• Published 16th Aug 2016
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Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness - bigsnusnu

Dusk Shine is sent to Ponyville to discover what is friendship. But could a colt that doesn't recognize the friendship, recognize love?

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Chapter 13 - A Never-ending Morning

A Never-ending Morning

The previous night…

Having obtained the keys to the library and bidding farewell to Rarity, Dusk and Spike had started their way towards the library, still thinking of the elegant unicorn, and though they both thought the same, their way of doing so was very different. Dusk was still surprised and grateful for Rarity's enormous generosity, while Spike kept fantasizing about the white mare, imagining her walking gracefully, waving her beautiful mane and seeing him with her beautiful blue eyes, which meant that from time to time Spike let out a sigh of love, thoughts he didn't fail to have even when they reached the library.

Once they reached the library doors, Dusk looked at the huge tree that was the library itself, a much humbler construction compared to the large Canterlot library, but that was very suitable for a small and humble town like Ponyville. Dusk took the key, opened the door, and next to Spike they entered with all the boxes that Dusk carried containing the books of the library. Once inside, Dusk lit his horn to give light to the place, making it possible to see that contrary to what was seen on the outside, the inside was really wide and, not counting the empty shelves, it seemed like a very cozy place.

Dusk took a candle he found inside the living room and asked Spike to light it, which the dragon did but didn't pay much attention to, because his thoughts continued to revolve around a white unicorn.

"Take this candle and go up to the second floor." Dusk said, handing the candle to Spike. "Surely the bedroom is upstairs, check if there's any bed so we can sleep, while I'll start organizing some books so I can open the library tomorrow."

"Okay." Spike said nonchalantly, picking up the candle and heading up the stairs as Dusk began opening boxes and taking out some books.

As Spike climbed the stairs, he reached a large room, which contained even more empty shelves, and most importantly the main point of interest in there; a bed. Spike set the candle on a desk and jumped on the bed, which was very comfortable. As he did so, Spike took the pillow and hugged it tightly as he smiled, he was very tired but he was also very happy and was thankful to have met such a splendid mare, and as he continued to fantasize about the mare of his dreams, Spike was slowly falling into a dream and fell asleep before he knew it.

The next thing Spike knew was that a ray of sunlight peeked through the window and hit him in the face. The little dragon rubbed his eyes and was surprised to realize that it was already daylight and that his dream had been so heavy that he'd felt that night had passed by in just a blink.

Spike stretched and started to get up even though he was still quite sleepy, and began to walk down the stairs yawning and scratching as he began to wonder where his brother was, something that was quickly answered as he went downstairs and saw that Dusk was in the living room, which looked very different from what he'd seen last night, since instead of the stacked boxes, now all the books were on the floor, surrounding Dusk. This was something that at first didn't surprise Spike much after all this was the typical behavior that his brother had in his own room, but the more he saw it, the more his concern grew, Dusk was EXACTLY seated where he had been the night before! Did that mean...

"It can't be... Don't tell me you didn't sleep at all last night!" Spike almost shrieked to catch Dusk's attention, his gaze fixed on the book he was reading.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Dusk asked confused and annoyed at being distracted from his reading, then looked around and saw that the room was lit by natural light, then he saw the window and saw that the sun was already out. "Is it daylight already?"

Spike looked worriedly at his brother, he knew Dusk's behavior very well, it was exactly how Dusk behaved when he read, he isolated himself from everything and everyone, Spike had been so distracted by his thoughts of Rarity that he hadn't taken the real weight of the current situation, Dusk was back in a library! That meant Dusk would lock himself up with his books again and isolate himself from the others! That was something Spike could not and should not allow.

"It was a hell of a coincidence!" Dusk started talking excitedly, not paying attention to his brother's worried face. "While I organized the books I found a copy of the book I left unfinished in Canterlot, 'Lost Magic Artifacts, Origins and History', now I could understand what I had begun to read and had not yet finished reading about those 'Elements of Harmony'!" Immediately Dusk's face ceased to be excited and began to show a look of doubt as he glanced back at the book. "However... the whole story it tells is very diffuse, I understand that there were five magical elements plus another that served as a link, making a total of six, but it doesn't say anything about their characteristics, how to use them or what they specifically serve, only says they helped to expel a great evil that ravaged Equestria, somepony named Nightmare Moon... I... I've heard that name before, I know it wasn't in any book because otherwise, I would remember, I actually looked for that name in all the books but I couldn't find it, but I know I've heard that name before... tell me, Spike, do you remember hearing of somepony with that name?"

While Dusk was saying that speech and with his eyes focused on the book, Spike had quickly and quietly approached him, and as soon as Dusk finished speaking, Spike snatched the book from him.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" Dusk shouted annoyed as Spike took the book from him.

"It's for your own good, it's not good for you to lock yourself in to read books, and less on the last day you have in Ponyville." Spike replied annoyed, then he pointed at the empty shelves of the library. "Look! You were supposed to organize the library and instead, you spent all night reading, looking for a name and messing up all the books."

Dusk looked around and had to admit that he had made a mess.

"Well... no problem." Dusk said annoyed but embarrassed. "I can order it now in the morning, it won't take me long."

"Remember you promised to have breakfast with Rarity and her friends." Spike said angrily, because if his brother locked himself in to read, then he couldn't go to breakfast with Rarity either.

"You know I don't like meeting ponies I don't know, that is, I know Rarity, but I don't know her friends." Dusk said uncomfortably. "Besides I don't have any money, remember that yesterday we spent everything. The best thing is to stay and keep read-"

"Don't play the fool with me." Spike replied annoyed, interrupting him. "I know the Mayor gave you some bits as payment for you to organize the library; and you promised Rarity, a promise is a promise!"

Dusk stared at Spike thoughtfully, who looked back, annoyed. Dusk had run out of excuses, and although he hated to admit it, Spike was right, he had to keep his word and meet with Rarity, as he had promised.

"All right!" Dusk said reluctantly, standing up and walking to the door, then stood front the door and glared at Spike. If the little dragon had taken away something as important as his reading, he would retaliate and do the same.

"By the way, the Mayor paid me to organize the library." Dusk added, looking annoyed at Spike. "And since you forced me to leave the library, YOU'LL have to stay and organize it."

Spike's face immediately melted, showing deep disappointment.

"What!? That's not fair, I wanna go!" Spike said quickly, however his words fell on the deaf ears, as Dusk just opened the door and closed it tightly after leaving, to Spike's annoyance that just stared at the door, angry at his brother for taking away his chance at having breakfast with his true love.

Spike started grunting and kicking some books, then took a breath and fell down, staring at the floor, totally resigned. Finally Spike decided that it was no use staying angry, after all, he could see Rarity again in celebration of that night; then he looked at the floor and saw all the books lying on the floor to be ordered, seeing them Spike gave a sigh of fatigue at the thought of all the work that ordering all those books on the shelves would be, then he stood up and took a book to start organizing, which incidentally happened to be the one that Dusk had taken a few moments ago. Spike approached a shelf and lifted the book to put it there, however, once it was placed, he didn't let go, Spike realized that this same book could be the key so that Dusk didn't return to shut himself up in the library, since it was known by Spike that his brother was rather obsessive as far as books were concerned, and if Dusk didn't finish reading that book, he wouldn't start reading another one until that was completed, so the baby dragon took the book off the shelf and went up the stairs to the room where he had slept.

"We'll spend the night awake tonight, so I don't think Dusk will find the book here." Spike told himself, hiding the book under the bed pillow. "At least Dusk won't isolate himself to read on his last day at Ponyville..."

Then Spike went down the stairs and began to take up the other books on the floor to begin the laborious task of organizing and alphabetizing the various books to put on the shelves. Spike took a couple of books and began putting them in order quickly, this for two reasons: one, because he already had a lot of experience ordering books, he always did it in Dusk's private library; and two, because he wanted to advance as much as possible before Dusk returned, because if he did it fast enough then he might reach to where they were having breakfast and get to see Rarity, after all, Dusk had recently gone out to breakfast, so between eating and talking he would be out for a long time, Spike thought hopefully, something that was contrary to what would happen, because to his surprise, when he had just organized a few books, Dusk opened the library door and entered, only a few minutes after he had left.

"I'm back, I brought breakfast." Dusk said quickly, leaving a small basket on the floor and looking around. "Now, where's that book?"

"Wha... What are you doing here!? You were supposed to go to breakfast with Rarity, you promised!" Spike said surprised and annoyed.

"I already did, I explained her that I was a bit busy today and she understood, besides it seemed that I was interrupting something, they all looked very serious facing at each other, even the shy Fluttershy, so I apologized to them all and I bought a breakfast to go." Dusk said, approaching, still trying to find the book.

"That wasn't what we had agreed to and... wait, what was Fluttershy doing there?" Spike asked, setting aside his anger for curiosity.

"Oh... that..." Dusk stopped abruptly, blushing a little and putting aside for a moment his desire to look for the book. "It turns out that I already knew Rarity's friends... They were Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie..."

"What!? Are you serious?" Spike asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I know, what a huge coincidence..." Dusk said also surprised but remembered with the word 'coincidence' his true search. "'Coincidence' as when I had just found a copy of the book I read in Canterlot in this same library, by the way, where is the book?"

Spike looked away from Dusk's gaze.

"I... I hid it..." Spike said somewhat embarrassed.

"WHAT!? Why did you do that!?" Dusk asked annoyed.

"It's your fault!" Spike said angrily, realizing that he had an excuse not to give the book to Dusk. "You said that you would go to breakfast, and since you didn't do it, I'm not giving you the book!"

Dusk stared annoyed at Spike for a few seconds, then finally he lowered his head and gave a big sigh.

"Enough fighting, we shouldn't be angry with each other, we're brothers." Dusk said looking at his brother with affection, forgetting his anger, then levitating with his magic the small basket he had brought with him, from which he pulled out a couple of sandwiches, keeping one and handing the other to Spike. "Look, I brought some breakfast for you too, I don't want us to be angry. How about we have breakfast and then you give me the book?"

Spike took the sandwich and looked at Dusk, who had already begun to eat his sandwich cheerfully. The little dragon did not want to stay upset with his brother, but neither did he want to pass the book Dusk wanted, after all, it was for his sake, but that he would continue to hide it would mean that they would fight again, so Spike didn't know what to do, so he simply looked at the sandwich and gave it a bite, resigned to the fact that only a miracle would prevent Dusk from forcing him to tell him where he had hidden the book, which would make him isolated from the world again.

As soon as Spike took that first bite of sandwich, he covered his mouth with a sudden reflux, making his cheeks swell.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you didn't like the sandwich." Dusk said a little worried to see Spike's face. Worry that soon gave way to surprise when Spike stopped covering his mouth and belched a green flare, from which came a small parchment.

The parchment fell on the floor, in the space between Dusk and Spike, who just looked at it and then looked at each other even more confused. There was no doubt, only one pony could send scrolls through Spike's fire, it was Princess Celestia, so it must have been a letter from her, however she hadn't communicated with Dusk since she had sent him to Ponyville, not counting when she sent a letter to exonerate Dusk from jail, so both of them were surprised to see that after five days, when it was the final deadline for the test that Dusk had to overcome in Ponyville, the princess deigned to write them.

Finally, Dusk came out of his astonishment, took the parchment with his magic and opened it.

"What does it say!?" Spike asked anxiously.

Dusk began to read the letter aloud:

"Dear Dusk, I hope that you are well.

I just realized that I sent you to Ponyville without a penny, a little carelessness on my part, I hope it did not cause you any problems."

"You just realize that after five days!?" Spike and Dusk said at the same time very annoyed, interrupting the reading of the letter for a second.

"Anyway, that is not the main issue of this letter.

What prompts me to write to you is to request a favor.

I have just been informed that the pony responsible for supervising the arrangements for the Summer Sun Celebration has fallen ill, and instead of sending another pony to Ponyville, I thought maybe you could do the job by taking advantage of the fact that you are already there.

In essence there are five things that need to be supervised and checked before the big celebration: weather, music, banquet, decorations and the evening soiree.

I will be very grateful if you can do this task for me.

Signed, Princess Celestia."

As Dusk finished reading the letter, he looked up with a look of weariness.

"It's not enough to send me to this town on a silly mission, now she wants me to waste my last day here supervising matters that don't correspond to me." Dusk said annoyed.

"Well, you thought you'd waste your whole day reading." Spike said happier, seeing that now his brother would be obliged to go out and not lock himself in the library.

Dusk looked at Spike sideways, he didn't like to lose, even less against his little brother.

"Would you like to trade?" Dusk asked. "You go oversee the preparations and I'll keep organizing the library."

"No way." Spike said, folding his arms. "I will not allow you to lock yourself in the library."

"Is there nothing I can offer you to change your mind?" Dusk asked, his eyes pleading, using the puppydog look Spike always used against him.

"Nope, by my Dragon Code I swear you will not make me change my mind." Spike said with his eyes closed and drawing a cross in his heart with his claw.

Dusk lowered his head completely resigned, after all, he knew that when Spike made a Dragon promise, he never broke it.


There was a sudden knock on the library door, causing Dusk and Spike to stare at the door in surprise. Then the door opened and in the doorway appeared a familiar white mare unicorn with well-coiffed purple mane.

"Hello! How are things going!" Rarity said entering the library with a smile.

"Rarity!" Spike said blushing, opening his eyes wide and paralyzing at the sight of the white mare.

As she entered the library, Rarity looked everywhere, as if she were looking for someone.

"I guess they haven't come." Rarity said in a whisper, talking to herself, after noticing that there was no one else in the library besides her, Dusk and Spike. "All right! Now is MY chance to take advantage."

"Pardon, did you say something?" Dusk asked confused, who couldn't hear what Rarity murmured.

"It's nothing, darling, just thinking out loud." Rarity replied, looking back at Dusk and smiling.

"Uhh... okay..." Dusk said, still somewhat confused by the mare's appearance in the library. "But tell me, what are you doing here? If it's for the library, the books still have to be sorted, so it's not open yet."

"Oh, no, I did not come for that, I came for you, darling." Rarity said coquettishly, approaching Dusk. "It turns out that I have to decorate the main hall for the big celebration, and I wanted to know if you could help me with that."

Dusk thought back and quickly recalled that the day before Rarity had mentioned that she was in charge of the decoration for the Summer Sun Celebration.

"That's perfect, I had forgotten that!" Dusk said with joy, since of all the tasks he had to supervise, at least there was one in which there was a pony he knew, so he would not have to deal with unknown ponies. "Yes, of course, I'll go with you, no problem."

"Magnificent!" Rarity smiled, then looked politely at Spike, who was still frozen, not knowing what to say or what to do in the face of Rarity's surprise visit. "You can come and help us too, Spikey."

Spike smiled and prepared to respond to his beloved mare, however, he was interrupted by Dusk.

"It's a shame, he will not be able to go, he made the promise that he would stay ordering the library." Dusk said innocently, looking at Rarity. "I know my brother very well, and when he makes a dragon promise, he never breaks it."

Spike froze, his own words had betrayed him.

"Bu... bu ... but..." Spike stammered, not knowing what to say, even though Dusk didn't realize it, for the first time Spike wanted to break his dragon promise, just to be with Rarity a second more.

"Oh... I understand, the promises are very important." Rarity said kindly, coming up to Spike and stroking his head. "Don't worry, Dusk will be coming to help me, it will be more than sufficient."

"Bu... bu... but..." Spike stammered again, watching as Dusk and Rarity walked away and closed the library door behind them, leaving him alone in the library, wishing he could go back in time to correct himself and accept the proposition that Dusk had made him about swapping tasks.

After leaving the library, everything was somewhat strange, according to Dusk. Rarity asked him to follow her, so she was always a few steps ahead of Dusk, and the strangest thing was that Rarity seemed restless as every time she came to a corner she peered out and looked around in all directions before continuing. If it had not been for the misunderstanding of the previous day, Dusk would have sworn that Rarity watched the other ponies so they would not see him with her, as if she were ashamed to be with Dusk, but he had learned not to prejudge attitudes, especially those of Rarity, so he quickly dismissed that idea, though the discomfort with the mare's attitude persisted.

What Dusk didn't know was that this time he was right, at least in part, since Rarity was indeed careful that she was not seen with Dusk by others, but not from just any pony, she wanted to avoid at all costs that any of her friends would see her next to Dusk, otherwise they could intrude on their meeting, something she could not afford if she wanted to recover the lost ground in front of her friends, especially against Applejack and Pinkie Pie, who had already managed to advance and kiss her dear Dusk.

Finally, Rarity achieved her mission and both managed to arrive unto the great hall of the Town Hall without being seen by one of the other four mares, which was the place in which the Summer Sun Celebration would be held and that Rarity had to decorate.

Both entered in the hall, where there were only a few boxes that Rarity had brought in advance and that contained the ornaments that she had to put, but otherwise, it was completely empty, it was just Rarity and Dusk, which made Rarity smile to see that this could be a great opportunity to advance her relationship with Dusk.

"So... you haven't started yet?" Dusk asked, somewhat concerned that the hall wasn't decorated yet.

"No, but the decorations are ready, you'll see that putting them up will not take long." Rarity smiled, opening boxes with her magic and taking some ribbons in them. "Please help me hang them, darling."

Dusk approached the box and levitated some ribbons, as soon as he did, he looked at them for a moment, they were all different but they were all very beautiful, with shiny fabrics, garlands adorned with different colors and patterns, but they all looked very fine and well done.

"Rarity... didn't you say that you couldn't buy the beautiful ornaments you wanted?" Dusk asked confused.

"That's right." Rarity said, approaching and picking up the ribbons Dusk had taken. "These I made last night with some materials I had saved."

Then Rarity levitated the ribbons and placed them in different places in the room.

"This blue with silver highlights must go south, near the window, so that the light of the stars shine on it; this gold must go to the opposite side so that the first rays of the sun make it shine; this other dark green..." Rarity said as she set the ribbons very carefully.

Dusk stared with astonishment at Rarity, she had not only made beautiful ornaments with little material and in a short time but also noticed small details that made everything she touched even more beautiful.

"What a splendid mare, I really would like to know her more." Dusk thought as he blushed slightly.

"Is something wrong, darling?" Rarity asked, failing to place the ribbons at the sight of Dusk's gaze, a look that made her heart flutter.

"N-Nothing..." Dusk said timidly, not wanting to say out loud what he thought. Then he took several ribbons and waited for Rarity's instructions to know where to place them.

Thus both of them continued to put ribbons and different banners, which commemorated the different races of ponies, the seasons, the sun and the moon, until the hall slowly began to look increasingly beautiful with all the trimmings, worthy of a big and important celebration like the one that would take place there in a few more hours.

While arranging, Dusk followed Rarity's instructions to the letter, totally focused on it, while Rarity smiled whenever Dusk looked at her, smiles that at first were sincere but with the minutes passing by they soon changed to more nervous smiles.

"And where does this banner need to be placed?" Dusk asked, taking another object from the box.

"Huh? Ah! That goes by the balcony." Rarity said distractedly, again with a somewhat nervous smile.

As soon as Dusk turned to put the banner on, Rarity looked concerned and bit her lip. She really was enjoying her time alone with Dusk, even more doing something that she loved, as was the decoration, yet she also felt that she was wasting her chance to advance her relationship with Dusk, and that made her nervous. She had to do something more daring if she wanted to get closer to Dusk's heart, she could not miss this opportunity!

Once Dusk placed the banner where Rarity pointed, he went back to the box and took out a long blue ribbon.

"And where should this ribbon go?" Dusk asked, levitating the long blue ribbon.

Rarity stared at the ribbon with a piercing stare and for the first time she didn't respond immediately.

"That ribbon should surround the pillars and the whole room." Rarity finally said, approaching Dusk, standing very close to his side. "It's complicated, I'll guide you with my magic and you'll levitate the rest so it doesn't fall to the floor and get dirty."

Both unicorns levitated the ribbon while Rarity led and made it spin around the room, fixed on some points, like columns and balconies.

Once the ribbon had gone several laps to the room, and when there was almost no ribbon left, Rarity stopped and looked at Dusk sideways.

"I think the ribbon's very loose." Rarity said without looking at Dusk, though he looked at her. "I think I'll adjust it."

Then Rarity's horn brightened, and with her magic she pulled the whole ribbon tightly, causing it to loosen from the points where it had been fixed and contracted toward the center of the room, which was exactly where Rarity and Dusk were. Releasing the ribbon, it rolled quickly and tightly around Dusk and Rarity, causing them to stay stuck, chest to chest, tied by the blue ribbon.

"W-What happened?" Dusk said nervously, seeing the situation they were in.

"Oops! I think I pulled it too hard." Rarity said blushing, looking up as they were still tied together and Dusk was slightly taller.

Dusk looked down and couldn't help but turn red when he saw Rarity's face so close, she was staring at him with her huge blue eyes, not only that, but he could also feel the unicorn's smooth skin and even smell her gentle perfume.

"I-I... I... I..." Dusk began to stutter. "I think-I think I'll use my teleportation spell to get us..."

"Don't do it!" Rarity said quickly. "The ribbon is very thin and delicate, any sudden movement could break it. Besides..." Rarity added looking tenderly at Dusk, blushing even more. "Don't you like being with me?"

Dusk's heart began to beat hard as he reached his peak of mental endurance, swallowed, and his mouth began to tremble.

"I-It's not that..." Dusk stammered, totally red. "It's... it's just that I have to supervise... supervise the other preparations... and I..."

"Everything will be fine, just relax, darling." Rarity said coquettishly.

Dusk was a logical colt, he doesn't fond to fall into worldly and emotional temptations, he was distant with other ponies; but in spite of everything, he was still a colt, and no colt could act normal to be in such a situation with a mare. Dusk's eyes widened more and more, he didn't know how to react, he definitely didn't like to approach and touch other ponies, more so in a situation as uncomfortable as one in which they're bound by a ribbon, but he had to admit that deep down, for some reason, he was enjoying being so close to Rarity, of being able to.. look at her closely... breath her fragrance... touch her...

Suddenly a window of the hall opened and a rainbow lightning bolt raced in, taking one end of the blue ribbon and flying around both unicorns, causing them to spin like spinning tops while they were unraveled in an instant. Then the rainbow beam took out a sky-blue hoof and grabbed Dusk by one of his legs.

"Enough already!" Rainbow Dash said in annoyance, taking Dusk and flying out the window as fast as she had entered, leaving Rarity spinning confused alone in the middle of the hall.

A few seconds later, when Rarity stopped spinning, she grabbed her head as she tried to put her eyes and thoughts in place. Then she shook her head and looked out the window.

"RAINBOW DASH, GIVE ME MY DUSK!!" Rarity shouted, angry at the rainbow mare for entering the parlor, interrupting her special moment with her beloved Dusk and taking him away from her.

Once they were far enough away from Town Hall, reaching the outskirts of town, Rainbow Dash stopped flying at full speed and released her prey, a confused and extremely dizzy Dusk.

The unicorn stood on the floor as he staggered from side to side, still not understanding what had happened in the last few seconds. His eyes slowly focused until he could see the mare responsible.

"Rainbow Dash? What happened? Where are we?" Dusk asked confused, still dizzy, holding his head.

"I... I just walked by and I thought you needed some fresh air, that's all!" Rainbow Dash said, embarrassed and looking away to avoid Dusk's gaze.

What Rainbow Dash hadn’t told Dusk was that she had been secretly watching him and Rarity from the window for a while, when she noticed by chance that they were alone in the hall when she came by. She didn’t like to meddle in other pony's conversations, but for some reason that she did not understand, she had been very upset when she saw that Rarity was alone with Dusk, so she watched them from a distance behind a window without making her presence known, until both unicorns had been tightly tied with a ribbon, stuck to each other, which made her mind become clouded with anger and went flying into the room to separate them and take Dusk with her, a reaction that Rainbow Dash instinctively did, unaware of what she had actually done until she had stopped flying.

"We're just outside the village...? What happened to Rarity?" Dusk asked as he realized how far they were from the Town Hall.

"What? Do you miss being so intimately embraced by the drama queen?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking annoyed at Dusk.

"You... You saw us!?" Dusk asked, totally embarrassed.

"I told you, I just happened to pass by." Rainbow Dash lied, looking away.

"It's a misunderstanding, I... I was helping Rarity put up ribbons when she mistakenly tightened them and we were tied up like that." Dusk said, trying to explain that misunderstanding.

"Yeah, sure, 'by mistake,' I don't think she did it by mistake." Rainbow Dash said angrily, speaking in a low voice.

"Huh?" Dusk said confused, unable to understand anything pegasus had said.

"I didn't say anything!" Rainbow Dash said, looking annoyed again at Dusk. She was very upset, but she wasn’t sure why it bothered her to see Rarity with Dusk, and now that she saw Dusk head on she couldn't help but be bothered with him, but if she was honest with herself, that anger toward Dusk was only a reflection of her anger toward Rarity.

As for Dusk, after ceasing to be dizzy, he still didn't understand anything, and the main thing he did not understand Rainbow Dash's attitude, the pegasus was obviously annoyed, but he still didn't understand why. Despite that, he knew he shouldn't upset Rainbow Dash, he had already experienced that and he didn't want to argue with her, so he decided that it would be best to soften her mood without going into detail of why she was angry.

"Wow...! I can't believe we're on the outskirts of town, and in just an instant!" Dusk pretended to be surprised and looked sideways at Rainbow Dash, hoping his plan would work, because with what little he knew of Rainbow Dash, he knew she was weak to flattery. "Rainbow Dash, you must really be the fastest pegasus in all Equestria!"

"Of course I am the fastest! I already told you, so it shouldn't surprise you." Rainbow Dash smiled pridefully, completely forgetting that just a moment ago she was upset.

"I guess you were right, haha." Dusk smiled as well, glad that his plan worked out and that the pegasus was no longer angry with him.

They both stared at each other for a while, but neither of them knew how to continue the conversation, since everything had been very sudden for the both of them and they didn't really have a common theme to talk about, although Rainbow Dash wanted to ask Dusk something, but she didn't know how to bring up the subject without being so obvious.

"Well, I guess I should go, I have a lot to do." Dusk said finally, after the awkward silence.

Then Dusk made his classic bow to say goodbye to Rainbow Dash, turned around and started walking back to town. While Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't utter a single word.

"You... want me to come with?" Rainbow Dash said, finally daring to speak. The pegasus's words stopped Dusk, who turned and looked at her. "I-I mean, I have some free time, so I wouldn't mind going with you." Rainbow Dash quickly added, a little blushed.

"Uh... yeah sure, we can go together." Dusk grinned. "I have to review the other preparations for the celebration, such as music and weather, so-"

"You're in charge of checking if the weather's okay for the celebration!?" Rainbow Dash asked excited and surprised, interrupting Dusk's speech.

"Umm... yeah." Dusk replied, too surprised to see the excitement of Rainbow Dash. "Why the sudden interest?"

As soon as Dusk had reaffirmed what she had heard, Rainbow Dash turned so that Dusk wouldn't see her expression, she lifted a hoof and clenched it as a sign of success as she smiled at her luck. This was her chance, now she could show Dusk what she wanted to show him without having to force the subject into a conversation.

"Well, I happen to be the captain of the weather patrol." Rainbow Dash replied, turning again to see Dusk, putting on a prideful pose. "So I'm in charge of clearing the sky for the Summer Sun Celebration."

Dusk was surprised to learn that fact, mainly for the great coincidence, since just two of the ponies he knew in Ponyville were two of the managers he was to supervise.

"And now I'll show you how amazing I can be!" Rainbow Dash continued talking excitedly, moving a little closer to Dusk. "I'll show you that I can clear the whole sky in just ten seconds!" Rainbow Dash finished, totally excited, almost touching face to face with Dusk as she didn't take her eyes off him and pointed her hoof toward the sky.

This was what Rainbow Dash wanted, to show Dusk how cool and fast she could be. Dusk had already shown her how great he could be, now it was her turn to prove it; and before it happened she already imagined what would happen: Dusk would be astonished to see how agile and fast she was, and thus he wouldn't want to leave her side, after all the cool ponies should be together, so they could chat, laugh and spend time together without any interruptions from any other mare. That's why Rainbow Dash was staring at Dusk, she wanted to savor every moment before he was stunned by her.

Then, as Rainbow Dash continued to stare at him, Dusk lifted his gaze to the sky, where Rainbow Dash was aiming.

"Well... it seems like that won't be necessary." Dusk said looking down at Rainbow Dash and motioning her to look up.

Rainbow Dash turned and looked up, then her mouth opened until it almost reached the ground while her face showed pure disappointment. The sky was clear! Almost completely clear, only a couple of clouds remained that were just moved by a pair of pegasus.

Rainbow Dash's entire plan had been ruined, she had been so excited to tell Dusk what she would do that she hadn't even noticed the sky!

This was how she stood there watching in utter depression as the last clouds of the sky were moved until she suddenly went from depression and disappointment to annoyance.

"Wait here!" Rainbow Dash said annoyed, not even looking at Dusk, spreading her wings and flying at high speed to where the pegasi were moving the cloud.

As soon as she reached the pair of pegasus, she flew right in front of them.

"WHAT'D YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" Rainbow Dash cried annoyed.

The pegasi looked at each other in confusion and then looked back at Rainbow Dash.

"We move the clouds." One Pegasus said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"I know that! But why did you do it!?" Rainbow Dash shouted even more annoyed. "I was supposed to clear the sky today!"

"Well, we saw that the sky hadn't been cleared yet, so we decided to clear it, after all, today is the preparation for the Summer Sun Celebration." The other Pegasus said smiling.

"But it was my job!!" Rainbow Dash screamed irritated, then she covered her face with one of her hoofs and tried to calm down, after all, it was not the end of the world, she could still impress Dusk. "Well, it doesn't matter now, put the clouds back where they were and I'll clear them."

The two pegasus looked at each other in confusion and looked back at Rainbow Dash as if they hadn't heard well.

"You want us to turn the sky cloudy again just for you to clear again?" Asked one of the pegasi.

"That's right!" Rainbow Dash said seriously, crossing her forelegs.

"That's ridiculous!" The same pegasus replied. "It took us hours to clear the sky and it would take us hours to cloud it again, too. What's the point of clouding the sky just so you can clear it again?"

"Don't worry about my reasons, just do it!" Rainbow Dash said, blushing slightly.

"Anyway, I don't know if we can cloud the sky." The other Pegasus said, with a pensive face. "I think Cloud Kicker took the clouds... Or was it Flitter? I don't remember."

Rainbow Dash looked impatiently at both pegasi, unable to avoid showing her anger about the whole situation that had ruined all her plans.

"JUST TELL ME WHO TOOK MY CLOUDS!!" Rainbow Dash cried exasperated.

Meanwhile, Dusk had stayed where Rainbow Dash had left him, looking up at the sky and seeing how the mare of rainbow mane seemed to chat animatedly with those two pegasi, although he could not hear anything they talked about, he just saw Rainbow Dash moving her legs a lot, so that's why he supposed they had an entertaining conversation.

After a while and seeing that Rainbow Dash was still talking to both pegasus, Dusk decided that it would be best to continue with his homework, after all the day was moving fast and the morning was almost over.

"Well, at least I know the weather and the decoration are ready." Dusk said, thinking aloud as he continued to watch the sky. "Thanks to Celestia, I didn't have to deal with any new pony, if I only have the same luck when reviewing the other preparations..."

Then Dusk suddenly remembered that just one of the mares he knew had told him that she and her family were in charge of one of the preparations for the celebration, how could he have forgotten! That's another great stroke of luck! And the best thing was that now he was just outside of town, right on the road that led directly to her house.

Dusk looked up again to see Rainbow Dash, but it seemed she was still chatting 'animatedly' with the other pegasi, so he regretted not being able to say good-bye and just turned around and started walking down the path to Sweet Apple Acres, while Rainbow Dash continued arguing without realizing that the colt she wanted to impress was leaving without paying any attention to her.

It didn't take long until Dusk finally reached the entrance to the Apple family farm, Sweet Apple Acres.

Once he entered the grounds of the farmhouse, Dusk was surprised to see that on the outskirts of the house there was a large table set in which there were several dishes with different foods, and sitting there were a lot of ponies chatting and laughing together. As he drew nearer, the unicorn was finally able to recognize the ponies he expected to see, Big Mac was chatting with other stallions next to Granny Smith and another old mare, all in one corner of the table, while Applebloom leapt excitedly from one side to the other trying to get into the circle of talk that was formed of the mares that were there, and finally he could see Applejack, who seemed to be the center of attention as all the other mares surrounded and watched her while she seemed to just want to escape, as she looked very uncomfortable.

"So what is he like!?" An excited mare asked to Applejack, which was the first thing Dusk could hear as he approached.

"Is he good looking? Is he strong?" Asked another mare, questioning Applejack.

"Ah' already told ya it's a misunderstandin'! Granny Smith and Big Mac are wrong, Ah'm not-" Applejack said nervously and somewhat annoyed, looking at all the mares, however, she couldn't finish speaking, because as soon as she looked up to see the mares, she noticed that Dusk was walking towards them and looking at her.

"What’s he doin' here!? Right at the worst time!" Applejack thought as she blushed involuntarily as she looked at Dusk.

"Oh, ma dear Dusk! Ya came at the jus' right time!" Granny Smith said suddenly as she realized Dusk's presence.

Then all the mares around Applejack turned to see Dusk, then they all ran toward him and surrounded him.

"So you're Dusk! Well, he's not my type, but he's cute." A yellow mare said, with a red mane, a green handkerchief around her neck, and a few caramel apples as cutie mark.

"Of course, you just need some muscle." Another mare said, yellow skinned with a green mane, and some strudels as cutie mark.

"Well, that' is easy, it is arranged with hard work, after all, if you want our dear 'Apple' you should be able to work in the farm." A pale yellow-skinned stallion said, he had a clear blue mane, with a huge red apple as cutie mark. He had also approached accompanied by a pair of stallions, although they looked more serious compared to the mares, who only laughed.

"That's right!" Big Mac finally said. "It's 'bout time you showed up, Ah thought you wouldn't act responsibly for what ya did."

Dusk was only silent, totally nervous as he was surrounded by so many ponies, something that stressed him a lot, even more so being surrounded by mares. He listened to everyone but he didn't understand anything, why those mares had called him cute? Did he like them? And why did the yellow colt say if he wanted to keep their 'Apple'? Had Granny told them that he had eaten some apples? But mostly, what did Big Mac mean to be responsible!?

Applejack saw everypony around Dusk and the poor unicorn looked totally nervous and confused, apparently he still didn't understand that her whole family was watching and inspecting him thinking that he was her boyfriend. Applejack moved quickly to the uproar, thinking that it would be best to get everyone out of the misunderstanding, though she knew Big Mac would probably get angry, it would be better for Dusk not to go deeper into that problem without knowing it.

"Oh... I get it! Yes! I will definitely take responsibility! You can trust me!" Dusk said suddenly, thinking that Big Mac meant he had to take responsibility for supervising the banquet, which made him fill with pride, while Applejack froze, completely terrified to realize that Dusk had just dug his own grave without knowing it.

"Yee-haw!" All the ponies shouted cheerfully, except Dusk and Applejack, while a pair of ponies played a cheerful country song, with a violin and a banjo.

"Oh, dear Dusk, you're gonna give this poor ol' lady a lot 'o joy." Granny Smith said, coming up to Dusk, next to the other old mare who looked a lot like her. "Ya know, a lotta members of the Apple family came ta see the Summer Sun Celebration here, and it's not normal for us all ta meet this way, so I wonder'... would ya mind if we hurried things along and made everything official today?"

"Are you sure, Granny?" Big Mac asked not very convinced.

"O'course, Ah always trust my intuition, and Ah know this boy's a trustworthy pony." Granny Smith grinned, looking at Dusk.

With the words of Granny Smith, for a second Dusk began to realize that perhaps he was missing something important, however after being praised by her, that doubt disappeared and he thought that Granny Smith would simply be referring to the banquet, surely for that family it would have been very important to make the banquet and they wanted to work together on it before officially showing it to Dusk.

"Yes, of course, no problem, as long as the banquet comes out fine." Dusk smiled.

"The banquet? But don't ya think there must be a ceremony 'fore the banquet?" Granny asked.

"Huh... well, the ceremony is very important, but for all the celebrations I've attended in Canterlot, the banquet is always before the ceremony." Dusk said confused, believing Granny had referred to the solemn moment when Celestia raised the sun as a 'ceremony'.

"Oh... well, then we'll follow the customs of Canterlot, then before the ceremony we'll have the banquet!" Granny Smith said excitedly.

Then all the ponies took Dusk and Applejack and they sat them front the table that they had laid out and that contained a huge amount of dishes, apparently all based on apples. They sat Dusk and Applejack together at the head of the table while the others sat around the table, while the two ponies playing music had stopped playing fast music and now played softer music while they were behind Applejack and Dusk.

Dusk felt a little dizzy when he saw so many ponies at a table, he was also a bit puzzled to see that they had put him at the head seat, the place of honor, a place that shouldn't correspond to him who was just merely invited to supervise the preparations for the banquet. While Applejack was covering her face and looking at everyone else, she didn't understand how things had gotten to this point, it was obvious that Dusk and her family were talking about different things, but for some reason no one had noticed, and all the conversations had been designed to keep them from being noticed! Besides, they all seemed so happy to meet her supposed coltfriend, she didn't want to break the peace, and mostly she didn't want to get Dusk in trouble, because she knew that as soon as it was discovered that Dusk wasn't talking about marriage, everything would be a disaster.

"It's delicious!" Dusk said suddenly, who was still sitting next to Applejack, pulling her out of her thoughts.

Dusk had seen a huge cake in front of him, it looked so appetizing that it was hard to resist eating it, but remembered that HE was in charge of supervising the banquet, so it was his duty to check the food's quality, so It wouldn't hurt to eat a bite of a cake as long as he left the rest intact for the banquet.

"This cake was made by ma' dearest Applejack." Granny Smith grinned as she listened to Dusk.

"Wow... You're really a great cook!" Dusk smiled, savoring the cake and looking at Applejack, glad to know another side of that honest, hard-working mare. "I could really eat this every day!"

Applejack was surprised by the comment and couldn't help but blush, she was always praised for her apple pies by her family, but she had rarely been praised by other colts, so she couldn't help feeling happy, even if she didn't say anything about it.

"He's so clumsy, but also sincere..." Applejack thought blushing, glancing sideways at Dusk as he continued to eat. "Maybe... Ah' could wait n' see how far this wedding goes..."

Then she realized what she had just thought and blushed even more.

"What'm Ah' thinking! Ah' gotta fix this now!" Applejack thought quickly, ashamed of her own emotions.

"Dusk... You gotta go now..." Applejack whispered to Dusk.

"Huh? Why? I still need to check that the banquet is completely ready." Dusk replied confused, looking at her and then at the huge table. "On second thought, they have a lot of dishes ready, I guess I can mark that everything's ready."

Then Dusk was surprised to see that the ponies, all relatives to Applejack, began to take part of the banquet and were served to begin eating.

"Wait a second! I ate a little to taste it, but if you eat all that, there'll be nothing left for the banquet! Isn't this the banquet you prepared for the Summer Sun Celebration!?" Dusk asked confused.

"Yep, but don't chu' worry, we'll eat this now then we'll work all afternoon to get ready other banquet for the celebration." Granny Smith said, sitting next to Dusk. "Plus, we can't skimp on the wedding banquet for our beloved Applejack."

Dusk froze at Granny Smith's remark, then he turned to Applejack.

"You're getting married!? Uhh... congratulations I guess." Dusk said naively looking at Applejack. "And who's the fiance?"

"He's such a scatterbrained idiot." Applejack said embarrassed, covering her face and watching the impending disaster that was to come. Then she looked up at Dusk seriously, but blushing. "They think you're ma' fiance."

Dusk froze for a long time without moving a muscle as his brain tried to process what he had just heard, he didn't know whether or not he had heard correctly, but Applejack had spoken loud and clear, there was no mistake. Then Dusk turned his head quickly and looked at the banquet and all the Apple family, and then all the points were connecting, the conversations and what he had not understood, all while his face was turning blue from the panic that was beginning to accumulate in him.

"Bu-Bu-Bu-Bu-Bu-" Dusk stammered, blue with fear, not being able to utter a single word.

"Granny and Big Mac confused everythin' an' made everyone believe we're engaged." Applejack said embarrassed, understanding the unicorn's confusion.

"Bu... But we're not getting married!" Dusk said almost in a scream, finally managing to articulate words.

As soon as Dusk uttered those words, one of the banjo's strings broke, causing the music to be cut just then, and all the ponies looked at Dusk, leaving a long, tense silence in the air.

"What'd ya mean, not getting married?" The elderly pony sitting next to Granny Smith asked, a peach-colored mare and soft pink mane with an apple with two roses as cutie mark.

"I-It's what I said, this's all a misunderstanding…" Dusk said fearfully and uncomfortably as everyone was staring at him. "I... I'm just in charge of the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, I just came to see that the banquet was ready..."

Suddenly Big Mac got up and hit the table with a hoof.

"Then why'd you kiss ma' sister!? Ya won't take responsibility!?" Big Mac said annoyed.

Dusk didn't know what to say, first he didn't understand Big Mac, the red pony got angry when he approached his sister and now he was angry for not wanting to be with her, besides Applejack had already explained to them that everything about that kiss had been an accident, why did they take all this so seriously!? Then Dusk looked at the faces of the other ponies and saw that they all saw him very seriously, as if they were about to lynch him. Dusk began to tremble without knowing how to escape that uncomfortable situation.

"GET HIM!" Suddenly shouted one of the stallions sitting next to Big Mac, and he and all the guys at the table got up and jumped on top of Dusk.

Meanwhile, on hearing the scream and seeing the stallions rushing him, Dusk instinctively used his magic and teleported himself to the entrance of the farm. Even so, he was in sight of the Apple family, who stood watching him in the distance.

"Remember how our aunt from the mountains gotta husband?" The old mare asked Granny Smith.

"Oh... yea, Ah 'member..." Granny Smith said, smiling mischievously, and then screamed. "Time ta hunt the groom! Get him!" Granny ordered her family stallions that had been piled up as they tried to jump Dusk.

Then some of the stallions and mares of the Apple family rushed up to a cart, all while the ponies playing country music had fixed the banjo string and also got into the cart.

"Yee-haw!" Suddenly cried the pony playing the banjo, who had a cutie mark of a foggy mountain, and began to play a quick country tune, perfect for chasing, while the cart was pulled by Big Mac and one of his cousins, and began hunting Dusk.

While Dusk, who had been static all this time due to surprise, watched in terror as a cart full of the Apple family began coming right at him, then he had began to run out of there as fast as he could, cursing his bad luck.

"That's how ya get a husband in the mountains, hehehe." Granny Smith laughed as she watches her family run after Dusk. She had been a little depressed to hear that Dusk wouldn't marry her granddaughter, in fact she had been surprised that he had accepted so easily at first, but after Dusk rejected the proposal, it seemed amusing to frighten the boy a little, plus she knew that her family would never harm Dusk, for them this was a game, although perhaps Big Mac was taking it to heart.

Then Granny glanced at Applejack, who had been staring in amazement at what just happened, and smiled.

"Well, not wantin' ta get married now don't mean he never will, after all love's like a beautiful garden, it takes time ta cultivate it, but the more time ya spend, the more beautiful the result." Granny Smith smiled, saying those words aloud to her granddaughter, which Applejack couldn't help blushing after hearing them.

"Ah'm confused." Apple Bloom said, who hadn't gotten into the cart with her cousins. "So do ya like Dusk Shine 'er not?" Apple Bloom asked looking at his sister.

Applejack looked surprised at her sister and then she looked up and couldn't help but laugh as Dusk ran frightened of her cousins.

"Don't ask me somethin' like that, lil' sis." Applejack said, smiling and blushing again, not wanting to answer that question, for the truth was that she didn't know the answer herself.

After that, Applejack and her little sister see Dusk go, racing out of Sweet Apple Acres to parts unknown.

# End of Chapter 13

Author's Note:

Thank you so much to Ecchidonzablue for his translation & TheFalloutPony for his review and correction :)
So if you liked, thank them to it too =D

Ps: If you wonder what the banjo song they played in the chase, this is: (Foggy Mountain Breakdown) hence the musician's cutie mark, a foggy mountain =P

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