• Published 11th May 2018
  • 1,242 Views, 50 Comments

Civil War: Light vs Dark - PonyJoel

Do you really know what Dark and Light actually mean? Do you really know what they represent? Only a few ponies know and everypony else is oblivious to it.

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Raging War! Fall of Canterlot! Sotnas vs Discord! Downfall of Luna!

Author's Note:

The Battle is on now.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Twilight Sparkle now resides with Sotnas as the two armies were about to collide with each other. Spike and Cadence took flight leading the aerial assault towards the Wonderbolts and Discord. Sotnas stared down at Celestia and she took flight. Encouraging her fellow ponies that victory is theirs. Luna and several other Wonderbolts came crashing through Canterlot only to get shot down by Sunburst and other ponies using their magic. Sunburst with his new fond of power attacked Luna and brought her down. The others took on the Wonderbolts as they came in. Fighting them to death. The Pegasi from Paradise overwhelm the Wonderbolts. Shining Armor, Twilight, Starlight, and Sotnas went into battle. Discord shoved Spike aside as his target is Sotnas. Sotnas saw Discord but ignored him as he wasn't his target. Discord doesn't like being ignored and tackles Sotnas sending him deeper and away from the battle scene.


"Twily, let him take care of that fake. We have to keep going."

"You're right Shining. We have to take down as much as we can to free them."

Shining Armor nodded and continued his way towards the fight.

The brawl on the open fields lit up. Ponies swatting each other with spears and swords. The Pegasi opened interdimensional gateways which allowed the Earth Ponies uppercutting the Wonderbolts pretty hard and the other Earth Ponies launching their energy arrows to kill the Equestrian Army ponies. Cadence and Spike landed in the middle of the Equestrian Army and took down a lot. With Spike's magic flowing through him, his fire breathes scorched ponies left and right. Applejack used her lasso to try and tie Spike's fingers together but failed miserably. She used her hind hooves to buck Spike but to no avail. Spike's new body made him invincible for puny attacks. Pinkie Pie used her party cannon to take down the other ponies by using a sticky bubblegum wad. As the bubblegum wad mad contact with other ponies, Rainbow Dash used her sonic rainboom to penetrate the trap ponies. They were killed on the spot. As Rainbow Dash made her way, she was grabbed by Spike and slammed hard to the ground.

"Stay down!" Spike roared loudly making his presence known.

Rainbow Dash made eye contact and flew right back up at Spike but only to get knocked down a second time by his tail. Rainbow Dash was knocked straight into Canterlot where she met up with Luna and a few remaining Wonderbolts that came with Luna trying to hold off Sunburst and his team. Rainbow Dash decided to go after Sunburst only to be knocked into an interdimensional gateway back into the battlefield. From there, Rainbow gained control only to get knocked down a third time but it was Cadence that took down Rainbow Dash. Cadence saw Rainbow Dash and punched her hard enough to send her flying with a concussion. She didn't have time for chit-chatter. Cadence took flight as she saw Celestia making her way. The two of them fought in the sky.

Sunburst and Luna fought in a magical warfare in the streets of Canterlot. Ponies everywhere fled away as they didn't want to be killed or hurt. Despite in Sunburst eye's that Luna doesn't exist, the magic is there fighting against him. The ponies that were with Sunburst were scorching the rest of Canterlot. Screams of fear and agony can be heard as Celestia couldn't take it anymore. She went into a phoenix transformation. Cadence knew that she wasn't a real Alicorn now but she conjured enough magic to counterattack Celestia's Phoenix power. Sunburst puts Luna down as she laid there lifeless for the time being. Sunburst then turns his attention and headed straight into another library where Celestia also keeps the forbidden magic. As he entered the library, he senses where the room is located at.
As he got to the room, Nightmare Moon made her presence behind.

"Round Two"

Discord and Sotnas had their brawl far away from the two armies. Discord put up more than a good fight. He used everything that came to his mind but unfortunately, Sotnas came up with a counter for every time Discord attacks. It felt like it was any creature's game but it wasn't. Since Sotnas knows that Discord isn't real, he had the upper advantage. As for Discord, he sees Sotnas as a monster wanting to rid the world for everything it has to offer. Sure it made him feel bad knowing that Discord was like Sotnas but Sotnas is trying to change the world to who knows what and he does have a feeling that Sotnas is not the good guy everyone seems to believe in. Either way, he needs to be taken down. As Discord pulled out his rubber chicken to use in a sword fight,

"You, ignorant fool. Shattering Light!"

Discord laughed but now starts to feel something. His body is disintegrating.

"What did you do?!"

"Destroyed one of Celestia's make-believe creatures. Now you don't exist at all."

In a flash, Discord is no more. Sotnas used his magic to create temporary wings and flies back to the battlefield.

Cadence and Celestia had their fight. Other Wonderbolts interfered in the fight giving Celestia an edge in winning the fight. Cadence shot down the Wonderbolts that dared come between her and Celestia. Spears were thrown but to no avail. The Earth Ponies from Paradise used their arrows against them taking down as much as they can. Celestia used her sun to recharge her magic and shoots a solar beam of heat at Cadence. She was thrown back hard enough to slam into a mountain breaking the surface of it. Celestia screamed thus transforming her body in Daybreaker. Having full control of her transformation without being evil. Enhancing herself with a new fond of magic to give Sotnas' army a real reason to stay in the darkness.

"My fellow ponies. Today we will not go down. We will rise with the sun for the light is with us!"

The Equestrian Armed Ponies roared and fought their best. It is now a back and forth battle as Celestia's Daybreaker transformation is now giving them the edge. Twilight came forth and tried to attack Celestia only to be sent back from her solar heat beam. Shining Armor tries but the same result happened to him. Celestia is pissed off and using that to fuel the hearts of her ponies. She screamed once more.

Meanwhile, Sunburst and Nightmare Moon are having a magical warfare in the library. The pegasi outside are creating as much havoc as they can to draw more Wonderbolts in to wipe them out. Sunburst is giving Nightmare Moon and run for her bits. With the knowledge that Sunburst gained during his time of studying, Nightmare Moon couldn't really stand a chance knowing that Sunburst had a counter for her every move. Nightmare Moon screamed but wind up getting killed by a pegasus. She pierces her wing in Nightmare moon. Also, she saw what kind of creature Nightmare Moon really is. A creature of Celestia's shadow. Sunburst nodded in respect. He got what he needed from the forbidden archives and left the library.

"Alright, now that we got what we came for, it's time to set everyone free. Ashley! Break the support beams of Canterlot!"

"Consider it done, my friend."

Ashely along with her fellow pegasi flew under Canterlot destroying the support beams. Sunburst ran and jumped out of Canterlot. He used his magic to create temporary wings to fly and land safely. The pegasi succeeded in breaking the support beams. Everypony who were trapped died after Canterlot fell.

Sunburst alerted Sotnas about the fall of Canterlot. Sotnas then tells Sunburst to head back to paradise with the books. Then come back to the battlefield. Ashley used her wing to create an interdimensional gateway back to Paradise. She and Sunburst entered. The rest of the pegasi flew back into battle.

Moments before, Spike and Celestia are having a brawl. Spike thrown punches left and right. His punches didn't connect as Celestia flew around. Only his tail was able to slow down Celestia. It came to a point that Spike grabbed her by wind up getting burnt. Celestia shot a solar heat beam at Spike blinding his left eye permanently. Spike roared as he tried to see with both eyes. He would wind up stepping the Equestrian Armer Ponies but they were able to subdue Spike for the time being. Twilight forged a plan as she, Cadence, and Shining Armor are now in a triangle position.

"Shining Armor! Cadence! Repeat the chant and we can take down Celestia!"

"Will do Twilight!" Shining and Cadence said.

"I call for the stars in the sky to hear our cry! Grant us the light to win this fight!

In the sky, it turned black and blue. The stars are starting to light up and realigning themselves. Celestia looked up and questioned. Then she turned to look at Twilight, Cadence, and Shining. She flew towards the three of them but Spike grabbed her and held her in place.

"Not so fast!"

"Shooting Star Mayhem!"

Shooting stars poured out of the sky hitting everypony on sight. Those who are Sotnas' side weren't affected by the spell. A huge portion of Celestia's army took a pounding. When Celestia saw the magic Twilight just used, she had no choice but to retreat. As she turned, it was at that moment, she saw the fall of Canterlot. Falling off the cliffside of the mountain. She then sends a telepathic message to everypony else to meet up at the Castle of the Two Sisters. Celestia flew as fast as she can. The Equestrian Armed Ponies ran away from the fight. Pinkie Pie and Rarity helped Applejack and Rainbow Dash. They ran towards Ponyville.

"They're on the run! Let's finish them!"

Sotnas arrived and told everypony to halt.

"That'll be enough for one day. We need to recover the loss we had and regroup with Sunburst and Ashley. Right now, let them run. We'll finish them the next day. By the way, Twilight? Where did you learn that powerful spell?"

"I saw it in my dream last night and I knew what it does. Seems fitting to use it today."

"Glad you did. Now we have the momentum while Celestia runs away. She'll find out that Discord is no more."


"I erased Celestia's creation."

Twilight saw Spike who is rubbing his left eye.

"Twilight, I have a problem."

Spike revealed to everyone that his left eye is completely blind. Starlight saw this and she did her best to heal the eye. Her magic is not strong enough just yet to heal the eye.

"When I see Celestia, I will rip her apart!"

"In due time, Spike. You will get that chance."

"Thanks Starlight."

"You're welcome, Spike."

As the day comes to an end, everypony is now preparing to finish Celestia once and for all. She now has nothing left from her creation. Losing seems inevitable for Celestia...