no. I mean, I have wings, Tia. I just—urp—don’t like flying unless it’s of my own power.” Luna covered her head with her holed legs.

Celestia smiled, and placed a comforting hoof on her younger sister. “We’ll be landing soon.”

“So what is your plan, Tia?” Luna nuzzled Celestia’s chest.

She smiled. “Quite simple, Luna. I’m going to make some friends.”

Luna just blinked as the chariot came to a hard stop. Celestia hopped out, followed by Luna. “Thanks for the ride, sirs.” Celestia stated with a smile.

The two pegasi snorted a bit before taking off and heading back to Canterlot. Celestia’s eyes scanned the streets, waiting. A pink earth pony came walking down the street. Celestia smiled at her. “Hi, my name is Celestia!”

The pink earth pony gasped and then grinned. “Wow, so you’re from an alternate universe where you’re the Princess of the Day and the former teacher of Princess Twilight Sparkle who used to be a normal pony until she created new magic!”

Celestia stopped for a moment, lifting her hoof. "How did you..."

Pinkie shrugged with a grin. "Just a hunch! See you at the party, Celly!"

Pinkie happily bounced off as Luna watched before looking up at Celestia with a shiver. "I really hope that not all the ponies in this town are that crazy."

Celestia giggled. “All right, Luna, what’s first?” Oh, Luna, my dear Luna, you haven’t seen anything yet!

“First is meeting with Ms. Applejack of Sweet Apple Acres who is organizing catering.” Luna shivered, stomping her hooves a bit. “I’ll tell you something, Celestia: you don’t know how good you have it with your fur.”

Celestia paused and levitated her hat and scarf onto Luna. “Is that a bit better?”

Luna smiled. “You didn’t have to... I could have changed into a unicorn or something, you know.”

“I may not have needed to give you my scarf and hat, but I did want to. Now, let’s get to Sweet Apple Acres. It’s a bit of a walk, I’m afraid.” Celestia started off down the road.

Luna smiled before rushing after her “I don’t mind. Hey, Tia?”

“Mmm, what is it, Lu?” Celestia kept her eyes ahead, though she glanced back every now and then to see Luna seemingly struggling with her question.

“Well, I was... will you tell me more about your world? Later, I mean?” Luna finally got out with a nervous smile.

Celestia smiled. “Of course, Luna. I’ll tell you anything you want to know, little sister.”

Luna smiled while catching up with Celestia to walk beside her.

Celestia quietly winced as she set her aching hoof back onto the snow covered ground. Twilight was right, Applejack does have quite the grip. “It’s wonderful to meet you, Ms. Applejack, and might I say that it’s amazing how your family was able to prepare all of these wonderful dishes this close to the first day of spring.”

Applejack grinned. “Mighty thanks, but you can call me Applejack, Ms. Celestia.”

“Then I insist on the same. Please just call me Celestia. This is my little sister and assistant, Luna.” Celestia stepped back to reveal the still shivering changeling.

Applejack cocked her head. “Boy, howdy, I’ve never seen a pony like you before, Luna, but you sure look cold! Here!” She grabbed a blanket in her mouth and draped it over Luna. “That might help a bit. Now, can I get you two a cup of hot chocolate before you have to move on and maybe a taste of my granny’s famous apple pie?”

Celestia glanced down at Luna who was licking her lips. Well, that answers whether or not Luna needs food! “We’d love to, Applejack.”

“Ugh, I ate too much pie…” Celestia groaned. Luna moaned in agreement while still lapping at the chocolate stains on her muzzle. “So food that is made with love feeds you the best?”

“Uh-huh. I mean, I could just eat love, but then I’d miss out on so many yummy flavors. So I much prefer food made with love.” Luna finally stopped lapping at her lips. “All right, catering is checked. off. Now, we’re looking for the pegasus in charge of clearing the clouds. Who seems to be nowhere if you go by how many clouds are in the sky.”

Celestia’s eyes widened and she dived at Luna, knocking her away just in time to be hit herself. A very familiar pegasus mare punted both ponies into a snowbank.

“Whoops! Sorry about that. You okay?”

Celestia nodded as she dragged herself from the snowbank and shook most of the snow off her coat. “Are you Rainbow Dash?” As if I didn’t know…

“Yep! That’s me! Rainbow Dash: the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria! Who’s asking?”

“Oh, well, I’m Celestia Sol, the official organizer to the Spring Equinox, and I believe you are supposed to be clearing up the sky?” Celestia lifted an eyebrow as she shivered from the snow still clinging to her fur.

Rainbow Dash glanced over at her. “Let me get you dry first, though, all right? With my patented Rain-Blow Dry!”

Celestia’s eyes widened as Rainbow Dash began flying around her at high speed before finally stopping to stare at Celestia and snort. She fell into the snow, laughing her tail off.

Luna glanced over at her frazzled looking sister and covered her mouth with a hoof. Celestia looked like she had gotten into a fight with a curling iron and lost.

“If you are done laughing, those clouds really do need to be taken care of, and if you can’t handle it, I’m sure Luna can.” Celestia grinned as Rainbow Dash stood up and narrowed her eyes. Gotcha.

“Don’t you worry. I can get rid of those clouds in ten seconds flat!” Rainbow Dash spread her wings as Celestia nodded.

“Go on then, prove it.”

She counted down from ten to one as Rainbow Dash beat back the clouds a small smile on her lips as Rainbow Dash hovered in front of her. “Ten seconds flat! You know, you’re a lot of fun, Celestia. I can’t wait to hang out with you again!”

Celestia lifted a hoof to wave as Rainbow Dash took off back into the sky. “Me either.” Her eyes narrowed as Luna walked over and bounced a bit of Celestia’s mane with her magic. “Just ignore it for now…”

“Whatever you say! Rainbow Dash gets a check! Which means next is to check the decorations at town hall.” Luna nodded, folding the list up and following after Celestia who nodded carefully.

Celestia walked into town hall to see it decorated with the colors of spring. She smiled. And there is Rarity… I wonder… She waited to see if Luna would remark on the unicorn, but she seemed to simply be enjoying the decorations as Celestia was. “The decorations look wonderful Miss Rarity. You truly have an eye for décor.”

Rarity nodded, a bit distracted. “Just one moment, dear.” She looked between two different ribbons before finally settling on one and tying it around a pole. “Now then, how may I he— oh!”

Heat rushed to Celestia’s cheeks. “I had a run in with Rainbow Dash. Is there anything you can do to help?”

Rarity ‘hmm’ed, and took a closer look before gesturing to follow after her.

Celestia sighed in relief: her mane was back to normal and she was enjoying a cup of tea with Rarity. She is quite knowledgeable about the upper crust life. If only she understood the reality of living it a bit more. “So, yes, Luna and I are from Canterlot where I’m the student of Princess Twilight.”

Rarity gasped, setting down her cup of tea and taking Celestia’s hoof in her own. “Canterlot? Oh, I’ve always dreamed of living there! You must spend all your time at parties and events!”

Celestia smiled with a shrug. “Actually, I spend much of my time in my observatory studying and helping the princess. I hope… you don’t think differently of me knowing that?”

“Not at all, dear! In fact, I study quite a bit to keep up with the changing styles. Please, allow me to at least find you a hat, as it’s still dreadfully cold out there!” Rarity didn’t wait for an answer before getting up and she rummaged through a drawer. “Ah, perfect!”

Celestia looked up to see Rarity produce a light pink stocking hat which was levitated onto Celestia’s head. “Marvelous! It brings out the pale pink of your coat, darling. But... hmm…” Rarity tapped her chin as she circled Celestia. “Something is still missing... Idea!” Rarity rushed from the room to return a few moments later with a long pink woolen scarf matching the hat in both shade and material.

Celestia smiled as it was wrapped around her neck. “It’s lovely, Miss Rarity, I don’t have many bits, I’m afraid.”

“Oh, think nothing of it! It’s simply a gift to my newest friend!” Rarity smiled before checking the time. “I am afraid I must ask that you and your dear assistant leave me for now, though. I still have some decorating to do and not much time left to do it. Ta ta!”

Celestia and Luna left the boutique with Celestia wearing her brand new pink, stocking hat and scarf securely wrapped around her neck. They both waved to Rarity as she shut the door behind them. “All right, Luna, last thing is music!”

Celestia’s ears perked as she heard the beautiful serenade of bird songs. As they walked up upon the sight of a small pegasus mare calmly directing a bird choir, Luna’s jaw dropped.

“How did she get those birds back early, and in enough time to teach them that song?” Luna looked up at Celestia.

She shrugged before taking a step forward while speaking very softly. “Hello, are you Fluttershy? I don’t want to interrupt, only to tell you that music is just beautiful. My little sister thinks so as well.”

Fluttershy had her face buried under her mane as Celestia spoke until she glanced up to see Luna. She gasped and cocked her head. “Oh! I’ve never seen a pony like you before…”

Luna grinned. “Yeah, I’m not exactly a pony you see. I’m a changeling.”

“A… a changeling? Oh wow! I’ve only read a few things about changelings. I don’t suppose...?” Fluttershy hesitated as Celestia smiled.

“Fluttershy, why don’t you come with Luna and I to the library where we are staying? I’m certain Luna would love to tell you what she knows about changelings.” Celestia turned to head down the road as she heard Luna giggle.

“Well, I don’t know that much, but…”

Celestia opened the door to the library and peered in. Any moment now Pinkie is going to pop out and cry out ‘surprise’. She crept further into the library to see a piece of parchment on the table. She lifted it up to read:

Celly, Gotta keep you guessing, don’t I? Have a nice nap! Pinkie.

Celestia laughed as she decided she and Luna should take that advice. Just as she was headed upstairs, she paused a shiver running through her body as if the temperature had just dropped ten degrees. She rushed to the window to watch as trees became icy once more, her breath escaping in visible bursts. “Oh no… She’s here.”