• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 3,613 Views, 74 Comments

Be Careful What You Wish For - darkstone57

Starlight has victory in her grasp, she will use the spells of time and space to create a new world of her desires come to life... But, as she comes closer to that reality, something from a world beyond will show her fury. Has she brought her end?

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Chapter 3

Be Careful What You Wish For
Chapter 3

She was getting closer to her goal.

As Twilight landed another landed platform, her vision changed once more and everything that was upside down before was upside down again. After taking a moment to get her bearings once more, she placed a hoof against her head, ‘Ugh,’ Twilight groaned mentally, ‘It was some much easier to teleport before. All this rolling around is making me feel dizzy.’ She exhaled a frustrated sigh as she looked ahead, ‘No use complaining, the longer it takes to Starlight...’ She stopped herself as she didn’t want to go too deep into worrying for Starlight’s well being; she needed to focus on finding her first.

As she took a couple of steps forward to find the next place to traverse to, she was stopped suddenly by group of tress that shot out of the ground and scaled upward rapidly to a great height that blocked her view ahead completely, the whole ordeal left her flabbergasted. “How...? Why...?” Twilight mumbled with confusion until she screamed her head; ‘I have so many questions!’

After staring at the sight of the appearing trees for a moment, she shook her head and decided to take to the right and find a platform in said direction only to be stopped before she could get the edge another row of tress shot out of the ground, much to her confusion and annoyance.

When she looked toward to first set of trees that appeared to find a peculiar sight, the last two trees near the corner had disappeared.

Twilight’s brows furrowed at the sight but decided not to question it as she approached the now accessible edge.

When she reached it, she came across a sight that left her wondering if she would ever find Starlight in this place; around various places, some of the platforms were moving around in different directions freely and stopping at random places.

Shortly after that, a platform appeared right in front of her and stopped on equal level to that of the one she was on. Feeling things were starting to go in her favour; she jumped onto the platform and noticed in the centre there was an indentation. She looked at it with apprehension as she slowly approached it and as she stopped before it, with no trees blocking her way, she lifted her right hoof and began to wonder if what would happen might happen.

She gently pressed hoof on the indentation and put pressure on it. At her action, the platform shook slightly for a moment causing her to pull it back and then to her surprise; the platform began to move.

As it took away from where she was before and change its general direction to a downward path, slowly rotating as clockwise it did, Twilight began to think about her friends, ‘They’re probably trying to tear that castle apart to find me,’ Twilight thought as she was unwittingly carried across the air, ‘Am I doing the right here?’ When her doubt made it to the surface of her mind, Twilight shook her head, ‘No, no time for that, Twilight,’ Twilight chastised herself for that as she looked ahead, ‘your goal is find Starlight and get her out of here.’

Her eyes widened at the location the platform was bringing her to, a large mountain shaped platform that rose very far upward. She brought her attention to what was front and could see that there was a path that led around the mountain. She breathed a small sigh of relief, thinking that she would have had to stick to the mountain like glue if she had to fly around it.

As it came toward the pathway at the bottom of the mountain, the platform stopped just near for Twilight to cross with ease. She trotted toward the edge and gave a light jump as she landed softly onto to the pathway. As she did, she heard the platform rumble behind her. Twilight turned her head to see that the platform had already began take off and head, not in the direction it came from but more in the northeast direction of where Twilight was facing. Watching it leave with furrowed brows, she thought ; ‘Discord and Pinkie would be having a ball at this place.’ she stopped for a moment to take a look around, ‘then again, they would definitely want to give this place one heck of a makeover.’

Twilight began to walk once more in the direction of the path, her drive to get to Starlight not wavering even a little.

An ear piercing roar called out to every corner of the world, scaring Twilight to her core, as she realised something, it was aimed in her general direction.

Panicking, she looked around franticly to find a place to hide. Then, she saw that just ahead of her was a crack in the mountain side. Forcing herself with every fibre of her being, she dashed toward the crack, which was large enough for her hide. She brought herself the ground as she squeezed into the crack, keeping herself facing outward so she could see outward; she held her breath once more and did her best to hold her nerves.

It was a mere few seconds after she was in that she saw the creature shoot past her location with great speed. Not taking any chances she kept herself still and silent as best she could.

Another roar bellowed from the creature that seemed to echo everywhere around her.

Then, after a minute of total silence, Twilight released herself from the crack and took a few deep breaths.

She brought herself to the edge of the pathway to get a good look of the area of where the creature went, as well as everywhere else she could see.

Though she knew she was safe, she now knew one thing was certain, that creature... was a dragon.

‘Starlight...’ Twilight thought for her well being for a moment. As she did, she could feel body fill with determination as she looked in the direction of where the path led, ‘I will find you.’

Starlight woke to sound of the powerful that loomed overhead, the sound of it left an imprint in her brain, and she began to hyperventilate as she looked at her general location. Only to find that she was still in the crevice that she had escaped into.

Taking a few moments to regain her composure, she looked down at herself again to see the cuts that she had obtained were still there. She glared at them and cursed her powerlessness.

She let out an aggravated groan as she slammed the back of her head against the wall as she mumbled through gritted teeth, “I was so close!” A second slam, “If that blasted dragon didn’t appear, I would have had the world I always wanted and all of those stupid ponies would have been nothing more than a bad memory...” Starlight prattled on about her plans for another minute before stopping herself to stare the vortex like sky once more.

“No matter...” Starlight began, her voice low, “I will just have to heal my wounds and escape this blasted place and start all over again and I will make sure that dragon won’t stop me!” Starlight proclaimed with pride.

“If only it were that simple.” A deep, controlled, masculine voice called out to her from the darkness to her left, the sound of it made her gasp in shock.

When it didn’t speak for a few moments, Starlight took a deep gulp as she called out to the recipient, “Who... Who’s there?”

Her only response was the sound of steps slowly approaching one after the other; Starlight held her nerve and readied herself, shown by her horn alight.

Stepping into the light, was a tall bipedal creature, covered from neck to bottom in a mixture grey and black clothing, a striking feature was that of a gold ‘G’ symbol on what appeared to be its grey jacket. His face was what caught Starlight’s attention the most, he didn’t have any fur on him but what Starlight assumed to be his skin was pale but seemed to be natural to him. His hair a striking blue but what seemed to scare her most was his eyes and expression. Though his eyes had colour, blue like his hair, they and his face were expressionless and that seemed to put her off.

“I,” He spoke with a firm but cold tone, “am Cyrus. And, I know one truth of this world.”

“And... that is?” Starlight asked, apprehensively

“Escaping this world on your own is nothing short of impossible.”

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

He's here. So, thoughts?