• Published 17th Jul 2018
  • 1,719 Views, 93 Comments

Power Rangers: Rails of Reality - RuinQueenofOblivion

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have had their fair share of adventures, but now they've got to face probably the biggest one of their lives so far when a strange mare in a train shows up out of thin air. Its time to ride the rails.

  • ...

Prologue: Riding the Rails


In all the worlds that I've visited, there is no word that carries so much power. Imagination inspires you to create, to build, to make a better world. Imagination is the very spark of creation itself, and it is from imagination that the world we live in is created.

They say that worlds are born from dreams, and the problem then comes in that sometimes the dreamer can create a nightmare. I've been tracking one such nightmare from reality to reality, monsters that seek to take energy from the universes they enter for their own purposes, and cause destruction on a grand scale because of it.

But I can't do it alone anymore. If I have to keep fighting this war I'm going to need help, I just hope that I can get that help before it's too late. I've been riding these rails for so long that I'm starting to wonder if it really is worth it, but I know that if I don't, there is a real threat to the multiverse.

The problem is that I don't know if I'm going to wind up doing more damage than good. The train I take still has to draw on energy just like the bad guys, and I'm afraid that if I keep going like this I may have to start resorting to the same methods they do.

Hopefully I'll be able to find some help before I reach that point. My world is gone, but maybe I can help keep more worlds from suffering the same horrible fate.

Its time for a new generation of heroes to ride the rails.

-From the journal of Amethyst Shard, Conductor of the Quantum Reality Express.


It was a normal day in Sweet Apple Acres.


Okay, as normal a day as you can have when you're talking about the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The three ponies were trying to clear the smoke from the latest attempt to help a foal get their cutie mark.

"Okay, maybe fireworks were not the best idea we had for an attempt to get a cutie mark..." Scootaloo said as she shook her head. "Who's brilliant idea was that again?"

"Uh, that would be yours Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle said with a chuckle as the colt looked up at them.

"What happened?" He asked still a little dazed.

"I think we set off the firework wrong," Scootaloo said with a chuckle. "Don't worry, nopony's hurt. We're just a little stunned is all."

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to..." the colt said with a shake of his head.

"Yeah, this was a bad idea, how about yah head home and we'll pick this up again tomorrow," Apple Bloom said and the colt nodded as he headed off towards town. Apple Bloom looked back at her friends and shook her head a little. "Ah told yah that was a bad idea."

"Yeah, yeah," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. "You can stop with the I told you so's, we'll be more careful next time. Lets just head back to the clubhouse, I'm sure everything will be okay."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle said as the three friends headed back towards the treehouse.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders had been friends ever since Elementary School, and despite their occasional problems you couldn't find three closer friends than them. They were growing into young mares now, but hadn't lost their focus on helping ponies figure out who they are.

That was something that they hoped would never change no matter how hard things got.

"Okay, so definitely not that," Scootaloo said as she crossed it off the list of possible talents for their latest client. "Sorry, I really thought that was a good idea."

"Well, they can't all be winners," Sweetie Belle said with a shake of her head. "Come on, lets just relax and start tomorrow fresh, I'm sure we'll come up with something."

"Hopefully," Apple Bloom said. "Ah was thinkin'..."

She paused in mid-sentence as her ears twitched a little, she could've sworn she heard something. She looked back at her friends concerned for a moment. "Did ya'll hear that?"

"Hear what?" Scootaloo asked as she and Sweetie Belle looked at her confused.

"It sounded almost like..." Apple Bloom started to say before they heard a loud rumbling followed by what they could've sworn sounded like a train whistle coming from outside. "What tha, we're nowhere near tha train tracks."

They looked out the window just as a large portal opened up in the sky above the field. Then a large train made up of several cars of different colors comes barreling out of it and hits the ground hard, crumpling over as it fell in a heap on the ground.

"Ya'll saw that too right?" Apple Bloom asked as she looked at her friends.

"You mean the train crashing in the field despite having no tracks to run on?" Scootaloo asked. "Yeah, I definitely noticed it... what do we do?"

"I, don't know, maybe make sure nopony was hurt?" Sweetie Belle suggested. "It doesn't look like its on fire or anything."

Her friends nodded as they headed out of the treehouse and down the steps towards where the train was laying in the field.


"Report!" A tall humanoid figure dressed in a black coat with gold crossing it with a black and gold top hat and a hooked beak-like nose ordered as he steadied himself, leaning slightly on a cane.

"We've landed it seems, rather unpleasantly I might add," a woman with pale skin and purple and black hair dressed in a long flowing black and purple dress retorted as she righted herself and brushed off her dress. "I told you I should've been the one controlling it Baron, this reality is still uncharted."

Baron Nero just shook his head as he walked over to the gauges on the wall and tapped them with his cane. The fiendish looking nobleman shook his head as he looked back at the woman who was helping a dark purple skinned girl with red eyes and dressed in white up to her feet. "Noir, this is not the time to complain about how well I can steer the Kuliner, we're running out of our energy stores and you know what will happen if we run out."

"We can still tap into the reservoir," Noir said as she straightened the younger woman's dress out and shot a look at Baron Nero. "And we may yet be able to draw energy from this universe, I would not completely discount it. I get a strong feeling from this world, as if the air itself is filled with the energy we need."

Nero shook his head a moment and looked at the young woman and then back at the equipment. "It doesn't matter as long as we're not up and running," he said with a shake of his head. "We've lost contact with the Emperor, the impact must have severed the connection to the Shadow Reality."

"Then re-establish it, in the meantime we have to try and salvage this as best we can," Noir said with a shake of her head. "Come Gritta, I'll get you back to our quarters, the last thing we need is something happening to you too."

Nero pulled his hat down slightly over his eyes as he watched the two go and returned to looking at the instruments. The Kuliner wasn't going anywhere soon and once the energy completely ran out this universe's atmosphere would start to seep into it, and he and the rest of those aboard the train would die.

Madame Noir knew that of course, its why she had suggested tapping into the special reservoir that was set up in the Imperial Kulinar's systems. That was something Baron Nero believed should only be done as an absolute last resort though, the less energy the reservoir had the less they could use when they made it back to the Shadow Reality.

"So, what am I going to do with you," he said as he ran his gloved hand over the controls. "Perhaps Noir is right and there is power to be found here after all. I hate sending my troops into uncharted territory, but it seems we have no choice."
He raised his cane and slammed it down on the black metal floor of the engine. Shadows formed around him and out jumped several figures dressed in black outfits with hats covering white metal faces appeared carrying axes.

"Crows, you have served your Empire well so far," he said with a ghastly smile as he looked up at the footsoldiers. "You will serve it again on this day. We are in need of power to move towards home once more, and I task you with finding a source of that power so that we may tap into it."

The crows tipped their hats and nodded in understanding as Nero tapped his cane again and the creatures vanished. He reached into his pocket and took out a silver pocket watch and read the time on it.

"You have 4 hours my servants, the future of the Shadow Line is in your hands," he said and returned to his controls and started working on getting the engine ready.


"Hello, is anypony in here?" Apple Bloom asked as they finally managed to force the door to the train open. Inside the train was in bad shape, it looked like a tornado had blown through it as there was equipment and other things strewn everywhere by the controls.

"Oww!" A mare's voice said from nearby and they looked to see a dark purple Unicorn mare with a white mane and a cutie mark of a purple gem broken into pieces rubbing her head. "Think you could be any louder? I've just had a really, really bad landing, or a bad hangover I'm not sure which."

"I think its the first one," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head as she looked at the strange Unicorn mare confused for a moment as she righted herself and looked at the three young mares. "You kind of appeared out of a portal, what's going on here?"

"Right, you're ponies, this must be one of those universes..." The purple mare said as she shook her head and looked at the three of them. "Welcome aboard the Quantum Reality Express, she moves from universe to universe in pursuit of the Shadow Line and its Court of Darkness. Which means absolutely nothing to you three so I have no idea why I told you that..."

"Real subtle name you know that right?" Sweetie Belle asked and shook her head at the strange mare's behavior. "You really expect us to believe that this train can move from world to world?"

"No, but its the truth," the mare said as she shook her head and levitated a hat onto her head and gave it a tip. "Amethyst Shard is the name, I'm the conductor of this here train. Now that we've had our introductions, would you please get off my train?"

"Hey, we came here to help," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. "You've got a big train here, what if the passengers in other cars were hurt or something?"

"Passengers? Oh no, I'm the only being aboard," Amethyst Star said and glanced at a robotic looking bird. "Well, the only living being aboard, but my companion here is a bit out of it after that crash so I'm stuck putting this thing back together on my own. So, unless you happen to be an expert on repairing trains that can travel between universes, I don't think I'll be needing your help."

"Hey, what's this?" Apple Bloom asked as she picked up a strange looking red train engine that had been thrown off of a pedestal in the center of the engine.

"That's mine!" The mare said as she pulled it away from the Earth Pony. "You really shouldn't touch things that don't belong to you, didn't your parents ever teach you any manners?"

"They, uh, didn't get ta teach me much of anythin'..." Apple Bloom said with a shake of her head as she looked away from Amethyst Shard who flinched a little when she realized what she meant.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said as she pulled her hat down over her eyes a little. "I didn't mean anything by it, honestly I lost my family too not too long ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Sweetie Belle said with a sigh.

"They were good ponies, there's not a lot I can do now," Amethyst Shard said and looked back at them. "Like I said you really should get off this train, once I get it back up and running I need to leave again."

"What do you think we should do?" Scootaloo whispered to her friends as the strange Unicorn got to work on trying to repair the train. "She's either crazy or she really is tracking some sort of, Shadow Line..."

"I think we should leave her alone, she's clearly busy and doesn't need our help," Sweetie whispered back with a sigh.

"Yeah, Ah have ta agree," Apple Bloom said with a sigh as they looked back at the mare who was going through some equipment. "Alright, we'll get out of yer mane, if yah ever need anythin' Ah live not too far away."

"I'm sure I won't, but I'll keep it in mind," the conductor said as she took off her hat and wiped her forehead. "I'm sorry, I have to make sure this train is running in case, they're here."

"Right, good luck with that," Scootaloo said though she was still not sure what to believe about this strange mare and they headed back out of the train and looked at the strange train. "What do you think about this? That's an awfully big train for just one pony."

"Honestly, Ah have no idea," Apple Bloom said with a shake of her head. "Somethin' about that pony feels weird, almost like she's sad about somethin'."

"Yeah..." Sweetie said as she looked back at the entrance to the train's engine. "Something about this feels weird, like we're not done here yet."

Her friends nodded and they headed off. The mare stood in the door and watched them go as she levitated up the small train engine that Apple Bloom had picked up before. She looked at it sadly as she sighed and shook her head a little.

"I'm sorry ponies, but I don't want to put you in danger," she said softly as she examined the train carefully and a tear ran down her face. "I can't risk putting anypony else in danger right now. I just hope that the Shadow Line isn't here yet."

She shut the door to the train as she went back inside and gently placed the train on a pedestal next to four others. She sighed and went back to work, she had to get this train up and running so she could continue on her journey.


"No, can't say I've never read anything about trains falling out of the sky," Twilight said as she flipped through a book on train history. "Are you certain that it came out of a portal?"

"Yeah, pretty certain, its not really the kind of thing you can miss," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. "I know it sounds crazy."

"No, I found a report of a report of a blue box falling out of the sky once, but nothing about trains," Twilight said as she closed the book up and put it away. "What did it look like?"

"Well, it was, a train, the engine was kind of a steam engine and the other cars were different though," Sweetie Belle said. "And they were all different colors, red, blue, yellow, green, and pink."

"Odd, sounds like some sort of Rainbow Train," Twilight said with a shake of her head. "Sorry, but if its like anything Equestria's ever seen before its not in any of my history books."

"Alright, well, thanks anyway," Apple Bloom said with a sigh as they headed back out of the library. "Well, that was a bust."

"Yeah, you'd think if it had happened before, or anything like it really," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head as they pushed open the door to the castle. "Well, lets just..."

There was a scream from outside as they saw ponies running around. The three ponies stopped as they saw figures dressed in black with white faces and carrying axes appeared in the middle of town.

"Okay, that's not normal..." Scootaloo said as they watched the strange figures. "Of course this was going to happen when Rainbow and the others are out of town..."

They exchanged a long look, it didn't feel like a coincidence that this happened not long after the strange encounter with Amethyst Shard. But these things were endangering the ponies in Ponyville and they weren't about to let them get away with it.

They nodded and headed towards the strange figures.


"Come on Archie, wake up," Amethyst said as she worked on getting the robot owl repaired. "Come on, you're not going to leave me alone are you?"

The robotic owl finally let out a mechanical squawk as its glowing yellow eyes opened and blinked before turning red. "ALERT, ALERT!"

"What's going on, snap out of it," Amethyst said as the owl hopped up and looked around.

"Sorry Lady Amethyst, I just got a reading of Tenebraean Energy," Archie said as he blinked his eyes and flexed his metal wings a little. "Its coming from a nearby town inhabited by Equine life forms."

"The Shadow Line is here..." Amethyst said as she got to her hooves and grabbed the red train off its pedestal along with a strange looking attachment that she put into her bags.

She paused a moment as she looked at the others for a long moment as if trying to decide what to do with them. She looked at Archie for a moment.

"You're going to have to trust somepony sometime lady Amethyst," Archie said.

"I know," she said as she grabbed the remaining equipment and trains and looked at Archie who projected a map of the area showing where they were going. "Hold down the fort for me, lets hope we can catch them before the monster comes."

She opened the door and jumped out of the train as she ran towards where the map was leading to. She wasn't about to let another universe be consumed by the Shadow Line.


"What even are these things?" Scootaloo asked as she ducked as one of the strange soldiers swung its axe at her as it hit the ground next to her. She swung her hoof and hit the strange figure and it sprawled out before getting back to its feet quickly and she let out a groan. "These guys won't go down..."

"Ah've got it!" Apple Bloom said and kicked one of them hard and it vanished into a pool of shadow. "Yah just have ta hit 'em hard enough."

"Scootaloo nodded a little and swung her hoof and hit it again, this time knocking the axe from its hand which she quickly grabbed and tossed to Sweetie Belle who took another one down with it.

"This isn't so bad..." Sweetie said with a a nod as she saw the monster melting into a puddle of darkness. "Come on, we don't have all day!"

As the next one fell there was a sound of a whistle as the last of them melted away. The three Crusaders looked towards the sound of the whistle to see a humanoid figure dressed in black armor and chains with a large black and gold military hat pulled down over his features.

"You've fought well for equines," he said in a deep cold voice as he eyed the three ponies up and down with glowing yellow eyes. "But its far too late, we have set our sights on this world's energy and you will not stop us. Enjoy your lives while you can, we will take what we need from your world."

"What do yah..." Apple Bloom started to say as the strange figure just laughed as he vanished much like the strange figures from before. "What's going on here?"

"I'm guessing that was related to the Shadow Line," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head as she looked back at Sweetie Belle. "Are you okay Sweetie?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said as she dropped the axe and it vanished. "What should we do now? Maybe we should go tell that pony, if she knows what these things are she might be able to..."

"She already knows," a familiar voice said from behind them and they jumped before turning to see Amethyst Shard standing there. "The Shadow Line has set their sights on your world, and you're going to need help if you're going to stop them."

"What kind of help?" Scootaloo asked as she looked at the pony strangely for a moment. "What does the Shadow Line even want from Equestria?"

"Come with me and I'll show you," Amethyst said as she headed back towards Sweet Apple Acres.

The Crusaders looked confused for a moment and exchanged a look before they followed her close behind. They wanted answers, and right now they were the only ones who knew what was going on.


"Okay, Ah didn't expect it ta be repaired that easily," Apple Bloom said as she looked at the train confused for a moment and then back at Amethyst. The train was upright and resting on the ground with the door wide open. "How'd you manage it so fast?"

"I had a little help," Amethyst said as she gestured for the three ponies to climb inside. "Before it was in bad shape, but welcome back aboard the Quantum Reality Express."

"Thanks, I..." Scootaloo said and poked her head inside and blinked in surprise.

The inside of the train was much larger than she remembered. It was made up of an elaborate room with the controls on the far side along with doorways leading off into other parts of the train. The decorations were elaborate with several paintings lining the walls and furniture that looked more like they belonged in the Canterlot castle than on a train. An ornate balcony was above them, she had no idea how they had missed it before.

She blinked a little and went back out and circled around the first car of the train for a moment before looking back at the strange mare.

"How is that possible?" She asked. "Its bigger on the inside."

"Before you were here when it was in emergency mode, its complicated," Amethyst said as they climbed aboard the train again and the robotic owl landed next to her.

"Lady Amethyst, I've detected the Kuliner in a nearby forest area," the owl said and looked at the three ponies confused for a moment. "Who are they?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't get your names before," Amethyst said.

"Well Ah'm Apple Bloom."


"Sweetie Belle."

"So, yah said yah would explain everythin' when we got here?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes, yes, sorry," Amethyst said with a sigh. "I've never really done this before, I've been to quite a few universes but I've never needed to enlist local help."

"Despite my suggestions," the owl said.

"Yes, yes, Archie, don't get your metal feathers in a twist," Amethyst said with a roll of her eyes. "But I saw the way you handled yourselves out there. I, don't want to admit it but I'm going to need help here, this world is unfamiliar to me and I don't know what to expect from their plans."

"What were those things anyway?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Crows, they're the footsoldiers of the Shadow Line's Empire," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "And you crossed paths with General Schwarz, one of their top field commanders. You're fortunate to have crossed paths with him on the tail end of his protection."

"Protection?" All three of them asked in unison.

"The Shadow Line and their monsters can't survive in most universes, its toxic to them so they can only remain for about 4 of your hours," Archie explained as it looked at the ponies. "They're here looking for energy to convert into Tenebraean Energy which is what powers their life support systems. The problem is that it's damaging to the universes around them if they draw on it, mostly because it requires monsters to siphon it from the inhabitants and the land itself."

"That is seriously messed up, but how can we help?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Amethyst reached into her bags and took out the same three devices she had put away before. "Put these on your forelegs, they are... the best weapon we have against the Shadow Line when combined with these. But this is only temporary while we stop them from overrunning your home universe. You've shown skill in a fight, I think I can trust you with these for now."

They looked at them for a moment before fitting them onto their forelegs. She levitated three small trains, one red, one yellow, and one pink over to them and gave them a nod.

"What are we supposed ta do with these?" Apple Bloom asked, she recognized the train from before.

"These are your Rail Morphers, put the train in and hit the little button on the side and you'll become Rail Rider Power Rangers, this is just to get you used to them at the moment," Amethyst said and gave them a nod. "Don't worry, its painless, you'll be fine."

"Okay," Scootaloo said as she slid the yellow one onto her wrist attachment while her friends did the same and hit the button as a feminine voice was heard from the morphers.

"All Rangers prepare for boarding," the voice said.

Energy flowed around the three mares, each with the same color as the trains on their morphers. Red energy flew into Apple Bloom and a red skintight outfit appeared over her with a helmet. A circle with branching sections appeared on its flank with a number 1 in the center along with a black circle on her head. Finally a white train track appeared along the helmet.

Scootaloo's was yellow with the number 3 while Sweetie Belle's was pink with the number 5. A voice

"Ranger 1-Red!" Apple Bloom said.

"Ranger 3-Yellow!" Scootaloo said.

Ranger 5-Pink!" Sweetie said

"ALL ABOARD!" The morphers rang out after a moment and a loud whistling sound was heard from them as they struck a pose and explosions went off behind them.

"I told you you shouldn't have them use that in here milady," Archie said as he put out the flames from the explosions of energy. "We just got this thing repaired."

"You worry too much Archie, this train was built to take it," Amethyst said with a roll of her eyes as she turned back to the three of them. "Welcome Rangers, you've just taken your first step into a much bigger world."

She smiled softly as the three of them checked themselves out. They reminded her so much of her family, she just hoped that this wasn't going to be the end of them.

"Well, as they said, all aboard," she said with a chuckle. "Come on, lets see if we can track down the Shadow Line."