• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 3,612 Views, 74 Comments

Be Careful What You Wish For - darkstone57

Starlight has victory in her grasp, she will use the spells of time and space to create a new world of her desires come to life... But, as she comes closer to that reality, something from a world beyond will show her fury. Has she brought her end?

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Chapter 6

Be Careful What You Wish For
Chapter 6

Taking a deep controlled breath, Twilight placed her hoof on the platform’s indentation.

It reacted to her touch, making the platform shake for a moment before it began its descent. Twilight looked back and saw the portal had vanished from where Giratina placed it.

But, Twilight didn’t feel worried. She was certain that this was the right thing to do and the one thing she had to do now; was convince draconic deity that had the power to travel between realities that the pony that was willing to destroy her reality was not going to do it again.

Her brow furrowed, realising how ridiculous the position she put herself in was.

Despite that, her heart didn’t waver on what she set out to do, she was going to get Starlight back to Equestria and this was her only chance to make that happen.

Twilight watched the Distortion World above her, as she descended, stay in place as she went deeper downward.

The deeper she went, there were barely any platforms around; only floating stalagmites hanging in the atmosphere, just like everything else.

The vortex sky began to spin faster and faster as she kept going down.

Eventually, the platform stopped in a section where stalagmites hanged round the air and the vortex became darker as it spun round more.

A nervous chill went down her spine as there was nothing but the sounds of her steady breathing.

In front of her, out of the ether a single step platform appeared, then another and then a third.

Taking that as her cue, she walked patiently toward the first.

A screeching roar reverberated around the air as she stopped before it.

With a deep breath and a firm conviction to see her mission through, she hopped onto the first.

When she landed, she saw Giratina’s shadow bolt across the atmosphere in the distance.

Onto the second one and Giratina shot upward, in front of the third.

‘This is it...’ Twilight thought, adamant on remaining calm.

Her hooves landed on the third and the vortex began to spin in the other direction as Giratina descended methodically toward her.

It was then and there, as darkness surrounding him faded, she saw his true form.

Giratina’s body was mostly covered in grey. Circling round from the back of his neck was three gold ring like features that lead up to his head, which seemed to be like claws. Surrounding his head was gold helmet that covered the majority of his face, bar the top of his head. Those blood red eyes were quietly observing the Princess. Toward the middle of his body, Giratina had two sets of three grey spikes with gold ends and its tail had a gold end with four gold spikes, just set into pairs of two on either side of his tail that swayed to and fro slowly.

Though, mentally, she was in awe at his true appearance, her expression remained confident in front of the dragon deity.

“So,” Giratina greeted, calmly, “You’ve come.”

Without missing a beat, Twilight responded confidently, “Yes, to follow through on your offer, Giratina,” Twilight nodded curtly, “Which I am grateful for.”

Giratina gave a small nod in response, “So... Explain to me, Twilight Sparkle, why I should allow Starlight, a being willing to destroy reality, to return to your world,” He spoke with a small hint of animosity in his voice, “But, I warn you now, choose your words carefully,” His eyes narrowed, “Or this, shall be the briefest of conversations...”

Twilight understood his threat perfectly with a silent nod; one slip up of the tongue and she’ll be out of the Distortion World faster than she can blink.

“Starlight Glimmer,” Twilight began, using every fibre of her being to keep calm as she looked at those eyes, “Is a pony who certainly, without question, has the audacity to commit such terrible crimes on a whim. That I cannot deny,” Twilight shook her head over the thought of the lengths Starlight’s ambition has driven her too, that smug superior smile on her face; flashed briefly in her mind, “However...”

Giratina’s tail swished quickly at the word.

“Starlight is still a pony of Equestria; one that, under Equestrian law, deserves to stand trial. To be judged for her actions and given the proper sentence accordingly under the eyes of our ruler.” Twilight explained calmly, she looked at Giratina and could tell he was not convinced.

“We are grateful that you intervened when you did, Giratina,” Twilight said with a warm smile, “Our world would have been lost if you hadn’t. That much I know to be true,” Giratina’s expression softened slightly, “All I ask of you; is that you allow me to take her back and give her the proper punishment.” Twilight knelt before the dragon saying; “Please?”

Giratina remained quiet as he watched the Princess plead for the criminal’s life.

Moments passed and neither of them moved or made a sound.

“Tell me something, Princess,” Giratina became curious, Twilight rose up at the sound of his voice, “For argument’s sake, let us say I allowed the criminal Starlight to return to your world, let her face judgement and she was allowed to come out a citizen that had to pay her dues through trials of redemption, is there no one of your kind who would disagree with that?” Giratina asked, leaning in slightly, as Twilight listened to his words, “And what of Starlight herself; can you really say, that once she is allowed freedom through service, she would not be aiming her revenge towards you anymore? Nor your friends? Or your family?”

Twilight felt herself tense up at the prospect of it but remained calm.

“Is there no one who holds a grudge against her?” Giratina continued his voice lowered, “No one that mocks her? No one that really needs her?” Giratina drew his face closer as he asked once more, his eyes narrowing; “Is there truly no one in your world... that wants to kill her?”

Under the barrage of questions, Twilight felt her heart sink into her chest a little. Despite that, she kept her eyes locked onto Giratinas.

He bore his red eyes into hers; waiting for the opportunity to see her resolve crumble, if it did then this dispute will be done with.

But, it didn’t. The stare down seemed to last for an eternity but Twilight remained strong under his baleful gaze.

“You’re right.” Twilight said.

Giratina pulled back a moment, genuinely surprised.

“I cannot deny that there would be those who would object to Starlight’s possible freedom and there will be those who would have a vendetta towards her,” Twilight smiled at what she knew could definitely be Starlight’s future, “But, times change and the ponies of my realm have forgiven a being that holds more power than Starlight ever will.”

Giratina gave her an incredulous look, “...Explain yourself.”

“There was a time, when a Spirit that embodied chaos named Discord, who has the power to warp all of the world’s reality to his whim for his own pleasure, once ruled over the lands for his own insane pleasure,” Twilight spoke more confidently as she bore an honest smile, “With the help of my friends, we defeated him. However,” Giratina’s wispy wings twitched, “We also gave him, Discord, a once tyrannical overlord, a chance to accept our hoof of friendship. And, despite his stumbles and mistakes, he has become a close friend to us and a powerful ally that helped us bring an end to another enemy who’s ambition was to swallow all of my world’s magic and use it to turn it all into a wasteland,” Twilight stood tall as she said proudly, “And it is one of the best decisions our ruler has ever made.”

Giratina couldn’t help but feel impressed by her confidence as he watched her stand proudly and whole heartedly professing about her world’s ways.

The dragon brought himself upright as he did nothing but observe her for a few minutes, mulling over her words in his head with an audible ‘hmm’, ‘The Princess of Friendship, huh?’

“You have overcome many obstacles; to stand here before me.” Giratina said calmly.

Twilight smiled a bit more at the compliment.

“This, Twilight Sparkle” Giratina began, spreading his wispy wings, “Is my decision.”

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Did she do it?

Wait and see.

Take care, all. I'm going to bed. It's 2:30 in the morning.