• Published 16th Aug 2016
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Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness - bigsnusnu

Dusk Shine is sent to Ponyville to discover what is friendship. But could a colt that doesn't recognize the friendship, recognize love?

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Chapter 12 - The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club

It was a warm morning, the sun had risen recently but the town of Ponyville already had a lot of movement, much more than usual, as everyone knew that this would be the last day before that night to view the Summer Sun Celebration, and since the small town of Ponyville had been chosen as the main venue for the event, the vast majority of the village ponies were in some way connected with some task in preparation for the celebration and all of them wanted the celebration run by the very same Princess Celestia to be perfect in that humble town, for that same reason they began to run and work in their respective jobs. Despite that, one of the ponies passing through town was one of the few who had momentarily left the job they had been commissioned for the celebration and was going to take a little break before continuing to work, a timid yellow pegasus that had been hanging out with some of her friends that morning. It was Fluttershy, who had risen early to feed the small animals of the forest, had gone to town to have breakfast with her friends, as they did once a week.

"It's still early, but everyone's so excited for the celebration tonight.” thought Fluttershy looking at the other ponies, who as most of the time passed by without noticing her timid presence.

Fluttershy kept walking until she glimpsed the meeting place, the Ponyville Cafe, a huge, ornate two-story house with a sign with a clover drawn on it, and the Café stood out because there were many tables shaped like mushrooms.

"I guess the order of arrival will be the same as always." Fluttershy thought, smiling shyly. "She'll be there for sure."

And her premonition didn't fail since at one of the few tables occupied was one of her friends, the most punctual of all, an orange-skinned and blond haired mare in a cowboy hat.

"Good morning Applejack!" Greeted Fluttershy smiling, letting go of her natural shyness a little since she was now talking to a dear friend. "Since you're always the first to arrive, I hope I didn't keep you waiting."

"Not at all." Applejack smiled. "You're punctual, 'Ah just came a little earlier, it's just 'ah always get up 'fore dawn ta' work, so 'tain't hard for me ta' git 'ere early, unlike our other friends."

"Hehe, I guess you're right." Fluttershy laughed timidly, thinking that she was right since they were always the first two to arrive when they all met, however, if everything was as it usually was, the next of her friends would be here soon.

Again, fulfilling what Fluttershy thought, jumps could be heard, the jumping of a mare that always surprisingly appeared when two or more of her friends came together, as if she had an alarm that sounded when someone was preparing for a party, meeting or other event.

The jumps sounded closer, causing Fluttershy and Applejack to turn their heads towards the sound to see their pink friend approach, the pink mare stopped in front of them and before saying anything threw lots of confetti.

"Weee-! Hi, Applejack! Hi, Fluttershy!" Said the pink mare joyfully. "Good morning!"

"Good Morning Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy greeted her extrovert friend, taking out the confetti that had fallen into her mane.

"Mornin' " waved Applejack, with Fluttershy doing the same. "Seems like today you're really happy, more than usual, and that's sayin' somethin'." Applejack said, noticing Pinkie Pie's big smile.

"That's right!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully, jumping into a seat like her friends. "It's just that I was a little sick a few days ago, but luckily I managed to recover completely for the celebration today!"

"You were sick!? Why didn't you tell us? "Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"That's why.” Pinkie Pie replied, closing one eye and sticking her tongue out playfully aimed at Fluttershy. "I didn't want you to worry, it wasn't anything serious, besides... I had all the care I needed..." Pinkie Pie said, looking down and changing her smile for a more tender one.

That gesture didn't go unnoticed by Applejack, who was about to ask Pinkie Pie about that smile but was interrupted by a long whoosh off in the distance and was coming towards them, a whoosh she knew very well. Applejack turned her head around to see a rainbow ray coming down from the sky and was going at full speed to where they were.

"As always, she's the fastest but always runnin' late..." Applejack smiled as the rainbow light slowed to a full stop just in front of her, revealing the cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane. "Good mornin' Rainbow."

"Phew...! Good morning." Rainbow Dash said tiredly, then looking at the other two mares sitting at the table. "Oh come on... Don't tell me I was the last one here again."

"Of course not Dashie!" Said Pinkie Pie smiling. "Rarity's still not here."

And as if it was necessary for her name had to be announced to make an appearance, the white unicorn turned a corner and approached to the Café, to meet with her four friends.

"Sorry for the delay, darlings.” Rarity said politely, approaching the table. "I just did not know what eyeshadow to use for such a special day like today, I finally chose to use a bold darker tone, what do you think?" Finished saying Rarity, closing her eyes and putting her face so that her friends saw the shadow she had painted her eyelids.

They all came to see and looked confused, thinking the same thing, it all seemed to be the exact same sky-blue color that Rarity always used, at least that's what they all thought but obviously couldn't say, so Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash turned to see Fluttershy, the voice of kindness, to speak for all.

"It's very pretty, you look great!" Smiled Fluttershy timidly.

"Fufu, thank you, darling." Rarity smiled, thankful that in all her group of friends that Fluttershy at least understood some makeup and fashion.

This was what they all believed, they all felt that they were real friends, ties forged by different situations and circumstances, but the five ponies also knew that they were all very different: Rarity liked fashion and glamor, with an elegant and proud character; Fluttershy liked music and animals, with a kind and timid character; Applejack liked the field and hard work, with a firm and protective character; Pinkie Pie liked the hustle and bustle, with a cheerful and extroverted character; And Rainbow Dash liked jokes and speed, with a strong, self-centered character. They all liked each other, but sometimes they found it very difficult to agree on certain things because of their extremely different tastes and personalities, so it was decided that a breakfast once a week was the perfect event, something that everyone liked and was the perfect opportunity to meet and talk without needing to be in the middle of something or talk about something they didn't really like.

"Well? Has everyone already ordered? "Rarity asked, looking at the others.

"Not yet, we're waiting for you.” Applejack replied, calling the waiter to take their orders.

Once Rarity placed her order, the waiter came quickly with their breakfast, since as a good small town worker he already knew his frequent customers and knew in advance what they would each order, orders as different as the personalities of the guests, the waiter arrived with coffee for the sophisticated Rarity, oatmeal for the animalistic Fluttershy, a sandwich for the ever-swift Rainbow Dash, sweets for the sweet Pinkie Pie and fruit for the country Applejack.

"So what's new?" Rainbow Dash asked, eating her sandwich swiftly. "How's it going with the feast for the celebration?" she asked looking at Applejack.

"Just fine!" Applejack replied cheerfully. "We were a bit busy, we even lost some apples cuz' of a couple ah hungry thieves." After saying that, Applejack smiled tenderly as she remembered. "But now a lotta ponies from the Apple family came for the celebration, so we got all the help we need, we'll be done on time!"

"And what about chu'? You're supposed ta' be captain of the weather patrol and the sky's still cloudy.” added Applejack, looking at Rainbow Dash and then at the slightly cloudy sky.

"Nah! It's nothing to worry about, I can clear it myself in a couple of seconds." Rainbow Dash said nonchalantly. "I would have cleaned it myself yesterday, but I was busy with some extra work given to me, maybe if I hadn't ended up in jail I would have focused more on clearing the skies..." Rainbow Dash said, closing her eyes and opening one slightly to see her friends reaction of to her comment.

"YOU WERE IN JAIL!?" They all asked in surprised unison, exactly the effect Rainbow Dash wanted.

"Hehe, that's right, I'm a bad girl, right?" Rainbow Dash smiled unjustifiably proud. "Don't worry, it wasn't that bad, it was just a misunderstanding, but... it was worth it..." Rainbow Dash said, saying the last thing very low and somewhat blushed, something that surprised her friends even more than knowing that she had been in jail.

"What about you, Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash said quickly, realizing that her friends had seen her blush, and wanting to change the subject. "You're in charge of the music for the celebration, aren't you?"

"Yes..." Fluttershy replied timidly. "Caring for all the animals takes up a lot of my time, so I still have to practice a little more with the songbirds, but I think it will work out very well."

"It really must be a very big job to take care of all those animals.” Rarity added, looking fondly at Fluttershy. "I don't think I could stand a day doing your job, my dear, you are admirable."

"Well... I like to do it, and... there are other ponies who also like to work with animals..." Fluttershy said shyly with a little smile, remembering who had helped take care of the animals a few days ago.

"I like animals! In fact, if you want you can bring some to the pre-celebration party." Pinkie Pie said cheerfully.

"No! That would be a disaster!" Rarity said quickly with a face of horror. "I know that you are in charge of the evening festivities before the Summer Sun Celebration, but that does not mean that you should make a mess, remember that it's an important evening and that we must all be presentable to the princess after the party when she raises the sun." Rarity finished, arranging her mane.

"And you, drama queen, how's it going with decorating for the celebration?" Rainbow Dash added mockingly as she saw her friend arranging her always well-tended mane.

"They're going fine, it will not be what I expected, but I'm confident that I'll be able to make the town pavilion look splendid for the Princess's arrival." Rarity said excitedly, then suddenly pressed her lips together and looked at her friends from side to side, waiting for someone to ask something.

That gesture was quickly understood by Applejack, an expert in detecting expressions and secrets, this was the expression that Rarity put when she had some new gossip and hoped that someone would ask her as not to be called a gossip.

"So... is there anything new?" Applejack asked with a smile of resignation, playing along.

"YES! Yes, there is something new!" Rarity almost shouted, with a big smile. "I think I'm in love!"

They were all silent for a few seconds, surprised by Rarity's sudden joy, and they were even more surprised to hear why; she was in love?

"Weren't you dating with Caramel?" Rainbow Dash asked in confusion.

"What? Of course not! We just had coffee, that does not mean we're dating, I thought I made that clear to you last time." Rarity said somewhat offended.

"Oh... It's just that when you talk about romantic things or who you date, you tend to ramble." Rainbow Dash giggled nervously. "So then... what's so special about this colt you've fallen in love with?"

"I don't know! And it's the best!!" Rarity replied with total emotion. "It's the first time that I really felt something like this, he's clumsy and childish, but every time I see him I feel so happy and my heart starts racing at speeds I didn't know were possible! He is also chivalrous and elegant, which is all very well and good, but I don’t just like him for that, but for what he is and how he makes me feel, Oh, Celestia! It fills me with joy just remembering him! Yesterday was so magical, to be with him all day and to have my heart slowly open to him until finally it fell surrendered with a great, warm hug... I only wish that all of you could experience what I did..."

At Rarity's words, they all stopped seeing her with incredulous looks and began to become surprised by the way their friend spoke and behaved. At first they all thought that Rarity would once again tell them about another of her failed love attempts, where she flirted with some colt, she would date him and eventually leave him with the excuse that he was not the stallion of her dreams; But this time they could all see how Rarity seemed genuinely excited talking about a colt, that was something none of them had seen in Rarity before, for that reason the surprise to realize that apparently, their friend had really been love struck for the first time.

"Oh! I am so glad to see you so happy Rarity!" Fluttershy said sincerely, smiling at her friend.

"Thank you, darling." Rarity smiled. "I hope you find a colt that makes you feel as happy as I do."

Fluttershy looked at Rarity's cheerful smile, blushed, looked at the floor and could not help but speak.

"Well..." Fluttershy said shyly, blushing. "I'm not sure... but there's a colt..."

They all stared at Fluttershy, more surprised than when Rarity told of her possible new love.

"Do tell, do tell!" Rarity said, totally excited as she liked to talk about romantic issues but normally the others did not like to talk about it much.

"Uhm... The other day I met a colt, he helped me with the little animals in the forest..." Fluttershy said, still blushing. "He thought I was in danger and he protected me, and he is very kind and tender..." Fluttershy said those words with a twinkle in her eyes, then she looked up and saw all her friends staring at her as they smiled.

"Ahh! Please don't look at me like that!" Fluttershy said completely red, covering her face with her hooves. She was glad to express her feelings in front of her friends, but she did not like being the center of attention.

"Aww... that's so cute.” Rarity said affectionately. "It seems that you too have been struck by love..."

"Me too! Me too!" Pinkie Pie suddenly said, raising her hoof and making all eyes focus on her. "I also met a colt a few days ago! He was the sweetest and most attentive pony I ever met, he was the one who helped me when I was sick, carried me when I fainted and took care of me. He's also very funny! He made me feel strange like I had butterflies in my tummy, I..." Pinkie Pie stopped talking in her usual joy and began to get a little more serious, to blush and smile more tenderly. "I... I've never felt this way before..."

Again they were all surprised, they always had seen Pinkie Pie smile, with hundreds of different smiles, but they had never seen Pinkie Pie smile that way, let alone when she was talking about a colt.

"Golly… so you're in love too?" Applejack asked with a smile, not understanding much of love but feeling happy for her friend to see her so happy.

"I think so!" Pinkie Pie answered with a big smile.

"What about you, darling?" Rarity said, looking impishly at Applejack. "Is there any colt that has managed to conquer that indomitable heart?"

"Hmph! O' course not, Ah' don't believe in love at first sight." Applejack looked away, then she remembered what she had experienced with a certain colt a few days ago and could not help blushing, something that did not go unnoticed by her friends.

"Fufu, you're hiding something!" Rarity chuckled, enjoying all this talk of loves and secrets.

Applejack looked at her friends and unconsciously put on her bad poker face, looking away and wrinkling her nose. So she stayed like that for a few seconds until Applejack looked back at her friends, who were still staring at her as they smiled, waiting for her to speak, finally Applejack let out a big sigh and spoke.

"*Huff*... Ah' don't know what Y'all want me to tell ya, Ah' don't fall in love so easy." Applejack began nervously. "But... a few days ago Ah' also met a colt... He... tried ta nab some apples, he was definitely a clumsy an' brazen pony, but he was also sincere and hardworkin', he wanted ta work ta pay for the apples he ate, 'though he did a terrible job. "At that last comment Applejack could not help but smile tenderly at the memory.

"He... also made me feel strange..." Applejack finally blushed, before seeing all her friends looking at her, putting her back on the defensive. "B-But I'm definitely not saying it's love!" Applejack stammered, still blushed.

"But you also can't be sure it's not love, right?" Rarity chuckled as she saw how nervous Applejack had become. "Aaah! It's wonderful to know that we all are feeling the joy of being in love at the same time!" Rarity said happily, looking at her friends and stopping in surprise at Rainbow Dash.

Rarity stared at the poker-faced Rainbow Dash for several seconds until she finally spoke.

"And how is the weather, Rainbow Dash?" Rarity said with a nervous smile, trying to change the subject.

"Okay, it's- Wait a second!" Rainbow Dash said annoyed. "Why did you ask everypony if they were in love but me!?"

"Huh!?" Rarity replied in surprise. "Well, darling, I thought those things didn't interest you."

"Of course I'm not interested!" Rainbow Dash replied, crossing her legs and looking away.

They all stared confused at Rainbow Dash, who was still looking off annoyed.

"Although..." Rainbow Dash suddenly added when her friend's were about to drop the subject, she hadn't changed her stance or where she looked, but suddenly she blushed. "If I wanted to fall in love, it would have to be a 'cool' colt, somepony who could impress others, a colt who's funny and... somepony who’d never abandon me..."

They all stared at Rainbow Dash with their mouths open, they had never seen her act like this, and they had to admit that seeing her trying to act cool when she was really nervous and blushed was very tender, Rainbow Dash looked tender! That was something none of them ever thought to see.

"Oh, Celestia! You're in love too!" Rarity said almost in a scream, totally thrilled to see that her less feminine friend was acting like a true mare for the first time. "Tell me, tell me, tell me! Who is it! What does he look like? How did you meet him!?"

"Huh?" Said Rainbow Dash surprised to see that they all looked at her, blushing even more. "I... I don't know what you're talking about, I... I just said... it's just... It's just that a few days ago I met a colt and he seemed like a great guy, we laughed a lot and had a good time, but that that's it!!"

Rainbow Dash finished speaking in a scream, ending the conversation, for all but Rarity, who had never enjoyed having breakfast with her friends this much.

"Hehehe, I can not believe we all fell in love in the same week! It must be fate!" Rarity said cheerfully, not far from there a purple colt was walking swiftly in their direction.

"We should have a big party! The ten of us! To get to know each other!" Said Pinkie Pie cheerfully as the purple colt turned the last corner and finally glimpsed the Café where he was to meet up for breakfast.

"That would be splendid! But I'm afraid I'm getting ahead of myself." Rarity said with a smile as the purple colt approached the Cafe and glimpsed the figures of five colorful mares. "I already invited my future love to have breakfast with us, I hope he arrives soon, I want you to know him, his name is-" Rarity couldn't finish speaking as she was interrupted by a well-known male voice.

"Wow... I didn't know that you knew each other... This is a huge coincidence!" Said the purple colt, a.k.a. Dusk Shine, standing in front of the table where the mares were sitting, totally surprised to see that the five mares with whom he had engaged in conversations with and with whom he wanted to befriend at the Summer Sun Celebration, were all in one place.

"HI DUSK!" The five mares said in unison, with a smile, slightly blushed and stretching their hooves in greeting, glad to see that just the pony had arrived that each had been talking about at breakfast.

As soon as they all greeted, they all froze with their smiles and their hooves stretched as a cold sweat ran down each of their necks. Then they all opened their eyes and looked at each other with deep concern, as soon as they did, everyone understood, everything they had said, all the feelings expressed... They had all unknowingly been talking about the same colt! They had all fallen in love with the same colt at the same time!!

Dusk stared at the mares, who for some reason had been quiet and staring at each other, he could feel some tension in the air, but he could not understand what was causing it.

After an awkward silence Dusk prepared to speak again, but then a sudden memory took possession of him and his mind went immediately to another more important matter. Since he had arrived at the library the night before, Dusk had organised the books Rarity had given him, yet one had caught his attention, it was a copy of the book he had left unread in Canterlot, the book that talked about lost magical items and which Princess Celestia had taken away from him when she sent him to Ponyville, so that night his impulse of a reading fanatic took possession of him and Dusk continued reading the book exactly where he had left off, in the so-called 'Elements of the Harmony'. Dusk spent the whole night reading, and the more he read the more interesting and more important all that information seemed to him, that is until Spike took the book and Dusk realized that it was already the next day and that he had spent all night reading. Spike ordered that they should go to breakfast with Rarity, something that Dusk didn't want to do at the time, because he didn't want to stop reading the book at such a crucial point, however, at Spike's insistence, Dusk decided that he should comply and listen to him, but it annoyed him that his little brother had interrupted his reading, so in retaliation he ordered Spike to stay and keep organizing the library, which is how they both got angry at each other and Dusk had to go to the Cafe leaving his unfinished reading, but still keeping in mind that he should return quickly to the library and finish the book, because he had just arrived at a very interesting part, a part that mentioned a being he had never heard of before: Nightmare Moon.

"Rarity, I... want to apologize.” Dusk said quickly. "I know I promised that I would have breakfast with you today but there is something extremely important that I must do in the library. I'll buy a takeaway breakfast and then I'll head back to the library quickly, I hope you'll forgive me. "

Dusk finished speaking but received no reply, Rarity and the other four mares were still sitting motionless, looking at each other.

"Uhh... okay... I'll go for breakfast now." Dusk said something confused as he did not receive a reply, remembering that he should hurry back to the library, so he left the mares and went straight into the Cafe dining room to order his takeaway breakfast.

As soon as Dusk left, the five mares stared at each other for a while until finally, the silence broke.

"Y-You... all... were all talking about MY Dusk?" Rarity said nervously and somewhat annoyed.

"Wait a second, what do you mean YOUR Dusk?" Rainbow Dash said also annoyed.

"Oh, but isn't it obvious, I saw him first!" Rarity replied annoyed, pointing at herself.

"That's not true, you said you met him yesterday, but I met him two days ago.” Pinkie Pie said thoughtfully, remembering Rarity's words.

"Well I met him three days ago.” said Rainbow Dash pointing at herself.

"Huh... well, Ah' guess Ah' know him from before that, Ah' met him four days ago..." Applejack said, scratching her head.

"I... I met him five days ago..." Fluttershy said timidly. They all saw the fragile Fluttershy and saw the weakest rival.

"Bah! No matter who saw him first, that doesn't change anything.” said Rarity, looking off to the other side annoyed.

"Yeah, whoever saw him first doesn't change a thing.” said Pinkie Pie, to which Rainbow Dash nodded without saying anything.

Poor Fluttershy looked disgusted for a second, took a breath and opened her mouth, ready to argue with her friends, but then closed it and lowered her head, grieved for not being able to face her friends in an argument.

"This doesn't make sense, you don't even like him like that, you said it yourself!" Rarity argued with Rainbow Dash.

"I know! But that doesn't mean he's yours!" Rainbow Dash replied blushing and annoyed.

"Enough girls.” Applejack said pounding the table to reassure her friends. "Don't Y'all think maybe the victims here is us? Wasn't Dusk trying ta' seduce us all? Isn't it all his fault?"

"Of course not!" Rarity demanded. "I know him better than you, he's innocent and a gentleman, he would never do anything like love mares just for fun."

"That's right.” Pinkie Pie added thoughtfully. "I think that even he hasn't realized our feelings..."

Applejack looked at her friends and then lowered her eyes biting her lip, they were right, Dusk didn't have the appearance or personality of being a ‘playpony’, and didn't have that aura of a seducer and a conqueror, she had to admit that if Dusk had caused all this, he had done it unintentionally, and as Pinkie Pie said, apparently he did not see them in a romantic sense, otherwise he would have reacted differently to seeing his 'five conquests' together.

"What we should do is make him choose!" Rarity said proudly, arranging her mane. "We all know who is the most suitable mare for Dusk."

"Me?" Pinkie Pie said smiling.

"Of course not! It's me, of course!" Rarity said annoyingly.

"What we gotta do is get away from him..." Applejack said with little determination as she felt that she didn't really want to do that, but she hated seeing her friends fight.

"You just say that because you know you're the one with the least chance with him!" Rarity said annoyingly.

"I guess you're right..." Rainbow Dash agreed with rarity, glancing sideways at Applejack.

Applejack was shocked at the remark, then saw Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, who didn't want to look her in the eyes, did they all think the same of her!?

"Why do Y'all think that!?" Applejack yelled annoyingly.

"Well, it's simple darling.” Rarity said in a superb manner. "Dusk comes from Canterlot, he even meets the princess herself..."

"He knows the princess!" A surprised Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie said in unison.

"Yeah, he told me she's his magic teacher or something.” Rainbow Dash replied, proud to know something about Dusk that the others did not know.

"That's right.” Rarity took the floor again, staring at Applejack seriously. "For that matter, he is almost royalty, and no offense, darling, but what could someone of royalty want with a country girl like you?"

That comment from Rarity obviously bothered Applejack, but what annoyed her more was the attitude of the others, who remained thoughtful without looking at her as if they all agreed with Rarity's comment.

"So that's what Y'all think!" Applejack yelled losing her temper. "Well... WE'VE KISSED EACH OTHER!" Applejack shouted, not thinking clearly about what she was saying in anger.

"WHAT!!!" Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy shouted, totally shocked while Pinkie Pie just wore a poker face and said nothing.

After that outburst, Applejack's head cooled until she suddenly realized what she had just yelled.

"W-Well... It was just an accidental kiss..." Said Applejack totally blushed.

"This can't be, how dare you kiss MY Dusk!?" Rarity yelled furiously.

"I already said it was an accident." Applejack replied annoyed and distressed.

"And there you go again, he's not YOUR Dusk, get it through your head.” said Rainbow Dash annoyingly looking at Rarity.

"Somepony say my name?" Dusk suddenly said, already finished buying his breakfast and returning to where the mares were, having heard nothing of the terrible argument they just had, only catching up at the end when Rainbow Dash mentioned his name.

As soon as everyone saw that Dusk was there, they all blushed and looked away, except for Pinkie Pie, who still had her poker face on and stared at Dusk.

"Listen, I really regret not being able to stay.” Dusk said apologetically. "But I must get back to the library, I'll see you all tonight at the celebration."

Then Dusk turned and started walking again toward the library. As soon as he did, Applejack completely cooled her head and looked seriously at her friends.

"Listen..." Applejack said earnestly. "We can't be fightin' fer' a boy's attention, we're better than that, we've been friends fer' a long time, and 'though we're very different we've always stayed friends. Ah'm really sorry fer Dusk, but A'h think if we wanna save our friendship, we need ta stop seeing him."

Then Applejack put one of her hooves in the center of the table and looked affectionately at her friends.

"What do ya say? Let's save our friendship, we promise we won't see Dusk again." Applejack said with a sad smile.

Rarity looked reluctantly at Applejack's hoof, but her friend's words really struck at her heart, because she knew that her friend was right. She couldn't let a colt stand in the way of this friendship, even though her heart ached to let him go.

"It's... It's okay..." Rarity said reluctantly, also stretching one of her hooves to the center of the table, touching Applejack's hoof. "If it's the best for everyone, I promise I will not go near Dusk."

"I... I can do it, too." Rainbow Dash nervously said, also stretching her hoof. "I mean, it's not like I'm in love with him or anything..."

"Me too..." Fluttershy said timidly, looking affectionately at her friends and stretching out her hoof. "We're friends and we shouldn't fight."

After they all gathered their hooves they turned their eyes to where Pinkie Pie was sitting, where to their surprise, they only saw an empty seat.

"Where's Pink-?" Applejack wondered, who could've sworn that Pinkie Pie was sitting there just a second ago, unable to finish her sentence as she heard the voice of that pink pony in the distance.

"Wait up, Dusk!" Said Pinkie Pie near Dusk, who hadn't moved very far yet and was still within sight of the other mares.

"Hmm? Something wrong?" Dusk said, stopping to speak to Pinkie Pie.

"I just wanted to thank you properly for taking care of me when I was sick." Pinkie Pie said with a smile, standing in front of him. "I couldn't do it before because I was sick."

"Oh, there's no nee-" Dusk said closing his eyes without giving importance to the matter until his mouth was hushed by a surprise and intense kiss of Pinkie Pie.

Not far away, the four still-sitting mares watched as the pink mare kissed the surprised Dusk on the mouth, all with different reactions: Applejack opened her mouth totally surprised, Fluttershy blushed and covered her mouth, Rainbow Dash lifted an eyebrow, and stared at them in annoyance, and Rarity with a look of terror as if the world were going to end.

The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, so Dusk just stood frozen there receiving the kiss, with eyes wide open due to the surprise act of Pinkie Pie.

Finally, Pinkie Pie parted her lips from Dusk's and smiled at him.

"Thank you for taking care of me!" Said Pinkie Pie smiling before giving her characteristic bounces and returning to her friends.

Meanwhile, Dusk froze where he was, totally blushing after that kiss.

"Tastes sweet..." Dusk whispered as soon as he was alone, touching his lips and feeling a sweet taste on his lips and a warm feeling inside. It had been an act that completely clouded his mind, and now that he had recovered his reason he needed to find answers, was that Pinkie Pie's normal way of thanking the ponies? Or had she done it just for him? Dusk didn't know, but with a pony as peculiar as Pinkie Pie, anything could be. Dusk finally took a step toward the Café, to where Pinkie Pie had returned, to ask her what had just happened, however a more persistent thought suddenly came to mind, he hadn't finished reading that book he was reading. He needed to know what the Elements of Harmony were and the danger to which they referred, so immediately his doubts about the kiss had all but disappeared, he turned again like a robot and began to trot towards the library, totally focused on his new and more important mission, after all a kiss wasn't more important than the security of all Equestria.

For her part, Pinkie Pie came smiling back to the others.

"Is something wrong?" Pinkie Pie asked with a smile as she realized they were all staring at her.

"The... the promise we were going to make..." Applejack said timidly, with a tone of concern.

"What promise?" Pinkie Pie said, still smiling.

Applejack opened her mouth to answer but she said nothing, she was confused by Pinkie Pie's attitude, she could've sworn she had seen the pink pony sitting when she began talking about the promise, but with each passing second came more doubts... Had Pinkie Pie really not heard anything she'd said? Or maybe... could it be that Pinkie Pie had listened and escaped, ignoring the promise, to take advantage with Dusk...? Applejack just stared at Pinkie Pie, who just kept smiling. If it had been any of her other friends, Applejack would have known if they were lying or not, but with Pinkie Pie, it had always been difficult for her to know what she really thought and was going through her crazy head.

"What promise? What promise!?" Rarity finally screamed, leaving her state of horror. "I'll tell you what promise, the promise not to see Dusk again, the promise that you broke before it even started!" Then Rarity paused for a few seconds as her fury grew.

"YOU!" Rarity screamed even louder, pointing at Pinkie Pie, and then pointing to Applejack, keeping her gaze furious. "And you too! Both of you took advantage of my sweet and innocent Dusk and stole a kiss, I will not let any of you take advantage! I won't make any promises!"

Then Rarity stood up, turned her head indignantly, and left the place.

"Oh... so you wanted to make a promise like that..." Pinkie Pie said, watching Rarity walk away and then looked at the others. "But if Rarity doesn't promise, I think I won't either." Pinkie Pie said with a smile and bounced away.

"It's true, there's no point in making a promise." Rainbow Dash also said annoyed. "Besides I see Dusk as a friend, I don't see him as my future boyfriend or anything..." as Rainbow Dash finished talking she blushed. Then she spread her wings and flew away.

Only Applejack and Fluttershy were left, as they saw Rainbow Dash's rainbow streak disappear into the clouds, they then looked at each other.

"Huff... Ah' guess it's out 'o the question.” Applejack said, scratching her head. "It's no use if only the two of us promise something like this, it'll be best to keep on as we were and try not to argue anymore."

Then Applejack stood up, said goodbye to Fluttershy and started her way back to Sweet Apple Acres, being watched by her shy friend, who sat where she was, watching her friend walk away. Once she couldn't see Applejack, Fluttershy closed her eyes, gave a big sigh, touched her heart and gave a tender smile.

"Hehe!" Laughed Fluttershy tenderly. "The truth is, I didn't want to miss seeing Dusk either.” she said cheerfully to herself, then stood up and left the Cafe, heading for her home in the forest clearing.

That was how the six ponies departed in different directions, not knowing what fate had prepared for them that day. After all, that day was the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, and it really would be a long, long day.

# End of Chapter 12

Author's Note:

Thank you so much to Ecchidonzablue for his translation & TheFalloutPony for his review and correction :)

So if you liked, thank them to it too =D

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