• Published 18th Feb 2017
  • 5,771 Views, 90 Comments

Dragon Ball Super: Equestrian Chronicles - The Saiyan

Goku and Vegeta find themselves in Equestria in hopes of becoming stronger thanks to Whis. Can they learn the magic of friendship or will Vegeta go insane?

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Out of Control! Starlight's Revenge!

"You should've stayed back in that cave, Starlight!" Rainbow hissed at the dark magic engulfed unicorn. She stomped a hoof on the ground as she made this declaration, the other five appearing next to her and behind Twilight.

Starlight smirked, "I still think this was the wisest decision. After all, it will allow me to enact my revenge on you all for ruining my vision of Equestria." she declared.

"Hold it." Celestia ordered, her and her sister appearing in front of the unicorn. "You have put our subjects at risk." their horns lit up as she said this, scowls seen on their faces, "We wll have no choice but to detain you."

Starlight faked a gasp, "Oh no, I am so scared!" she shot a beam of magic at the alicorn sisters, entrapping them in a purple binding of sorts, squeezing their bodies.

"Celestia! Luna!" Twilight screamed.

Celestia struggled, "Don't worry about us!" she commanded, "Just make sure she doesn't hurt anypony else!"

Discord snapped his fingers, "I must say, I am all for a crazy time, but even I must admit this is rather crude. Do not worry, Fluttershy." he began to say to the yellow pegasus, "I will stand by you in this tough time and protect you. I know your dislike in fighting."

"Thank you, Discord." Fluttershy murmured.

The unicorn let out a snicker, "You think the Spirit of Disharmony can aid you? I've grown stronger than since we last met, Twilight Sparkle! Stronger than all of you combined!"

Goku growled, "All right, that's it!" he flew forward, ready to attack Starlight, but he felt an elbow to his face, halting his swift movement. When he turned he saw Vegeta, his body engulfed in the same purple aura still and his eyes blood red. "Oh come on, Vegeta! Now's not the time to fight!"

The Saiyan Prince yanked off his tuxedo and revealed his battle armor. Goku removed his suit and showed that he was still wearing his trademark orange gi, "Oh, you did that too? Thank goodness, I was getting stuffy in that!" he laughed lightly. His smile faded to that of a scowl, facing the enraged Saiyan.

"I didn't even come here to fight you, Son Goku. I wished to test my new abilities by tainting Vegeta's personality. He is now puppet and will be the aid to your destruction." Starlight declared.

"Oh, that's enough!" Rainbow snarled, driving a hoof directly into the unicorn's face, causing her to reel back in pain. "Should'a knocked that smugness of your face last time we met." she admitted, "Would'a been more satisfying honestly."

Turning her head, Starlight causally shot a beam onto Rainbow, launching her backwards. The attendants were in a frenzy over this and were scrambling, unable to do anything. Twilight huffed, "Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie... Get the others to safety, we'll distract Starlight."

"Okey dokey, Twilight!" Pinkie saluted.

Rarity gulped, "Do be careful, dearies."

Discord cracked his knuckles, "Don't worry, Fluttershy. She won't lay a finger on you or Tree Hugger. For your sake." he held off his grudge for the moment, earning a smile from the timid pegasus, who ran with her friends to help the bystanders. "Now, back to you, Miss Glimmer, I think a punishment is in order."

"You think splitting up is going to do you any good?" Starlight asked her opponents. "By the end, all of you will have suffered my wrath anyhow."

The powerful unicorn was the first to shoot, striking a beam down to where the heroes were standing. Twilight erected a forcefield which barely held the blast back. The alicorn gritted her teeth, struggling to keep the elongated beam of magic from harming her and her friends. "Grr..." she growled, stomping a hoof forward as she tried to reflect the beam directly to Starlight.

Luckily, Discord decided to step in and snapped his fingers, giving the bubble forcefield a reflective property. Starlight's own magic was aimed back at her. But Starlight created a shield of her own to absorb the force of the projectile, a smirk seen on her face once the magic shield disappeared into particles. "Well, that was quite rude." the draconequss huffed, putting his foot down.

Starlight shook her head, "You've brought in on yourselves. My world was perfect, equal, free from chaos."

Discord yawned, pointing a finger at Starlight, which shot out a small laser, surprising the unicorn, "A world free of chaos? Why would I ever want that? It sounds really boring."

Rainbow groaned, driving a hoof upon Starlight's stunned face, launching her back slightly. The unicorn faceplanted as the pegasus boasted, "He's right! That sounds really boring!" she watched as the unicorn staggered to her hooves and directed a beam upon Rainbow, causing her to be tossed around slightly, causing her to hit her side upon the tiled floor.

"Rainbow!" Twilight yelled, getting hit by a levitated chair while she focused on her friend. The chair broke apart as she growled in pain, falling on her stomach. The lavender alicorn saw Starlight stand over her.

"See, Twilight? Conflict is rather pointless, isn't it? Join my cause, and all of this can stop." the purple unicorn offered, reaching her darkened hoof to the dazed princess.

Twilight scowled, lighting up her horn again, holding Starlight still. "Never. You've reached a new low, Starlight."

Starlight frowned, "Fine. Have it your way." she closed her eyes, using her enhanced abilities to break free of the spell Twilight held her down with. "Don't bother with that weak magic anymore. I've grown more powerful than you ever thought."

Before Starlight could continue, Applejack shoved her, stopping her threats and boasts, "Bout time somepony shut her mouth." she grunted, while tying her up in a lasso temporarily. Then she started to help Twilight stand up after reaching a hoof downward, "You alright, Twi?" she asked her friend.

"Yeah... A little dazed. But I can shake it off." the alicorn assured.

Starlight held her head, her red eyes narrowing. "You will regret that!"

Discord yawned again, snapping his fingers. Suddenly, a mallet appeared in his talons. The draconequss teleported behind the unicorn and swung horizontally, tossing the mare upwards. While she was stunned in midair, Rainbow came back to the fight in time to create a small whirlwind with her speed, dizzying the powered mare. While Starlight was spinning, Twilight held her down with a magic cuff similar to what she used on Celestia and Luna.

"Now..." Twilight growled, "It's time you turned yourself in."

Starlight remained silent while she pondered her options, 'I wasn't expecting the draconequss to appear tonight.' she narrowed her eyes, 'Celestia and Luna I can handle, but his magic is an unknown variable. As much as I don't want to, I must enact Plan B and get Starswirl's scrolls for the spell. I'll catch Twilight off guard and Vegeta should have done the dirty work.'

In the blink of an eye and a white flash, Starlight suddenly vanished. And when she did, the dark bindings that trapped Celestia and Luna were released, freeing them. Celestia looked down where Starlight was once at, the girls surprised by her disappearance, while Discord drank a milkshape he materialized into existence. "Where did she go?" the Sun Princess asked.

Twilight blinked, shaking her head, "I-I have no idea! Her magic shouldn't have worked!"

Luna sighed, "Nopony is at fault, Twilight. At the very least, she retreated before any of our subjects were truly hurt. Do you know of who she is?"

"That stupid mare enslaved an entire town before we stepped in and kicked her tyrannical flank into hiding!" Rainbow explained, mashing her hooves together. "She got lucky she became a coward now!"

"I thought she would stop..." Twilight murmured, "I-I didn't think she would go this far for revenge. Or that she could have become as strong as she was."

Celestia put a reassuring hoof on her former student's shoulder, "It is alright, Twilight. Nopony could have predicted this." she looked at the destruction, the broken tables and chairs as well as chunks of debris lying about on the once clean tiled floor and the giant hole in the wall. "At the very least she retreated before any major damage could be done."

Applejack put a hoof to her chin, "Anypony see where Goku and Vegeta wound themselves at?"

Casually with a deadpan look, Discord pointed a talon to the ceiling, never stopping sipping his milkshake. Looking up, the girls saw a giant hole in the ceiling. "Huh. Guess that explains the extra rocks on the floor." Rainbow muttered in surprise.

Goku cracked his knuckles, "Alright, Vegeta. I guess we're doing this again, huh?"

The two Saiyan rivals were flying above the Gala, back in their traditional battle gear having torn off their gala suits for yet another fight. Goku scowled at Vegeta, who was still glowing a purple aura and his eyes were glowing red ominously.

Vegeta smirked, getting to his battle stance. "We shall settle this once and for all, Kakarot! I grow tired of playing second. Now, it is time I prove myself the stronger Saiyan!"

"This isn't you! I thought you moved past that!" Goku pleaded. "It's like with Babidi again!"

Vegeta snarled, "I don't care anymore! What that mare did, I feel more powerful than ever before! And now it's about time I show you this power. And now we shall end this pathetic competition!" he reared a hand to Goku, who blocked it. The two rivals backed away, Goku now wanting to fight Vegeta.

Smirking, Goku got to his stance as well. "Then bring it on!"

"Very well, Kakarot!"


Hunching down slightly, Vegeta began to scream as an electric aura began to form around his body. Goku readied himself, charing his Ki in case he was going Super Saiyan 2. But surprisingly, Vegeta kept going. Goku could feel the area shake as Vegeta's Ki and power began to rise tremendously. "What is he doing?!" Goku asked aloud, unable to even hear his own thoughts amidst the Saiyan prince's long scream.

Vegeta kept screaming, his purple aura mixing with the usual Super Saiyan aura. Goku noticed that he transformed beyond to a Super Saiyan 2, seen by the electric sparks surging from his body and hair, which spiked slightly as well. But Vegeta still screamed to power himself up. It was like years of rage condensed into a single moment.

Goku closed his eyes, seeing a bright yellow light cover Vegeta's entire body. His arms were folded in an 'X' formation as he felt the prince's massive energy surge push him back slightly. At last, the light faded and Goku opened his eyes, widening upon what he was witnessing.

Vegeta was still in the purple aura, but he could see what he did. He crossed his arms. Goku immediately noticed a huge spike in Vegeta's ki now, his eyebrows were gone and his hair was spiked down to his back, almost too lengthy. This looked familiar to Goku, as he too had this form, which he transformed into as well with ease, having experience with said form.

Vegeta had become a Super Saiyan 3.