• Member Since 30th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago



WARNING! This story is a spinoff of my surprisingly successful story Refined Starlight in a Broken Vessel!

If you are not familiar with it, please read it here

A simple midday meal with his friends on a bright, sunny day, leaves Anthony somewhat bored and ends with him getting his wish for excitement, but when an unruly king from another world plans to use him for his own nefarious purposes, two ponies must band together to get their friend back and save several worlds, while traversing territory entirely foreign to them.

What can Anthony do when he's no longer the main character, and is already in the clutches of a beastly and power-hungry monarch, bent on total domination? Only time will tell.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 12 )

As co-author, I'm taking the overly-coveted 'First' spot so nobody else can spam about it.

I had actually considered typing 'first' if given the chance, but decided I'm not that type of guy. But I guess if I did consider it, than I WOULD be that type of guy. I'm gonna have to go look up a tone of Mario lore, as I haven't played one of those in a long a** time. You jump into the air, break blocks with your skull, and step on turtles. Well, I assume they've gotten more complicated than that, and now stand to get even more complicated with the introduction of ponies. Confound these ponies, always making things complicated!


Also. . .

“Actually, since Spike helped put it together, he made some peanut butter and banana sandwiches for you two.”

Two or too? :3

Myrna is attending the picnic as well.

What is Shyguy hospitality? Apparently pretty darn nice. As for the ones with the painted masks or forge goggles, I have no idea which game they are from. I may have said earlier that I have extremely little Mario experience. Just enough to remember the little goofy noises they make. *Waah*

The painted masks are headcanon: each of those colored stripes is marking a rested Yoshi taken down by that hunter.

The metal masks are a logical step: Forgeguys need to keep their eyes open and their air clear as long as possible when working in a small, confined forge. They don't have the luxury of unlimited building space (they are in the canopy of the trees) and as such have to utilize space in a way that leads to lots of smog, or else they can't get the entire setup fitted into the space available for it. They are also a headcanon thing.

These Shyguys are notably closer to being 'good guys' than the other tribes, mostly because their enemies are essentially evil Yoshi. Crested Yoshi are dedicated carnivores, and enjoy hunting sentient prey, so the Shyguys here have built up in the trees and developed metalworking just to stay alive.

im liking this so far and it rounds out the "spinoff" stories pretty well. i'm looking forward to wear this will head. dont burn your self out though mate. this is like 4 or 5 stories you've got going at once

7824607 Four. And the fifth won't be written until the first three stories in the first Cycle of spinoffs end.

the Knightguy speaks up. “Ah, we near the BRight Yoshi village.” he says softly, pointing up the shallow water’s path to where a large number of


(Where would Mario and Luigi be this time? :3c)

Uh oh, the spookening begins. Everyone knows the freaks come out to play at night.

Closer to Anthony's position and probably not by choice.

Or maybe they're at Peach's castle. Maybe, by some freak stroke of absurd luck, they actually get some of that gorram cake.

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