• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 15,890 Views, 269 Comments

It Must Be Tuesday - Foals Errand

On the thousandth year it is prophesied that the Mare of the Waning Light would return. Fallen Star— wait, what?

  • ...

Chapter 2

“Who is…” Luna’s voice trailed off as her breath turned to fog. As she took another step closer to Celestia, she began to shiver. “Ce-celestia, what’s going on? Why is it getting so much colder?”

Celestia spun around to see Luna breathing into her fore hooves, trying to stay warm. “Lu, if you change into a being with fur, would you be kept warm? Or is that only an illusion?”

“Y-yeah, good idea Tia…” With that, a burst of blue fire wrapped around Luna. When it cleared, she was once again a dusky unicorn. She shivered once more, but was no longer trembling as much as she had been, much to Celestia’s relief.

Celestia glanced back out the window to see ice crystals growing steadily bigger. She swallowed hard. With Luna, I knew that eventually we would lose ponies to her madness. I worry we don’t have near enough the same time that Twilight and her friends had. Celestia paused as she felt the weight of Luna resting her cheek against her barrel. “Lu…”

“I’m alright Tia...b-but it really is true isn’t it? I mean I was still kind of humoring you, but this...this cold it’s unnatural…” Luna rubbed her cheek into her sister’s barrel, as if trying to get even closer to the mare.

Celestia quietly stared ahead. Internally, though, dozens of thoughts were running through her mind. But the main thought that she simply was unable to dismiss was Luna’s safety. She knew-knew-that if the Elements were needed, Luna would be in the way. She possibly even could be hurt. But, everytime she opened her mouth to tell the filly to stay behind, no sound would leave her throat. Celestia closed her eyes tightly and breathed through her nose. But an image she remembered from long ago would not leave her.

A small filly frozen in the snow.

Celestia shook her head, but the image would not leave her. Instead, it shifted to be Luna frozen by the unforgiving ice that was building in the town.

“Luna, I think I know where Fallen Star is.”

“And you want me to stay here, right?” Luna’s voice almost seemed to crack as it was muffled by Celestia’s fur.

Celestia bit down on her bottom lip until she could taste copper. She shook her head. “No, I want you to come with me. But…”

Luna lifted her head to see Celestia glancing back at her with dew-filled eyes. “But?”

“You will listen to me. If I say run you run, if I say hide you hide. If I say leave me you will do that. Do you understand me, Luna?” Celestia ignored the drop of blood that fell to the ground from her cut lip as she looked Luna firmly in the eye.

“I...I understand Celestia. I promise. I swear, I’ll listen to you,” Luna answered after a pause.

Celestia smiled. And with a pulse of magic she reshaped the blanket that was still covering Luna’s withers into a simple coat. She soon had Luna bundled up in the jacket and a hat. She pulled her own hat and scarf back on. “Alright. I need to convince five ponies I have only just met that we have to go into the Everfree forest alone, look for the Elements of Harmony, and fight an ancient evil or the entire world will turn into nothing but a ball of ice...Easy!”

Luna shook her head as she saw Celestia’s eyebrow begin to twitch. “I know it sounds amazingly out there and stupid… But… why don’t you tell them the truth?”

“Tell the truth...” Celestia bit down on her still-bleeding lip. Honesty is one of the Elements… And as Princess Celestia, I do know things about these ponies that no pony should know...As long as this world isn’t completely different from my own...Honesty that's it! “Luna, you are a genius! Come on, I know just where to start!”

Celestia shivered as she knocked on Applejack’s front door. She could still feel Luna shivering next to her. Never have I wished to have wings more than I do right now. “Stay close to me, Luna…”

“Don’t gotta worry about that, Tia.”

The door opened a crack, revealing Applejack’s green eye. “Hey Celestia… sorry ah can’t open then door anymore than this. Ifin you want to come in you’ll have to hurry in. This cold, it ain’t being to kind to Granny Smith…”

Celestia swallowed as she frantically pushed aside the reminder of how little time she had. “Would you come out here please, Applejack? I certainly don’t want all the warmth to escape while we talk.”

The door shut. Celestia frowned. her ears pinned back before it opened again and shut with a slam, revealing Applejack in a scarf and jacket.

“Alright, Sugarcube. What's going on? Is this some sort of special Winter Wrap Up the Princess is doing? Ya know the Apple family always speaks up for her but…” The mare snorted, stomping her right forehoof. “This’ll make it a fair touch more difficult.”

Celestia frowned. Speaking up for the Princess? “N-no it isn’t, Applejack. Listen, I know you aren’t going to believe me, but I’m not from around here.”

“No kiddin, Sugar. You’re from Canterlot. Ya told me earlier, remember?” Applejack’s eyebrow was raised.

Celestia trembled as a bitter cold brushed past the three of them.“No. I-I mean I’m really not from here. I’m from another world. In my reality, I am the Princess, and Twilight Sparkle is my student!” Celestia shook her head. “But that isn’t important. I need your help, Applejack. Please!”

Applejack frowned down at the ground. Finally, she looked up. “Ya say you’re the Princess in your world? Can you prove it? Because right now you just sound...A bit nuts…”

Celestia licked her upper lip as she tried to think of something which would prove herself. “Your family founded Ponyville. Over one hundred years ago they were gifted this land by the Princess, either Twilight in your case or myself in my world. Your great grandparents and your grandmother.”

Applejack stared into Celestia’s eyes, her own narrowed. “Alright, that ain’t something well known even here in Ponyville. You say you need my help?”

Celestia slumped in relief before she smiled. “I know why it’s so cold. Have you heard the tale of Fallen Star?”

Applejack shrugged. “Sure as sugar. Wait… Lemme guess. It ain’t no tale, is it?”

“Right in one. In my world, you are the holder of one of the Elements of Harmony.” Celestia pawed at the porch. “Please, Applejack. Just say you’ll follow me. If you don’t this ice…”

Celestia trailed off as she felt a hoof come to rest on her shoulder. “Shoot, sugarcube. Ain’t the normal way one starts a friendship. But, Ah can’t say it’s the weirdest.” She tossed back her head. “C’mon, you two. Let’s save the world!”

Celestia felt a smile slowly form on her muzzle Maybe, just maybe, this will work out…

“Rainbow! Rainbow Dash, please come down. I need to talk to you!” Celestia shouted up towards the prismatic blurr who was desperately trying to bust clouds.

“No can do, Sol! Something major weird is messing with the weather, and I’d be a pretty poor weather pony if I couldn’t fix it! Come on you stupid cloud. Break already!” Rainbow Dash slammed her hind legs through the cloud, not affecting it in the slightest.

“Rainbow! Git down here! Celestia knows what’s happening if you’ll just quiet your mouth an listen!” Applejack stomped her hoof down on the ground, cracking the ice that was now covering the snow.

A few moments passed as Rainbow tried to bust the cloud once more before diving down to hover before the three of them. A frown was on her muzzle, and her hooves were crossed. “I’m listening. This had better be good.”

“I know what is going on with the weather. And before you ask, no, it’s not Princess Twilight. At least not directly.” Celestia frowned. “Look, I could spend a bunch of time trying to convince you of what is going on. Or you can take the chance to trust us. Then we can go beat up the bad guy and save the world.”

“Alright. I’ll trust you Sol. But after we kick butt, I want to know everything.” Rainbow Dash hit the ground. She folded her wings against her sides and nodded towards Applejack, who smiled. “So, where are we headed, Celestia?”

“Eventually, we’re going to the Everfree. But first we need more help. And supplies…” Celestia nuzzled Luna, who had changed again to give herself a longer and fuller coat of fur.

“Oh my goodness! Come inside, all of you! Hurry! I just made tea. Now, get out of the cold!” Rarity stood in the doorway of the boutique, gesturing them inside. “I was just gathering blankets to take to the schoolhouse. Cheerilee has several foals there trying to keep them warm.” She stepped out of the way so the four could come inside.

Celestia stomped her hooves, trying to warm herself up as Luna raced to the fireplace that had been built up. “We can’t stay, but we’d be happy to help you deliver those blankets. The truth is Rarity. I...we need your help.”

Rarity paused pouring the tea and looked up at Celestia and the others. She firmly nodded. “Of course, whatever I can do. What do you need, my dear?”

“We need supplies for extreme cold weather. And we also need you.” Celestia frowned. “I wish I could explain everything, but we are running out of time! If we don’t hurry, everything will be under a layer of ice.”

Rarity glanced at Applejack, who nodded firmly, while Rainbow was obviously chewing over her own thoughts. “Of course. But I do hope you have an explanation for what exactly is going on?”

“You and I both, Rarity.” Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at Celestia, then paused as she saw the mare had her full attention on Luna. “Uh, maybe we should leave her at the schoolhouse with the other foals?”

Celestia paused in thought. Luna suddenly raced over “No! Celestia already told me the rules. Besides, you might need me! What if you run into a big monster or something? I can change into something even bigger and protect you!” She sunk into herself as Celestia placed her horn against hers. “Please…”

Rainbow Dash finally shrugged. “Alright, kid. Just ...don’t get hurt, okay?”

Luna nodded as Rarity left the main room for a few moments. She quickly returned with heavy coats, scarves, hats, and boots. “Be careful with these boots, Luna dear. They’re my little sister’s.” She smiled at Celestia, who smiled back, nodding her head in understanding. They grabbed the pile of blankets and followed after Rarity.

The ice crunched under their boots as the snow began to fall in heavy flakes. It was getting colder...


The group paused not far from the schoolhouse as Celestia’s ear flicked from the soft voice. After a few moments, Fluttershy appeared from the outskirts of the forest. “My goodness! Fluttershy, darling, are you alright?” Rarity levitated the blankets she was carrying onto Applejack’s back.

“O-oh yes I’m fine...it’s just my friends… They are so scared… I was hoping if I came into town somepony might have an idea about what is going on?” Fluttershy glanced at the other five ponies loaded down with blankets. “Where are you all headed?”

“Schoolhouse, Cheerilee has a bunch of the foals gathered there. These blankets oughta keep em a mite bit warmer.” Applejack nodded towards the building just visible through the snow.

“And after that we’re following Celestia into the Everfree to kick evil butt and save the world from freezing over!” Rainbow Dash grinned, flicking her mane back.

“Th-the Everfree? Into the Everfree y-you mean deep into it?” Fluttershy meeped, her ears pinned back.

“Yes, and well...Fluttershy, we need your help. We need a guide, and you are probably the best one we could hope to find.” Celestia took a step forward. “Please, Fluttershy. If we don’t hurry…”

Fluttershy’s eyes narrowed as she took a deep breath, realizing exactly what would happen if they didn’t hurry. “Alright. I’ll help however I can, Celestia. Do you have any idea which way we are headed?”

“Darlings, as happy as I am to add Fluttershy to our little quest, might I suggest we drop off these blankets before they get too soaked from this awful snow to even be useful?” Rarity had turned, walking towards the school house with purpose. The others quickly followed after as Rainbow jammed the hat she was wearing onto Fluttershy’s head with a smirk.

Cheerilee had been thankful for the blankets, though puzzled as they insisted they were only there to drop them off.

“Where could she be…” Celestia frowned, glancing back towards the town through the heavy falling snow. “Should we split up and look for her? Do we even have the time?”

“Who ya looking for?”

“Pinkie Pie. We need her, too” Celestia shook her head as she saw the pink pony hopping beside her, wrapped in a heavy pink jacket and hat. “Pinkie, where did you come from?”

“Oh, Celly! I know it’s been a really long time since you were tiny, but surely you know what happens when a Mommy and a Daddy pony decide they want a foal?” Pinkie grinned as they stopped at the entrance to the Everfree.

“No, I meant…”

“Ohhh you meant how did I know to come here? Well I got a super mega twitchy tail then a right ear flap then a left then my eyes fluttered and I just knew I was needed to help my friends in the Everfree. So I got my cozy jacket and hat on and headed straight here. I thought about rolling a bard for our quest, but I knew that’d take way way too long. So I just came here, instead!” Pinkie grinned at her friends, who blinked a few times before shrugging.

Celestia trotted to the very edge of the forest and turned to face the group. “I know we don’t know each other well, and I know you are all scared of what is to come.” She smiled, a tear running down her cheek. “But, I don’t think I can say how thankful I am to all of you that you are following me in here, little more than strangers that we are.”

“What on Equestria are you talking about, Celly Belly? We’re not strangers!” Pinkie gasped out. “I mean yeah sure we met today, but it already feels like we’ve known each other just forever!”

Rainbow Dash dropped from where she was hovering in the air. “Pinkie is right. I thought you were cool just from the first moment we met. You have a great sense about you Cel… But, seriously after this answers would be awesome.” She socked Celestia in the shoulder.

“Shoot, sugarcube. If what you told me is even a bit true Ah owe you more than Ah can say. Least that does is make us friends.” Applejack grinned, placing a hoof on the same spot Rainbow Dash had socked her.

“Absolutely, darling! You are so well-spoken, yet polite. I’d be a mad mare to ignore you!” Rarity nodded her head and smiled.

“And you were so kind to let me talk to your little sister…. I was really looking forwards to getting to know you, Luna too.” Fluttershy moved her mane away so Celestia could see her eyes.

“And don’t you dare think you are getting rid of me anytime soon, Big Sis!” Luna grinned widely up at Celestia, who was blinking back the tears which were filling her eyes.

Celestia’s chest felt warm. Is this…

“Girls… Thank you. I am the luckiest mare in the world to have friends like you.” She turned to face the forest. “But right now we have a world to save!”

Comments ( 89 )

This fic is back from the dead I see.

It is, I'm sorry it took so long.

a fic back form the dead,
yea yea yea

Still the chess master I see Celestia. You are doing everything in your power not to upset what you know is needed by knowledge you shouldn’t have. Hopefully all the girls still line up and it goes almost all to plan. I do wonder how Celestia will take the reveal who the villain is?

It's more that she knows they have a time limit and it is passing quickly. She has already promised herself she won't lie to them... Still a bit of a chess master though yes.

You might find this story interesting: Strategic

Yay! Fanfic Necromancy! Still love the story.

Happy to be a functioning necromancer!

It has arisen! And actually diverted majorly from the plot of the canon!

Man, I'm liking this. Keep it up! :)

Oh boy! Whee! Time to dance and sing the song of my people!

Huh, it has been so long that I do not remember reading the first chapter when this was new :moustache:

I swear I won't ever go that long between updates ever again...

From dead to featured in ten seconds flat! This is shaping up to be a very interesting AU.

Pinkie Pie, you scare me.

25th Dec 2015


27th Jul 2018


I know, I know... It won't happen again...


*shrug* Its fanfic. You update when you update. I was just wondering what the 2015 version of this story would've been.

Probably pretty piss poor... I talked over the plot point for months with my friends and prereaders. And the first go arounds were...basically rewriting the first two episodes. It was awful and just a horrid mess.

So I dropped it until I felt ready. And here we are.

I'm glad you are enjoying! Also may I comment my love for your avatar!:heart:

this is a nice twist

hoo boy, has been some time since I have read chapter 1.
I had to reread it to follow chapter 2.
Well ... Good start.... Gimme moar.:twilightblush:

Tis back from da DEAD!

Same, I was like, 'When did I favorite this story?' And then I reread the first chapter, and aside from the start where Celly wakes up in Twilight's place, and the thing with Luna, I don't remember ANY of it......maybe I liked it so much that I tossed on a favorite after reading that far, but then forgot I hadn't finished the chapter?

So basically , Celestia being more socially open , Is helpinf her more thank knowinf roughly what will happen

Cames the next chapter 2021? ;P

Think October or November 2018 ^^

Wow, talk about a resurrection Foaly! But this one is definitely welcomed. :pinkiehappy:

o.o oh wow, welcome back!

^^ Thanks Primey glad you enjoyed!

Great to see this back up and running! And I have to say:

"You will listen to me. If I say run you run, if I say hide you hide. If I say leave me you will do that. Do you understand me, Luna?”

Celestadore? :pinkiehappy:

It lives after 3 years!!!

Jeez, never expected to see this again! :pinkiegasp:

Been thinking of who fallen star could be... my guess is Cadence or Sunset ... could potentially be chrysalis though I highly doubt it!

Sunset just look at tags

So it is! I can't believe I forgot about the tags!

Aha! I sure am glad that tracking this story didn't turn out to be a Foals Errand

I can't wait to see where you take the story from here.


We know many have already said this but... go ahead Greyscale...

This was unexpected glad to see it back though hope for some great new chapters

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

If it is Sunset, AUs certainly make for interesting sibling rivalries. Not to mention the symbolism... Twilight is the younger sister, as Twilight comes after Sunset. Twilight also occurs between dawn and sunrise, though...

I must be imagining things this isn't a real update.

Aww, thank you so much for not giving in and leaving this well alone. It means so much that you've updated it, datura xx

I want more

Glad to see this one was not forgotten.

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