• Published 9th Apr 2016
  • 7,640 Views, 89 Comments

Storm of Emotions - 5746584864

Rainbow Dash and Soarin's friends keep teasing them about each other, but, for them, they're nothing more than friends. But the situation of Rainbow Dash being accused may bring to the surface feelings that they didn't know they had.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Dinner With Your Idols

“Did you buy flowers?”

“No, Fleetfoot. I didn't, and I don't have any reason to,” Soarin said with annoyance, as they walked to the dining hall.

“Oh, c'mon! We all know you wanna marry her in a distant future, so why don't you start trying already?” Fleetfoot said as Soarin rolled his eyes. “But Rainbow Dash probably isn't the kind of mare that likes flowers... What about chocolate? Everypony loves chocolate.”

“Fleetfoot, for the thousandth time, I don't like her this way okay? I like her as a friend, the same way I like you and Spitfire,” Soarin defended.

“Oh! Speaking about Spitfire, she told me she saw you and Rainbow Dash dancing at the royal wedding,” she said, bouncing her eyebrows. Soarin stopped in his tracks. “Is it true?”

Soarin hesitated for a moment, before sighing in defeat. “Yes, it's true.”

“HAH!” Fleetfoot hovered in front of him and pointed a hoof to his face accusingly.

“I'm so gonna kill Spitfire later...” Soarin muttered under his breath.

“I KNEW IT! YOU LIKE HER!” she shouted while roughly elbowing his side.

“But we only danced as friends!” he clarified.

“Then why did you keep it from me?” she asked, hovering in front of him again and crossing her front hooves.

“Because I knew your reaction would be exactly this!” he explained. “Just ‘cause we danced doesn't mean we have to like each other.”

“But I know you like her,” Fleetfoot smirked.

“No, I don't!” he insisted, annoyed, as he continued to walk.

“Liar liar, pants on fire!” Fleetfoot said childishly, starting to follow him.

“What about you and Lightning Streak? Didn't you two dance together at the last party we went to?” he asked her, trying to change the subject.

Fleetfoot's cheeks instantly turned red. “What? Did you see that?”

“I think all of the 'Bolts saw. You want me to mock you about that too?” he threatened.

“No...” she replied.

“Then stop talking about me and Dash,” he said.

“Ooh, you're already calling her just Dash?” Fleetfoot asked with a smirk. Soarin glared at her and she rolled her eyes. “Okay, okay. I get it. ‘Shut up about me or I'll talk about you.’ I know that look. I'll be quiet,” she finished, before looking at the door where Spitfire was greeting an older blue stallion. “Hey, look! He's already here.”

“No way, Rarity!” Rainbow Dash protested.

“Come on now, Rainbow Dash! It's a formal dinner. It's perfectly normal to wear a gown in gatherings like this,” Rarity insisted.

“But I don't have to. And I don't want to!” she complained.

Rarity pouted. “Oh, please! There's absolutely no problem with that. I promise I won't exaggerate,” she assured.

“No, Rarity, no! If you wanna go in a dress, then fine. But don't make me do it,” Rainbow resisted.

Rarity sighed in defeat. “Okay, okay. I see there's no way of changing your mind. Let's get going then. We wouldn't want to be late for the dinner, would we?” she said as they got out of the boutique and she closed the door behind her, before they started to walk towards the Canterlot Castle.

Rarity looked to her friend to see her wearing an almost giddy expression. She smiled.

“Excited, I suppose?” Rarity asked.

“You have no idea! Oh man, this is literally a dream coming true! Going to a dinner with the Wonderbolts as their chosen reserve? This is so cool!” Rainbow said happily as they walked. Well, Rarity walked and she hovered, since she couldn't keep her hooves on the ground for too long.

“It most certainly is. I'm so glad everything is working out for us. I achieved my dream of having a boutique in the fabulous city of Canterlot and you are on your way to become a member of the Wonderbolts,” Rarity said. “It looks like everything is perfect!”

“Yeah! Everything's awesome!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly, thinking about the dinner. Her smile soon faded and was replaced with a worried expression.

Rarity noticed the unusual silence and glanced at her. “Is everything alright, darling?”

“Huh?” Rainbow suddenly lifted her head and shook it, snapping back to reality. “Yeah, yeah... Everything's fine,” she said with an uncertain tone.

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Rainbow Dash, we are friends. You know you can open up for me if you need to,” she assured.

“But I'm fine, really,” she said quietly.

Rarity started to think. What could be bothering her?

“Is it about that Wonderbolt stallion?” Rarity asked.

“What? Who?” Rainbow asked quickly.

“Soarin?” Rarity clarified.

Rainbow instantly blushed. “Why would you think that?”

“Don't deny it! You're even blushing! Tell me, dear, what's the problem?” she inquired, in a friendly manner.

Rainbow snorted. “You came up with that weird conversation about him earlier, and now look at me!”

Rarity blinked. “What do you mean?”

“Blushing only because you asked about him!” Rainbow said annoyed.

Rarity instantly grinned. “Oh my! So you do like him.”

Rainbow's eyes widened and her blush intensified. “WHAT? NO! THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID!”

“Then what is it?” Rarity asked in confusion.

Rainbow sighed. “I don't usually think about this kind of thing, you know? But now you put it in my mind and I can't take it out!” she said accusingly.

Rarity chuckled. “Is that all? Well, I don't see any problem with that.”

“Oh yeah? What if I keep blushing in front of him?” Rainbow pointed out.

“Just don't think about it. Forget what I said, okay? I didn't mean to cause you any problems. And I'm sure you can avoid these thoughts. Aren't you the great Rainbow Dash who never embarrasses herself?” Rarity said, knowing that she could use her friend's overconfidence to help her.

Rainbow's expression changed to a smirk. “Yeah, I'm pretty awesome, right?” she said, putting a hoof on her chest.

The two friends shared a chuckle as they continued their way to the castle.

“Why did you have to tell her?” Soarin whispered angrily to Spitfire, complaining because she told Fleetfoot about the dance he had with Rainbow Dash at the royal wedding.

“It was just a comment,” Spitfire replied, in a hushed tone.

“You knew she wouldn't stop mocking me after knowing it,” he said in the same tone.

“You already made her stop, didn't you? Then what's the matter? No reason to worry,” Spitfire pointed out.

“I suppose...” Soarin gave in. “Just... don't do it again.”

“Why? You plan on dancing with her again?” Spitfire smirked.

“That's not what I meant!” he rolled his eyes.

Spitfire turned her gaze to the other hallway where the guests were entering and saw Rarity and Rainbow Dash arriving.

“I'll leave you alone by now in case you wanna make a move,” she said, pointing to the arrivers as Soarin turned his head to look at them, then back to Spitfire. “Then you can talk to her by yourself,” Spitfire said with a wink, getting away from him.

Soarin was about to reply, but she was already far. He simply shook his head and went to the line to the food table. He was going to talk to Rainbow Dash, but he wasn't in such a hurry. The night was still young, and if he went so soon, Spitfire and Fleetfoot would probably get the wrong idea.

Soarin was calmly eating his meal when Spitfire's voice caught his attention.

“Wind Rider, I see you met Rainbow Dash,” he heard her saying to the former Wonderbolt. “She's one of our most promising reserves. She just might beat your record.”

“Really now?” Wind Rider said, turning to Rainbow Dash.

”Oh, heh, I'm nowhere near as good as you. I mean, I'm fast, but I don't have the endurance to go long distances,” Rainbow Dash explained. Soarin chuckled internally. It had to be a living legend of the Wonderbolts to get Rainbow Dash to be modest.

He turned his attention back to his plate as he finished his meal, and put his plate with the other dirty dishes.

He was turning around when he was startled by Fleetfoot appearing in front of him suddenly.

“What are you still doing here?” she asked as she hovered with her hooves on her waist.

“What do you–”

His words were cut short as Fleetfoot started pushing him towards Rainbow Dash. “Come on! Go talk to her! Go go go go!”

“Fleetfoot, stop! I can go by myself when I want, y'know?” he complained.

“You're too slow. Now go there and ask her out already!” she said with a final strong push that put him right in front of Rainbow Dash.

“Fleetfoot I– Heeey!” Soarin said when he noticed he was right in front of Rainbow. Fleetfoot got away from them, but kept looking subtly.

Rainbow Dash turned around and her eyes widened slightly at the sight of him. A small blush made its way across her face.

“Oh, h-hey Soarin!” she said uncertainly.

Soarin noticed her strange expression and raised an eyebrow. “Is everything alright?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. Everything's awesome as always. Hehe... Why wouldn't it be?” she said with a forced smile as she kept avoiding her gaze.

By feeling her cheeks burning, Rainbow Dash could tell she was blushing again. This was exactly what she feared. She knew Rarity's comments wouldn't get out of her mind so soon.

“Okay then...” he said uncertainly, but soon tried to build a conversation. “Hey, I think I didn't have the time to congratulate you for becoming a reserve yet. Congratulations, you deserved it.”

“Y-Yeah. Thanks. It's really awesome,” she said, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof.

“It looks like Spitfire is really impressed with your skill. I mean, she even tried to put you in my place at the Equestria Games tryouts,” Soarin recalled.

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened slightly. “Oh yeah. Sorry about that...” she said nervously.

Soarin shook his head. “It's okay. It wasn't your fault. And everything's alright now. I was just saying that it isn't everyday that the Wonderbolts rely on a pony who isn't part of the team yet to compete with them in something as important as the Equestria Games,” he explained. “Spitfire really trusts your abilities,” he smiled.

Rainbow Dash let out a relieved sigh. “That's good to know. From what I've seen of her at the academy, she isn't easy to impress.”

“No, she's not,” Soarin chuckled.

As Soarin and Rainbow Dash continued talking, she slowly relaxed. She didn't even remember that she was embarrassed when they started the conversation. Though Rainbow Dash knew she could relate to Spitfire and Fleetfoot too, she felt like Soarin and her would be best friends instantly once she got in the team. The few times they saw each other, they talked like they were close friends. She liked it. This connection between them assured her that she would have somepony to rely on and to support her once she got in the team.

As for Soarin, he really liked to be in Rainbow's company. She was a nice mare to talk to, and she was one of the few fans who he could relate to without the problem of her cooing over him. And he admired her a lot. She saved his life twice, she was loyal, she was an amazing flyer... It was good to know that he would have such a trustworthy teammate in the near future.

After some time of chatting, they went to talk with their other friends. Rainbow Dash went back to stick with Rarity, and Soarin went to talk with the other Wonderbolts (and a very unamused Fleetfoot that was complaining because he didn't ask Rainbow Dash out).

Time went by fast, and soon, the dinner was over. Everypony said their goodbyes and left. Rarity went back to her boutique as Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts went to their respective rooms in the castle.

Rainbow Dash went to bed barely containing her excitement. Okay, she wouldn't be up there flying with the Wonderbolts, but she could watch them and Wind Rider! And, of course, she'd have Rarity to keep her company. She was sure their aerial display would be more than awesome, and she couldn't wait to watch it!

Soarin woke up from his pie-filled dreams with a knock at the door. He glanced at the clock to see that it was around midnight. He got up, yawning and rubbing his eyes, and trotted to the door, turning the knob and opening the door to see Spitfire.

“Spitfire?” he asked in confusion.

“Soarin, I won't be able to perform at the Royal Garden opening. Tell Rainbow Dash she'll have to replace me,” she said.

“Why? Did something happen?” Soarin asked in concern.

Spitfire sighed sadly. “I got a letter from my mom. It seems she's sick. I'm leaving to see what I can do for her,” she explained.

“Oh, I'm sorry. I hope she gets better soon,” he said.

“Me too,” Spitfire nodded. “Well, I'd better get going. Good luck with the performance,” she smiled, as she started trotting to the exit of the hallway.

“Bye,” Soarin smiled back, before closing the door behind him.

Soarin felt bad for Spitfire's mother. He didn't know Stormy Flare very well, but he knew she was a nice pony. And it was a shame Spitfire couldn't perform. He hoped everything would be better soon.

But, for now, they had an upcoming performance and he had to take control of the situation in Spitfire's absence.

‘Rainbow Dash will have the chance to perform with us after all,’ he thought, smiling as he trotted back to his bed.

Author's Note:

Yay! Another finished chapter! :rainbowkiss:

This story isn't going to be long. Y'know, first story, still learning, don't know what to write, these things. I'll do my best. :twilightsheepish:

Update, probably, coming soon. I hope you're liking it! :pinkiesmile: