• Published 9th Apr 2016
  • 7,639 Views, 89 Comments

Storm of Emotions - 5746584864

Rainbow Dash and Soarin's friends keep teasing them about each other, but, for them, they're nothing more than friends. But the situation of Rainbow Dash being accused may bring to the surface feelings that they didn't know they had.

  • ...

Chapter 1: We're Just Friends!

“THIS IS SO AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash shouted, as she got out of the train that just arrived in Canterlot and started doing backflips in the train station.

“Yes, yes, I know, dear. You said that during the whole trip,” Rarity said slightly annoyed, following close behind. She was levitating a bunch of bags, in contrast with the only saddlebag Rainbow was carrying on her back.

“Heh, I know,” Rainbow said sheepishly, but her enthusiasm soon returned. “It's just that I'm so excited for being the chosen reserve! I get to spend time with my idols once more!” she said as she came down, but continued to hover instead of walking.

“And don't forget that you might have a chance to perform with them,” Rarity reminded her, starting to walk out of the station. Rainbow was flying close behind.

“Yeah, but that probably ain't happening. Of course that it would be even more awesome! Performing with the Wonderbolts would be a dream come true!” Rainbow said, with a dreamy sigh. Her expression soon flattened, but she shook her head and smiled again. “But never mind. Even if I'm not flying with them, it's still awesome to be there as their reserve. And of course, there's the dinner tomorrow. I get to see them up close! Maybe I can talk to Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot again. I can't wait!” she continued excitedly.

“Oh! About that, aren’t Spitfire and Fleetfoot the ones who tried to convince you to leave the Ponyville delegation at the Equestria Games tryouts?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, it was them, but everything's okay now. They even cheered us on in the tryouts, and Spitfire gave me a golden Wonderbolts pin. Y'know, the one that turned out to be the key to the chest?” Rainbow said.

“Yes, I remember. Hmm... And Soarin is the stallion you saved and helped bring back to their team, correct?” Rarity inquired.

“Yeah. We ended up sharing the same room in the hospital, and while we talked we found out about what was going on. Afterwards I decided I would fly for Ponyville and he could go back to the Cloudsdale delegation,” Rainbow explained.

“I see. He seems a nice stallion. And very good looking in my opinion,” Rarity said, as Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“Why do you always keep paying attention to the stallions' appearance?” she asked, annoyed.

“Oh, it's completely normal. I'm a mare after all. There's no problem in looking,” Rarity defended.

“It's still weird for me,” Rainbow said.

“Oh, Rainbow Dash, don't pretend you never did that. I bet you find Soarin handsome too, don't you?” Rarity asked teasingly. Rainbow's cheeks instantly turned red.

“Wha– Rarity! I can't believe you're really asking me something like this! I don't keep searching for handsome stallions everywhere like you do,” she protested.

“You didn't answer my question,” Rarity pointed out, in a sing-song voice.

“Uh... I...” Rainbow mumbled, scratching her head. “Maybe?” she admitted, her cheeks even redder.

“I knew it! See? Even you notice these things. Intentionally or not,” Rarity said.

“Whatever. Don't ask me things like that anymore. It's strange to talk like that about a friend,” Rainbow said, still blushing a little.

Rarity chuckled. “Okay, Rainbow. But if you need any help with him, I'm right here,” she assured.

“What kind of help?” Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Romantic advice, of course!” Rarity replied. Rainbow's blush intensified once again and her eyes widened as Rarity continued. “I have a great knowledge in the matter, and I'd love to help a friend of mine to have one of her idols as a boyfriend.”

Rainbow facehooved. “For pony's sake, Rarity, STOP!” she yelled, throwing her hooves up in protest. “Soarin and I are just friends! This is embarrassing,” she said, crossing her hooves and turning her face to the other side to hide her blush.

Rarity sheepishly looked away. “Sorry, perhaps I got a bit carried away.”

“You don't say?” Rainbow said sarcastically.

“But still, you could at least consider the idea,” Rarity insisted. Rainbow shot her a glare. “Why not? Have you even dated once before, Rainbow Dash?”

“No, and I don't plan on doing it anytime soon. Now could we please leave this subject behind?” Rainbow asked flatly.

Rarity sighed. “Okay, if you insist...” she said, disappointed. Her expression soon lightened up as she looked around. “Oh, don't you just love Canterlot's architecture?” Rarity asked, admiring the buildings of the city.

Rainbow looked around and shrugged. “Dunno. I think it's too fancy.”

“I know! Isn't it beautiful?” Rarity exclaimed. Rainbow shook her head. Obviously, Rarity would take “too fancy” as a compliment. But who cares? At least she stopped that awkward conversation about Soarin.

“Are you done already?”

“No, Rainbow Dash. You already asked a million times,” Rarity said in an annoyed tone, as she continued to sew more dresses in her boutique. Rainbow Dash was sitting on a couch on the other side of the room.

“But this is taking too long! I'm gonna die of boredom if I stay here any longer,” Rainbow complained.

Rarity sighed and stopped what she was doing to face her. “Darling, I appreciate your company, but if you stay here just complaining, it won't do any good for the both of us. If you are so ‘bored’ here, why don't you go out and search for something to pass your time? Canterlot has a lot of divine places you could visit if you need some entertainment,” she suggested, with a friendly tone.

Rainbow snorted. “Yeah, for you maybe. There's just fancy places full of stuck up ponies around here. I can't even go for a flight to practice some tricks without some snobs looking at me like I'm some kind of weirdo,” she said.

Rarity narrowed her eyes at her. “Well, if you don't want to go out there, at least don't stay here only to complain. I need concentrate to make this right,” she told her.

“Okay, I get it. I'll be quiet,” Rainbow said, defeated.

“Thank you,” Rarity nodded, going back to sewing.

Rainbow Dash sighed, laying belly up on the couch. If there was nothing to do in Canterlot, nothing to do in the boutique, nowhere she wanted to go, nopony to talk to and now she couldn't complain either, what could she do to pass the time?

‘I should have brought some Daring Do books,’ she thought. ‘C'mon, Dash, think! There's gotta be something to do around here...’

Rainbow looked around seeing dresses, spools, fabrics and other sewing related things.

‘Nothing to do around here...’

Rarity was leaning over a sewing machine, eyeing her work carefully to make sure everything was sewed right.

‘How can she do it all day long and don't die of boredom?’

She sighed again, fixing her gaze on the ceiling. Her mind wandered to the incoming performance of the Wonderbolts. She was so looking forward to watching it! Seeing the Wonderbolts flying was always awesome. And although she really wanted to be up there with them, she was already happy enough being there. Not only being there, but being there as a reserve. Knowing that they had chosen her among all of the other reserves filled her with pride. She knew she was a great flier, and she used to show very well that she knew it, but knowing that her heroes thought so too was even better. Their acknowledgement of her skill meant so much to her.

Her thoughts drifted to the Equestria Games tryouts. Spitfire and Fleetfoot clearly admired her skill to the point that they wanted her to join their team. Spitfire even said that she was “as good as any Wonderbolt” after she saved Soarin.

Oh, right. Soarin.

For some reason, Rainbow Dash felt a little uncomfortable thinking about him now. ‘Oh yeah... Must be because of Rarity's stupid conversation about him a while ago. Where did she get those ideas?’

As much as she didn't like the subject, she knew that Rarity had a point. Rainbow didn't pay much attention before because... well, she wasn't the kind of mare that cared about this kind of thing, but she had to admit that Soarin was handsome. He was also a nice guy and the only Wonderbolt that was friendly with her without any second intentions, unlike Spitfire and Fleetfoot, who only wanted her to accept their proposal of joining their team. She already put it behind her, but, until now, Soarin was the only one who was genuinely nice to her all the time. And she really felt honored when he said “You're the best, Rainbow Dash”. He didn't say she was the best flyer, the best competitor or something like that; he said SHE was the BEST. He said the pony, Rainbow Dash, not the flyer Rainbow Dash, was the best. This made her feel even better than Spitfire's compliment, even if she was the team's captain, because Soarin didn't say he simply admire her skill: he admired her. The Wonderbolts' second-in-command admired her!

She didn't know why, but she found it rather cruel when she thought it like that. Maybe she wasn't happy because the Wonderbolts' second-in-command praised her, but because Soarin praised her. She really liked him. Not the way Rarity put it, but she liked him, as a friend. After all, he was a great guy, a great flyer, he was handsome...

Rainbow mentally kicked herself as soon as the thought came to her mind. ‘Great! Now these thoughts won't go away. Thank you, Rarity!’

She grunted in frustration as she recalled the awkward conversation. Where did Rarity get that idea? She, the coolest pegasus around, looking for romantic advice? Why would the awesome Rainbow Dash need a boyfriend? She wasn't the kind of girl that kept dreaming about every good looking stallion she saw like Rarity did, and that mushy stuff wasn't for her at all.

And why Soarin? Nothing past friendship ever happened between them. The few times they saw each other they only talked casually. Nothing special about that. They were just friends, right? No reason for Rarity to think there was something else going on. No, of course not. She was just being Rarity.

Rainbow couldn't help but recall the times that Soarin and her met. She had seen him, as well as the other Wonderbolts, in their shows from afar, but they only talked for the first time at the Young Flyers Competition, when she performed her second Sonic Rainboom and saved him, Spitfire, Misty Fly, and of course, Rarity.

As strange as it was, Rainbow had to thank Rarity for joining the competition, burning her wings, almost dying, kicking the Wonderbolts' faces, leaving them unconscious, almost making them die too and leaving her to save all of them. She probably couldn't have done the Rainboom otherwise. And if she hadn't, she wouldn't have won the competition nor the prize: a whole day with the Wonderbolts.

That was one of the most “ohmygoshed” days of Rainbow Dash's life. Not only she spent the day with her idols, but she also received their thanks for saving them and congratulations for her performance. Unfortunately, Spitfire, Soarin nor Misty Fly couldn't see it, but the others did, and the whole audience, including Princess Celestia. And of course, they knew about it through them.

Rainbow's ego felt like it would explode that day. It was already huge, and the praises she was receiving from the Wonderbolts kept giving it boosts. They were clearly impressed with her performance.

That was an amazing day. And while she talked to the Wonderbolts in a general way, she thought it was really nice of Soarin to come after the whole thing was over to thank her directly. Spitfire had already thanked her for the three of them, but he said he felt like he needed to do it by himself. After all, it's not everyday somepony saves your life, he said. But that act made Soarin be the first Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash thought about in a separate way.

She was a great fan of them, so she knew their names, their ranks and everything. She had never stopped to think that each one of them was different though. During the day she had spent with them, they were all together, as always, so she saw them as the Wonderbolts. When Soarin came to talk to her by himself, she realized that she hadn't really paid attention to each one of them in particular. He came to thank her not as a Wonderbolt; only as a pony who was thankful she saved his life, without any formalities. It made her sympathize with him for who he was, not for the rank he had.

Their second encounter was at the Grand Galloping Gala. It certainly didn't go as well as Rainbow expected. Sure, she saved his apple pie and Spitfire recognized her as the pony who saved their lives, inviting her to hangout with them. But after that, they were too busy dealing with the other fans and the media for her to really talk to them.

Rainbow remembered when she gave the pie back to him and he started eating it messily. She had to hold back a snicker at his goofiness, though she had to admit she found it rather cute.

Wait, what?

Rainbow Dash, finding something, somepony, a stallion... CUTE? This was so not her.

‘What did Rarity do to me?’ Rainbow wondered uncomfortably.

She then decided it was better to leave the subject of Soarin out of her mind until Rarity's suggestions weren't influencing her thoughts. But what could she do to kill time?

She could barely wait for the dinner, and having nothing to do wasn't helping her patience.

Rainbow let out a yawn of boredom. However, an idea popped into her head. Of course! How could she not have thought about it before? Napping was something she loved to do, would make the time go by faster and wouldn't bother anypony (not that she really cared about the latter).

But she was a pegasus. She was so used to sleeping in fluffy clouds that the couch seemed very uncomfortable.

“I'll find a cloud to nap out there,” she told Rarity before flying out of the window.

“Don't forget to get back in time for the dinner!” Rarity shouted to her.

“Don't worry, I will!” Rainbow shouted back.

She flew high up in the skies and started searching for a nice cloud.

‘There!’ she thought when she found a fluffy white cloud that would fit her body perfectly.

She let out another yawn, laid down on the cloud and closed her eyes, her bored state quickly making the sleep come upon her as she drifted to her own dreamland...

Spitfire, Soarin, Fleetfoot and several other Wonderbolts landed on the ground after a long day of practicing their performance for the Royal Garden’s opening, which was going to be in the next day.

“That's enough for today, Wonderbolts. Let's get some rest before the dinner starts,” Spitfire ordered, earning many sighs of relief from the others.

“So,” Fleetfoot called Soarin's attention, nudging his side with an elbow, “What do you think about our reserve for this show?”

“Rainbow Dash?” he asked as they walked in the direction of their rooms in the castle.

“Duh! Who else?” she said, with an obvious expression.

Soarin thought for a moment before answering.

“She's a very good flyer. She's fast, she's agile... I'm sure she'll do fine if we need her to perform in somepony's place,” he said.

“I wasn't talking about her skill,” Fleetfoot clarified.

“What were you talking about then?” Soarin asked, raising an eyebrow.

Fleetfoot smirked. That didn't seem good. That didn't seem good at all.

“What do you think of her as a pony? No, as a mare?” she asked him, bouncing her eyebrows, still smirking. Soarin blinked.

“Why are you asking?” he asked.

“No reason at all...” Fleetfoot said, innocently, before the mocking tone returned. “I'm sure you're more than happy that she's coming.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, suspiciously.

“Oh yeah. You two seemed to be getting along very well at the Equestria Games tryouts,” Spitfire said, joining the conversation. Her expression matching Fleetfoot's.


“Soarin, don't act like you don't know what we're talking about,” Fleetfoot said, with her hooves crossed. “Don't you remember what you told her after she saved you?” She then, put her hooves together in a mock romantic fashion and made a dreamy face, before repeating Soarin's words. “‘You are the best, Rainbow Dash.’”

“I didn't say it like that!” Soarin protested.

“But you did say it,” she insisted.

“What's the problem? Spitfire complimented her too,” he defended.

“I complimented her skill, Soarin,” Spitfire interrupted. “You complimented her,” she said, widening her smirk.

“Well...” Soarin stumbled over his words, blushing slightly. “I-It was the least I could do. She saved me after all.”

“Fair enough,” Fleetfoot said. “Nothing more than that, right?” she asked, the smirk never leaving her face.

“No,” Soarin replied, slightly glaring at her.

“If you say so...” she replied, still with the same mocking tone in her voice.

“Come on, we already mocked Soarin enough,” Spitfire said to Fleetfoot with a chuckle. “Let's get going, dinner is starting soon,” she continued, motioning for Soarin and Fleetfoot to follow.

They walked together through the castle hallways until they had to part ways to go each one to their respective rooms.

“Hey Soar,” Fleetfoot called, a step away from turning the corner to go to her room.

Soarin stopped walking and hesitated some seconds. Was it really worth turning to her? He sighed and turned.

“Yes?” he said.

“Brush well your teeth. We mares don't like stallions with bad breath, especially in the kiss time,” she said mockingly.

Soarin simply looked flatly at her, not seeming affected in the slightest.

“I bet Rainbow Dash wouldn't like it too,” she continued with a smirk.

Soarin flopped his ears down, turning his back to her and returning to walk to his room as Fleetfoot snickered behind him and went back to her own.

Soarin shook his head as he walked. It wasn't the first time Fleetfoot teased him about a mare. In fact, Fleetfoot did it with every stallion of the team. However, this time it looked like she had a few more arguments to use against him. It wasn’t anything really convincing, but it was enough to be harder to make her stop.

Thank goodness she didn't saw him dancing with Rainbow Dash at the royal wedding, or it would be twice the worst. Not that there was something going on between the two of them; they were simply dancing as friends, but it wouldn't be easy to make Fleetfoot believe that.

It was true he was closer to Rainbow Dash than to most of the mares out of the team, but how could they not be? She had saved his life twice, and even helped him to get back to the team when she could have accepted Spitfire and Fleetfoot's offer. Of course, she probably did what she did because of Ponyville and her friends, but still. She was like a good friend to him. And though they didn't see each other that much, when they did, they usually talked like they were always close. But that didn't mean they liked each other like Fleetfoot thought.

He was looking forward to have Rainbow Dash as a teammate. She wanted so badly to be on the team, and he was sure she soon would. And he was also sure she would do great if they needed her to fly in the incoming aerial display.

Soarin went to his bedroom to take a shower and get ready for the dinner. Hopefully, he could maybe talk to Rainbow Dash a little without Fleetfoot bothering him.

All the other Wonderbolts already performed. Now it's time for the big finish!

As I fly to the center, I hear the cheers of all my fans. They know what's coming, and I'm here to make sure they'll always think of this show as the best they've ever seen.

I fly towards the blue sky above me until I reach enough height. Then I stop for a moment, before diving at full speed back down. As the stadium grows closer, I can see the air cone forming around me. But it can't stop me. Nothing can stop Rainbow Dash! I struggle, but soon get through it. I've done it! I created another Sonic Rainboom!

The crowd goes wild. There was no way this finish could have been any better. I always knew I was awesome, but now I have the chance to show everypony. I proved everypony wrong, who ever doubted me or told me I couldn't do it. I'm here. I'm a Wonderbolt. I've reached my lifelong dream. And now I feel stronger than ever!

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes to find out that, to her dismay, she was only dreaming. She sighed in frustration, rubbing her eyes to push away the last traces of sleepiness that still remained. She stood up and started stretching her legs.

She got out of the cloud and hovered down towards Canterlot, heading to see the time in a near clock. It was 5 p.m. She still had two and a half hours before the dinner. She thought she could see what Rarity and Sassy Saddles were up to. Not that she minded, but she didn't really have anything else to do.

Rainbow Dash took off in the skies towards Canterlot Carousel in high speeds. She looked down to see some snob ponies looking at her with a confused expression. Rainbow rolled her eyes. It would probably be awful to be a super fast Pegasus living in a city of stuck up unicorns. You couldn't even fly around the way you liked because you had to “keep your composure”. What did Rarity like in this boring city again?

Rainbow slowed down as she approached the boutique. She hovered to the door and opened it with a little too much strength.

“Hey guys! How's it–” she stopped when she saw her abrupt movement had made Rarity's boutique almost collapse. The mannequins were all fallen down and their clothes were scattered on the floor. Rarity and Sassy Saddles were looking at her with unamused expressions. She looked back to them sheepishly. “Hehe... My bad.”

Author's Note:

“My Little Pony, My Little Pony...”

Yay! My first published story! :yay:

I've been planning on writing a story about “Rarity Investigates!” since the episode was released, but I had so many huge stories in my mind (which I'll probably never finish because I keep trying to write all at once) that I didn't have the time. But now, here it is!

English isn't my native language. I'm still learning, so if there are any mistakes, please, tell me in the comments and I'll try to fix it.

I'll probably update soon. The next chapters aren't going to be as long as this one though. Probably some 1000-3000 words. I was really inspired when I wrote this one and I don't think I'll be like that again. :applejackunsure:

I hope you all like it! Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile: