• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012
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Jar of Dirt

Snitches be snitchin, bitches be bitchin, snitches in stitches, bitches in ditches


Disillusioned by the tragic events on Panchaea, Adam Jensen chooses to subsequently end everything and hope that mankind will find a solution to the augmentation debate by itself. Instead of welcoming death however, he finds himself in a strange utopian world filled with pastel-colored ponies.

Unfortunately, this does not mean Adam is allowed any reprieve from morally challenging decisions.

A/N: Deus Ex: Equestria is written in a way that does not confuse people new to the lore too much but feels familiar with the players. This story will feature a vote at the end of several chapters that will affect the direction of the story based on Adam Jensen's actions in the world. It is divided into three categories: Combat, Stealth, and Diplomacy. Choose wisely, for it will have long-standing consequences.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 354 )

You can pretty much just put me down for combat at every junction.

Good premise and I choose combat, after all manticores can be trouble, but if diplomacy happens and one of them or a guard attackss him then go with overkill combat!!!:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

He never asked for this...

(Choice: Stealth, unless it looks like they're going to end up shooting themselves. Then Diplomacy.)

I really like what your trying to do here. The vote system works well for Deus Ex. This also has decent flow and grammar, a realistic intro, and it definitely sounds like what Jensen would be thinking if a real person could get through the game like I did (I got ghost 60% of the time and smooth operator 30%)... My only complaint is that Angel is the essence of malice and your version almost seems likeable.

TLDR: I vote diplomacy for hilarity's sake, and congrats on a strong start.

This is everything I could have hoped for it to be so far. Keep up the awesome work dude!
Vote: Diplomacy

Diplomacy I guess... I was thinking stealth but whatever...

combat defiantly. cause that sounds like a way to herald shit storm

Diplomacy Jensen is best Jensen.

Nice work man!
I choose Stealth, but would intervene with Diplomacy, when they could obviously harm themselves.

Diplomacy...I mean, come on. Chances are Twilight will find out how it works....by accidentally test-firing it at herself or Fluttershy...

Assuming his social augs are all still good to go, diplomacy.

Because... Why not?

Can't he just continue cloaking and pick it up while cloaked as his energy bar doesn't decrease?
Diplomacy please, although as a first contact suggestion, he should decloak quite far away and walk unthreateningly towards the weapon.

Hmm, I'm liking this concept! I vote for stealth or diplomacy. :twilightsmile:

Stealth all the way :ajsmug:

Wait i get unlimited checkpoints right?
And saves
And a very detailed walkthrough........




Stealth for a few reasons.

First, it would allow him to gauge their possible threat level. Do they recognize the possible profile of a weapon, given it could be similar to a cross-bow?

Secondly, seeing what they do. What is Twilight and Fluttershy?

Third, finding out their names and possibly where they reside.

Fourth: Keeping his abilities hidden. If Twilight sees him stealth, she will no doubt surmise it is a light-refraction technique and given that it seems to draw upon the ambient magic, can be nullified by an equal or opposing force.

Fifth: Finding out where he is.

Now, on to the rest of the story.

Fairly good thus far. An issue though.

David Sarif was not Illuminati. Taggart was. David Sarif in fact sought to end their control over the augmentation technology.

Stealth. Observation and collecting information in a new surrounding is first priority. Diplomacy can come at a later time. We've got to go under the assumption that everything is hostile until proven wrong.

It just so happens that yellow is my favorite color.
Diplomacy then. :3

Diplomacy, way I played Deus ex, and the way I want to see this turn out

combat, as it can lead to misunderstandings and shenanigans

combat. and rusty chains for author for lack of will

Diplomacy, cause this is unsual way to fix this situation.

I'm gonna vote for Diplomacy. Ponies sure are scaredy-cats, but Twilight is inquisitive and open-minded enough in an interpersonal sense to offset that - she's more likely to be all over Adam than running away if he presents himself.
Combat doesn't seem viable, since coming up on the radar on non-friendly terms will raise their interest in him after the hearts stop racing, and stealth gives us the danger of the mares getting hurt, while Adam has shown that is something he really doesn't like. Besides, he thinks he is either dead or high off his mind, so chatting shouldn't seem that absurd.

Diplomacy is so fucking cliche.
Also, I found some story flaws... Jensen wouldn't follow Angel just because he had nothing better to do; give a better reason, like the fact that signs of wildlife can tend to be near settlements in otherwise undeveloped areas. And Twilight wouldn't just go for a walk in the Everfree Forest for no reason; state she's collecting samples of plants or asking Zecora to explain the magical effects of alchemy or something, just SOMETHING. I feel Jensen is rather out of character, even though he doesn't have much of a definite character to begin with.
Onto other things, I like this story concept, and how the readers will influence the story. That diplomacy option is so fucking cliche and completely unrealistic, though. This story could go places. I like how magic can act as a power source, it's original and allows Jensen to continually use his abilities without recharging; points for convincing convenience. Also, try to include some more imagery, and pacing seems to be sporadic at times. Don't get me wrong, this is a great idea and you're writing pretty well. There's just always room for improvement.

Stealth, though Diplomacy would be my second option in this case.

Diplomacy and if that fails vanish quickly (going into stealth shortly after).

Jensen follows Angel because he believes, or even knows, that he should be dead and buried under the ice. Since he's in what he believes to be the afterlife or something like that, the idea of a settlement doesn't really click with him. What else is there to do but relax for a bit after fighting his way through so much?

Oh, and Twilight is taking a stroll through the Whitetail woods, not the Everfree. You know, the one from the Running of the Leaves episode?

I'll take other critisism into consideration though. Jensen's personality depends a bit on how you play, I suppose. I've done several non-lethal/stealth runs for the majority of the time. As for the diplomacy vote... It feels wrong to exclude it, since the freedom of choice and such has always been such an integral part of the Deus Ex series. Blame it more on public opinion.

Diplomacy because ycamolpiD!!:yay:

My face when I see this story.

My face after I read the story.

My face when I see the author.

1574263 I am completely and utterly baffled right now. I had NO idea you wrote, dude. This is amazing. I think you should keep it up. And if anyone tells you otherwise, they can go and stick their hands in a bear trap.

Negotiation seems to be the thing Jensen would do. Normally, Stealth would be it, but if he still believes he's 'either dead or high off his mind', he should really have nothing to worry about. He doesn't even need his social augs for this, really.

I always figured Deus Ex: Human Revolution as a primarily stealthy game.
Therefore, I choose Stealth.

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