• Published 18th Oct 2017
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Ben 10 - Pony Tales - Cybers Link

"What could be there beyond the stars?" Twilight wanders this as she do one of her favorite hobbies, Stargazing, without knowing she may get that answer sooner rather than later along with all its consequences. [Ben 10 X MLP:FIM]

  • ...

A chaotic friend

"What? What are you doing here? How do you even get here? What are you?" Ben asks confused at the strange creature in Alien X's pocket dimension munching the last pickle from his jar.

"Chaos Bringer!! You are not welcome here. Leave immediately!!" Serena says looking at Discord angrily.

"Perfect, first the Time Walker come here without a warning and now a Chaos Bringer. Is anybody left in the universe that still respects a Celestialcepian's agreement?" Belicus says looking even angrier if that is even possible.

"Really? Paradox did that? Hmmmm, And if I have to guess, he comes here for you." Discord says pointing at Ben with his claw follow up by drinking the leftover juice from the jar of pickles and throw it on his back which suddenly exploded in mid-air. "You must be very important for him to violated a treaty."

"Do you know Profesor Paradox?"

"But of course! Who do you think was with him when he went crazy when he was trap outside of time a millennia ago? I was the one who thought him how to come back to his own reality. He was so fun back then, two crazy immortals talking nonsense. Those days were such a fun until... well" Discord change his face from smiling to boredom. " Until one day he suddenly decided he was bored of being crazy. Do you believe that!! Who will get bored of being crazy?"

Ben looks in disgust and somehow amazed at Discord who was joyously drinking from the pink cloud raining what it appears to be chocolate milk that formed thanks to the explosion of the pickles jar he had throw not so long ago. "Is there anything better than chocolate milk and pickles?"

"Cease you nonsense Chaos Bringer. Motion to punish this Draconaquis for violating the treaty between his race and the Celestialcapiens" Bellicus motion.

"Agreed" Serena immediately responded. Now both were staring directly at Ben.

"What?" Ben asks sheepishly.

"So you agree or disagree Ben? Take it into account that he attack you no so long ago putting on risk not only you but the others in the room with you." Serena says with Belicus nodding behind her getting uncomfortably close to Ben.

"I-I I guess I agree...?"Ben answered not really sure about his answer. He was so throwing off by this. Usually, he was the one who proposes an action to take and tries to convince the other two to agree with him but now the roles were reversed and Ben had collapsed to the pressure.

"Motion carried. The Chaos Bringer will be erased from exsistance" Both Belicus and Serena say at the same time.

"Wait, erased? No!!" Ben exclaims but it was too late. A wave of a strange force moves through space what makes Ben feel remorse for agreeing. Alien X was about to end someone's life and he was part of the reason why. But, when the wave finally reaches and strikes the strange creature... nothing. Nothing special or weird happened. Discord just shake the force off him and yawn unamused.

"W-what? Why? H-how?" Ben ask muttering.

"What? Didn't you know a Celestialcapiens weakness, Human?" Ben shake his head. "Pickles my hairless ape, Pickles. Did you know that pickles have this strange property making them immune to time and reality warping? Fascinating isn't?"

Ben mouth was wide open. He couldn't believe that one of the strongest beings in the universe. the all omnipotent Alien X can be defeated by something you put on a hotdog.

"Don't be fool by his lies, Ben. He is not more than a trickster playing a prank on you" Serena intervene Ben thoughts.

"What?" Ben looks furious how Discord was laughing his ass off rolling and crying for so much laughter.

"I can't believe you buy that. Hahaha. Yoy should have seen your face. hahahahaha"

"Why you... Then how... ?"

"You aren't present here. Are you Chaos Bringer?" Belicus ask.

Discord slowly try to stop himself from his constant laughing. Cleaning a tier from one of his eyes and breathes calmly. "You should really think things through before you take an action. I can't believe I am saying this to one of the most deliberate beings in the universe. I must really be pushing your buttons really hard for just being here, am I?" Discord chuckles more making both Serena and Bellicus angrier than ever. "And no, I am not actually here. This is an astral projection. My real body is outside."

As soon Discords said that, some sort of window to the outside world appear in front of all showing the figure of a standing dragon-like body with several other appendages of different animals in front of Alien X. Because Discord was in front, he partially blocked the vision but they could see that the others were trying to push Discord away from Ben but her hoofs just passed through him as if Discord's body were just an illusion. There where even some violet and orange beams of light shot at him with the same fruitless result.

"Wait, you didn't know he was outside? I thought you were the most powerful being in the universe."

"One of the most powerful beings in the universe. One" Discord quickly added. "And they can do pretty much anything, I can't deny that but that doesn't mean they know everything. They are omnipotent, not omniscient. True, they can make themselves know stuff but that actually take an effort, a new discussion to make, that is why I was so surprised you didn't actually verify I was here." He says with a smug grin on his face as he chuckles intensely.

"That may be true but that doesn't mean that you didn't..."

"Na-a-a, According to the treaty our race leaders made to one another." Discord interrupted Belicus weaving one finger while holding a piece of paper in his claws and reading it with the help of a pair of glasses on his eyes that appeared out of nowhere. "Bla-bla-bla-blaa... A-HA! Here it is. It says *Aham* No Draconaquiss should trespass any Celestailcapien's own domain with its filthy chaos nature." Discord say having a distorted voice making it appear that more than one person was talking at the same time with different tones of voices." See, since I am not trespassing your domains whit my and I quote filthy chaos nature, I am not really here, I can use magic here so no crime."

"Hmm, such an extraordinary silver tongue as always Chaos Bringer," Seren says with a frustrated expression.

"Thank you, I thank that and my degree in law. And dad says it was going to be a waste of time." He whispered in Ben ear.

"But that is not the only infraction you committed and this one concerns you and only you, not your whole race," Beliccus says with the closest of a smile Ben have ever seeing him putting.

"What? What did I..."

"You attacked Ben, a being that is not originated from this planet," Serena says

"And with him, us" Bellicus added. "That clearly violates the treaty we make."

Discord's smug smile had now disappeared replace them with a concern one. "But... But... I didn't know that..."

"Silence, the violation is clear. So I motion again to punish this Chaos Bringer on his real self outside is it was stated in the treaty." Belicus says and Serene quickly agree. Now, once again, it was on Ben's response what decided if the motion was to be carried or not.

"Wait, wait, wait wait." He says pushing the two green faces away from his private space. "I don't even know what is happening here, what treaty are you talking about? Why are you two so assertive all of the sudden? And who are you and why did you attack me? I am not takin any decision until questions are answered."

"Bravo, bravo. And that is why you are the voice of reason. From all three he is... well... my least heated"

"Ufm, fine. We will discuss this. But you are dumb at trying to understand a Draconaquiss" The wrinkled face says angrily as usual.

"Dear, Ben doesn't know what they are. You can't be mad because he doesn't know stuff" Serena says trying to calm Belicus.

"No? Just look at me"

"Ok, ok. Why don't we start by telling me what a Draconaquekua is and what treaty are you talking about?"

"I can gladly answer that. You see my little human, I am one who is known as a Lord of chaos, a chaos bringer, a being made up of a pure disorder, a Draconequus!!!" Discord practically shouted annunciating his words a lot while his hands move in a very dramatic way. "And there is no greater joy for us than to bring chaos into this universe."

"Chaos? So I guess that makes you a bad guy, isn't it?" Ben says pushing off Discord hand out of his shoulder and backing off looking at him with a serious expression.

"Oh, here we go again. I hate when people underestimate the importance of chaos in the universe. Or what, do you prefer harmony? Do you know what life will be if Harmony rule life? Nothing, absolutely nothing, neither good or bad. Harmony only wants things to be stable, all the same with nothing ever happening. I, on the other paw, the bad guy I make chocolate rain. I make time to go backward, I make walls made up of chess, floor made up of soup. I bring fun into the universe, I bring joy, I bring meaning to life, I... bring... Life... itself. I ~"

"That is all but lies," Belicuss added. "Harmony and chaos, life needs both in equilibrium. The only thing you Chaos Bringer do is tilting the cosmic balance towards chaos. You and all your race, but especially you deserter.

"Deserter?" Ben asks making Discord confident smile to turn upside down.

"Ben, this creature right here is the worst of its kind. Not even his own kin want him on his side of the multiverse." Serena says

"Hey, hey, hey. They didn't kick me out, I run away from them. There is a difference. I very important If may I add." Discord replay all offended.

"We, the Celestialcapiens bring order and equilibrium to this world. We can aloud beings like you run free into the universe. The only reason you were allowed to live in Gaia 1 is because the High order took pity on you. The only condition was that your chaotic nature wouldn't be used against other individuals besides the habitats of that world"

"Wait, you leave a Lord of Chaos, a being whos work is to bring chaos and that can do pretty much everything he wants, alone in a world without supervision?" Ben asks concern looking at Discords who apparently to was tired of floating around and that now was drinking a coconut with a straw while swinging on a hammock.

"What? I had to cut my vacation, you know? and is mostly because of you." DIscord responded at seeing how Ben, Serena, and Belicus was looking at him.

"Ben, the Equus Manaite have proved themselves to be a very powerful race. They are able to control mana almost at the same level as the Anodites. If there was a world who was able to control him, Gaia 1 was the one and since the world isn't cover with chocolate rain everywhere I believe we were in the right," Serena responded at Ben.

"Yea yea and then I was turned into stone for a million years, then I revive then turned again to just later learn the magic of friendship and now I am good and Bla-bla-bla. Can we go on? This is getting boring"

"Magic of friendship? And what you mean you are good? You just attack me without any reason a few minutes ago.!" Ben question the Lord of Chaos.

"Ahm-I - well I - I was mad ok. I still working on this whole thing of being good and having friends"

"Mad? At me, why?"

"Why? Well because that thing that was in your chest. That thing was out of this world, I could sense it. I didn't know the pony wearing it wasn't really a pony. I simply thought a stupid pony have hold of an artifact from another world and have become an Alicorn with it. I mean It was either that or Celestia has given royalty title to a white fur stallion. Ha even the tough of that makes me laugh."

"Why is the matter if the Omnitrix is an alien tec?" Ben asks innocently.

"Why you ask?" Ben steps back at seeing the deformed face of Discord looking more intimidating with sharper teeth, snake tongue and the fire in his eyes as before. "Because of that thing, no! I should say You. You are threatening all my fun and my life on this planet and I couldn't simply allow that!"

"I am warning you, Chaos Bringer." Belicus step up making Discord to take a step back returning to his normal self and blowing a raspberry with his arms cross.

"Bu-but why is that?"

"Ghugh Haven't you just saw what just happen? I can do anything without this self-proclaiming guardian of the universe step on my tail. If I allowed a single being from out of this planet to take a step in this world, soon many others will come and I wouldn't be allowed to do anything. But now... Now I will be obliterated out of existence... or worst, l will be forced to go back to - *Gulp* - to my parent's house." Discord bite his nails with just the tough of that.

"O... K...? I guess Now I think have a better understanding on all of this." Ben says Puting a thoughtful face.

"Now you see Ben, These creatures are just vermins to the universe. A vermin that need to be eliminated."

"Hum?...I think Discord here will be happier if we send him back where he belongs" The voice of love and compassion added. Ben, watched Discord who was slowly weaving his hands left to right and saying 'NO' without letting a sound out.

"Send it back where he belongs? I thought we are going to exterminate him?" Say the voice of rage and aggression.

"Dear, there is no need. If we just send it back where he belongs that will be enough" Serena tried to explain to Belicus but he keeps arguing back at her against it. Ben stood there with a hand on his chin gazing between the arguing green faces and the pleading eyes of the Draconaquess thinking on a solution.

*Sigh* "I guess I already take my decision." Ben shouted giving the attention of both Serena and Belicus.

"Ah, finally. So in which blackhole do you want to send him?"

"I decided that I... disagree."


Both Belicus and Serena say at the same time meanwhile Discord literary exploded of happiness. " Listen, kid. I know you 're kind of new on this but he clearly..."

"He didn't attack us," Ben interrupts Belicus what makes him rice his eyebrow. "He didn't even attack me, Ben Tennyson. He attacked Helix Green, a pony, a race originated from this planet." Belicus and Serena open their mouth to say something but they stop. "So I don't see anything wrong with it."

"Ben, why are you defending him?" Serena question

"I don't know why but I... like him. I guess I kinda understand Discord. You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs isn't?" Ben says with a smile. Thoughts of him breaking Mr. Baumann and Pakmarat stores while trying saving the day went through his mind. He knows how being unappreciated could be sometimes.

"No!, we can let him rooming free. I motion to reconsider the las motion."

"I agree" Serena quickly responded.

"Ugh, ok. What about this, I will take care of him if he ever does something he isn't supposed to." Both of them put an unsure face. "Look, He clearly didn't do anything wrong and you are just making excuses to get read of him."

Serena and Belicus quickly shouted trying to defend themselves. "That is why..." Ben shouted once again raising a finger to keep them quiet "I volunteer myself to watch over Discord. I mean look at him, I am sure he is going to do something stupid sooner or later. That way you will really have an excuse to send him away without any excuses." He glared at the spirit of chaos who show mix feelings with his face. "What do you say, agree?"

Serena and Belicus get quiet for a second but then both agree. "Ok, Ben. You win, just make him leave out of here before we change our minds. The sooner he leaves the better"

"Wow, I can't believe that actually worked"

"But as you said. he is now your responsibility to watch." Both Serena and Belicus look at each other in concern, a thing that Ben didn't see.

"Human, human I am so thankful for what you just did. Thank you. I promise I will never do anything to you ar any other outsider. Nothing too brutal anyway"

"Na, it is nothing. When You appear all of the sudden in Sugar Cube Corner I know you already have friends there. A guy with friends like the princess and the others couldn't be bad."

"Ha, yes. Well between me and you... I like Fluttershy more. *ahem* But thanks, again Great Ben Tennyson. You are truly my herrrr-------uuugh~~" Discord try to say but he suddenly becomes glitchy and little by little he started to disappears leaving Ben's arm hanging in the air as it looked that Discord wanted to shake it.

"Haaaa-ok. He is gone now. " He says scratching his head and turning around to see the two green faces behind him. "So with that resolved. Can I go now?" Both of them share a look before answering at the same time.


"Oh come on!!! What else do you guys need?"

"The danger isn't gone yet"

"Isn't gone? Didn't you just see him disappear out into the tin air a second ago?"

"Hahaha, Do you think we were referring to the Chaos Bringer?"


"No Ben. There is a major threat and is the Omnitrix itself."

"The Omnitrix?" Ben ask more to himself looking the artifact on his wrist.

"Not that one, the one in the outside world. The one on your wrist is just a manifestation of yourself you created. You let the Draconaquiss damage the watch and that have its consequences. "

"And now is broken and in self-destruction mode."

"WHAT!!! How long have you know this?"

"Hum, since the beginning" Belicus answer casually.

"But how is that a treat greater than all the others I had before?

"If we let you go and transform into something else, the Omnitrix will explode with us inside but if you are here we can survive the explosion. We could pass all eternity together." Serena said with a smile probably thinking that that is a good thing.

"WHAT!!! That is crazy. Ough" Ben hold his head with his hand trying to think the next step to take."Quick!! How long have passed outside?"

"About twenty minutes," Serena answered with a smile.

"WHAT? That long? With that charge, it could destroy the whole town."

"The town along with part of the forest" Bellicus added.

"How long do we have until it finally explode?"

"Hmm, like two minutes."


"*Ough* Fine I am going to play your game. I motion to fix the Omnitrix and save every--hmm-- pony"

"No, Before you arrive, we were discussing something else. so take a turn" Ben was pulling his hair, he was at the point of breaking. "Ok, but make it quick."

"If you keep it quiet and discuss this with us we can make it quickly," The wrinkler face says with his usual angry tone.

"We were discussing the pros and cons of saving Gaia 1 from its inevitable destruction in the near future." Serena reply.

"Is today the national day to see how many times I can shout aloud What?! before my jaw hurt day? Ha? Because I am sorry if I repeated myself but WHAT?"

"Actually, your shouting is getting annoying. If you cease that that will be great"

"I don't have time for this. What do you mean this planet is about to be destroyed?"

"In the near future, Gaia 1's Sun and Moon are going to disappear leaving the planet sunless what will lead to its destruction," Serena explains calmly. "We were discussing if prevent it or not?"

"I say no, they probably see it coming. With all his wicked way to control everything in their world. The growth of vegetation, the climate, the seasons, even the rotation of the source of heat for the entire planet itself. That is anti-natural. they probably deserve it."

"Well, I say~"

"Millions of lives are going to be destroyed, that makes me sad. More since it was only the Alicorns fault from the beginning. The future of the world doesn't have to be declared because of the decisions of one race." Ben wasn't even listening to the two, he was counting the seconds on his head before the Omnitrix exploited and kill dozens of ponies and let him trapped on Alien X in the process.

"OK, ok. I motion to let me handle the saving of the world to me. Just let me out and fix the Omnitrix for me ok? What did you say? 48... 47... 46..."

"I agree with Ben, we can let him do it."

"Yes, see she gets it. 41... 40... 39... 38" Ben says anxiously.

"Humm. I don't know. Why should we let you do that?"

"Oh c'mon. We went over this before. You are the voice of anger, It doesn't make you angry that a whole planet is going to be destroyed. Millions of innocent lives lost. "28...27...26..."

"Yes, and I believe Ben has proved himself to be able to control the consequences?"


"13... 12... 11..."

"Fine... you can go but only because I want you out. You can deal with the end of the world on your own."

"Congratulations Ben, it seems Belicus trust in you more now."

"No, I am not."

"Yes you do."

"No, I am not."

"Yes you do."

"Ok, Ok I get it, get me out already!! 5... 4... 3..."

"OK. Motion approved" And with those last words. Ben disappear getting back into the real world.


"Finally, some peace and quiet. Now with that resolved should we pass to the next Motion in hand?"

"But of course, Should we or should we not interfere with the reincarnation of the Pony of Calamity now that Ben is going to save Gaia 1?

"I say we should go with my last proposition. Let Gaia 1 be destroyed. That way he will not appear and treated the whole universe with it."

"Deery, we decided Ben was going to take care of it. He has saved the universe several times, he can handle it. That is why he has gained you your trust, isn't it?

"No, he does not"

"Yes, he do"

"No, he does not"

"Yes, he do"


Author's Note:

So Happy New year everybody.:pinkiehappy: ✨ Now with the festivities over maybe I will have enough time to do this weekly as before. Maybe:ajsmug:

I hope you like this chapter and as always, have a great day :pinkiehappy: