• Published 11th May 2018
  • 1,242 Views, 50 Comments

Civil War: Light vs Dark - PonyJoel

Do you really know what Dark and Light actually mean? Do you really know what they represent? Only a few ponies know and everypony else is oblivious to it.

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The Walk! Celestia vs Sotnas Beginning of the War!

Author's Note:

First time in a long time, Sotnas and Celestia meet. Things don't go well from there as Twilight witness all that happens.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Twilight and Sotnas are on their way to Celestia's Castle. The walk there will take 45 minutes to an hour. This gives Twilight a little more time to have Sotnas answer a couple more questions along the way and when the two meet, things will clear up...hopefully.

"So is this your first time in Canterlot?"

"No. I've been here twice."


"Yes. Long ago when I came here the first time to see how many followers were believing in Celestia's crap. Turns out there was already over a hundred million. The ponies I knew turned sides and went to worship an idol. I was saddened. I decided to head back home and see if I can build up my colony once more. The second time I came, the numbers doubled but I saw ponies who didn't have their Cutie Marks so I decided to take them with me. To save them from Celestia's reign. Then from there, we repopulated the colony. It may not be much but we're building back on top."

"Wow. That answered the other question I have in mind."

"Well, glad to answer it anyway."

"So if Celestia were to flip, what would you do?"

"Don't know. I have to see what will happen cause anything can happen."

"Even with Luna being a figment of Celestia's imagination, would she be able to sense you like she has with us?"

"No. She'll probably think you're nuts for saying there is another pony beside you. Celestia will see. She will be facing reality."

Twilight felt a cold chill slivering down her spine. She also had butterflies in her stomach. She feared that something bad will happen. Twilight and Sotnas are 25 minutes away from the Celestia's Castle.

"Sotnas, if there are some ponies you see without a Cutie Mark, will you take them with you?"

"I would try but Celestia's eyes are all over Canterlot more than the last time I've done it."

"How can you be certain that there is more around us?"

Twilight knew Celestia would have more Royal Guards here in her home and Canterlot but it intrigues Twilight to see how protective Celestia can really be. For the sake of her subject.

"Look around you."

Twilight looked and see multiple guards in the surrounding area but it was nothing new to her really.

"I've seen them all the time when I come to visit."

"Look again but don't allow your feelings to get in the way. Don't allow any expression and you'll be able to see them a bit clearer."

Twilight paused. Then she showed no emotions. She looked at the guards a second time and noticed how they were acting. The guards were staring right at them. Watching them more thoroughly. When Twilight looked away and saw them from the reflection of a window, the guard's stare was on point. Not taking any contact off. It made Twilight feel very uncomfortable that she's being watched like that.

"Wow...I now see why the guards are like that."

"They will report to Celestia that you're with a pony who decided not to reveal him or her self. The guards don't know who I really am but make no mistake, Celestia will know before we arrive."

Twilight and Sotnas continued their walk. There at the castle now. As they entered inside, a guard went up to them.

"Please state your name and purpose for being here."

"My name is Twilight Sparkle but you know that already."

"I'm Dos. I'm good with my calculations and discovered something in the outlands that Celestia would be interested in hearing. A new form of magic that can cure diseases of the highest level."

"Alright, Celestia is in her room. Twilight will take you up there herself."

The guard left his position and trotted down the hall. Twilight and Sotnas headed up the stairs.

"Wow! That was a very convincing lie you made. I would have never thought of it!"

"Thanks. I figured it'll help and be more realistic about the situation that most ponies are dealing with."

"So...are you nervous?"

"Yes and no. Yes in a way that I haven't confronted Celestia in a long time and no because I know what I am expecting from her."

Twilight and Sotnas are on the top floor. There are no patrols for the time being. It is lunch hour so Celestia would be in her room. Twilight escorted Sotnas to Celestia's room. She knocked on it.

"Stay here, for now, I'll talk with Celestia about bring a friend in."

"Will do."

"Come in!" Celestia said.

Twilight opened and walked into Celestia's room. Celestia was quite surprised and happy to see her friend come in.

"Hi Celestia. I have something to talk to you about."

"What would that be?" Celestia smiled.

"I've met somepony who knows a lot about Ancient Equestria. "

"Really, who is this pony Twilight. I'm eager to learn about these findings of Ancient Equestria."

"It'll be me, Celestia." Sotnas walked into the room and removed his robe.

"YOU!" Celestia glared. "What are you doing here demon!" She shouted.

"Celestia? You know this pony?" Twilight said confusingly but she knows who Sotnas is.

"It's been a while hasn't it Celestia?"

Without hesitation, Celestia used her magic and shot a sunbeam at Sotnas sending him back at the door.

"You should have never come here demon!" Celestia now walking towards Sotnas.

"Funny, how you're calling me a demon since you are yourself."

"Get out right now demon." Celestia magic is rising a bit as she is preparing for another attack.

"I'm taking back what you stole from us!" He lunged at Celestia taking her down.

The two are having a magical brawl in the room. Twilight is using her bubble defense shield so she doesn't get hurt. Celestia and Sotnas evenly matched with Twilight in the room. Not wanting to hurt her but soon it has gotten out of control. Celestia lunged herself at Sotnas taking him outside of the castle and hurling him towards the garden. The guards saw and they headed for the gardens. Twilight went as well. Sotnas took heavy damage from the fall.

"Had enough demon?!" Celestia said in a booming echoing voice.

"Never. You have taken things too far. You've blinded everypony here from the truth about our world. I will not allow your regime to continue anymore. I thought maybe just maybe we can call a truce but now since you sought out for violence, you started a war. It's a war that I'll gladly finish. Your world will cease to exist Celestia. Everything you have will be gone. Everything you built will meet its downfall. From all you have created will be erased and the truth will set everypony free."

"This war Sotnas, will be your last. Not even the Elements of Harmony's magic will spare you life. I will be the one that ends it. Immortal or not, your end will come as we have the light by our side while those in darkness will the retreat."

The guards roared with passion. Celestia used her magic to teleport herself away as the guard charged towards Sotnas.

"Fools." The guards were inches away but Sotnas used a spell that quickly terrified the rest that was witnessing the beginning of the war. "Shattering Light!" The guards that were charging at Sotnas were breaking apart as the light inside of them shattered into many pieces then disintegrated. The other guard ran for their lives not wanting to die. As Twilight saw the event unfold, Sotnas teleported himself away leaving Twilight behind as she is now seeing two sides of the story. Not knowing which is true anymore.

Twilight looked up at the Castle and figure she should go back up and see how Celestia is feeling. As she flew up back to Celestia's room, Celestia has already sent letters to the quadrants of the Equestrian Army. Getting ready for the war she has to endure. For the safety of her subjects from the evil Sotnas is delivering.

"Princess Celestia...?"

Celestia sighed and turned to Twilight. "Twilight, there is something you need to know about that colt..."