• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 4,125 Views, 248 Comments

Living in the Present, Hoping for the Future. - FlutterDash979797

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash seek each other for help and discover something more within themselves.

  • ...

They're Wrong

Rainbow's eyes were accustomed to the void. Every nerve jolted, every breath pulsed. The thought of sleep couldn’t be conceived. She stared down the basement stairs, mastering every bit of courage for the challenge of her life.

I have to tell her! I'll be miserable all week if I don't. But what am I going to say?" "No," she whispered. I can't do this. It's not the right time. Dash's thoughts tightened around her, sucking the life out of her as they grew more negative. I have to do this. It's now or never. After a long inhale and exhale, Dash made her way down the stairs, conjuring a soft wish before she reached the bottom.

Her hoof met the door to Fluttershy's room, softly knocking on the wooden surface. Within seconds, the door sprang open revealing a concerned yellow face. "Rainbow? Is something wrong?"

The speedster bit her lip. "I can't sleep." She didn’t lie, though it might as well have been one.

"Well, I can't either." A stream of relief hit Rainbow.

'Why don't we go outside? I can start a fire pretty well. It's beautiful out here at this time of night. You can see all of the stars."

"Okay. Maybe it will help us get some sleep."

Rainbow gathered tinder and sticks for the fire while Fluttershy laid a towel on the ground, along with two chairs. As Fluttershy relaxed upon a chair, Dash began to place the wood in the firepit.

Rainbow held true to her word. Perfect embers roasted a blend of tinder and lumber. The pair was silent for several seconds, watching the flames consume the tinder before moving onto the large pieces of wood. The cyan pegasus relaxed in the other chair, gazing into the stars. They were alone, spare a few cracks of flames. “Hey Fluttershy, we never talked about your, you know, mood..."

The thought seemed to stab her. "I'm not... I'm fine."

"No you're not. I can tell." Rainbow was affectionately firm.

"I'm not even sure I understand."

The caring cyan mare took her friends delicate face in her forehooves. "You've been great this weekend. But remember this won't last. I want you happy when we get back. I want the Fluttershy I've had this awesome trip with."

"Well... this all kinda happened, actually I don't know when it started. You always known I was shy. But there is more to it," she spoke softly, avoiding her friends gaze.

"You can tell me Fluttershy. I will understand. I'm your best friend, and I will try my best."

"This is a long story. And I haven't told anypony before. A-are you sure?"

"Anything for my best friend."

"Remember when you left Flight Camp? I'm not trying to accuse you, but I felt alone. You were my only friend. I was alone. I tried fitting in to various groups, but I was always too different. I never made any friends."

"Fluttershy... about leaving, I'm sorry. I wouldn't have left if I had known what I would have done."

"It's not your fault. It's mine. I had never developed social skills or confidence, and nothing about me stood out. I was miserable in Flight Camp; everyday I worried about others, and I never did anything for myself. I couldn't be like them, no matter how hard I tried. And I failed nearly every flight test. I was horrible at it; I hid in fear of rejection. It only got worse from there."

"Most ponies are not themselves in front of others. They put on masks to what society expects of them. Some ponies cannot hide behind their masks; they always strive to be themselves or simply do not understand the concept. Fluttershy, you are powerful for it. I have always tried to impress others by giving into their standards. But I am losing. You are winning Fluttershy."

"Thank you Rainbow."

"Keep going Fluttershy. I'm no miracle worker, but I will always listen."

"I was never really happy the rest of my school years. My animal friends were the only thing that truly made me happy, and even they weren't enough. I felt alone and more importantly, I feared loneliness. So I tried to grip onto what I had. This only made matters worse. After flight school, I returned home. My parents knew I was different, but I never told them anything. I didn't want to disappoint them. They gave me so much, and I had failed them. I had failed the majority of flight tests; I didn't graduate flight school. My parents were furious with me; they spent so much money and effort trying to get me in. I felt worse than horrible. Horrible implies I was once something that mattered. I felt worthless."

A tear rolled down Dash's eye. She held her silence, respectfully waiting for her crush to continue.

"I never was quite the same. The last few years of high school were awful. I couldn't simply fit in; I didn't have the social skills or the desire. So I kept quiet. And I became increasingly judgemental upon myself. I didn't talk because I knew somepony would make fun of me for it. Or they wouldn't care. Everything I did, I was being judged Dash. They used me for themselves. They took out all of their anger and insecurities on the shy loser. I never found anyone who thought I was special."

Rainbow placed her hoof around her crying friend and snuggled her tightly.

"I just wanted to feel special. I tried escaping; I moved to Ponyville and soon as I could. Ponyville was a fresh start."

"You were fine in Ponyville before, though. What happened?"

"It was great seeing you for the first time again. You were my only real friend. Then I met the others, and we all became such great friends. I had never been happier. True friendship is amazing and I'm glad I waited."

"But Fluttershy, why were you so sad? You know all of us love you and want nothing more than your happiness."

"I had a horrible month... every little thing went wrong... and I felt like my old self."

"What happened? Don't worry, I'm not going to judge you."

Rainbow tried to soothe her cries. "Don't worry, just tell me."

"He told me that he was ashamed of me. That I had failed flight school, barely passed basic pegasi high school, and that I deserted them. That I left everything behind me like a coward. He said that they worked so hard to give me a good life and that I wasted it by running away to live by myself."

"What did you say to him? Anything?"

"I told him that I loved him and was sorry."

Rainbow was out of words.

"I moved here for myself; I wanted to start a new life. I wanted to put the past behind me, but I couldn't. Not after seeing my father. I thought of all the ponies I have disappointed, all of the insults I have been called, and all of the things I have done to myself. I just wanted everything to be over; I wanted a future without the past. And I can't hide from it. Now, I live alone with animals. I guess the bullies were right; animals love me because no one else will."

Her best friend whispered into her ear "They're wrong. I love you for who you are."


The rainbow gazed into her eyes with loving sincerity. "Fluttershy, you are amazing. I don't always understand it myself, but this weekend has really shown me how incredible you are. You have the strongest heart I have ever known. Just being next to you, right now, I feel stronger. I feel peace. I feel love. And I feel worthy. And you made me cry. Nopony has ever managed to make me feel proud about crying. But all of these positive emotions? I feel them when I'm with you. I feel proud that I am confident enough to share my emotions with a beautiful yet troubled heart. You understand life better than anypony. You love everypony for who they are; not what they give or take. You can't stop loving a pony simply because they made a mistake or aren't what you expect them to be. Your parents need to learn that. Love isn't objective. And I love you Fluttershy. With all of my heart. I will not expect you to be perfect. I love you because you have taught me to see an imperfect pony perfectly."

The pair's eyes met for several seconds, before Fluttershy sought the warmth of Rainbow's hooves. The troubled heart wept uncontrollably into her hooves, embracing the comfort of her friend. Before the fire burnt out, both ponies were asleep, snuggled together amongst a river of tears.