• Published 18th Feb 2017
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Dragon Ball Super: Equestrian Chronicles - The Saiyan

Goku and Vegeta find themselves in Equestria in hopes of becoming stronger thanks to Whis. Can they learn the magic of friendship or will Vegeta go insane?

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The Big Night! At the Gala!

The carriages finally stopped in front of the castle. Once they stopped, the guards opened the doors one by one. Stepping out of the first one, were the former Elements of Harmony, each wearing a dress Rarity had made for them in the last Gala. Spike followed suit, earing a nice tuxedo and bowtie.

Next to come out was Vegeta, his arms folded as he walked and a familiar, yet surprisingly formal dressed draconequss hovering behind him. "You should learn to lighten up, Vegeta." Discord chuckled, trying to massage the Saiyan Prince's shoulders.

"Get your hands off me." muttered Vegeta.

Last was Goku, giving a sheepish smile to the ponies as a green creature of goo slid behind him like a snail, creating a trail of green slime on the floor. "Ha ha! Sorry aboust Smooze everybody! Discord said he'd be cool to invite." he assured.

The ponies looked in awe at Goku and Vegeta, the two Saiyans really have not made themselves public outside of Ponyville, but Goku, being the friendly fellow, waved to them as he and Vegeta stepped into the Gala itself. "I still can't believe we're being treated like diplomatic figures. I only came to train, not make peace with an alien race..." muttered Vegeta to himself.

"Ah, lighten up, Vegeta." Goku lightly laughed, "I'm sure this will be quick. On the bright side, once we do this, we don't have to worry about the ponies chasing us or something!"

The prince huffed, "It better be quick."

The two Saiyans took a seat at a table reserved for them, choosing not to do any socializing. "Where the hell is that bizarre creature?" Vegeta asked, referring to Discord. Goku pointed to his left, seeing that the spirit of chaos was conversing with Fluttershy and her plus one, Tree Hugger. "Never mind. Whatever keeps him away from me. And where is your supposed plus one?"

"I dunno." shrugged Goku, as he said that, he saw a ball of green slime fly past him, it filled with jewelry. "Uh... Never mind."

Pinkie hopped by, "Hey guys! Why are you just sitting around for? The party's just getting started!"

Goku laughed, rubbing the back of his neck, "I can't, Pinkie. I'm stuck wearing this small, itchy suit. It looks like something Chi-Chi would give me for something like this."

"And I'd rather not join in." Vegeta admitted. "None of the ponies should dare speak to me. It's for their sake. Not so much mine."

Goku looked to Vegeta, "That sounds awfully threatening."

"Oh, it does."

The Saiyans turned their head at the sound of the voice. Standing before them was a white unicorn with a blonde mane. "I'm not sure why my aunts would want such alien barbarians as diplomatic representatives if this is how you behave."

"And who are you supposed to be?" Vegeta growled, watching as Pinkie backed away.

"Excuse you. I am Prince Blueblood. I have the right mind to tell you to leave. After all, Equestria is no place for aliens like you." Blueblood gagged. "Truthfully, I'm not sure why you would bother showing up to such a high-class regal gathering."

Goku whispered to his friend, "He's starting to act like you when we first met."

Vegeta whispered back, "I know. And it's starting to irritate me."

"You dare whisper in front of me?" Blueblood whispered in a louder tone to get their attention. "I wish to know what you're talking about when I can't hear."

"Got some attitude. I can respect that." Vegeta muttered, standing on his feet.

Blueblood said, "Oh, I knew you would respect my authority. Honestly, you seem more respectful than those peasant Elements of Harmony my aunts seem to love. I'm not sure why they were invited."

Goku folded his arms, "Okay, now that was rude."

"Peasants like you wouldn't understand where I am coming from. They ruined the last Gala." Blueblood waved off, "Now if you excuse me, I have better matters to attend to." he was about to walk off, but Vegeta grabbed him by the collar and held him still.

A scowl was seen on the Saiyan Prince's features, "Listen here, you spoiled brat. I am no mere peasant and strangely enough, neither is Kakarot. We are an elite race called Saiyans, of which I am the prince of. The last of our kind."

Blueblood gritted his teeth, "No wonder your race is gone. You treat a figure of royalty like this? For shame!"

Vegeta smirked, using his other hand to charge a Ki blast, "Do you wish to repeat those words? If you must know, we have attained near godhood. It would be wise if you choose your next words very carefully." he muttered to the spoiled prince in a boastful tone.

"I-I'm sorry..." stammered Blueblood nervously.

The Saiyan Prince felt a nudge on his elbow, "Alright, Vegeta, I think he learned his lesson." hearing his ally's words, Vegeta released the prince, who inhaled sharply. "Now don't go insulting us or our friends again." Goku scolded. "We'll know."

"R-Right..." shuddered Blueblood. "E-Enjoy the Gala." he walked away, a nervous shake in each step.

Vegeta huffed, "Some prince. He shamed his title."

"At least you moved on from that phase." Goku sighed.

"Goku! Vegeta!" yelled Rainbow Dash, seeing her and the other girls trot to them. "We saw ya talkin' to that pompous jerk, Blueblood. Did he say anything insulting?"

"Oh, he tried. But I gave him a peek of true royalty." Vegeta boasted with a diabolical chuckle.

Goku laughed, "Don't worry. We handled it. In fact, we made sure he wouldn't bother you. From what we heard him say, he's kinda irritated with you from ruining the last Gala or something."

"It is quite a long story, darling." Rarity assured. "But I am glad to see you taught him a lesson."
"He was a kind of a jerk!" laughed Goku.

Pinkie gasped, "Kind of?"

Vegeta growled, "Can we stop talking about this? Didn't the Princesses want us to come here to have a formal introduction or whatever she invited us for?" he wondered.

Twilight nodded, "Yeah. In fact, she should be speaking in a minute."

Goku smiled, "Then let's get going! Once this is done, maybe I can snag a quick bite!"

Rainbow gestured behind her, "If Smooze doesn't get to the food first!"


The lights dimmed in the hall, and on the stage was Princess Celestia, standing next to her was Princess Luna, the two of them also wearing formal wear. She tapped a microphone as she began to speak and everypony went silent, "Mares and gentlecolts..."

"It is with great pleasure that I introduce the first otherworlders outside of Equestria."

Discord shouted, "What about me?"

"Outside of Equestria." hissed Celestia, clearing her throat. "Anyway, they have lived in peace in Ponyville for a few days now. It is time I introduce and welcome Son Goku and Prince Vegeta to Equestria!"

The Saiyans stepped out from behind the curtains, Goku waving as the applause faded. "W-Wow. I wasn't expecting this kind of welcome. Basically, what I was hoping would happen would be that--"


Goku and Vegeta paused, the former halting speech at the sound of the explosion. The ponies shielded themselves and dived at the noise. The two Saiyans were the first to respond, the explosion being an obvious sign of danger. "Do you sense that Vegeta?" whispered Goku.

The prince nodded, "Ki. A strong signature at that. But who in this world has such power?"

"That would be me." said a bright purple unicorn with an aura a few shades darker covering her. Her eyes glowed red as she hovered in the hole she made, smoke fading from her horn, showing that she had used a spell.

"Starlight Glimmer?" gasped Twilight.

Starlight growled, "Yes, Twilight. I'm back. You'll pay for ruining my world order! And it starts with their demise!" she pointed to Goku and Vegeta who were obviously confused by this.

"We don't even know you, mare." grunted Vegeta.

"But I've heard of you and how powerful you are. You'd obviously be a detriment to my plan and I have just the way of stopping you." Starlight declared. She shot a beam of magic from her horn.

Nopony, not even Goku or Discord could react as the beam hit Vegeta. An 'S' formed on his head as he screamed in pain, an electric aura covering his body. "Vegeta!" yelled Goku, kneeling down to help his friend.

Vegeta's body was covered in the same aura as Starlight, his eyes sharing the red tint. "What did ya do?" Applejack asked aloud.

"C'mon Vegeta. Get up." Goku offered to help the fellow Saiyan stand, but when he reached a hand down, he was slapped away, causing him to be sent flying across the room.

Starlight laughed, seeing Vegeta stand on his own, an emotionless expression on his face. "He's my slave now. Now Goku will have no choice but to fight him and not intervene as I destroy you for destroying what I've achieved."

"You monster..." hissed Twilight.

"Monster? I consider myself a liberator." corrected the unicorn.

The girls gathered next to Twilight, ready to face the tyrant unicorn again. As Goku faced Vegeta for yet another battle.