• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 4,124 Views, 248 Comments

Living in the Present, Hoping for the Future. - FlutterDash979797

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash seek each other for help and discover something more within themselves.

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What Are We Getting Into...

Fluttershy awoke to a piece of zucchini exploding on her face. A white-furred, long-eared, tiny package of arrogance and energy bounced across every inch of available space. Angel bunny readied his edible ammunition for another launch. “I’m... I’m sorry...”

Frail yellow hooves struggled to overcome gravity. A single muscle would battle the mattress while the others rotted in sleepy death. The most challenging task rested elsewhere, nearly invisible amongst a mess of mane and figure. The identity of her challenge was shameful; she couldn't keep her eyes open.

A cannonball of hunger overcame her challenge. Angel kicked, pouted, rolled, and nearly danced around his caretaker. The magic within Fluttershy’s heart gave her the strength to leave dreamland. Life is a series of balances, and in all of her love for Angel, basic necessities were cut. Her muscles were weak, teary-crusts spawned along the ridges of her eyes, and what was once a mane now resembled a wild creature.

Despite the rude awakening he inflicted upon her, Angel had become increasingly aware of his mother’s decreasing appearance and attitude over the past few weeks. Her changes were too subtle and slow for anypony to notice. Fluttershy’s movements were what troubled Angel the most. Normally the pegasus’s movements were timid yet joyful. Now, she would either remain painfully still or jolt between points of interest while still carrying anxious steps. It was a game of extremes.

His breakfast was dropped in front of him. Equestria’s finest culinary experts would even admire Fluttershy’s meals. Were it under better circumstances, the yellow pegasus would nudge the bowl and smile at the sight of her bunny friend enjoying his meal. However, Fluttershy quickly jolted away in an unnatural motion towards her other animals. Angel knew she felt obligated to take care of them; however, all the joy was sucked away. Between bites of his salad, Angel tried to find a solution to her problem.

I can’t talk to her about it! She wouldn't understand me, and I’m not all into that fuzzy stuff! His words were truthful. Maybe I could get her something, or try to let all of the animals know how much we appreciate her? He thought as his teeth met a crouton. No, she already knows that we depend on her, and I couldn't think of any material item that would make her happy. She’s not that kind of pony.The bunny had nearly devoured all of his salad, and was nearing the cherry. What about her friends?

Angel stopped chewing at the thought. He knew his mother’s friends had solved problems massive in scale numerous times, and Fluttershy’s problems seemed small in comparison. What about that Pink one? Nah, I don’t think a party will help. Angel turned his head sideways and scratched his chin. Maybe that purple one? Nope, she will probably just give her a book or something

I got it! Rainbow Dash! Angel threw his weight upwards and flipped several times in midair. His tiny paws spun and twirled in a chaotic mess of dance. The idea in his head grew like a weed, spreading into every inch of his tiny mind. He proudly proclaimed himself a genius and diverted his attention to Fluttershy.

The pink-maned pegasus was now deadly still, her eyes fixed upon the ground. Several birds chirped nearby, wishing for a response from their dear friend. Soft, slow breaths were the only response they received. The birds had tended to her mane and lifted her spirit before through times of sorrow. Now, however, it was something much worse. Her eyes were never closed nor open. When she spoke, it was quick and silent. The avian creatures were simply puzzled.

I gotta find a way to get mom to Rainbow Dash’s... Angel thought. In the deepest reaches of his mind, he conjured up a quick plan. The bunny quickly hopped towards his caretaker. She slowly turned to meet him, and instead of greeting him, simply awaited orders. Angel threw his hands upward, suggesting the importance of his message. She nodded as a sign that she understood him. His fingers pointed towards himself, and Fluttershy was ready to follow him.

The duo made their way into the kitchen, and Angel signaled the importance of the cookbook. Fluttershy responded softly, “What’s on your mind Angel?”

The bunny slammed his fist on the book, and began to move very slowly. An impersonation of a gag soon followed.

“You want me to make this for a tortoise?”

Angel’s ears flapped with his nodding head.

“Do you mean Tank?”

The bunny hopped in delight.

“Well, okay. I’m not sure why you want to do this, but I’m sure you have good reasons. The recipe seems really simple.”

The spoiled critter hopped onto the pantry, helping his mother gather the ingredients. After all of the ingredients were spread across the cutting board, Fluttershy reached for a knife while Angel attempted to lift a bowl.

“Here. Let me help you with that.” She gripped the bowl with her teeth and placed it on the table. “I’m going to cut the vegetables. You can put them in the bowl.”

The pegasus diced the vegetables in surprisingly symmetrical portions while Angel tossed them in the bowl, enjoying a stray lettuce leaf here and there. He tapped his feet against the counter-top in a rhythmic fashion, which brought joy to his caretaker. Fluttershy softly hummed the same beat. A few songbirds joined in; proving that Angel was not alone in his concern for the yellow pegasus. “Well buddy, looks like we had everything here left over from your salad. What are you going to do with this? Do you want me to deliver it to Tank?”

Angel quickly darted to the bowl and wrapped his hands around it.

“Okay Angel, you want to give it to him?”

The bunny nodded in agreement.

"Well, you can’t get to her house… maybe she could come here?”

Once again, the rabbit nodded.

“Okay, I can tell Rainbow I guess.”

After the brief moment of joy, her expressions quickly drifted back to normal.

"Alright, I’ll be going now. I’ll tell her that you made a gift for Tank.”

The pegasus spread her wings apart and dashed into the morning sky. I have my work cut out for me. Now’s the time to plan the best way to get the message across to her friend. The bunny thought, pacing slowly into the kitchen. I hope I know what I’m getting myself, and more importantly Fluttershy into.