• Published 18th Oct 2017
  • 4,298 Views, 83 Comments

Ben 10 - Pony Tales - Cybers Link

"What could be there beyond the stars?" Twilight wanders this as she do one of her favorite hobbies, Stargazing, without knowing she may get that answer sooner rather than later along with all its consequences. [Ben 10 X MLP:FIM]

  • ...

Imminent danger

*BEEP* *Beep* *Beeeeeeeeep* A beeping sound echoes through Sugar Cube Corner and the black alien with star-like spots was enveloped in a green light as the beeping stopped.

Ben countdown on his mind, eyes shut closed, hoping for the best "3... 2... 1... Hum?... *sigh*" When he feels that nothing has happened and that he was still breathing on the outside world he sighs in relief as he attempts to clean his frown from a nonexistent sweet and feeling glad he was back at the gingerbread house. "Wow, that was close I almost don't count that one. I am back... as a... a pony" He says watching his raised hoof in disappointment.

"Helix you are back!!" Princess Twilight says as she was running away from the crowd of ponies with a smile on her face. It looked like she wanted to hug him but she abstain herself from doing so at the last second. Soon the others notice Ben was back too and went to great him.

"Hey, Green eyes. You are ok!"

"Darling, don't give us scares like that. You almost make me faint of surprised"

"Yea partner. Luckily your friend was able to push Discord away from ya. We guess he was the culprit of why you look so... hum... so..."

"So alien like!!! Wow, Benny, that was an amazing party trick. Can you do it again?" All the ponies present were bombarding Ben with greetings and questions and all at the same time.

"Yea, yea. thank you all. I am fine but... hum... wait a minute? A friend you say? Of mine?" Ben asks looking back where the crowd had come from. There, he was able to see the yellow pegasus apparently scolding the miss-matching creature from before who was trapped in an orange light net and standing next to them there was a familiar blue cat standing on his two feet.

"Rook?... ROOK!!"

"Hey, Ben!! Is that you, right? New alien? I am glad you are fine and sound."

"Partner, you made out alive in one... o well in almost one piece," Ben says looking in surprise and worry how one of Rook's arm and a leg was bandaged. He was standing with the help of his weapon transformed into a bo stick.

"Oh, this? This usually tends to happen when one is launched out into the atmosphere of a planet."

"Wow, you were? Vilgax, ha?"

"Hmm, not... exactly"

"Helix? So...? Is-is it true? Are you really an alien?" Ben turn at hearing the princess asking from behind him along with the others with surprised and excited expressions.

"Yes, that is what I have been trying to tell you the whole time!!!"

"Yea, it seems you have." Rook replied raising an eyebrow with a face telling he was disappointed at Ben for some reason.

"Wow, Rooky, so that means you are an alien too?" Pinkie asks for the shock of all her friends.

"Wait. Pinkie, he came out from your secret party cave, ain't it? How do you two meet?" AJ asked.

"I find the poor Rooky laying down on the top one of your apple trees last night" Pinkie replied what make Applejack to raise an eyebrow.

"Diana was kind enough to treat my wounds, she also respecting my decision to not let anyone..."

"AnyPONY" Pinkie corrects.

"Ha, yes, any-pony about my existence. She even let me hide in her secret... hum Party cave?" Rook replied now finally noticing how weird that sounded. "That was until I hear a commotion outside. Worry, I decide to come out to only find that strange alien touching you in your Alien X form. So I decide to help you, Ben."

"Yea, that weapon is pretty unique I must admit. Not only shoots magical beams without the need of a horn but can transform into many useful things too. But of course, that doesn't mean it had come from out of space." Twilight says giving the weapon a curious look what give Rook a proud smile on his face.

"Do you like it? It is called a Proto-tool and this one is not an ordinary one. I made some modification to mine. I can transform it into several useful tools, not just a gun." But soon, Rook's proud face was quickly changed into a sad and tired one as he tried to change his weapon into something else to show it off but at doing so, it let out a shock of electricity follow up by a poof of smoke and it ends up breaking into several pieces that fall on the floor. At trying to pick the pieces up, the underwhelmed Rook let out a grunt of pain.

"Wow, wow. Take it easy Rook. You aren't looking that good." Ben says worryingly getting a seat close to him to seat while helping him pick up the pieces of his gun.

"I am fine. And what happened to you? I fear you were taking prisoner or something when I see you being drag from that hole in the ground." Both Ben and Twilight share a curious smile. "But then I find you here with that strange creature next to you while the Omnitrix let out a very distrustful beeping sound. Luckily I had installed in my Proto-tool a time net just in case. Without it, we wouldn't be able to push away that creature off you."

"Ok, can somepony start to explain what exactly is happening in here? I don't want to be rude but all the things all of you are babbling about aliens and space and staff are but just a bunch of nonsense." Rarity said.

"Yea, Green eyes. What exactly are you? What are you two? And what does a plumber had to do what all.

"Ugh but I already told you. We were on a spaceship when a crim..."

"Ben!!!!" Rook scream interrupting him. "I am sorry all but the details are a classified information that we are not allowed to share".

"We aren't?" Ben asks incredulously.

"No, we are not... Ben?" Rook stare at Ben at seeing his I am sorry but not really face he often put while disregarding Plumbers protocols. Rook put an effort to stand from his chair to get close to him. "Ben, this planet is a closed system planet. Which means no extraterrestrial information of any kind shouldn't be giving to the local population. It can cause chaos on the planet if they find out.

"Rook you worry too much. Look at earth. Nothing major happens when a strike from Vilgax trying to conquer earth was televised worldwide."

"That was different. You have no idea of the great effort put to..."

"Yea yea whatever," Ben says cutting Rook off. "Look, Vilgax is still out there and we need their help to capture him so they needed to know about this sooner or letter. So, why not sooner?"

"We need to follow Plumbers protocols. Whether you like them or not."

"How many times do I have to tell you. We are not Plumbers, we are Superheroes. We don't need to follow any rules, just kick some ass and save some lives. That is all."

"You can call yourself whatever you want but I am still a Magister Plumber and we follow the Plumbers rules on my watch. The only who we are allowed to share this information is with the rulers off this planet, as the protocol demand" The two were head to head arguing and shouting at each other by the enjoyment of everypony else around.

"Ahem... Ha hi I- I am sorry for interrupting you two" Twilight says trying to make them back off from each other faces, literary. "But I think we have not been properly introduced yet."

Pinkie inhales quickly and stands beside them. "Oh right right. My bad, Rooky this here is the friend I was talking to you about. She is Princess Twilight Sparkle. You wanted to meet her right?"

"Hi, nice to meet you" Twilight replied raising a hoof for a hoof shake? a handshake? a hoof-hand shake?.

"My most sincere apologies Princess. I was not aware of that." Rook realizing this quickly tried to bow to her instead of accepting the princess getting. Twilight ashamed, insist that it wasn't necessary.

"Yea don't worry about it. More than half of the ponies she meets don't notice it either." Rainbow says what gains her a scowl from the princess of friendship.

"Ok, now that you know she is a princess. Would ya'll please tell us what is going on here. Are the space thingies true or not?" AJ asks.

Rook once again gives Ben a tired and judgmental stare. Ben whistles pretending not to see him while looking the other way. "Since my partner already told you and a princess is with you, I guess there is any damage in telling you. Well, any further damage that is. Ahem," Rook stand up straight while saluting in a military fashion. "Allow me to introduce myself properly. We are Plumbers, an intergalactic law-enforcement organization dedicated to protecting the planets in the universe from various alien threats. I am Magister Rook Blonko from the planet Revonnah and he is my partner, Ben Tennyson from the planet Earth. Despite his attitude, he is a certified Plumber too."

"A certified Plumber who had saved the universe at least a half-dozen times" Ben added.

Everypony stares at them whit unsure eyes. "So you are meant to tell me that you two came out from another planet in space and you want us to believe that?" Rainbow replied.

"Well... I believe Ben if that helps" Fluttershy try her best at speaking up her voice. Everyone quickly stares back at her. "I-I mean they don't look like the kind of pony who would lie to us, don't they?" Everypony shares an unsure look.

"I... I was kind of aware of that already actually. Helix told us when I capture him in my castle. I don't know if that part is true or not but what I am more concerned about is the other thing he told me. About a Warlord or something? A criminal that went lose here in Equestria?"

"A war-what now?" AJ asked

"A warlord!!!! That sounds horrible." Rarity adds.

"A warlord is somepony specialized in exercise military, economic, and political control over a territory. Basically, somepony who knows how to win a war by...a... by any means necessary." Twilight explains.

"A space criminal? Cool, where is it? we can help you capture him."

"Vilgax is more than just a criminal. He alone had conquered several planets." Ben says trying to scare the prismatic flying pony but it seems she took it the other way around.

"Conquer planets? On his own? So he is after our own planet now?" Pinkie asked.

I doubted we came here by accident but I guess he wouldn't mind taking over this world at trying to escape from here But what exactly happened to him and you on that ship?" Ben asked looking at his partner.

Rook, before giving out a tired sigh, thought for a while watching the ponies and a purple dragon that was getting closed to him eager for him to explain himself. "Well, I do not know what exactly happens to you when I was unconscious but when I wake up..."


Rook wake up at the sight of the intense red flashes of the alarm inside the spaceship as well by the sound of Vilgax malefic laughter. When he finally was able to focus his sight, he sees that Ben was in great danger. He was unconscious and grabbed by the throat by Vilgax.

"Hahahaha. Finally. After many years. The great Ben Tennyson's life is within my grasp. How easy it will be to just grab hard enough to end it all." Vilgax fiendish smile was interrupted by an energy blast in the face.

"Ben? Ben!!! Wake up" Rook tried to wake his partner but it was fruitless. Rook kept shooting his proto-tool at the Warlord but no matter how many blasts he received in the face, he wasn't taking any damage. Rook, on the other hand, was dodging with much difficulty the pieces of debris of the half-broken ship Vilgax was throwing at him. He, unfortunately, wasn't able to dodge all of them. Rook was too hurt to attempt something else and the Proto-tool's blasts were getting weaker and weaker by the minute, It was damaged by the last hit.

"It is useless Plumber. Your fate was sealed once you get close to this planet. Gaia 1 is well known to bring doom to the Plumbers like you. The odds are in my favor."

Rook stay hid behind some pilar biting the inside of his mouth thinking on a solution. His Proto-tool was bad functioning and is losing power, Ben is out of the game and to get things worst, he was badly injured. "Certainly Gaia 1 is a planet to fear. Think, think. What would Ben say in this situation?" This is when he feels like a light bulb has turned on his head.

Rook waited until Vilgax will get tired of throwing stuff at him and to all get quiet so anyone or anything could hear him clearly. "That is true, things are pretty bad for me but at least THINGS CAN NOT GET ANY WORSE!!" Rook scream trying to tempt the universe.

The universe herds him. Soon after, alarms started to get louder as the ship begins to shake. "What? What is happening? What did you do Plumber?" Vilgax asks trying to keep his balance.

"Nothing, I just tested the universe" Vilgax grunt. A mechanical voice inside the ship started repeating the same message in a loop: [DANGER! DANGER! ENTERING A PLANET ATMOSPHERE STABILIZERS BAD FUNCTIONING DANGER OF COLLISION: IMMINENT DANGER DANGER]

"So what is it going to be, Vilgax? I think we have bigger problems in hands than fighting each other." Rook says confidently as Vilgax puts a thoughtful face. After a few seconds, he calmly walks at the edge of the ship where part of it was exposed to the void of outer space, only protected by a force field.

"I wanted to end him myself but I don't have time for that. I could pick the Omnitrix from his ashes on the planet surface." Rook watch in shook how Vilgax's tentacle hand that was holding Ben pass through the force field tossing Ben outside into the stratosphere of Gaia 1.

"Ben!!!!" Rook scream transforming his weapon into a grappling hook at the last second while shooting it at Ben's legs trying to pull him back inside but he was too weak to do so. He ended up dragged out into space along with Ben a million miles away to the nearest planet.


"Wow!!! That was totally AWESOME!!!!" Rook and Ben look with an eyebrow raised at the multi-color hair pony had a face of absolutely pure amazement.

"And you guys do all that by being just a simple space toilets fixers?" Spike asked.

"No, no. That is not what we meant when I say plum..."

"Wow Rook, that is a story. So what happened to you after that? Did you survive the fall?" Pinkie asks with putting herself uncomfortably close to Rook.

"Hum... yes. Yes, I did." Pinkie exhales in relief as Rook turns his gaze back at Ben. "I have to thanked that Vilgax wasn't aware of the fail-safe of on the Omnitrix. I was safe because the watch transforms you into Cannonbolt, I use you as a shield to protect me from the fall. Before I noticed, I was on top of a tree somehow. I could only watch you how you were taken."

"See Rook. Even unconscious I have you covered." Rook rolls his eyes.

"Yea, blah blah blah. That was an interesting tale and all. But before you continue would you be so kind as to GET ME OUT OF THIS THING" Everyone look where that voice had come from. There it was Discord trying to pull apart the orange energy net surrounding him. "What is even this thing?!!" Discord snapped his finger, each time transforming into things that may help him destroy or escape the energy net but all lasted just a few seconds before returning to his usual look.

Everypony looks at each other for a second before staring where the yellow pegasus was standing. All mares shared a pity look, all but Rainbow who was with a mocking smile at seeing Fluttershy with a mad frown.

"No, you were behaving terrible to our guest and you will remain there until you apologies to him. You should feel ashamed of yourself. Attacking not only the saver of our town but also one of that came from so far."

Discord tries to look everywhere but Fluttershy's faces. He blows a raspberry with arms crossed but when he picks a look at the piercing judgmental and disappointed glare of the shy pegasus, he felt like a thousand daggers striking his heart.

When Fluttershy noticed that Ben was approaching her, she quickly changes her expression on her face from a mad one to a softer one. "Oh, Hi Helix, was it? Or is it Ben? I heard you been called both, which one you prefer? Or do you like Green eyes better?"

"Oh, Hi hum... right now. Whatever you prefer is fine with me."

"Hey! Hey!! Kirby. Could you please tell Fluttershy that the thing between us is all in the past now. Please!!!" He supplicated as he uses his magic to make himself smaller and cuter while steering at Ben with even cutter big puppy eyes.

Ben tried to say something at hearing his second name but stop and decided it wasn't worth it."*Sigh*Yea, we kind of put our differences aside, Butterscotch."

"I believe her name is Fluttershy, Ben" Rook corrected him

"Oh, I-I don't mind Mr. Rook. He-he can call me however he wants." Fluttershy says trying to avoid eye contact with Ben while playing with her pink hair as her face started to turn red. Discord takes a mental note at that.

"But what an amazing thing you had there. You were able to capture Discord without the use of the Elements. Tell me Rook, is this space magic?"

"Yea, Egghead, you can ask things later but please, can any of you hurry? I just find out I am claustrophobic and I am getting a panic attack" Discord says while holding his breath on a paper bag while waving his free claw to blow a breeze to himself.

"Yea Rook. let him go. I promised to had an eye over him anyway so he is kind of my responsibility now." Both Rook and Twilight give him a confusing stare.

"Ok, if you say so. Let me just grab my... hum...?"

"What? What is it?" The princess asks.

Rook looks worriedly at the pieces of his weapon and back to the energy net."This may be a problem. The net is a special net able to contain creatures with reality-warping abilities. We used before with a creature that can affect the time of everything he touches. I am glad it works for him too. But the net needs a specific blast with a complementary energy signature to deactivate it. A thing that I can only do with my gun" Rook explains looking back with a frown.

"Oh, so this is called a Time net. No wonder I can break it. Time is so hard to mess with." Discord lay down on his back and sight in frustration. Everypony else gets closed to see curiously at the orange net around Disord, especially Twilight, touching it with her hooves and receiving electric shocks out. The others stand next to it laughing at Discord's expense. "This is certainly no way of treating a friend. Hum, this is why I hate visitors from out of space. They had caused me problems before and they are causing me problems now."

"Wait? Before? Discord, you are meant to say that Aliens had to visit our world before?"Twilight asked surprised. Discord quickly regret telling that part.

Discord has meet aliens more than once before, he has indeed been trying to stop any spaceship crazy enough to approach the strange planet that is Gaia 1 by pouring chocolate milk on dedicated looking pieces of technology or by filling the floor with very slimy soap inside the ships and many other pranks like that. "Hum, no no of course not. Any alien race had ever crashed into Equestria and started their own culture on this planet or anything like that" He says giving curious look at the purple baby dragon beside him. Twilight gives a suspicious look.

"Rook, Can you fix it?" Ben asked.

"I am afraid not, I don't have the tools to do it and I believe is safe to assume that this planet would not have them either".

"Well, if It is a special magic signature, I may be able to find it. It would take a while but..."

"Mana? No, no. That is impossible, The Proto-tool uses a Polymorphic crystal to power up. The amount of readjusting needed to deform life energy so its energy signature is equal to that of the polymorphic crystal will be insanely difficult. And that is without taking into account the difficult task to find the correct energy signature. Magic by itself is hard to control. "

Twilight's eyes sparkle with excitement at hearing all the complicated words coming out of the alien from out of space. "Polymorphic crystal? So you mean there are other energies besides magic? Ooooooo this is so exciting, you have to tell me every detail. This would be so much fun...". She says with sparkling big eyes. " Aham I.. I mean if you don't mind. It so I can help you with that space tool of yours. We don't want our friend Discord to be trapped there forever, aren't we? Ha-ha," She added laughing nervously at seeing the judgmental looks from everyone in the room.

"Well, What do you say Mr. Protocols. She may be the only want who can help you with that on this planet."

"Yea, there is no better pony to help you with nerd stuff that Twilight I can assure you" Rainbow added with a smile as she was poking Discord with a wooden spoon taking advantage he couldn't do anything to stop her.

"YOU LITTLE... I am going to remember this Skittles. Stop with that thing, would ya? Just wait until I go out."

"Oh no, this is revenge for replacing my shampoo with blue ink that time."

"What? But it was Pinkie who ask me to do it"

"What?!!!" Rainbow stops to look at Pink mare angrily.

"Hahaha, Blue Berry Dash. Haha, what a day that was." Pinkie laugh. Soon after Rainbow wants to the chase after her.

"Haha. I like your friends, Princess." Ben says.

"So what do you say, Mr. Rook," Twilight asks eagerly.

Rook answered after potting a thoughtful face for a few seconds."I guess that will be ideal for now. We don't know when Vilgax could appear."

"YES!! This will be great. I promise I will help you with everything I could. And not worry about the magic readjusting thing. I don't know how it is on other planets but in her, magic isn't that hard to control. Everypony knows how to do it in some way or another. Even foals with a week of being born are able to do magic. Why don't we go back to my castle to get some books and stuff I need to get started in helping you reconstructing that tool of yours, OK? Common number one assistant. I may need your help". Twilight said with a smile while exiting Sugar Cube Corner with the purple reptilian behind him not before grabbing a new smoothie from Pinkie's tray.

"Twilight, wait up"

The plumbers stare back at the princess shearing an unsure look before following them back to her castle.

~*~*~*~* Back at Canterlot~*~*~*~*

Tirek was holding tight the Princess of the sun as she was deprived of her magic. When he finished with her, he disposes of her like a used towel.

"There, Now with Equestria without two of her four princesses, it will be mine to control along with all their magic," Lord Tirek shouted increasing his size once again now being a bit taller than Vilgax. "We are done here, now we can take Princess Twilight along with her friends and all this will be over. Vilgax?" He asks as he was nowhere to be seen. Looking around he finds him next to Celestia.

"What do you want, monster?" Celestia asks as Vilgax took the princess in his hand.

"Good, you are still conscious. Your sister fights well so we needed her to knock her out in order to get rid of her powers so I wasn't able to question her. Now Princess, can you please tell me how do you control those big balls of light in the sky that your people mistakenly call "sun and moon". Celestia's face went white at hearing the question but soon she put a frown on seeing the nefarious smile on Vilgax face. Tirek tilted his head in confusion.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long waiting. Hope you enjoyed it.:pinkiehappy: